Limbo Ladies!!

Lol men are USELESS at making decisions I think you've got to go with your gut instinct hun. Maybe you could drop him off at the childrens centre when the childminder gets there and pick him up from there too... that way he has no contact with her daughter whatsoever but gives you a couple of hours to do stuff? Maybe a compromise might work??

Worst thing I've had.... probably the swine flu I had over xmas and new year... felt rough as a badgers bumhole lol xxx
Wow vicki! Imagine going back after 1 day off, that's mental lol. Ok, I've just been googling scarlet fever, although Kim said it was Scarlatina, and found that Scarlatina is a MILD form or scarlet fever. So should I send him?? xxx
Heyyy!!! How is everyone! Urgh such a busy week so far! I cant wait for work to end woooooooooo! Almost 2 more weeks!!!!

OK time to catch up!

Rachy you are adorable as a baby!!!!!!!!! Il have to get a baby pic of me from the mother! Be good to compare to little haydn when he makes an appearance too! And love the piccies too your stunning and so much cute stuff you have bought!!!!

LOOOL MRPOP at the pink dildo dress!!!!!! I want to see it!! Compare it to the colour of my rabbit :P!!! (which hasn’t seen the light of day for 6 months LOL!

Barbles – hope your feeling better!! Gawd weve got this to come, catching bugs from our constantly ill babas lol! I hope Haydn is like Damien from the omen…..never sick minus the devil but lol!

Ceecee so sorry about stella :cry: and what a nightmare situ with OH’s job :S:S its all dropped on you hasn’t it! so what are you going to do, move? Im sure there will be the answer to this as I go on in the thread catching up! Oooh ok ive just seen your terms of accepting the move – totally reasonable! Ok and now ive got on to your research of York and it sounds fab!!

Michelle congrats on the moving in date! What is wrong with us limbo ladies all moving house!!!!! My tenants are moving out today so I start the packing and moving home tomorrow yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Cant wait to sort through all my baby stuff which is in black sacks n boxes at the mo!

Vicki – I prefer Sophia Marie :)

EEEEK barbles – yay to last day at work yday!!!!!!!! So jelous!

Tanasha 100% call the MW if you haven’t already!!! I don’t care if im nagging my MW beter to be safe hun!

How can you see your foof is swollen?! I haven’t seen mine for ages LOL! Id def mention it though hun?just incase!

Kim loving your pics – you have so much stuff!!!!!!! Loving alex too!

OOOh yay best and worst pics! OK here is my best pic – it was for this photoshoot thing I did which was free but then they try to make you buy the pics (which I didn’t hehehe) I loved the makeup they did though!

I cant find the pic where im at my worst, probs coz I untagged it on faceybook but heres another hideous one :PPPP

WOOOWWW Claire your bump is so big with Jayden!!!! How uncomfortable was you!!!!!!! and jayden is gorgeous!!!!!!!! Looks so happy!!!!!

HAHAHAH ceecee! You made me chuckle! I use my feet to pick things up anyways, chris calls me a monkey! Ummm most useful thing hmmmmm........let me think about it n get back to yuo lol! ]

Ohjhhh u envy all of you sat watching jezza!!!!! I cant wait to join you girls in 2 weeks!!!!

Vicki ive got the same class, and im the same, most probs going alone as OH is working! My mum saw my comment about it on FB though on my friends wall and has offered to come as it is also the unit tour after the class so fingers crossed that will reduce the stares!!!

OK catch up done!!!! Yay!

SOOOO my tenants move out today yaaaaay! Inventory ppl in tomorrow morning so we will be moving in as of tomorrow evening yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! The time hasw finally come! I cant wait to sort through all my stuff! There so much of it!!!!!!!!!!!

I had my first late late night in pregnancy at the weekend! We had a gathering and i didn’t go t bed till 3am zzzzzzzzzzzzz! Sooooo the next day i was dead! i felt like i had a hangover and i didn’t even drink! My body was playing trickery on me! I had a migraine all day and it didn’t go on Monday either so i stayed in bed till 12ish and then went to work! Still get the odd headache here n there which i will mention to the midwife at the class tonight to make sure its ok!

Poor chris, its his bday on Saturday and we are spending it unpacking hehe! We did havce the party last weekend to cover for this but i also feel bad! Maybe we can get a curry and il treat him to some on the top nookie LOOOOOL! x
Haha! I had two weeks off school with mumps, I was about 5 though so I only missed two weeks of playing in a sandpit. The viral meningitis was awful, I literally felt like my brain was going to explode out of my head. The membranes of my brain were swelling! We spent a Sunday night in an emergency doctors who gave me the choice of trying some sort of anti-inflammatory first and then going to hospital or just going to hospital anyway - I chose the first and in fact never needed to go to hospital at all! Amaze! And I only had a day off work. My boss at the time was a twatbag and rang me at home to complain that I wasn't in. The next morning I went in but via the HR chap to complain about him (which had no effect whatsoever). I was a trainee solicitor, so far down the office food chain that even the illegal immigrant cleaner looked at me like I'd been scraped off her shoe. Ever since that episode 6 years ago I've caught next to nothing - I'm sure it boosted my immune system to an off-the-scale level!

