Oh and for the front page- I'm loving it.
Vicki- You're brave, I had my legs waxed and bikini line before France, and oh god I'm officially a wuss, how will I cope with childbirth?! Considering getting it done soon though as I don't want razor rash etc going on ontop of everything else.
Samira- I love the bump pics, I wish I had done more progression kind of pics like you have, theyr'e great to look at all together! & good luck with the class!
Barbles- chinese sounds lush, I'm very jealous, but OH has been on a big shop and is cooking for me tonight

Glad Phoebe is doing better xx
Michelle- When I told my cousin, who in all fairness I haven't been getting along with, that I've found a great forum and made friends with a few girls she laughed in my face. Cow. Haha.
Kim- Ohh i'm definately on the relaxing part. I have a few friends I'd love to see, but it sounds so awful, but .. I literally can not be arsed. I'm so tired and uncomfortable! But will make the effort this week I think. Or i'll lose my friends! Lovely bump pic by the way. Nice and neat. I feel huge right now and am wondering what I'll be like in 7 weeks. Eek!
The day I found out I was pregnant. I just remember having a "feeling" and the boyfriend not believing me . I remember feeling like it was different this time instead of irregular, very late period. My boobs were a bit sore and I just felt different.
I dragged him up to the bathroom at his house with me. Took a plastic cup up.. did the test.. waited for what seemed like the longest two minutes of my LIFE.
Then seeing the positive result!.. I was so shocked, scared but happy.I burst out crying on the bathroom floor, terrified. But again, still happy. Whilst my lovely OH who didn't want to grow up so quick, just replied "oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit."
then after a while hugged me.
after two weeks of hell from him asking me to consider the a word, which I would never do, he started to get excited, and now he's a different man and can't believe he suggested it. That all went on too when I found those awful things on facebook between him and his (Before me) one night stand. So not a great time for me sadly finding out about the pregnancy, it was so hard, I needed him and to be honest, he wasn't really there when the shock was there, which is when I needed him most. At least he's wised up now. I hope!