Limbo Ladies!!

Samira you're loads better at being pregnant than I am, I've only got one bump picture! I figured neither I nor anyone else would want to see my fat body getting even fatter! Those pictures are lovely!

Ladies, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the thread in third tri called "Can you have a normal poo and still go into labour same day?" Is this what we have come to?!
Haha, i forget to look in third tri sometimes, i waited so long to get there and now im there its just not as fun as it looked!!! xxx
hehe yea i did pop at 22 weeks didnt i!!!! major difference! i feel like my bump is tiny compared to everyone elses!!!! even my best mate whos 2 weeks behind me is bigger, but she is short so it pokes out more, ive got quite a long torso so he probs has more room to spread out LOL!

HAHAHA i cant find this thread where is it!!!!!!!!!!!

i do look on third tri threads but dont feel like i have much to offer yet, we probs will do as we start getting to like 35 weeks or summit!!

gawd what a a nightmare we have had here! a customer took off and crash landed so we have had to get all his documents together for the investigation of why it happened zzzzzzz! it was his fault thankfully and not ours (we maintain light aircraft incase you didnt know lol) but he wrote the plane off the plonka!!!!!
Im off now girlies! have my 3 hour antenatal class!!!!!!!! no dinner till at least 8 whattttt!! deffo think burger king is am must on the way home!!!!!!!!!!

will update 2 moz on how it went! love love xx
Vicki - glad the wax went well!
TaNasha - sorry they postponed your meeting hun :( XXX
Barbles - Glad to hear your little one is feeling better! XXX
Samira - I hope everybody was alright! Enjoy your antenatal class and burger king - I would kill for a chicken royale right now! XXX

Well just got back from the hospital and I have been put on insulin. I even did a test needle and I didn't feel it! Pricking my finger is a thousand times more painful than injecting yourself! But this does confirm that little Jessica will be arriving earlier as they will induce me at 38 weeks now. Have to go for a growth scan in 2 weeks to see how big she actually is and then we go from there really so that is my update. Not feeling too bad about the news as I was expecting it just weird thinking that Jessica will be making an entrance in just 5 weeks! And we only move house 2 weeks friday lol xxx
Good luck Samira, I'm leaving work in a bit to get to mine - doesn't finish til 9.30 though! Will be a zombie tomorrow! I promise also to write a long rambling tale of how it went.
Ah CeeCee, good and bad news I guess! Not sure I could cope with the injections but good that you managed it without any probs. Can't believe you'll have a baby in 5 weeks! I must warn my husband that this is actually possible, I think he thinks babies will just arrive on their due dates and that's it, hence we have feck all ready at present! Exciting to know when it's all going to happen.

Still not got my GTT results actually (but had another three calls from the FECKING AA). Don't know whether to ring a midwife and get her to find out or whether I am really happier not knowing!
Glad you're doing well and feeling somewhat positive about the news CeeCee...and just imagine, in 5 short weeks you'll be holding your little one, how exciting!
Sucks about the insulin but OMG you are will be possibly the first of us to have a baby!!! Exciting!!!

I saw the thread and was actually going to offer advice :haha: but I didnt.

Room looks lovely Claire on FB

Lovely bump pics Samira

have fun at ante-natal girls

Im sooooo having a chinese for tea, OH is working until at least 11, Phoebe just had a bit of weetabix so wont be having much more so Im going to order myself a chinese feast. I cant wait yummy!!!

Pheebs is back to her usual 3 going on 13 self :dohh: but at least she is better, she is missing her daddy as he has been leaving at half 6 in the morning and getting home 11 in the evening so she hasnt seen him for two days which is unheard of here. And he may have to work on late tomorrow night too :wacko:
Glad to hear that Phoebe is on the mend now Barbles :)

Wow CeeCee, looks like you'll be the one to have the first Limbo baby! Sounds like you're being very brave about the insulin and I guess now that Jess is coming earlier, you'll have less time having to have it. It must feel weird knowing almost the exact time frame when she'll arrive, but comforting at the same time. Not long now until you get to meet your little girl :)

Samira- your bump pics are great! You are super brave taking them in your undies too- I'm only just allowing OH to see me in my undies now with the fat arse and stretchmarks lol! Hope you have fun at antenatal- looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow :)
Aww ceecee that's a shame :( but on the upside, you get an extra scan and you get to meet your gorgeous Jess in just 5 weeks! 1st Limbo baby :happydance: I'm officially shitting myself about my test on Friday. I just hope that I pass it or at least, it's not too bad. Almost every person I've know to have the test has ended up with it :( I am looking forward to the peace I'm gonna get while in the day ward though! Lol.

