Limbo Ladies!!

Michelle, you're not think lol. Just new at this! When Jayden was born it was freezing, in March, and he wore a vest (as above) a pair of socks and an all-in-one sleep suit. He lived in that most of the time really. But my summer he was in proper clothes so I'm also wondering what I should put on a new baby at the end of summer. Probably a vest, socks and cardigan? Usually they say babies should wear one more layer than we would. xxx
Im not allowed to go to TT either as Ill be 37 weeks and live 5 hours away from Wembley lol. I have the tickets at home too (tickets were bought the day I conceived this little one funnily enough) but I have to give them to my friend who bought them off me :cry: It will be a sad day.

I would put the vests on underneath Michelle, as they will be newborn. If you think she is getting hot you can always strip her off anyways. It is one layer more than us, Ive heard that too.

Phoebe was born in December so she was bundled up to the high heavens, Im a bit worried about this summer baby malarky :haha: whether they are too hot/cold, putting suncream on etc.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr man, why didnt i think of timing the seasons when i accidently got pregnant! xxxx
Michelle I was wondering the same thing about the vests! Its all so confusing!
Morning all :)

How are all you fabulous ladies this morning? Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Barbles but if you're not well go home hun. Although saying that I'm still suffering with this bloody cold and I'm in work too lol. I resemble rudolph the red nosed reindeer and sound like Roz from Monsters Inc - deep joy!

You know sometimes when you try to sleep but you can't because you have so much whizzing around in your head it becomes impossible to drift off? I literally had about an hours sleep last night, I feel like my head is about to explode. What a weekend its been.

Feel free to ignore this before it gets too long !!

Saturday morning I said goodbye to my gorgeous fur baby, Stella. I sobbed my heart out but the good news is she's settled into her new home perfectly and so it seems that I don't need to worry about her.

We then headed to go visit my brother in law and his fiancee and on the way there my hubby dropped the bombshell (he's good at these lately, first the cat now this) that he's been offered the job in York again and that he really wants to take it but he knows that we made a deal and that its up to me if he accepts the job or not. My DH is in the Army and there's only about 130 soldiers in the army who do the same job as him and he's the youngest ever to qualify and pass the course. It would appear that he's been doing a really good job in his current posting here and the unit in York has specifically asked for him to be their next man in the job. DH would normally have to wait 6 years now for a promotion but its more than likely that he'll be promoted after this next posting now (if he takes it) because its very high profile.

So the obvious decision at this point would be to accept wouldnt it? Well here's where it gets sucky. We would have to move in March 2012 which means the posting would be longer (DH's postings are 2 years, this would now be nearly 3) but he would be going to Afghanistan in Nov 2012 and I will be left in a city where I know nobody, being a single parent for 6 months with a young child and am 5 hours from home. I want to do the right thing by DH so I have pretty much resigned myself to moving in March but I am petrified.

So Anywho, cried about this on way to Brother in laws which made DH feel bad which I never meant to do, I understand its his career that keeps us afloat and he's worked too bloody hard to pass up chances like these, I just hate the thought of being away from him for 6 months. Although if I say 26 weeks it sounds better somehow!

Anyways, get to brother in laws and it turns out MIL, FIL and the nephew (from hell as I shall now refer to him) have invited themselves along too. No problems thus far you say? Well nephew decided to be as horrible about Jessica as you can imagine and don't get me wrong I know he's 7 but nobody was telling him off. He even bumped into my stomach on purpose about 3 times when we all went for a walk and I said to him to stop doing it and he said "and what are you going to do about it huh? I'll do what I like!" I swear to god my child will be so much nicer than him!!

Anyways, I was so glad to leave there in the end!! Had a lovely BBQ and when I tested my sugar levels before bed they'd shot up and so I had to phone the hospital. The original nurse I spoke to was about as helpful as a chocolate fireguard but eventually a proper midwife phoned me back and she said that if my sugars keep going up and if my growth scan shows that Jess is big on her growth scan on June 1st I may have to be induced there and then. Firstly, that scares the living daylights out of me as I will only be 35 weeks and I'm worried about my little munchkin being that early and secondly we're supposed to be moving house on the third!!

