Limbo Ladies!!

I'm bored and I'm at home! When do you plan on finishing work lovely??
I so fancy cheesecake. Just because someone made a thread about it.
Even worse my mum has Ben & Jerrys Phish food icecream in the freezer.
Deal or No Deal is on in about 5 minutes. I knew I should've applied, could've done with £250,000 haha.
Ladies, I think I should give a special prize for baby brain moment of the century........ went to the toilet and as I went to flush it I seen that my pee was GREEN! I was halfway to my phone to call the hospital when I realised that I'd put on of those blue cistern blocks in last night :dohh: I swear, my head is scrambled!!!

Update on the hubby situ, he wants to have SEX with me! :happydance: Lol, please ignore if you don't want to know but we haven't been intimate for months, I think the last time we had sex was when I was about 16-17 weeks pregnant and since then I've been too tired/sore so we've both been neglected in that area. But he texted back and said that he's happy to do things earlier in the evening and tidy up etc when I'm in bed, like cuddling infront of a film, eating a meal, have sex............. I almost fainted! :rofl:

But when I said 'you really want to have sex with a lump? lol' he replied 'I do but I don't want to hurt you or poke my baby girl in the head! And you're not a lump, you're my beautiful princess xxxxxx' I hope for his sake he's not just saying that :rofl: xxx
My hubby keeps trying to make me go on who wants to be a millionaire lol (if it still exists) as I'm pretty good at guessing on that show lol.

My GD saviour has been Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Frozen yogurt... tastes exactly the same but much less sugar! :) I made my own cheesecake the other day with less sugar in and it was ok - lol better with suagr though!

I finish work on the 26th - 2 weeks today!! Yippee!! Can't bloody wait! How are all your aches and pains my lovely? xxx
Gawd, if I'm diagnosed with GD my boss is going to blow a fuse if I tell her I have to have yet more appointments and be out of the office even more regularly! She is not a great fan of preggo women it has to be said!! My fundal height was spot on last week so fingers crossed all is well after the GTT.

Now then, I've just had to read about a thousand pages since this morning! This thread has turned into a love-in today! Claire, I think a few of us can sympathise on the not-many-friends thing. I moved to Wigan when I met my husband so the only people I really know are through him. My own friends are all over the place and my best bud is in Exeter so we see each other twice a year if that! Make sure you get out of the house, I think your hubby is right (nice text from him by the way) that you need to spend more time with grown-ups. Jayden is obviously your life because he's your baby but there's nothing stopping him having some time with his daddy whilst mummy goes and does something for herself. I've seen quite a few adverts in the paper and local shops etc near me for playgroups etc where you can meet other mums in the area, usually in church halls etc. That way you don't have to leave your boy but you also get some adult chat. Do you have an NCT group or similar locally as well? You could volunteer for stuff like that and they'll all have kids too so will be able to support you and hopefully give you a bit of a network. Put yourself about lady!

Samira: good to see you back and can't wait to see this magazine spread!

Rachy: AMAZING news on the money situation - told you it would sort itself out somehow! Good luck with the hunting.

Everyone: I had an enormous Romana pizza at Pizza Express which had loads of bechamel sauce, cheese, mushrooms and ham on it. I am nicely full but nevertheless continuing my day of massive amounts of food with Gourmet Burger Kitchen later! If I have got GD, I'm going out with a bang! Ha!

Pizza debate - hmm, unsure. Last time I had Pizza Hut it was cold and greasy and basically a bit rubbish. Dominos I LOVE but a bit overpriced. Nice dipping sauce though. Pizza Express has lots of choice though and they always have a few new things to try so I will say there! Oh yes, and we were talking about TV shows etc over lunch. Turns out my trainee has a weird crush on Tom Selleck!!
Ladies, I think I should give a special prize for baby brain moment of the century........ went to the toilet and as I went to flush it I seen that my pee was GREEN! I was halfway to my phone to call the hospital when I realised that I'd put on of those blue cistern blocks in last night :dohh: I swear, my head is scrambled!!!