Glad Phoebe is feeling a bit better!

Vicki, when do you get the results? I was told I'd be told at the Hospital on the day? xxx
Actually Claire, that's a good point about Vicki's results. My test was finished at about 11am and was told to ring the ward after 4pm for the results. I rang at about a minute past 4 (I was anxious!) and they had the results there and said all was normal.
Vicki- did they give you a number for the ward to ring?
Ahh girls I can't keep up with you all! I'm at the OH's now but just popping on while he nips down his parents to just say I hope you're all ok :)
Sorry to hear CeeCee but you'll be meeting your beautiful girl very very soon!! Glad to hear it doesn't hurt too, must take the edge off :):hugs:
Can't wait to move house now., getting stressed at the thought of moving and having so much to do.
I'll try and read over and have a quick catch up!
Love to all xxx
Oh and for the front page- I'm loving it.

Vicki- You're brave, I had my legs waxed and bikini line before France, and oh god I'm officially a wuss, how will I cope with childbirth?! Considering getting it done soon though as I don't want razor rash etc going on ontop of everything else.

Samira- I love the bump pics, I wish I had done more progression kind of pics like you have, theyr'e great to look at all together! & good luck with the class!

Barbles- chinese sounds lush, I'm very jealous, but OH has been on a big shop and is cooking for me tonight :) Glad Phoebe is doing better xx

Michelle- When I told my cousin, who in all fairness I haven't been getting along with, that I've found a great forum and made friends with a few girls she laughed in my face. Cow. Haha.

Kim- Ohh i'm definately on the relaxing part. I have a few friends I'd love to see, but it sounds so awful, but .. I literally can not be arsed. I'm so tired and uncomfortable! But will make the effort this week I think. Or i'll lose my friends! Lovely bump pic by the way. Nice and neat. I feel huge right now and am wondering what I'll be like in 7 weeks. Eek!

The day I found out I was pregnant. I just remember having a "feeling" and the boyfriend not believing me . I remember feeling like it was different this time instead of irregular, very late period. My boobs were a bit sore and I just felt different.

I dragged him up to the bathroom at his house with me. Took a plastic cup up.. did the test.. waited for what seemed like the longest two minutes of my LIFE.
Then seeing the positive result!.. I was so shocked, scared but happy.I burst out crying on the bathroom floor, terrified. But again, still happy. Whilst my lovely OH who didn't want to grow up so quick, just replied "oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit."

then after a while hugged me.

after two weeks of hell from him asking me to consider the a word, which I would never do, he started to get excited, and now he's a different man and can't believe he suggested it. That all went on too when I found those awful things on facebook between him and his (Before me) one night stand. So not a great time for me sadly finding out about the pregnancy, it was so hard, I needed him and to be honest, he wasn't really there when the shock was there, which is when I needed him most. At least he's wised up now. I hope!
I got my GTT results the day after the test so yeah give them a ring Vickie.

My chinese feast was lush, I had egg fried rice, chips, BBQ sauce and a pancake roll!! I only ate half though so I can feel a second feast coming on later haha.

Now waiting for Phoebe to drop off, hoping it wont be too much longer but she did have a mahoosive nap today so once she does Im all snuggled with the duvet and going to snooze away the evening on the sofa until my man gets home. Im blitzing my kitchen tomorrow ready to be decorated at the weekend so Ill need my energy haha

And whats going on on the front page? I must have missed that bit :dohh:
Arr, I'm hungry now haha that sounds so good!
Haha front page of the thread just to keep track of Due dates etc,
so just type out your due date and team and I think CeeCee will put you on there :)

EDIT- You're already on there Barbles, sorry, where is my mind?
Ah CeeCee, good and bad news I guess! Not sure I could cope with the injections but good that you managed it without any probs. Can't believe you'll have a baby in 5 weeks! I must warn my husband that this is actually possible, I think he thinks babies will just arrive on their due dates and that's it, hence we have feck all ready at present! Exciting to know when it's all going to happen.