Then yesterday, I spoke to my dad and he's got to go to hospital for a check up on Friday. He's always had a minor problem with his kidneys but now the doctor has frightened him and said he's not sure if they're failing or not. My dad is so scared and worried bless him and I am for him.

I guess its just all too much to take in at the moment really. Everything seems like its just completely out of control and I don't feel like I'm doing anything to help anybody or doing whats best for anybody.

Sorry for another moan, you ladies must be so incredibly sick of me moaning by now. I guess I just know that I can talk to you ladies about anything and you guys don't judge me and give great advice. So, if you're still awake after reading all of that, advice please?!!

Love to you all XXX
Ceecee where are you i need to ask a moving in question?????????? xxxxxxxxxx

I'm here hun what do you need to know?

Oh Ceecee, you let it all out. Fingers crossed you dont have to be induced there and then! But IF you do, everything will work out for the best in the end. Likewise with the Hubby situation. If you get involved with some mother and baby groups you could find some women close to you and become close to them. Thinking of you lovely. xxxx

Have you heard of 'Paragon' they are sorting out the referencing for my estate agent, and the last i told you they were waiting on the reference from the NHS. I just had an email from Paragon insurance quoting for contents insurance etc, but it says at the start "We have completed the referencing for your tenancy application for bla bla bla" Does this mean its all done? xxxx
Ceecee where are you i need to ask a moving in question?????????? xxxxxxxxxx

I'm here hun what do you need to know?

Oh Ceecee, you let it all out. Fingers crossed you dont have to be induced there and then! But IF you do, everything will work out for the best in the end. Likewise with the Hubby situation. If you get involved with some mother and baby groups you could find some women close to you and become close to them. Thinking of you lovely. xxxx

Have you heard of 'Paragon' they are sorting out the referencing for my estate agent, and the last i told you they were waiting on the reference from the NHS. I just had an email from Paragon insurance quoting for contents insurance etc, but it says at the start "We have completed the referencing for your tenancy application for bla bla bla" Does this mean its all done? xxxx

In theory, yes it means its all done but that doesn't necessarily tell you what 'grade' you passed the referencing on. I wouldn't worry about it though hunny bun as they wouldn't be giving you quotes for contents insurance if you hadn't passed :) So I would be pretty confident in saying congrats hun :) XXX
Ceecee where are you i need to ask a moving in question?????????? xxxxxxxxxx

I'm here hun what do you need to know?

Oh Ceecee, you let it all out. Fingers crossed you dont have to be induced there and then! But IF you do, everything will work out for the best in the end. Likewise with the Hubby situation. If you get involved with some mother and baby groups you could find some women close to you and become close to them. Thinking of you lovely. xxxx

Have you heard of 'Paragon' they are sorting out the referencing for my estate agent, and the last i told you they were waiting on the reference from the NHS. I just had an email from Paragon insurance quoting for contents insurance etc, but it says at the start "We have completed the referencing for your tenancy application for bla bla bla" Does this mean its all done? xxxx

In theory, yes it means its all done but that doesn't necessarily tell you what 'grade' you passed the referencing on. I wouldn't worry about it though hunny bun as they wouldn't be giving you quotes for contents insurance if you hadn't passed :) So I would be pretty confident in saying congrats hun :) XXX

Oh i hope so, im going to wait for her to call me. But my Mum works next door to the estate agent so shes going to go in on her break today and see whats been said. Im going to view it tonight aswell eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. I so want this to be good news xxxxxxxx
Ceecee - Poor babe! I’ve never been away from my family but understand that it must be hard especially when you have a new baby and need that support network around you! You’ll have to come on BnB so we can all chat and keep you company. I’ll even give you my email address to keep in touch!

Induced on the 1st June!! Wow so early! That must have been a shock! Ceecee you might have a baby by next week :) you’ll be the first one amongst the limbo ladies!

I hope your dad is fine. Is it the one kidney?

I think you need some :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Ceecee - Poor babe! I’ve never been away from my family but understand that it must be hard especially when you have a new baby and need that support network around you! You’ll have to come on BnB so we can all chat and keep you company. I’ll even give you my email address to keep in touch!

