Congrats Michelle!! So exciting that you'll be in your new place soon
Yasmin- hope you're feeling better now hon. Must have been pretty scary fainting like that. I've had a few dizzy spells but no full on faints!
Barbles- how are you feeling now? Poor you
MrsPop- what a cheeky cow she was! It's even worse when super skinny people look down their nose at you. They're the kind of people that think a size 14 is massive!
Rachy- love your pictures from a few pages back. You're one stunning bird!! I may have to put a few pics on here tomorrow (once I'm back on my laptop at home) and scare you all!
Claire- glad the GTT came back all clear for you
CeeCee- you are truly having the worst run of luck at the moment

Firstly, at least that's positive that Stella is settling into her new home well. I hope that's giving you some peace of mind. Wow, let's hope Jess can stay put a little longer for you but if you have to be induced, at least you know it's for the best for you and her. 35 weeks sounds scary early but if it's any consolation, I was born at 29 weeks and was even able to breathe on my own (and that was almost 30 years ago- think how much more advanced things are now!). I know it will be tough for you if you are away from your OH for 6 months in a city you're not familiar with. Although I had my OH with me, I moved 5 hours away from all of my family when I was 17 to be with him, which was really tough. I found it hard to be social at that age with others to start with as I was so used to my support network at home. But you're older and wiser than me (plus a lot more outgoing than I used to be- now I'll talk to anyone lol) and as Claire said, there'll be loads of mother and baby groups where you can meet others and start to build a network of friends. And remember- us limbo lot are going nowhere
How is everyone else doing? Sorry if I've missed people out- trying to catch up on all of the pages in between working!
I've had a really chaotic weekend! Had a wonderful time with my friend on Friday. Talked babies the whole time predictably, and she gave me a load of baby clothes as well as a Baby Bjorn sling she never used and a blanket that she had hand knitted with the help of her nan, which was absolutely gorgeous. Jason Manford was really good too- we even got to meet him and get a pic afterwards

It was a late night though- got to bed at 1am!
Saturday was mad busy again. Went into Manchester and met up with a couple of friends for lunch and a mooch around the shops and in the evening, OH and I went up to Bolton for a wedding evening do. The bride and I had a good chat (she's 25 weeks pregnant!) and we were comparing notes lol. No dancing for me but it was still another late night and another 1am bedtime!
Yesterday we had the match at Old Trafford (not that I'm complaining about that!) which was brilliant. After the match and celebrations, we met up with another friend who is over visting from New York at the moment and we had a meal with him. He also gave us a bag full of clothes for our boy which he'd bought at Macy's

It was a midnight bedtime last night so needless to say, an early night with a chinese in on the cards tonight!
I'm paying for the busy weekend though as my back is in absolute agony now. It feels like a constant burning right down from my right shoulder blade to the bottom of my back. The only time I'm comfortable in bed is when I lie on my back but I can't stay like that for long. So at the moment, I'm completely encased by pillows in bed every night! Not sure what sort of state I'll be in, in 9 weeks' time though!!