Limbo Ladies!!

Haha, i just realised i was uncomfortable sooooo decided to whip the bra off and it feels soooooo good.

Yess ceecee, you give it to him! xxx
Ok well that was a short experiment as there's only 4 other chairs in the office!! I'm test driving the most comfortable of a bad bunch to see how that goes. I don't hold out much hope!

Lol I used to get bullied for having small boobs all the time when I was younger... oh if they could see me now lol xxx
I agree with matalan maternity leggings! im wearing mine now! i live in leggings haha! i havent even bothered trying maternity jeans, i really need to though! expand the wardrobe n all that!

as for bras.....dont!!!!!!!! i find it impossible to find any suitable bras! i have tried on sooo many! and im only a 36DD naturally - dont know what they are now! definately not 36DD!!!! my nipples barely fit in my old bras now :(

OK so been chatting to the sister and she has spilt dates etc on the baby shower my friend is doing for me! and its on the 26th June!!!!!!!!! im gona be 36 weeks eeek! im scared coz its so late and i didnt want to buy much more till after the shower to save on duplicates but im gona have to now, i cant leave my buying till after 36 weeks!!!! :S:S:S theres nothing that can be done with the date though as my sis works away and is only here every 4 weeks so that date has been to fit with her i think!

is anyone else having one? if so how many weeks will u bne? x

Barbles im not, but i thought you only had to help the milk stimulation, but i cant BF so im sticking with normal bras.

Im having one Samira, 4th June up here in Leeds so it can be like a little goodbye to all my friends too. Im practically organising it though as all my friends are so busy, but im seeing it as more of a thank you to everyone for being there for me, and if i get presents it a big plus. xxxx
Dont you just wish we never had to wear bras? xx

This made me laugh so much!! I could quite happily not wear a bra all day but I dont' want to frighten people with my great nungas flopping around!! It is often one of the first things I do when I get home from work, bra off and pj bottoms on. Are you all wearing maternity bras, Im not :blush: I cant be doing with softy bras, I need serious liftage.

And I finally cleared out my drawer at work so I can go with a clear head :happydance:, the shredding bucket is full with bits of crap I have stored over the last 18 months.

Lol thats exactly my routine! I get in from work and get the pyjamas on lol DH used to despair but he does exactly the same now lol xxx

I agree with matalan maternity leggings! im wearing mine now! i live in leggings haha! i havent even bothered trying maternity jeans, i really need to though! expand the wardrobe n all that!

as for bras.....dont!!!!!!!! i find it impossible to find any suitable bras! i have tried on sooo many! and im only a 36DD naturally - dont know what they are now! definately not 36DD!!!! my nipples barely fit in my old bras now :(

OK so been chatting to the sister and she has spilt dates etc on the baby shower my friend is doing for me! and its on the 26th June!!!!!!!!! im gona be 36 weeks eeek! im scared coz its so late and i didnt want to buy much more till after the shower to save on duplicates but im gona have to now, i cant leave my buying till after 36 weeks!!!! :S:S:S theres nothing that can be done with the date though as my sis works away and is only here every 4 weeks so that date has been to fit with her i think!

is anyone else having one? if so how many weeks will u bne? x

Not having a baby shower but moving house at just over 35 weeks! It'll be fine hun, you'll be on maternity leave by then anyways so anything that your missing just order it online and get it delivered to you! Thats my plan if I'm missing anything :) xxx

Haha, i just realised i was uncomfortable sooooo decided to whip the bra off and it feels soooooo good.

Yess ceecee, you give it to him! xxx

Cheers hun... just waiting for him to come back now... I bet you any money though he won't come back to the office until just before I'm due to go home! He seems to be avoiding me these days ... don't know why...??? Lol xxx
I'm not wearing maternity bras, but they're non-underwired. They're quite comfy as there's no wires coming out. But they squish my boobs together and I don't like that. So I've just ordered a couple of new ones, with underwires lol. Then I'll get one nursing bra just before I have Baby, because I bought about 3 last time and couldn't breastfeed lol.

