Morning ladies!!!! How is everyone!!! Hope you all had a fab weekend!
Time for a quick catch up!
HAHA braven! I know how you feel! I never want

! I don’t have this pregnancy horn that is meant to come about! Poor poor chris lol! we did have some at the weekend to his delight but I really need to try and enjoy it!!! At the mo it feels like a chore! Im tired and want to sleep in bed LOL! TaNasha you put us to shame! Hehe
Awww CeeCee im so sorry about your kitty! Me and oh have thought abouit this before with our dogs coz we leave them at home all day and its not fair but when it comes to it we cant do it! Thankfully il be at home for a year now to give them attention them along with the baby but it will happen again where we are both at work and feel bad!
Claire I love the name Leah Mae!!!! Its booootiful! Yay to deciding too!!! I still cant get used to ours! I gave in on Haydn with the OH coz he loved it so much and i felt bad but i cant get used to calling him it and i cant imagine saying it all the time! And i don’t like that i cant shorten it either! But OH loves it so im trying hard to accept it!
Tanasha your nursery is loooovely!!!!!!!! Loving the princess looking crib hehe! Shes gona feel so special with that!
Barbles – don’t with fishing! Me and OH love to fish but lately he has taken it to a new extreme! He wants new this and new that, and wants to go all the time! I feel like such a nag going NO WE NEED THE MONEY all the time! Its like a midlife crisis early!
Awww michelle glad you had a fab time with the OH! He is very cute i must say (on your PP) . YUM to greek food too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jealous!
Awww ceecee your letter made me well up! Im so sorry!!!!!
FAB bump Claire!!!!!!!! Ive got my pics on my cam but no lead with me at work so il get them up as soon as i remember to get the lead!!!
Ohhh and fab bump michelle too!!!! Don’t worry about nuddyness, mine are in the nuddy too hehe! Well with pants which are slowly getting too tight!!!
Yea there is lots of girls isn’t there hehe! Ceecee maybe do a list on the first post with all our names and DD’s and sexes?? like on midsummer (if you seen it?) Im 22nd July – team blue
Congrats on the house rach!!!!! Your moving at the same sort of time as me! Scary moving home so late isn’t it! Im going to book a couple days off work to get things sorted! Need to get internet, tv, bills etc sorted, unpack, clean!! Then get started on nursery eeek!
Claire your piccies are fab! I LOVE the full body one too!!!! Its such a nightmare when baba doesn’t play ball! At my 4d i was there fior 2 hours and was scanned 3 times coz he was hiding his face in my placenta and then had his hands on my face so i had to go for a walk, then try tea and biccies, then went for a jog LOL! he finally showed his face in the end! I haven’t put my 4d pics on here yet i will do in a min!
Aww im the same with my shopping too! Ive figured the easiest way to keep costs down is plan what we will eat all week! I write down our meals for the week and then list what i will need for that meal and then when i shop i try not to stray from the list! Barbles online shopping is the way forward! I used to online shop all the time when i lived in my house so as soon as i get back home i will do it again! Our shopping is usually 50 odd a week but that also includes tins of meat for our dogs! They cost us a fortune in food! We go through 14 tins of meat a week and big bag of dry every 2 weeks so its appx 40 a month on dog food!!!!!!! Nightmare!
OK catch up done yay!