Limbo Ladies!!

Vicki- Glad the class was enjoyable! :) And also seems like test went ok too? Like I said they called me pretty damn quick so I'd assume you're fine.

TaNasha - sorry to hear no news about when you go back :( hope you get answers soon!
& also, try not to worry, bubs had a quiet day with me 2 days ago... Bleh, it was horrible, she's such an active baby usually I'm begging her to calm down with the movements. I got my doppler out for reassurance, and did make it to ten movements in the whole day, which they say is fine, anything less than that , or to ease your mind, call a midwife :hugs:

Kim- No problem lovely! You do not look like a whale. I know how you feel though but I think we all feel huge right now! :hugs: I had a crappy nights sleep lastnight, infact I have pretty much awful sleep everynight.

Barbles- 5am! Sounds like your mum's exactly like mine..haha.

Michelle- I've heard it's pretty common for you to poop in labour, but apparently the midwives are very discreet and clean it up quickly before you notice. Apparently. Also have you seen the program psychoville? haha the midwife on that played by Dawn French says to a father to be "When you're pushing down with all your might, a baby isn't the only thing that comes out" haha. It doesn't happen to everyone though. I don't think I'll care at that point.

Claire- can't wait to see the pictures! everything's coming along nicely then :) Can't wait to set the cot up.

Kate- Hi lovely and welcome! :) nice to meet you. Sounds like you're in the right place hehe. I will never leave the limbo ladies, now I'm here I wont want to part from it. I'm on here more than 3rd tri still and i'm at 33 weeks now. This is my favourite thread and every one of the ladies is amazing here.! xx

I went to hospital today for growth scan and routine meeting with diabetics and consultant.
Baby is still measuring small, but not small enough to worry about, they think she's just a small girl, and are happy, she's growing fine, she's just on the small side. So that's a relief.
Diabetics team are pleased, Since I started seeing them at the beginning of march, til now i've only gained 3lbs (2lbs gained the past week) so they're really pleased with me, as the baby is growing fine and I AM eating, not starving myself, they're happy! If however my morning fasting numbers stay high I might need to go on metformin tablets. But no mention of insulin or being induced at this stage.
So I have another app. for 2 weeks today.
My coq au vin (think I spelt that right?) is in the oven about to burn because I love to type too much. So I'm going to have to run and get that. Eat that, bath, then docs to pic up more diabetic stuff, annoying.

xxx love to you all
hellooooo! finally on lunch so can catch up!!!!!!! just to make you hate me, dad bought me fishcake n chips from the chippy for lunch mmmmmmmmm! he forgot the vinegar but il let him off coz he got them lool!
Antenatal class was fab! Learnt a lot and look forward to the next one which is breast feeding! It also made me decide that I don’t want any drugs other than gas and air! She went through the pros and cons of epidural and pethadin and the cons are enough to make me know I 100% don’t want them! Luckily Bournemouth hospital don’t offer epis anyway so I don’t have the choice, if I wanted an epi it would class me as a high risk birth (!!) so would have to be transferred to the sister hospital which deals with all the c sections and high risk births!

I don’t know weather to say good news or not cee cee! Not so good news about insulin but FAB news that your little beauty will be here in 5 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How friggin exciting!!!!!!!!!! No sweepstake guesses for you!!!! Maybe we can guess weight instead hehe!

Vicki im the same – nothing ready at all! We move home in just over a week so my plans of having everything ready and lovely at 34 weeks are out the window! But as soon as maternity rolls round I can do it all pretty quick :D

YAY poo!! I love poo talk! Me and oh are pretty sick, I poo infront of him and vice versa! And ive seen his, he has seen mine LOL! We all do it so why hide it hehe! But I have always wondered how common it is in birth! Last night kind of confirmed that im pretty sure I will poopey when pushing! She told us that we are told to push into our bottoms, I mean surly if we push hard enough, unless we are empty something will come out! I don’t mind anyways, only chris and the old dear will see hehe! Will be even funnier if it happens in the birthing pool! Floater!!!

Also learnt at the class….do not use caster oil (I think that was it) as it is a pure laxative…and it does help bring on labour but it will also make you shit for 24 hours and the contractions come on too fast so baby gets distressed!! Tip of the day!