Update on the hubby situ, he wants to have SEX with me! :happydance: Lol, please ignore if you don't want to know but we haven't been intimate for months, I think the last time we had sex was when I was about 16-17 weeks pregnant and since then I've been too tired/sore so we've both been neglected in that area. But he texted back and said that he's happy to do things earlier in the evening and tidy up etc when I'm in bed, like cuddling infront of a film, eating a meal, have sex............. I almost fainted! :rofl:

But when I said 'you really want to have sex with a lump? lol' he replied 'I do but I don't want to hurt you or poke my baby girl in the head! And you're not a lump, you're my beautiful princess xxxxxx' I hope for his sake he's not just saying that :rofl: xxx

Yay!! Lmao at the poking baby in the head comment - why do all men think they have a penis the size of a cucumber lol. As you said earlier this is what you've wanted to hear and its brill he's saying it just when you chat to him when he comes home gently tell him you want these kinds of comments in every day life not just when he's reminded to do it :) I'm proper chuffed for you though... ooh you might be getting some nookie tonight lovey!! xxx
Ladies, I think I should give a special prize for baby brain moment of the century........ went to the toilet and as I went to flush it I seen that my pee was GREEN! I was halfway to my phone to call the hospital when I realised that I'd put on of those blue cistern blocks in last night :dohh: I swear, my head is scrambled!!!

Update on the hubby situ, he wants to have SEX with me! :happydance: Lol, please ignore if you don't want to know but we haven't been intimate for months, I think the last time we had sex was when I was about 16-17 weeks pregnant and since then I've been too tired/sore so we've both been neglected in that area. But he texted back and said that he's happy to do things earlier in the evening and tidy up etc when I'm in bed, like cuddling infront of a film, eating a meal, have sex............. I almost fainted! :rofl:

But when I said 'you really want to have sex with a lump? lol' he replied 'I do but I don't want to hurt you or poke my baby girl in the head! And you're not a lump, you're my beautiful princess xxxxxx' I hope for his sake he's not just saying that :rofl: xxx

Claire your baby brain moment made me laugh out loud, seriously! hehe.

I don't think it's TMI! I think it's lovely, and my Oh hasn't been too keen on having sex during pregnancy either, and it started making me feel a bit sad and neglected, but lastnight he was really nice to me, made me nice food, cleaned up, made me cups of tea, rubbed my back, cuddeled me alot and said "you're beautiful, I miss you whenever you're not here. I want to make love to you tonight" I nearly passed out haha. Especially as I have a crazy high drive at the moment and have missed our "intamate" times so much! hehe just reassure your DH that it wont hurt the baby, many men fear this!
Claire, I have a tear in my eye! Bless him. And tell him he's not that 'blessed' that he'd be able to poke her in the head, ha! Unless he is of course. You can keep that info to yourself!
Ceecee- excited FOR you that you'll be finishing soon :) bet you can't wait. I'll have to look for that frozen yoghurt mmm.! I'm doing ok, my back is buggered because of my overly large boobies but i'm ok!
I also think you win quote of the day with

"why do all men think they have a penis the size of a cucumber lol."

Vicki- Thankyou hun, good luck with your GTT. That pizza sounds sexy! I'm now veryyyy hungry haha.
Ladies, I think I should give a special prize for baby brain moment of the century........ went to the toilet and as I went to flush it I seen that my pee was GREEN! I was halfway to my phone to call the hospital when I realised that I'd put on of those blue cistern blocks in last night :dohh: I swear, my head is scrambled!!!

Update on the hubby situ, he wants to have SEX with me! :happydance: Lol, please ignore if you don't want to know but we haven't been intimate for months, I think the last time we had sex was when I was about 16-17 weeks pregnant and since then I've been too tired/sore so we've both been neglected in that area. But he texted back and said that he's happy to do things earlier in the evening and tidy up etc when I'm in bed, like cuddling infront of a film, eating a meal, have sex............. I almost fainted! :rofl:

But when I said 'you really want to have sex with a lump? lol' he replied 'I do but I don't want to hurt you or poke my baby girl in the head! And you're not a lump, you're my beautiful princess xxxxxx' I hope for his sake he's not just saying that :rofl: xxx

