Limbo Ladies!!

Aw CeeCee that sounds like such a tough situation, I think your conditions of moving sound great.

I wouldn't be too worried about what that MW said she sounds very dramatic. After all it was just a one off high readng wasn't it? And remember if you really don't want to be induced and Jess is fine in there you have every right to refuse chuck, just ask for monitoring instead. :hugs:

I'm fine ta Rachy. Been to physio today about my SPD, although I might as well just have stayed Home :) saw a nice student physio and she was fitting me for a bump support and this snooty skinny supervisor physio lady came in and said I needed an extra large belt because I'm 'clearly carrying a large pregnancy'...cheeky biatch. I'm measuring bang on normal for dates!

Going to physio again this avvy for my back. I'm certainly getting my money's worth from the NHS this pregnancy! :haha:
Yasmin- I'm ok thankyou lovely, tired as usual and fed up, want the baby out. Haha. I'm so uncomfortable it's unreal!

Claire- He is gorgeous, lovely looking boy, he's got beautiful eyes too, right little heartbreaker hehe.

Mrspop- what a cheeky cow. Probably doesn't help coming from someone skinny either. Ignore her. I went to physio the other month whilst having a bad back, and the man suggested a belt to support my bump, he said "but sadly we only have small size here at the surgery, which you clearly are not" Cheers! haha..I think I may have SPD. I didn't end up getting the belt when I had the back troubles.. I should have.

Ladies I can't believe how close we are all getting to the end..
Rachyroux - I loved your pics! And your hair looks lovely all dark and wavy!

MrsPop - what was the belt for? SPD? Is it one of those ones that goes around the back and tummy for support? I wanted one but my GP said I cant get it on the NHS.

Why are people so rude! and for someone who is a 'professional' too! I hope you gave her what for!
Yasmin- thankyou :hugs: & also I was offered a belt too by physio, for back support but It sounds like the same thing! xx
I just want him to be happy and not end up resenting me for taking away what is quite frankly an amazing opportunity. I guess I know what I married into and have to accept that, might have been a bit naive about what an army wife had to go through before!

I would be about 3hrs 45 mins from you Claire so not too far :)

If I agree to this move though I will be making three conditions...

1) Jessica will be christened in the church we got married in in my home town. No arguments and I don't care if his parents don't like it and have to stay in a hotel.
2) I will not be driving to visit his parents every month whilst he's away. If they want to see Jess and I then they can come to us. I hate where they live and as ya'll know I am not their biggest fans anyways!! However, I will visit my parents whenever I like and not be accused of double standards.
3) After this posting we go to the posting of my choosing which will HAVE TO BE under an hour away from my parents as he's broken his side of the deal this time.

Reasonable???!!! xxx

Very very very reasonable!!! How much contact will you have with him when he is away for 6 months? We will do our best to help that fly by! xxxxx

Maybe an email every 2-3 days and a phone call (or if I'm very lucky a skype call) once or twice a week. Whilst he's away I'll just have a massive limbo ladies gathering at my house if we end up there!! I tell you what though now would so be the time I would be puffing on a cigarette if I wasn't pregnant - stressed much!! xxx

oooooooooh a limbo gathering! That will help you pass the time im sure :) I bet hubby wont want to be away from you and Jess either will he :( Your in need of some very good luck soon Ceecee xxxx

Some good luck would be nice :) and a limbo gathering sounds good too! It would be like planning our own military operation ha ha XXX

Aw CeeCee that sounds like such a tough situation, I think your conditions of moving sound great.

I wouldn't be too worried about what that MW said she sounds very dramatic. After all it was just a one off high readng wasn't it? And remember if you really don't want to be induced and Jess is fine in there you have every right to refuse chuck, just ask for monitoring instead. :hugs:

I'm fine ta Rachy. Been to physio today about my SPD, although I might as well just have stayed Home :) saw a nice student physio and she was fitting me for a bump support and this snooty skinny supervisor physio lady came in and said I needed an extra large belt because I'm 'clearly carrying a large pregnancy'...cheeky biatch. I'm measuring bang on normal for dates!