Vicki your class description was fab, il just lean on yours!!! Mine was short n sweet lol! Mine was sim to yours other than we didn’t go round introducing ourselves and how many weeks etc which was crappy! I was kind of expecting it…so didn’t really make any friends but oh well!

Claire your hubby is fab! Saw it all on FB hehe! Bet you were over the moon! I loooooooooove the colour of your kiddies room too! Yellow is one of my fav colours (along with pink haha). Thank god im not having a girl she would live in yellow and pink!

Hiiiiiiii KTB!!! Nice to see a new face! Getting sick of these preggos :pPPPPP

LOL michelle im the same! I think we are all going to be in limbo till we drop! This thread was really just an excuse to have somewhere for all of us to talk wasn’t it lol!

TaNasha don’t worry about the movement, its common for less movement as time goes on but if you don’t feel anything by 2 nite id def ring MW to be sure! She will probs get you to go in to have a listen…or do you have a Doppler??

Aww rach glad your scan went well! What is the diabetics team…is that coz you have gest diab or you have diabetes already?

And whats a coq au vin?!!!! Sounds swish!!!!!
Baby moved! hooray! She made this very weird wiggle which I have never felt before- my belly moved along like a mexican wave ( i think thats what its called?)! So i think she might have just been in a weird position!

Samirafish and chips- yumm!!! Here in Holland you dont get proper chips like you do in the UK- all salty and with loads of vinegar! How I crave this now!
Ohhhhhhh Samira samira samira, you dont half make me laugh! I dont know if i will ever be in the position to poo in front on anyone, im still one of those 'have a shower/poo' kind of people. I fully expect it will happen tho, dont think Tom will mind, he will just wind me up about it cause he knows i get embarrassed!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm fish and chips, YUMMY. I might get mommy to treat me to a macdonalds on the way to..................DERREN BROWN................. yay how exciting. Im going with my mom and brother later.

Ive just made it home to the midlands from leeds, and im so glad to be here. I just relax straight away when im home. Still waiting to hear about the house i applied for, but the estate agent has had the past 2 days off so fingers crossed i hear tomorrow.

Hello to all my fellow lovely ladies in Limbo! I have a huge favor to ask of you! If you have a facebook page could you do me a HUGE favor and go onto this site and vote for my picture in a Maternity Photo contest. I'm entered to win a free 3D/4D ultrasound package and I'd really like to win it so I can take my 3 daughters to go see there little brother before he's born. The contest ends May 31st and right now I'm in the lead but I would like to stay there. I would be highly grateful and extremely appreciative!

Here's the link to the contest, I hope it works! My name is Lyndi Vachalik. Thank you so so much!!

Love and Good Health to all you mommy's to be!!
Samira, you really crack me up! I don't mind pooing infront of hubby either, he's seen me in all sorts of states, drunk, ill, in labour, in recovery etc so a poo really is nothing lol.

I've got my cot all dressed and ready for my baby girl, it's so sweet! Will get pics on soon. The room is nowhere near finished, need to get wall stickers, laminate and new curtains AND a rug lol. But the cot is ready and I'm so excited! :happydance: I've even sorted out the bath box and nappy box. I think I'm ready for baby now - but I'm happy to wait another 12 weeks (9 til I'm full term lol) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Afternoon ladies!

I was all ready to go to work this morning when DH took one look at me, grabbed my phone and called my boss to tell him I wouldn't be in. Seems I have a summer cold and as Jessica has decided to sit extremely low today I can barely walk so I'm at home chilling out. I hope everybody is all good and I am about to try to catch up on everything...

Welcome MrsKTB - I remember you from second tri - welcome to limbo :) XXX
Samira - you do make me laugh with how honest you are lol glad the antenatal class went well, I realised last night that I'll have my second antenatal class just a week before I give birth - well at least it should be fresh in my mind eh?