I am falling asleep here but I can't get Jayden to go for a sleep, and despite me trying my best to keep my house clean and tidy, it's a riot :growlmad: xxxx
ahh another late mover!!!! im moving "home home" in about 2 weeks!!!! what are we doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
I got M&S non underwired ones. They are comfy but DH keeps asking me if I’m wearing a bra when I have them on :wacko:
Talking about moving - this is my situation. My mum paid the estate agent £270 the other day for admin fees etc, and my Dad gave them all the guarantor forms they needed but now theyre doing checks. I dont think my credit checks will come back brilliant, but my Dads will, will this have a major effect on the house? Also the house is no longer listed on, so im taking this as good news.

I wont be moving till the end of June if i do get this house, so thats 3/4 weeks before baby is due. oooooooooh joy xxxx
I dont think your credit will have an effect hun, its only if youve got shocking credit that it may do?!

thjats the probs we have when me and OH do joint things, ive got good credit and he has baaaaaaad so most things are in my name!!

YAY to most probably getting the place though :D!!!! x
Talking about moving - this is my situation. My mum paid the estate agent £270 the other day for admin fees etc, and my Dad gave them all the guarantor forms they needed but now theyre doing checks. I dont think my credit checks will come back brilliant, but my Dads will, will this have a major effect on the house? Also the house is no longer listed on, so im taking this as good news.

I wont be moving till the end of June if i do get this house, so thats 3/4 weeks before baby is due. oooooooooh joy xxxx

If your mum has paid the admin fee she should have been given some type of form like a 'good faith form' which basically states that the house will not be marketed any further because you have secured it with the admin fee. It should also outline what further costs you will be required to pay and when they are due. If you've been asked to provide a guarantor its because the agents are pretty sure you won't pass referencing on your own and a good company will have checked that your dad earns enough to cover you before referencing him. Having a guarantor will have no effect on the house hun. The landlord will already be fully aware of who is being referenced and if they require a guarantor. If the landlord wasn't willing to accept you you wouldn't have got this far ok so please don't worry about that. Most reference agencies will reply within 48-72 hours so make sure you keep bugging your estate agent until they know!

Anything else just let me know :) I work in lettings :) XXX
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! perfecto!!!

in the words of destinys child.....question!!!!

OK so our tenants had to stay an extra month (not sure if you remember, they were originally going to move out 1st may) but they couldnt find a place so we said they can stay longer till they find a place this month!....anyways....they gave us only £700 rent (its meant to be £950) coz we went to pick it up and they hadnt been to the bank yet to get the other 250!!!! and now they are saying they will most probs move out 25th (ish) do they still owe us the full rent even though they move out early? thing is we wont be able to move in straight away as we need to get inventory ppl in to check the place out etc!!

ALSO - once when i went there i noticed they had chipped our ceramic hob in the kitchen.......what are our grounds on taking money from their we take the full amount for a new hob?!!!!!!!!

how much do you charge for your advice LOL! x
Yayyyyyyy Ceecee is in lettings this is fun. Im just keeping my fingers crossed, going to give the estate agents a call tomorrow xxx
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! perfecto!!!

in the words of destinys child.....question!!!!

OK so our tenants had to stay an extra month (not sure if you remember, they were originally going to move out 1st may) but they couldnt find a place so we said they can stay longer till they find a place this month!....anyways....they gave us only £700 rent (its meant to be £950) coz we went to pick it up and they hadnt been to the bank yet to get the other 250!!!! and now they are saying they will most probs move out 25th (ish) do they still owe us the full rent even though they move out early? thing is we wont be able to move in straight away as we need to get inventory ppl in to check the place out etc!!

ALSO - once when i went there i noticed they had chipped our ceramic hob in the kitchen.......what are our grounds on taking money from their we take the full amount for a new hob?!!!!!!!!

how much do you charge for your advice LOL! x

Lol my advice is free :) When was they're original contract supposed to end? And are they on a rolling month by month contract at the moment? If they should have already moved out but you let them stay as a gesture of good will they are still liable for the full amount of rent regardless if they move out on the 10th or 25th. If assuming some form of agreement was signed between both parties when the extension was granted then they are actually in breach of contract by not paying the full amount of rent.

Now to the deposit situation... also working on another assumption here - is the deposit held by the government? If so, only when you agree on how much of the deposit should be released and when it should be released will the deposit be released. If an inventory was conducted before they moved in and a check in the day they moved in there should be a list of any defects or flaws with the property that you have recognised. If this chip in the hob isn't included in that then you have rights to claim some or all of their deposit to repair the damage. However, I would warn you that if you intend to keep all of the deposit then the tenanst will probably go through the disputes service and try to claim some of it back so it may be worth seeing if you can replace a part of the hob for a portion of the deposit rather than it being held up in a dispute case for a long period of time. I would seriously consider getting an outside company to come in and do the inventory so that their findings are completely impartial. Also your tenants shuld be paying for a check out of the property which would also highlight the damage to the hob and any other damages in their time in the property.