Yay!! Lmao at the poking baby in the head comment - why do all men think they have a penis the size of a cucumber lol. As you said earlier this is what you've wanted to hear and its brill he's saying it just when you chat to him when he comes home gently tell him you want these kinds of comments in every day life not just when he's reminded to do it :) I'm proper chuffed for you though... ooh you might be getting some nookie tonight lovey!! xxx

This made me actually LOL! I didn't wanna say but........... :blush: :haha: I'll have to remind him to be gentle!
Claire - Really?!!! Wow lucky girl :wink: XXX

Rachyroux - I aim to please lol glad I made you chuckle :) Sorry to hear your back is sore though hun :( But also glad that your OH wants to 'hop on the good foot and so the bad thing' with you :)

Vicki - That pizza sounds LUSH!! Lol I'm sure your gtt will be fine - I am officially in awe of the amount of food you can eat before a gtt though - good work girl!!

Lol my hubby is a bit worried about having full on nookie as he's worried about it bringing on labour but we have fun in other ways so to speak - sorry I know TMI!! I might try and make him have sex with me later though as I feel left out of the nookie bus lol xxx
Haha I'm also glad. It had "been a while" xD

Hehe good luck and hope you can hop on the nookie bus ;)

I have to say though ladies I'm looking forward to some non pregnant sex!
Well not quite a full cucumber, that would be painful i suspect, but he's by no means small and DEFINATELY bigger than average :)

I have my GTT next Friday, looking forward to having a couple of hours in hospital where no-one can annoy me lol. I'm gonna have a big meal the night before too :happydance: xxx
Ooh indeed not long til your GTT hun - you'll be fine! :)

I apologise to all ladies if I lowered the tone with the cucumber comment lol it would appear that my already dirty mind has been amplified during pregnancy! Lol X
Ceecee- don't apologise, like I said, quote of the day ;D haha.
I am officially in awe of the amount of food you can eat before a gtt though - good work girl!!
hahaha!!! Oh God, I can fair pack it away if required! Was funny once, we were having a meal with two other couples and the other ladies couldn't finish theirs so their other halves finished off the leftovers. My husband looked over and I had completely wiped the plate clean, he complained that there were never any leftovers for him! So true.

We were going to have pudding at Pizza Express - dough balls with melted nutella!!! OMG! But everyone else is on a diet so I was the only one showing any interest. Seeing as I'd just eaten the biggest pizza on the menu as well it was probably a bit much.

I want to get on this nookie bus as well but every time I go in for a cuddle he's already snoring! Lol. We are the two most shattered people ever most of the time.
I think it's hilarious! Lol, don't change and certainly do not apologise! :haha: xxx
Right ladies all this talk of food, I have to make something, no idea what but need something! haha. If I'm not on tonight i'll talk to you all in the morning :) good luck tonight Claire. With both the chat and the nookie hehe.
Love to you all xx
I didnt know they did dough balls with nutella!

Lol nope DH also doesnt want to wake the baby up so no sex for us.
I am officially in awe of the amount of food you can eat before a gtt though - good work girl!!
hahaha!!! Oh God, I can fair pack it away if required! Was funny once, we were having a meal with two other couples and the other ladies couldn't finish theirs so their other halves finished off the leftovers. My husband looked over and I had completely wiped the plate clean, he complained that there were never any leftovers for him! So true.

We were going to have pudding at Pizza Express - dough balls with melted nutella!!! OMG! But everyone else is on a diet so I was the only one showing any interest. Seeing as I'd just eaten the biggest pizza on the menu as well it was probably a bit much.

I want to get on this nookie bus as well but every time I go in for a cuddle he's already snoring! Lol. We are the two most shattered people ever most of the time.

Lol my DH says the same since I got pregnant lol. He's a 16 stone, muscular, fit, ex rugby playing soldier. Last night we went for a meal and I polished off my 10oz gammon steak with egg, chips, salad, onion rings, breaded mushrooms and garlic cheesey bread and he failed to finish his mixed grill ha ha. It's not my fault I'm a hungry bugger. Growing my little girly has made me hungry!! Aww bless! Maybe you should go for when you wake up in the morning on weekends? You're already in bed then and you've just slept lol! xxx

I think it's hilarious! Lol, don't change and certainly do not apologise! :haha: xxx

Ok I shant change nore shall I apologise :) Lol xxx

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