Claire/Barbles - I hope your gorgeous little ones are letting you both have a rest :) xxx

Michelle - I have to second Vicki's statement and that with IBS I'm totally used to having a very unpredictable tummy! My DH got quite the shock at how quickly things can 'turn' so to speak lol. Sorry to hear your back isn't feeling so good hun hope it gets better soon XXX

TaNasha - I second that and now crave proper fish and chips - why did Samira have to mention it lol xxx

Rachyroux - glad to hear all went well with your appointment hun. I think one of the main reasons they put me on the insulin is because my morning levels were constantly rising and were getting bigger gaps between readings so perhaps they may not have to give you any meds if your levels calm down?? The coq au vin sounds lush by the way - check you out masterchef!! xxx

Sorry if I've forgotten anything or anyone!!

Love to all you lovely limbo ladies XXX
CeeCee, there's a woman in our group who's due a week or two after our last session. We're hoping she'll be the real-life demonstration at the Saturday all-day sesh!

Hope you feel a tad better soon - you finish work soon anyway don't you? Hurray for that! Can't beat IBS to give you a shock. Many the time where we've been relaxed in front of the TV and all of a sudden I've had to leg it. Horrendous. Plus there was the time we were walking back from a rugby match (about a 20-min walk) and 5 minutes in I had an 'attack' that left me doubled over in agony. Had to shamefully run into a pub (which ironically I sold a few months later in a deal at work). :( Turns out that the problem that night was the Lancashire speciality of black peas!! Lol.

Had meeting with boss. Ate lunch (pork with noodles was niiiiice but small portion insufficient for preggo woman!) then spent over an hour talking about my current matters, yawn yawn. At least it's over now for another few weeks.
Hey ceecee! Good to hear from you, sorry you're not feeling well :( But I'm glad you have a good hubby who called into the twunt for you.

My cot is done!!!!



Jaydens bed.jpg

dressed cot.jpg


We still need to get laminate, a rug, curtains and wall stickers then it's finished! :happydance: xxx
Aw Claire, you will have two happy kiddos in that room! Jayden must feel like a big boy in charge of his little sister! What mobile have you got? I am very fussy and want something colourful but not imposing and featuring animals (like lions, giraffes and zebras - lol!). I can't find anything that quite satisfies my requirements but yours looks nice!
Hey CeeCee. Glad to hear you're having a rest today. Sounds like you definitely need it!

Michelle- I had to have a few paracetomal at about 9 weeks to bring my temperature down as I had flu. Every ache and pain since then, I've resisted taking any more 'just in case' but both my midwife and doctor told me not to be ridiculous and in some cases, it's actually better to take them than struggle on without.

Claire- your cot is gorgeous :) Love the room colours too. I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait until 4th July for our furniture to be delivered!!

TaNasha- glad bubba has woken up for you. Quiet days are the worst!

Welcome to Limbo Kate! A few of us are probably well past the limbo stage in here now, but none of us are going to leave!

Samira- you and your OH definitely don't have any secrets do you?! I'll pee in front of my OH but that's about as far as it goes. That could well all change after labour though!

Rachy- sounds like you're handling your GD really well. No wonder they're so pleased with you :)

Vicki- you've made me all excited about the antenatal classes now. Roll on 4th June!
My mobile is from Mothercare, it's the My Jungle Family range. Very sweet and quite small, I love it! But if you want it you'll need to get it soon, it's all 'last chance to buy'. He's been at his childminders today so he hasn't seen it all yet, he'll love it! xxx
Ta Claire, looks like you got there in time as it's out of stock now! There's one with elephants I quite like but it might be a bit boring. Hmm, my hunt continues! Quite a lot of baby stuff is a bit boring though, it's so difficult to find colourful things that are also nice!

I've been very lucky to be given a ton of stuff from various people but am now threatened to be overloaded with stuff I don't want and/or need. I currently run the risk of owning three bouncy chairs (I don't like any of them!), I already have three top-and-tail bowls even though everyone says they're a waste of time and space and I have a baby gym that has stains etc on it from someone else's child! The only thing I've asked for is my goddaughter's moses basket but that will apparently be coming with a 'pile of baby crap' as well! Anyone have any innovative ways of dealing with peoples' generosity?! I don't want everything to just end up sat in our loft in case they ever ask for it back....!!