Induced on the 1st June!! Wow so early! That must have been a shock! Ceecee you might have a baby by next week :) you’ll be the first one amongst the limbo ladies!

I hope your dad is fine. Is it the one kidney?

I think you need some :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm hoping that everything is fine and she doesn't need to make an appearance that early but I just want Jess to be safe, so worried about my little princess :(

My dad's always had problems with both kidneys. On an xray it literally looks like on a cartoon when somebody takes a bite out of something??? Thats what my dads kidneys look like. He's never had major major problems but lately he's been getting more and more little niggles and I'm just hoping its the stupid (not his regular) doctor causing him to worry over nothing.

Thanks for the hugs hun. I know I'm a strong person and I could do it I'm just petrified of doing it if that makes sense?? XXX
Morning lovely ladies.

Sorry to hear barbles that you're not well :( , I hope you get well soon :flow:

Happy 33 weeks Yasmin. :)

Claire- I saw a picture of your lovely Jayden on a thread earlier (where you had mentioned you were excited to see if baby will have the same hair colour as him,) and can I just say he is so gorgeous, and his hair colour is beautiful.!

Vicki- You're far braver than me, fair play to you for working for another 6 weeks. Also sorry to hear about the masses of cat hair :( how irratating.

Michelle & Tanasha- I'm finding it all quite confusing too, don't worry!

Mrspop- how are you today? xx

Ceecee- Sounds like you need lots of cuddles! I'm sorry I don't have much advice.
Glad to hear Stella has settled in well, i'm sure she'll be very happy in her new home.
Sounds like your in a dilemma with the moving, what do you want to happen? I can totally understand why you are feeling so worried etc.
You'd be with your young child, alone and far away from people, it's completely understandable that it doesn't sound so appealing.
As for your nephew, he sounds like an absolute nightmare, I know he's a child but I can't believe he was purposely bumping into your tummy and no one told him off! Ugh.. you probably handled it much better than I would've!
Sorry to hear that your father has worried. I really hope everything's fine. Surely the doctor shouldn't have said that if he wasn't sure it was happening?
& Also, you might not end up being induced , but think positively that you might be induced. Don't be scared, I know it's hard to listen to that, ha ha,
But your princess will be fine if she comes early I'm sure of it. They'll take good care of her, and she wont be far from being considered full term. I'm also sure everyone will do a good job of moving for you if you're not able to! Just think of it this way. You could be meeting your beautiful baby girl sooner than you realised.
It really sounds like you're having a hell of a time, :hugs: And I hope things look up for you soon.
I’m sure babies born at 35 weeks are fine, you’re classed as full term at 37 weeks aren’t you? Maybe you can ask your doctor if they can wait till you are 37 weeks and if not I am assuming they don’t want to wait for a good reason? Your lil girl will be fine xxx

You are strong and you can get through it :)
Oh ceecee, you poor thing! I'd be completely terrified aswell about moving so far away aswell! But as you say this is what hubby wants so I can completely see why you're so torn! But it's easy to make new friends when you have a baby, trust me! I have lots of ladies I know now that I wouldn't have known had I not had Jayden. And he's got lots of new friends, thanks to our mother and toddler group. Whatever you decide, it will all work out. And I'm pretty sure York is closer to me than where you are now :haha: Only joking hun, I can see why you're completely stuck. We'll all be here for you :hugs:

And your poor dad! I hope it's just a scare and that he'll be ok :hugs: And if Jess comes at 35 weeks they'll give her steriods just to be sure her lungs are mature but they obviously think she'll be just fine, so try not to worry too much.

But I'm glad to head Stella is settling in nicely :) That must be a relief compared to what you were going through last week - see, sometimes things really do work out for the best.

Thank you Rach, he is gorgeous isn't he? :haha: He's gonna break some hearts when he's older. That was a while ago but he's just as gorgeous now, if not more! xxx
I just want him to be happy and not end up resenting me for taking away what is quite frankly an amazing opportunity. I guess I know what I married into and have to accept that, might have been a bit naive about what an army wife had to go through before!

I would be about 3hrs 45 mins from you Claire so not too far :)

If I agree to this move though I will be making three conditions...