Going to physio again this avvy for my back. I'm certainly getting my money's worth from the NHS this pregnancy! :haha:

I would slap the skinny cow from here to next week! Cheeky twit!! xxx
Just wanted to say hello - hope everyone had a nice weekend! I am exhausted, no day off this week...we held a family camp (i'm a camp director) which is a LOT of fun, but exhausting and although I tried to take care of myself and make sure I wasn't overdoing it, it wasn't always possible and my boss is being an asshole about a lot of things lately and pissing me it was kinda stressful. My bump was all achey yesterday and my feet and knees hurt like hell...but I think I'm ok today. So that was my weekend...hope everyone elses was better! lol
Just wanted to say hello - hope everyone had a nice weekend! I am exhausted, no day off this week...we held a family camp (i'm a camp director) which is a LOT of fun, but exhausting and although I tried to take care of myself and make sure I wasn't overdoing it, it wasn't always possible and my boss is being an asshole about a lot of things lately and pissing me it was kinda stressful. My bump was all achey yesterday and my feet and knees hurt like hell...but I think I'm ok today. So that was my weekend...hope everyone elses was better! lol

Mine was boring! I colour co-ordinated my wardrobe haha.

Mmmmmmmmm im eating the best cheese, tomato, cucumber and salad wrap yum yum xxx
Was this physio at the hospital? I will get my GP to refer me cos every time I ask them for help they keep turning me away. I was even told that I didnt need to see them during the pregnancy but my hospital told me that they get paid for shared care so they are supposed to! Grrr!
Can I just say, a limbo gathering sounds like a hell of alot of fun! Lol, ceecee, I'll come visit you if you need to move, and those requests are more than reasonable. I know I couldn't be an army wife, that's for sure. My friend, her hubby and 2 kids got shipped to Germany then he was sent to Iraq so she was left in Germany with 2 boys and no-one around her :( At least in York you're still in the same country :thumbup:

I had the midwife this afternoon, took ages to find the heartbeat because she kept shifting but we got it eventually. And everything else is fine, don't need to see anyone until 34 weeks now xxx
16th June = MY MOVING IN DATE. Yay its all official. Im so so so so happy. Im designing the house now yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx
Congrats Michelle!! So exciting that you'll be in your new place soon :)

Yasmin- hope you're feeling better now hon. Must have been pretty scary fainting like that. I've had a few dizzy spells but no full on faints!

Barbles- how are you feeling now? Poor you :(

MrsPop- what a cheeky cow she was! It's even worse when super skinny people look down their nose at you. They're the kind of people that think a size 14 is massive!

Rachy- love your pictures from a few pages back. You're one stunning bird!! I may have to put a few pics on here tomorrow (once I'm back on my laptop at home) and scare you all!

Claire- glad the GTT came back all clear for you :thumbup:

CeeCee- you are truly having the worst run of luck at the moment :nope: Firstly, at least that's positive that Stella is settling into her new home well. I hope that's giving you some peace of mind. Wow, let's hope Jess can stay put a little longer for you but if you have to be induced, at least you know it's for the best for you and her. 35 weeks sounds scary early but if it's any consolation, I was born at 29 weeks and was even able to breathe on my own (and that was almost 30 years ago- think how much more advanced things are now!). I know it will be tough for you if you are away from your OH for 6 months in a city you're not familiar with. Although I had my OH with me, I moved 5 hours away from all of my family when I was 17 to be with him, which was really tough. I found it hard to be social at that age with others to start with as I was so used to my support network at home. But you're older and wiser than me (plus a lot more outgoing than I used to be- now I'll talk to anyone lol) and as Claire said, there'll be loads of mother and baby groups where you can meet others and start to build a network of friends. And remember- us limbo lot are going nowhere :winkwink:

How is everyone else doing? Sorry if I've missed people out- trying to catch up on all of the pages in between working!