PS: Does anyone want either a top and tail bowl or a bouncy chair? And does anyone know how to get mystery stains out of baby gyms?!
Samira- I have Gestational diabetes, probably triggered from having Polycystic Ovary syndrome.Glad you enjoyed your antenatal class!
& Coq au vin is chicken in like a dark winey sauce ( burnt off alcohol with heat ) with mushrooms and shallots. Sounds nice yes? It was gross. The chicken was so fatty it made me feel sick! haha so that went down the pan

Tanasha- glad she moved hun, and you'll get more of those weird movements soon, they started for me at about 30 weeks now I have a morphing belly! haha.

Michelle- wow you lucky thing, he's great! and mmm fish chips, mcdonalds. ahhhhh So hungry! I hope you hear something tomorrow

Claire- I bet you your cot looks lovely, that's the part i'm looking forward to too, Roll on June 2nd when moving process begins!
*edit- just seen the pics of the room, gorgeous!!!! So sweet. Bet it's made you excited :)

CeeCee- sadly I didn't make the coq au vin, tescos finest range, but it was gross. So disappointing. You deserve a day off, hell you deserve lots of days off :hugs: your boss is the biggest tosser I've ever heard of. :hugs:

Vicki - food sounds, well, lovely.I like pork with stirfry style foods. Hehe I sound so fat today, i'm here going mmmm food *drool*
& You're lucky you got given lots! and unlucky too that you're overloaded! we got given lots of clothes second hand to be fair but bought pretty much everything else. We have too much 0-3 month clothes, no others haha. I have no idea how to get stains out of anything sorry hun!

I handed in the forms to the agency we're renting the house from, now we just wait to hear from them, then we go in to sign contract. So fingers crossed.

Phew, I think that's all the catching up done. I'll be with OH at his tonight so apologies if I'm not on again today, but as usual i'll be on in the morning. :)
Vivki, my top and tail bowl was used every single day until Jayden was about a year! Babies don't need a bath every night but need their eyes and creases washed every day, so whoever told you it was useless was talking nonsense lol.

Rach, I'm sorry your dinner wasn't nice! I don't ever buy the 'finest' ranges, its a rip off if you ask me lol xxx
Havent had a proper catch up but hope all the ladies are well today.

Room is looking lovely Claire

Vickie, I used my top and tail everyday too, Phoebe has very sensitive skin so we couldnt bath her too much as it dried her skin out more and she is sensitve to all the lotions and potions.

Did the massive clean today with my mum, OH, dad and my brother are painting and fitting lino at the weekend and then its just some more de-cluttering to fit little man in.

Had to go docs today, Ive got a very dark mole that has started itching so I thought id better get it checked. He thinks its ok at the moment but if it changes at all or gets worse I have to go back and then will get a referral to a skin specialist. Was very scary to be honest sitting there while he was checking skin cancer things and discussing melanomas (sp?) :nope: so hopefully its just an irritation and it will settle down again. Im quite tempted to see if I can get it removed when Jacob is here anyways.

Waiting for Phoebe to fall asleep then its sparko time for me xx
Claire- I never by it normally but it was reduced from like a fiver to a pound something so I thought I'd try it, and it was nice the first time I had it. Maybe it's my taste changing but oh god it made me want to be sick!

Barbles- Hope it's just irritation, can't imagine the worry you must have felt :hugs:
Aww Barbles, that must have been horrible hearing him talk like that. Hopefully it'll clear up soon- I'm sure it'll be nothing to worry about.

Rachy- sorry the coq au vin was rubbish. Hate it when you're looking forward to something and it turns out to be disappointing! We also seem to be overloaded with 0-3 months clothes for some reason! I was sorting out all of his clothes over the weekend and found that he only has one newborn 'outfit' to wear but tons in 0-3! I don't really want lots of newborn clothes as I know he'll only be in them 5 minutes but it would be nice for the poor kid to have more than one thing to wear!

Well, I'm off to Chesterfield today to spend the day with my 10 weeks pregnant friend and her 3 kids! I must say, she does an absolutely fantastic job and her kids are wonderful. Obviously I can say this as I don't have to deal with them at bedtimes, mealtimes etc ;)

Hope you girls all have a good day :)

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