1) Jessica will be christened in the church we got married in in my home town. No arguments and I don't care if his parents don't like it and have to stay in a hotel.
2) I will not be driving to visit his parents every month whilst he's away. If they want to see Jess and I then they can come to us. I hate where they live and as ya'll know I am not their biggest fans anyways!! However, I will visit my parents whenever I like and not be accused of double standards.
3) After this posting we go to the posting of my choosing which will HAVE TO BE under an hour away from my parents as he's broken his side of the deal this time.

Reasonable???!!! xxx
I just want him to be happy and not end up resenting me for taking away what is quite frankly an amazing opportunity. I guess I know what I married into and have to accept that, might have been a bit naive about what an army wife had to go through before!

I would be about 3hrs 45 mins from you Claire so not too far :)

If I agree to this move though I will be making three conditions...

1) Jessica will be christened in the church we got married in in my home town. No arguments and I don't care if his parents don't like it and have to stay in a hotel.
2) I will not be driving to visit his parents every month whilst he's away. If they want to see Jess and I then they can come to us. I hate where they live and as ya'll know I am not their biggest fans anyways!! However, I will visit my parents whenever I like and not be accused of double standards.
3) After this posting we go to the posting of my choosing which will HAVE TO BE under an hour away from my parents as he's broken his side of the deal this time.

Reasonable???!!! xxx

Very very very reasonable!!! How much contact will you have with him when he is away for 6 months? We will do our best to help that fly by! xxxxx
I just want him to be happy and not end up resenting me for taking away what is quite frankly an amazing opportunity. I guess I know what I married into and have to accept that, might have been a bit naive about what an army wife had to go through before!

I would be about 3hrs 45 mins from you Claire so not too far :)

If I agree to this move though I will be making three conditions...

1) Jessica will be christened in the church we got married in in my home town. No arguments and I don't care if his parents don't like it and have to stay in a hotel.
2) I will not be driving to visit his parents every month whilst he's away. If they want to see Jess and I then they can come to us. I hate where they live and as ya'll know I am not their biggest fans anyways!! However, I will visit my parents whenever I like and not be accused of double standards.
3) After this posting we go to the posting of my choosing which will HAVE TO BE under an hour away from my parents as he's broken his side of the deal this time.

Reasonable???!!! xxx

Very very very reasonable!!! How much contact will you have with him when he is away for 6 months? We will do our best to help that fly by! xxxxx

Maybe an email every 2-3 days and a phone call (or if I'm very lucky a skype call) once or twice a week. Whilst he's away I'll just have a massive limbo ladies gathering at my house if we end up there!! I tell you what though now would so be the time I would be puffing on a cigarette if I wasn't pregnant - stressed much!! xxx
I just want him to be happy and not end up resenting me for taking away what is quite frankly an amazing opportunity. I guess I know what I married into and have to accept that, might have been a bit naive about what an army wife had to go through before!

I would be about 3hrs 45 mins from you Claire so not too far :)

If I agree to this move though I will be making three conditions...

1) Jessica will be christened in the church we got married in in my home town. No arguments and I don't care if his parents don't like it and have to stay in a hotel.
2) I will not be driving to visit his parents every month whilst he's away. If they want to see Jess and I then they can come to us. I hate where they live and as ya'll know I am not their biggest fans anyways!! However, I will visit my parents whenever I like and not be accused of double standards.
3) After this posting we go to the posting of my choosing which will HAVE TO BE under an hour away from my parents as he's broken his side of the deal this time.

Reasonable???!!! xxx

Very very very reasonable!!! How much contact will you have with him when he is away for 6 months? We will do our best to help that fly by! xxxxx

Maybe an email every 2-3 days and a phone call (or if I'm very lucky a skype call) once or twice a week. Whilst he's away I'll just have a massive limbo ladies gathering at my house if we end up there!! I tell you what though now would so be the time I would be puffing on a cigarette if I wasn't pregnant - stressed much!! xxx

oooooooooh a limbo gathering! That will help you pass the time im sure :) I bet hubby wont want to be away from you and Jess either will he :( Your in need of some very good luck soon Ceecee xxxx

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