Limbo Ladies!!


My first day of maternity leave has thus gone like this...

woke at 8.30am, realised i have to get Phoebe at nursery for 9 eekk!! Wake sleeping beauty and chuck some breakfast down her, get her dressed and get her there just in time

A cheeky stop at Maccy Ds for some pancakes and coffee.

Now im on the sofa watching Jezza munching out. Its looks a good'un today.

Good times so far... :haha:

I will do a bit of housework after Jezza lol

The bag is lovely Michelle, I am in love with it :flower: its currently on my front room table so I can admire it from the sofa and Im washing up Jacobs 'coming home' outfit today just so I can put it in there.

Dont think I have discovered any talents really, though I did paint my toenails at the weekend so I can still reach them.

Im wishing the hours away for you CeeCee xx
It is a good'un. A nice lesbian couple to start the day, and now some gangsterrrrrrr girl. I have doubts about my parenting skills sometimes, im sure they will vanish after seeing her hehe. Eeeeeeeeeee midwife in half an hour. Best get my gladrags on xxxx
Morning Ladies!

Oohh Michelle, update a pic when you get your hair done! Sounds lovely :)

Glad you're feeling better about the move Ceecee, I'll be able to come and visit you if you're not too far away :haha:

Amanda, that sounds like my morning (well, except the McDonalds lol) - are you as confused as me with Jezza?! I think I'm following, it's just a bit of a backwards story lol. I really need to get my house sorted! Getting stuck into my washing this morning, my basket is full :dohh: and I hate that. Really want to get things organised in this house, everything has it's palce, it's just that things seem to end up everywhere and I can't keep on top of it. This is Jayden's last full week at his childminders so from next week there'll only be out 1 day so need to rest and get everything sorted in that one day, so I figure if I can get it mainly done this week it won't take much to organise later on! It's these boys in this house that keep messing it up! :rofl: Alan is worse than Jayden! xxx
My biggest talent in pregnancy?! Does still being able to walk count?! :rofl: Nah, I don't think I've really got any, I keep losing talents rather than gaining them xxx
OMG Barbles, how jealous am I! Mainly of the McD's breakfast I think, yum! It would have to be a McMuffin for me, maybe with a hash brown.

You'll all note I pretty much only rolled out the wedding photos, two hours with a hair and make up woman saved me! Although my mum put my veil in wrong so the hair was falling out before I even got into church. My dress is the best thing I've ever put on and as befits it, it is now dumped, unwashed, in a corner of what is to be the nursery. Nice.

I've had horrendous toothache for three days now, today it feels a tad better but the tooth is still really tender and I just know there is something seriously wrong and decayed with it! My entire mouth was throbbing yesterday. Had some paracetamol but don't want to take too many - also don't want to go to the dentist until my exemption card comes through and in case he does something that will hurt with no anaesthetic!

Michelle, go for the chop! And I have no preggo talents other than occasionally still being able to get off the sofa unassisted. Told husband the other day he was going to have to paint my toenails, he is horrified!

Breastfeeding 'class' tonight on the NCT course, I'm going it alone and hoping that someone actually talks to me. Figured that husband was more useful in work earning money and to be fair there's not a lot of breastfeeding he can actually do anyway!
Morning girls :)

Vicki, your photos are gorgeous! Wow, we have some proper photogenic girls in this limbo thread! How on earth haven't you had your exemption certificate yet?! I had mine before I had my 12 week scan- it even has my original EDD on it!

Michelle- those flower wall stickers are gorgeous :) Esme is going to be one lucky girl. And I agree with Claire- make sure you get a pic up on here when you've had your hair done :winkwink:

CeeCee- glad to hear you're feeling positive about York now. It really is a beautiful city. I haven't been for ages but I really fancy going now!!

Amanda- sounds like you're having a good morning (apart from the rushing at the start!). Ooh, I could just eat a Sausage Mcmuffin now!