Also, did you conduct any inspections on the property during their tenancy? If so, were the inspections documented with some type of form possibly including pictures? That should also back up your claim that the damage was caused whilst the tenants were in the property.

If I were you I would start getting quotes for the hob and see how much it would take to repair. Also double check your copy of the signed tenancy agreement to make sure that it covers you in the event of any damage to the property. One hting worth checking might be to see if your tenanst have accidental damage insurance. If so, it may be cheaper for them to claim on that to have it repaired and then no disputes need be raised over the deposit.

Hope that makes sense and helps! xxx
Lol my advice is free :) When was they're original contract supposed to end? And are they on a rolling month by month contract at the moment? If they should have already moved out but you let them stay as a gesture of good will they are still liable for the full amount of rent regardless if they move out on the 10th or 25th. If assuming some form of agreement was signed between both parties when the extension was granted then they are actually in breach of contract by not paying the full amount of rent.

Now to the deposit situation... also working on another assumption here - is the deposit held by the government? If so, only when you agree on how much of the deposit should be released and when it should be released will the deposit be released. If an inventory was conducted before they moved in and a check in the day they moved in there should be a list of any defects or flaws with the property that you have recognised. If this chip in the hob isn't included in that then you have rights to claim some or all of their deposit to repair the damage. However, I would warn you that if you intend to keep all of the deposit then the tenanst will probably go through the disputes service and try to claim some of it back so it may be worth seeing if you can replace a part of the hob for a portion of the deposit rather than it being held up in a dispute case for a long period of time. I would seriously consider getting an outside company to come in and do the inventory so that their findings are completely impartial. Also your tenants shuld be paying for a check out of the property which would also highlight the damage to the hob and any other damages in their time in the property.

Also, did you conduct any inspections on the property during their tenancy? If so, were the inspections documented with some type of form possibly including pictures? That should also back up your claim that the damage was caused whilst the tenants were in the property.

If I were you I would start getting quotes for the hob and see how much it would take to repair. Also double check your copy of the signed tenancy agreement to make sure that it covers you in the event of any damage to the property. One hting worth checking might be to see if your tenanst have accidental damage insurance. If so, it may be cheaper for them to claim on that to have it repaired and then no disputes need be raised over the deposit.

Hope that makes sense and helps! xxx

The contract ended after 6 months of moving in (1st July 2010) and they have been on a rolling contract since. No agreement had been signed though, they have literally been on a rolling contact since their 6 months were up and we gave them their notice all properly etc and have their emails asking to stay for June too coz they cant find a place etc.

The deposit is held by the DPS and we had an inventory company come in to inspect the property before they moved in which we both signed and the money we paid them includes them to come back wehn they move out . im not sure how the hob would be repaired as it is a corner which is chipped off but i will try! we didnt carry out any inspections while they were there though :S

well first things first il wait to see what their actual moving date is! think they are waiting on the property they are moving to to get back to them!! i feel awful taking money out of deposits haha!!!!

you should see the state of the garden! they havent touched it since being there! so overgrown!!!! shes lucky i like gardening LOL! X

thank you hunni, your a star! x
Lol my advice is free :) When was they're original contract supposed to end? And are they on a rolling month by month contract at the moment? If they should have already moved out but you let them stay as a gesture of good will they are still liable for the full amount of rent regardless if they move out on the 10th or 25th. If assuming some form of agreement was signed between both parties when the extension was granted then they are actually in breach of contract by not paying the full amount of rent.

Now to the deposit situation... also working on another assumption here - is the deposit held by the government? If so, only when you agree on how much of the deposit should be released and when it should be released will the deposit be released. If an inventory was conducted before they moved in and a check in the day they moved in there should be a list of any defects or flaws with the property that you have recognised. If this chip in the hob isn't included in that then you have rights to claim some or all of their deposit to repair the damage. However, I would warn you that if you intend to keep all of the deposit then the tenanst will probably go through the disputes service and try to claim some of it back so it may be worth seeing if you can replace a part of the hob for a portion of the deposit rather than it being held up in a dispute case for a long period of time. I would seriously consider getting an outside company to come in and do the inventory so that their findings are completely impartial. Also your tenants shuld be paying for a check out of the property which would also highlight the damage to the hob and any other damages in their time in the property.