Still not got my GTT results actually (but had another three calls from the FECKING AA). Don't know whether to ring a midwife and get her to find out or whether I am really happier not knowing!

I wouldn't worry about your results hun as if you had GD they would have rung you by now. I had the test on the friday and 7.30am monday morning I had a frantic nurse on the phone trying to get hold of me to go in later that evening! Phone your midwife though to put your mind at rest hun XXX

Glad you're doing well and feeling somewhat positive about the news CeeCee...and just imagine, in 5 short weeks you'll be holding your little one, how exciting!

Thanks sweetie XXX It seems surreal somehow!! Can't believe after all this time I will finally be meeting her! XXX

Glad to hear that Phoebe is on the mend now Barbles :)

Wow CeeCee, looks like you'll be the one to have the first Limbo baby! Sounds like you're being very brave about the insulin and I guess now that Jess is coming earlier, you'll have less time having to have it. It must feel weird knowing almost the exact time frame when she'll arrive, but comforting at the same time. Not long now until you get to meet your little girl :)

Samira- your bump pics are great! You are super brave taking them in your undies too- I'm only just allowing OH to see me in my undies now with the fat arse and stretchmarks lol! Hope you have fun at antenatal- looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow :)

I should find out a date for my induction after my scan in two weeks - lol can't believe I'm having a June baby!! xxx

Aww ceecee that's a shame :( but on the upside, you get an extra scan and you get to meet your gorgeous Jess in just 5 weeks! 1st Limbo baby :happydance: I'm officially shitting myself about my test on Friday. I just hope that I pass it or at least, it's not too bad. Almost every person I've know to have the test has ended up with it :( I am looking forward to the peace I'm gonna get while in the day ward though! Lol.

Glad Phoebe is feeling a bit better!

Vicki, when do you get the results? I was told I'd be told at the Hospital on the day? xxx

Your test will be fine hun, I feel it in my waters :) the test itself is boring more than anything else!! Plus its more than likely you would have picked up on some symptoms by now so if you haven't thats a good sign :) xxx

Ahh girls I can't keep up with you all! I'm at the OH's now but just popping on while he nips down his parents to just say I hope you're all ok :)
Sorry to hear CeeCee but you'll be meeting your beautiful girl very very soon!! Glad to hear it doesn't hurt too, must take the edge off :):hugs:
Can't wait to move house now., getting stressed at the thought of moving and having so much to do.
I'll try and read over and have a quick catch up!
Love to all xxx

Honestly Rachyroux I thought it was going to hurt like hell when in truth stabbing my finger is soooooooooo much worse - I didn't even feel the needle in my leg! Just have to remember how to use the damn thing later when I have to do it!! xxx

I got my GTT results the day after the test so yeah give them a ring Vickie.

My chinese feast was lush, I had egg fried rice, chips, BBQ sauce and a pancake roll!! I only ate half though so I can feel a second feast coming on later haha.

Now waiting for Phoebe to drop off, hoping it wont be too much longer but she did have a mahoosive nap today so once she does Im all snuggled with the duvet and going to snooze away the evening on the sofa until my man gets home. Im blitzing my kitchen tomorrow ready to be decorated at the weekend so Ill need my energy haha

And whats going on on the front page? I must have missed that bit :dohh:

Glad Phoebe is feeling better hun and that you enjoyed your chinese feast! xxx

To add insult to injury I think I have a cold coming on! Had a sore throat since I woke up and now got the 'snuffles'. Humph. I might get DH to phone my knob of a boss tomorrow and tell him I'm sick. That will go down like a lead balloon!! Lol XXX
I agree, they phoned me quickly after I had my GTT to tell me I had GD.
I'm really glad, I hate needles etc. I've noticed my morning fasting blood sugars are rising! :'( The problem you started having right?
I have a scan tomorrow and see the diabetic team so shall see what they say! xx
I don't know what the symptoms are ceecee, I'm stearing well clear of google lol. I just hope I don't have it but if I do, I hope I deal with it as well as you are.

Mmmmm......... chinese! We had pizza and garlic bread for dinner, wasn't spectacular but it filled a hole! And I'm making turkey stir fry for dinner tomorrow cos hubby is at football and he won't eat it lol. xxx

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