I've had a really chaotic weekend! Had a wonderful time with my friend on Friday. Talked babies the whole time predictably, and she gave me a load of baby clothes as well as a Baby Bjorn sling she never used and a blanket that she had hand knitted with the help of her nan, which was absolutely gorgeous. Jason Manford was really good too- we even got to meet him and get a pic afterwards :) It was a late night though- got to bed at 1am!

Saturday was mad busy again. Went into Manchester and met up with a couple of friends for lunch and a mooch around the shops and in the evening, OH and I went up to Bolton for a wedding evening do. The bride and I had a good chat (she's 25 weeks pregnant!) and we were comparing notes lol. No dancing for me but it was still another late night and another 1am bedtime!

Yesterday we had the match at Old Trafford (not that I'm complaining about that!) which was brilliant. After the match and celebrations, we met up with another friend who is over visting from New York at the moment and we had a meal with him. He also gave us a bag full of clothes for our boy which he'd bought at Macy's :happydance: It was a midnight bedtime last night so needless to say, an early night with a chinese in on the cards tonight!

I'm paying for the busy weekend though as my back is in absolute agony now. It feels like a constant burning right down from my right shoulder blade to the bottom of my back. The only time I'm comfortable in bed is when I lie on my back but I can't stay like that for long. So at the moment, I'm completely encased by pillows in bed every night! Not sure what sort of state I'll be in, in 9 weeks' time though!!
I do feel better! The worst one had to be in my first trimester where I hit the floor hard and the right side on my face hurt for a week! The Docs just say that I am prone to fainting and there isn’t really anything that can be done.

I love getting things from other people. I’m not fussy about getting second hand things at all. Just happy that I get to save the pennies for other baby stuff!

I haven’t been to the Trafford shopping centre in years! I used to live it there when I visited my uncle.

Ohh clothes from the US! I wish I had family living there! My in laws from SA are sending me something so I’m looking forward to getting those :)

I have the same pain in my back!! I don’t get any relief till I’m in bed and even then I toss and turn as the same position starts to hurt me after a while. My GP told me there is nothing she can do except to take paracetamol and live with it…moody cow!
Michelle - congrats on the house!!!! :dance:

yasmin - you certainly CAN get those belts on the NHS. Your GP probably doesn't know much about SPD because tbf we don't get taught much about that in med school. I was aware of it but not really knowledgable about it until I got preggy. I got my referral through the MW after a few weeks of me pressing her for it. It's specialist Obstetric Physio rather than your bog standard physio.

There isn't much that can be done about SPD which the evil biatch physio took great pleasure in telling me and I took great pleasure is snootily telling her I knew that. Main thing is not standing/walking for prolonged periods, keeping a good posture etc. The bump thing (which looks like a torture device) is supposed to support your back and under your bump. I'll give it a go but to be fair ive only got 6 weeks n 3 days till im due and finishing work has helped ease the pain.

Waitingforastork - did you enjoy the footie celebrations? I can't wait till next season, I'm a Liverpool supporter and think with King Kenny at the helm we may give you lots a bit more of a challenge (I hope I hope I hope :haha:)
God, what a bloomin' busy day. I got a call at 4.30pm on Friday from a client who had agreed to sell some properties to I was here 'til 7 on Friday night drafting the docs and have spent literally ALL DAY trying to get this thing completed but failing at the last hurdle, the money transfer cut-off time has beaten us to it! Gutting, I've worked like a bitch today. Lol! And I know full-well that any and all moaning from the clients will be aimed at we solicitors who believe it or not cannot just magic up a completion from thin air on next-to-no notice. RANT!

Anyway, great news on the house Michelle - bet you can't wait to get in now! You'll be able to get some maximum nesting done before the little one arrives hopefully.

CeeCee, York is an amazing place and I'm sure you'll love it. Where there's a will there's a way and if you're keen to get out and meet people I don't think there's any better time to do it than when you have a young baby. Just from a quick look around in sunny Wigan there are mums and tots groups, breastfeeding support groups, playgroups, NCT groups, baby singing, baby swimming, baby-everything groups - I'm pretty sure that if you're the confident mum about town willing to get out there and meet folks and build up a network, you'll do it in no time. Will there be other army WAGs there too? Really good news for your husband though, sounds like his career is going from strength to strength which must be a great support (although I would absolutely hate the time when he's on tour, that must be awful). Good luck - and hope Jessica gets to stay cosy for a little while longer too, but whatever happens will be for the best for you both and you can always say no if you don't feel comfortable with her arriving so early like the other ladies have said.

