Ok catch up!!!
Barbles soooo pleased about your nan

super happy for you and her
And Claire im so sorry to hear about your hubby!!! I cant believe it!!!!! Your a better person than me id lose my rag! BUT saying that would I if I had a kiddy there....i cant say as haven’t been in that situation yet! But reading on im so glad you have “sorted” it out and happier now!
On the topic of tantrums...i have them all the time if i cant get what i want in a shop...example if I want something I HAVE to have it now! i was at the brink of going mad in the supermarkets! i wanted to make a salad for dinner, but a salad has to have cucumber in it! it was a nice day, all the salad bits were gone!!!!!!!! i went to sainsburys and managed to get some bits, and then went to tesco for others,but neither had cucumeber!!!!!!! chris called me askin what was taking so long and i told him and he was like ahhh forget it, but i couldnt!!!!!!!!! so i ended up driving about went into a corner store.....they dont have fruit n veg and then JACKPOT!!!! the kebaby next door to it........he wanted a quid for a pot of cucumber.....looked in my purse....no cash!!!!!!! so went to my car and rustled 50p in change and took it to him like a begger with my schrapnel (duna how to spell)!!!!! but i got my cucumber some how or another!! and it was yummy LOL!
Urgh you have all made me feel sick about nurseries too! Im not even home yet.....we were supposed to be....and then they called us and asked if they could have another month as they are finding hard to find a place......obviously we said yes...one month more rent and all that which will go towards patioing the front of our driveway (its currently shingle and cats use it as an oversized litter tray!!!!!!!). So the nursery is on hold! Im gona be on designing mission when i get back!!!!
OK im updated! Phew! I9ve got midsummer dreamers to do next!!!!! Think that can wait till 2 moz as i still have bits to do at work hehe!
Claire, hope all goes well with hubby 2 nite! That text was fab! Awwww just seen more posts in your texts...and sexy time!!!!!

wooooo! I wish i bloody wanted it! Me and OH haven’t for 2 weeks now! I usually did it once a week just to keep him happy but im not in the mood at all! Soooo tired all the time! Gona have to force myself again soon!!!!
And as for heartburn urgh! Mine is hell! I have it every day! MW has prescribed be gaviscon which I guzzle also have rennie tabs too! But it still comes!
Wow rach fab news about house / flat!!! Yay!!!!!
Urgh i haven’t aclue what we are gona do about contraception when baba is born! We have decided that after baby is 1 year old we will start trying for our 2nd (we don’t know how long it will take to conceive, took over a year last time!) but im not a fan on condoms (AT ALL) and i wont go on the pill again as this doesn’t help with conceiving next time so i think im going to do the au natural route and not have sex in the fertile period, make sure he pulls out when we do DTD and hope for the best!!!! Live life on the edge LOL