Also, did you conduct any inspections on the property during their tenancy? If so, were the inspections documented with some type of form possibly including pictures? That should also back up your claim that the damage was caused whilst the tenants were in the property.

If I were you I would start getting quotes for the hob and see how much it would take to repair. Also double check your copy of the signed tenancy agreement to make sure that it covers you in the event of any damage to the property. One hting worth checking might be to see if your tenanst have accidental damage insurance. If so, it may be cheaper for them to claim on that to have it repaired and then no disputes need be raised over the deposit.

Hope that makes sense and helps! xxx

The contract ended after 6 months of moving in (1st July 2010) and they have been on a rolling contract since. No agreement had been signed though, they have literally been on a rolling contact since their 6 months were up and we gave them their notice all properly etc and have their emails asking to stay for June too coz they cant find a place etc.

The deposit is held by the DPS and we had an inventory company come in to inspect the property before they moved in which we both signed and the money we paid them includes them to come back wehn they move out . im not sure how the hob would be repaired as it is a corner which is chipped off but i will try! we didnt carry out any inspections while they were there though :S

well first things first il wait to see what their actual moving date is! think they are waiting on the property they are moving to to get back to them!! i feel awful taking money out of deposits haha!!!!

you should see the state of the garden! they havent touched it since being there! so overgrown!!!! shes lucky i like gardening LOL! X

thank you hunni, your a star! x

Don't feel guilty thats what deposits are there for lol do you manage the property yourself or does the estate agent? Either way you should still have in place a signed document by both parties everytime an extension of the original tenancy occurs. Hope all this helps hun but honestly don't feel guilty about it. Look at it this way if your friend borrowed a DVD and broke it by accident you would expect them to replace it or at least give you £5 or something to go towards the cost of replacing it. This is the same! No need for guilt!! xxx
I hope it all works out for you Samira, i bet you cant wait to move back to your own place. Must be lovely for £900 too xxxx
Lol what are us girlies doing moving house this close to giving birth?! Madness!! Lol I don't even know what the upstairs of my new home will look like - the joys of being an army wag lol you never get to see what the inside looks like before you move in!!
yea its done with a lettings agent so they can deal with all the yukky bits!

i cannot wait to get home! and i cant wait to sort throuigh all our stuff!!!!! gona have a proper sort out! anything thats useless will be going in a carbooty box!!!!!!!!! yaaaaay carbootsale!!!!!!!!!! i love car bootsales! got sooo many clothes for baba from there! and toys! i saw the most amazingggggggg thing there the other day too which im kicking myself i didnt get now! it was a potty but it was like a toilet and it has a flusher which the kiddy can flush and it makes the noise hehe! it was a 10er and she wudnt budge to £7 so i gave her the finger (not literally) but i wish i got it now as i looked on ebay when i got home and they are going for 20!!!

here it is$ja=tsid:11527%7Ccc:%7Cprd:3763090%7Ccat:nursery+%2F+feeding+and+bathing+%2F+bathing+and+potty+training+%2F
I WANT ONE! i wana pee on one too!!!!!!

sorry went off sideways then! so yea cant wait to move home LOL! gona be a shock to the system to have to pay bills again though :S:S:S: x
I don't envy you ladies, not sure I could move now never mid a month before my due date! I'd love to though, my house is pretty small! I love it though, if I could build an extra couple of rooms onto it, I'd stay here forever! Hehe. Ideally I want a detatched house, 3 or 4 bedrooms and plenty of bathrooms :rofl: not asking for much am I? Right now I'm in a mid terrace 2 bed with a tiny back garden! Hehe. Just wish I had more money, or at least a half decent credit score. We'll manage, just need to really be organised (which is usually one of my strong points, I've already decided where I'm putting my christmas tree this year! :dohh:) xxx
I wish I was moving before baby comes instead of trying to squeeze the poor little mite into a one and half bed cottage that is falling apart.
Wont be long though, fingers crossed we should be in Oct/Nov and I cannot wait, photos on FB do not do justice to how nice it will be. My OH is a genius (BTW I like him today haha)
I am hank marvin for my spag bol now.

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