Hoping to go home soon - the city's a bit of a mare tonight as Manchester City are parading around to celebrate something (genuinely don't know what, not a footie fan at all!) and all the roads are shut. I've been waking up with really sore hips in the night, hope to God I'm not developing any problems. When they really hurt it's only comfortable if I lie on my back which I try not to do. It must be a complete pain in the arse sleeping next to me at the moment, fidgeting all night!

Have nice evenings all!
Ooooh, also I had a question. We had a discussion about girls' names on Friday which we are shite with. What do you reckon:

Jennifer Marie
Sophia Marie

The middle name is important to me so that's to stay but not sure about the first name. Husband likes them both and came up with Jennifer originally, I am more keen on Sophia (which our friend came up with whilst having a beer in our lounge on Friday night!) but still don't know! I don't like Sophie so it's Sophia or bust. HELP!!
Anyone else getting very painful kicks? ouch. I wince every time. I also have a dodgy belly often. Like aches, as in I've eaten something bad ache. But haven't? :S

Michelle- congrats :) bet you can't wait now!

Kim- Thankyou :hugs: definately get some pics up :)

Vicki- I LOVE both names but edge towards Sophia Marie. Beautiful!

Braven- Sorry to hear you're exhausted and stressed. I hope you get some relaxation time soon. :hugs:

Have attached a few pics of me when I was younger.
First was when I was 14, on the left (blonde)
second two were from when I was 17 in France. ( i'm on the right with a scary face in the first) Sigh.! Before PCOS really hit hard and piled weight on me. Those denim shorts wouldn't go over one leg if I tried now!


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Yay for the house Michelle! How exciting?!

Vicki, I like Sophia Marie, but both are gorgeous names.

Laura, it must depend on the NHS trust because I couldn't get one for free, it'd cost me £24!

I hope I haven't missed anything big, if I have just let me know!

This SPD is actually going to kill me one day. During the day it isn't too bad as I can still walk etc, but I woke up crying last night because it was just so sore. I can deal with a sore back but when it feels like I have a 50st man standing on my pubic bone and kicking me between the legs it just gets way too much. And what makes it worse is I know there's nothing I can do about it except take paracetamol (which won't even touch it :dohh: Once I get comfy it's fine but I can't stay there forever because I've now developed cramp in my bloody arm! I have no idea how I'm gonna get through the next 12 weeks :nope: I really need a miracle (or induced early lol) Anyway, I know this is very moany but I can't help it, since I am bloody shattered cos I keep waking up during the night :cry: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning mes amis!!

Well I feel brighter about everything today :) Had a bit of a shock last night where my sugar crashed down to 3.0 (it's been around 5.5 at resting levels) and DH had to force a mars bar down my throat lol I was shaking really badly and sweating - the works - I looked so attractive I can't tell you!! Anywho the moral of the story here is I realised that I've stressed myself out so badly over the last couple of weeks and my body doesn't like me very much for it so I'm planning on having a Doris Day attitude from here on in "Que Sera, sera!" And all that jazz :)

My braxton hicks have gone to a whole new level this morning - I can't wait for the day when I can take cocodamol again!! Paracetamol does NOTHING!! :)

Vicki - I like both but Sophia was my fave girls name so I'm going to go with that :) xxx

Michelle - Yay on the house move!! XXX

Braven - Hope you're feeling better hun xxx

Just wanted to say a massive thank you once again to all of you for your support, kind words and hugs. You all made a massive difference in cheering me up yesterday and I truly appreciate each and everyone of you being there for me. You ladies are wonderful XXX

P.s. I've more than likely forgotten to type something but as soon as I remember what it was I shall add it! xxx

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