I'm off work today too so I'm currently still in my pjs lol :blush: Going out later to Trafford Centre once OH is back from work, so I will have to get dressed then I suppose unless there's a chance I can rock pink and orange stripey jammies :haha:
Well, I don't think baby is going to be head down still now- he's been turning and rolling like mad this morning!
As for special talents, my current one is actually being able to get out of bed! It's really high so I'm pretty much having to roll out of it now already!
Amanda - ooh so jealous lol you chill out and enjoy your leave - plenty of time for housework later lol xxx

Michelle - definitely get a picture up I wanna se what the new do looks like!! xxx

Vicki - Lol my hubbys first attempts at toe nails painting were shoddy however he's got so much better at it now :) He pampers my feet every sunday night for me lol first he takes off the old polish, then massages my feet, then paints toe nails and then he massages my feet with my fave blueberry body butter from the body shop :) xxx

Kim - I deffo think you should go out in your pyjamas... old age and pregnancy are the only times we can get away with being slightly eccentric ha ha make the most of it. I went to the chippy theh other night in my slippers, a pair of long black pyjama bottoms and DH's a team t shirt lol xxx
Well ladies, this is my last week of Jayden being at his childminders 2 and a half days so I was planning on getting my full house pretty much organised. But my childminder has just called to say that her daughter has scarlet fever, but I can still send Jayden even though it's contagious. You can only catch it from saliva and he won't be near her even though she'll be in the house. So now I'm in 2 minds, should I send him so I can have the time to myself and get the house completely gutted, or should I keep him at home even though I need to pay £50 aswell. Obviously I don't want him to get scarlet fever but the chances of catching it is minimal....... HELP! Lol xxx
I think Mr CeeCee potentially has a post-army career as a beautician?! My husband laughed then went and got one of his painting brushes from the room we're decorating at the moment, he said if I stuck my foot in front of the wall he'd just give it a going-over at the same time. Ha! It sounds like York is looking a bit better too, really glad about that - it is such a lovely place, and you have Harrogate and Leeds nearby too. If I ever had to move to 'That' side of the Pennines it would be to York/Harrogate.

Well now we've got Barbles sorted out with her changing bag I'm having a dilemma of my own. I want a Pacapod but don't know which one - I like the charcoal Napier but wonder whether I should get a Portland so daddy can use it too, and it's probably a bit more roomy. Thoughts?! Link:

I don't particularly plan on using it as a handbag as well so it's less important that there's room for my stuff but I want it to be as useful/practical as possible otherwise! The Napier is bigger than it looks on there - the idea is that I don't get something I can over-stuff but which still has enough room for feeding bits, changing bits and some toys. I'm worried I'm going for style over substance!
I've looked after my sister before when she had scarlet fever and I didn't catch it but it's got to be a decision that you're comfortable and happy with hun. Lol I think thats why I have the immune system of an ox because because my sister has had pretty every bug known to man and I've either had it or helped nurse her through it lol xxx
I think Mr CeeCee potentially has a post-army career as a beautician?! My husband laughed then went and got one of his painting brushes from the room we're decorating at the moment, he said if I stuck my foot in front of the wall he'd just give it a going-over at the same time. Ha! It sounds like York is looking a bit better too, really glad about that - it is such a lovely place, and you have Harrogate and Leeds nearby too. If I ever had to move to 'That' side of the Pennines it would be to York/Harrogate.

Well now we've got Barbles sorted out with her changing bag I'm having a dilemma of my own. I want a Pacapod but don't know which one - I like the charcoal Napier but wonder whether I should get a Portland so daddy can use it too, and it's probably a bit more roomy. Thoughts?! Link:

I don't particularly plan on using it as a handbag as well so it's less important that there's room for my stuff but I want it to be as useful/practical as possible otherwise! The Napier is bigger than it looks on there - the idea is that I don't get something I can over-stuff but which still has enough room for feeding bits, changing bits and some toys. I'm worried I'm going for style over substance!

:rofl: my hubby as a beautician? that has absolutel tickled me lol I'm crying with laughter at my desk - thank god the boss it out lol.

Personally I prefer the Napier in charcoal but just me :) xxx
Well ladies, this is my last week of Jayden being at his childminders 2 and a half days so I was planning on getting my full house pretty much organised. But my childminder has just called to say that her daughter has scarlet fever, but I can still send Jayden even though it's contagious. You can only catch it from saliva and he won't be near her even though she'll be in the house. So now I'm in 2 minds, should I send him so I can have the time to myself and get the house completely gutted, or should I keep him at home even though I need to pay £50 aswell. Obviously I don't want him to get scarlet fever but the chances of catching it is minimal....... HELP! Lol xxx
It's still pretty contagious though I think? And is it not 'catchable' from droplets in the air as well as saliva (I presume Jayden and the daughter will not be snogging any time soon!)? Ooh, it's a toughie. Part of me thinks to play it safe and not risk him catching it and you then having to look after him whilst he's sick as well as trying to sort stuff out pre-baby, but the other part thinks maybe risk it for a biscuit whilst you've still got chance - he's going to be at home anyway for most of the time after this week so you'll still be looking after him, sick or not - although obviously ideally not! Argh! I don't know either! Lol, no use!
See, I'm not in the group of people that tend to get it, so even if Jayden did somehow catch it, it shouldn't affect me. I don't want to seem completely selfish in saying that I want him at his childminders so I can have time to myself, it's not that at all. The risk of him actually getting it is pretty low because he won't be directly with her daughter. The main risk to pregnant women is a fever, and then it's mainly in early pregnancy. I've asked hubby and just waiting on his reply xxx
Well ladies, this is my last week of Jayden being at his childminders 2 and a half days so I was planning on getting my full house pretty much organised. But my childminder has just called to say that her daughter has scarlet fever, but I can still send Jayden even though it's contagious. You can only catch it from saliva and he won't be near her even though she'll be in the house. So now I'm in 2 minds, should I send him so I can have the time to myself and get the house completely gutted, or should I keep him at home even though I need to pay £50 aswell. Obviously I don't want him to get scarlet fever but the chances of catching it is minimal....... HELP! Lol xxx
It's still pretty contagious though I think? And is it not 'catchable' from droplets in the air as well as saliva (I presume Jayden and the daughter will not be snogging any time soon!)? Ooh, it's a toughie. Part of me thinks to play it safe and not risk him catching it and you then having to look after him whilst he's sick as well as trying to sort stuff out pre-baby, but the other part thinks maybe risk it for a biscuit whilst you've still got chance - he's going to be at home anyway for most of the time after this week so you'll still be looking after him, sick or not - although obviously ideally not! Argh! I don't know either! Lol, no use!

It is a toughy isn't it? Lol, I must be awful at home cos he loves going to his childminders. The other thing aswell is her husband will be at home to take care of their daughter and Kim (childminder) takes the kids to the local toddlers groups. So he'll be out the house in the morning anyhoo. AArrrgh! I wish she'd just said, look don't come rather than giving me the choice lol xxx
Argh Claire, that is a dilemma. Hate is when people give you the choice like that- I'm indecisive at the best of times! I think once you get a response from your OH, that'll help to make up your mind.

CeeCee- if your OH is planning on being a beautician, please send him around here to do my toenails! I can't even think of letting my OH loose on my toenails- it definitely wouldn't end well!

Vicki- both bags are gorgeous! I'm being really stingy about our changing bags though. I REALLY wanted the Yummy Mummy one even though I knew OH wouldn't use it, so he's just going to use the free one from Boots instead ;)
Send him on the basis she said it was ok, then if he gets it sue her ass! I am one of life's risk-takers (not always successful) so I think I'd just send him and then have to deal with the consequences if it didn't work out so well. And you're not selfish at all! We all love (or will love) our kids but my God, a day without them would I'm sure be amazing!

One of my colleagues here has apparently come down with mumps and viral meningitis! Unfortunately I have too much work to do to avoid the office so am just banking on the fact that I've had both of them before and I think I had the MMR when I was younger anyway!
Crikey Vicki - you sound like my sister there! Impressive list of illnesses you've had lol Fingers crossed the ill people stay away from you!! xxx
Well the hubby was useful! His reply - 'I wouldn't this week just to be sure but its up2u huni xxxxx' Well that's useful :dohh: Lol, I think I normally would just say yeah he'll be fine and send him, but we're going away this weekend and REALLY don't want him to be ill. When we went to Drayton Manor/ThomasLand last year he ended up with a sickness bug and wasn't really himself so I want him to enjoy it. But it'd just be my luck that I don't send him and he gets ill anyway :dohh: Oh I hate making decisions! Lol xxx
And vicki, that is impressive! I think the worse illness/disease I've had is chickenpox and I don't even remember that lol. I've been ill a few times but nothing too serious (touch wood) so I can't even imagine how bad it must be to have anything like that xxx
Haha! I had two weeks off school with mumps, I was about 5 though so I only missed two weeks of playing in a sandpit. The viral meningitis was awful, I literally felt like my brain was going to explode out of my head. The membranes of my brain were swelling! We spent a Sunday night in an emergency doctors who gave me the choice of trying some sort of anti-inflammatory first and then going to hospital or just going to hospital anyway - I chose the first and in fact never needed to go to hospital at all! Amaze! And I only had a day off work. My boss at the time was a twatbag and rang me at home to complain that I wasn't in. The next morning I went in but via the HR chap to complain about him (which had no effect whatsoever). I was a trainee solicitor, so far down the office food chain that even the illegal immigrant cleaner looked at me like I'd been scraped off her shoe. Ever since that episode 6 years ago I've caught next to nothing - I'm sure it boosted my immune system to an off-the-scale level!

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