I had mumps when i was like 16 odd! it was disgusting i looked like a hamster LOL!
Ceecee, I had swine flu almost 2 years ago but it wasn't very severe, more like the normal flu but because swine flu was about at the time it was disagnosed as that. At the same time, Jayden broke his collar bone :( so Alan had his work cut out looking after us both! xxx
Lol there's a surefire way to tell if I'm really ill and thats when I start hallucinating lol When I had swine flu I was telling matt that there were boxes falling on my head and I was trying to move out of the way of them but that the pressure on my head was making it explode lmao. He thought I'd gone nuts - then he took my temperature and it was 39 and so he threw me in a freezing cold shower at 3am lol Swine flu I can officially say sucked lol.

Samira that was a bloody long post lol but glad you've caught up and all is well - that second picture is freaky girl!! But so unfair how gorgeous you look in the first pic. Lol I think Chris will settle for a curry and nookie for his birthday. DH gets excited if I threaten to get my boobs out these days lol bless him.
Hi everyone... there's a lot to catch up on!! Didnt get to read everything but skimmed over some... pics are gorgeous... and Jayden is such a cutie! Love his smile!

So i was on my way to work yesterday when I had another episode. Underground staff said I had a 'fit' and so the paramedics insisted on taking me to the hospital, I honestly thought I was ok to carry on with my journey in to work!

I spent the WHOLE day in hosiptal! They wanted to keep me in but I didnt see the need for it, the doctor said I was fine and she doesn't think it was a proper seizure, baby is fine, tests and checks came back fine... except that they found some protein in urine sample (possible infection?? no burning though!)

They also put a cannula in my hand!!! I didnt want it and they actually wrote that in my notes! Something along the lines of I needed a lot of convincing! But how can the doctor tell me I didnt have a fit but then turn around and say you need a cannula in case you have another fit and need medication??? It was f***ing painful too!

I had an ECG done which was normal and for completeness I need to go back for an EEG (have no idea what the letters mean!)

Phew... so how is everyone else?

Sorry about the rant but I was so frustrated at not being told what was going on and kept waiting... I started crying and told DH that I wanted him to take me home :(
Oh Yasmin! I think you really need to leave work and chill out! That sounds really scary, fitting?! Definitely doing too much. You poor wee soul :( xxx
Hi everyone... there's a lot to catch up on!! Didnt get to read everything but skimmed over some... pics are gorgeous... and Jayden is such a cutie! Love his smile!

So i was on my way to work yesterday when I had another episode. Underground staff said I had a 'fit' and so the paramedics insisted on taking me to the hospital, I honestly thought I was ok to carry on with my journey in to work!

I spent the WHOLE day in hosiptal! They wanted to keep me in but I didnt see the need for it, the doctor said I was fine and she doesn't think it was a proper seizure, baby is fine, tests and checks came back fine... except that they found some protein in urine sample (possible infection?? no burning though!)

They also put a cannula in my hand!!! I didnt want it and they actually wrote that in my notes! Something along the lines of I needed a lot of convincing! But how can the doctor tell me I didnt have a fit but then turn around and say you need a cannula in case you have another fit and need medication??? It was f***ing painful too!

I had an ECG done which was normal and for completeness I need to go back for an EEG (have no idea what the letters mean!)

Phew... so how is everyone else?

Sorry about the rant but I was so frustrated at not being told what was going on and kept waiting... I started crying and told DH that I wanted him to take me home :(

Awww hugs hun :hugs: sorry to hear you had another funny turn. The EEG (Electroencephalography) is a test they do on your scalp, works basically teh same as an ECG. I've had them done too as I was having the same symptoms as you about 2 years ago... maybe a little bit further back?? I just kept passing out with no warning and I would be completely unconscious for up to ten minutes. I had EEG's, ECG's, Cat scans, MRI scans, Lumbar punctures, etc you name it I had it and in the end it was apparently to do with extreme flash migraines and as I experienced it my body wouldn't know how to cope with it and just shut down, almost like it would with a fit but without actually fitting. Touch wood I had about 6 months of that but haven't had any more episodes since. My doctor couldn't even prescribe anything as it wasn't like I could pre-empt the attack it would be here and then I would be on the floor lol. It can be to do with excess hormones though I believe and if you're only experiencing it now it may be due to extra pregnancy hormones causing it??

I really hope they figure out whats causing it hun and that they can sort it out for you. I'm always here if you want a chat xxx
I have 6 days of work left and manager said I can change my hours to reduce the stress of travelling during rush hour... I agreed that it might help to do that. I wish I could just stop working but I think my manager needs me and the doctors didnt say I cant work cos all my tests come up fine. Anyways DH said he will drive me into work instead now.

I have today off... feel bored already. Tried daytime tv but now what else is there?
Thanks guys... DH gets so worried when I call him in the morning now!

It's strange sometimes how your body gets ill and does things but doctors cant figure it out... In this day and age you always expect answers to every problems to just be there.
I have 6 days of work left and manager said I can change my hours to reduce the stress of travelling during rush hour... I agreed that it might help to do that. I wish I could just stop working but I think my manager needs me and the doctors didnt say I cant work cos all my tests come up fine. Anyways DH said he will drive me into work instead now.

I have today off... feel bored already. Tried daytime tv but now what else is there?

Aw well at least that's something. We're here during the day, that should keep you amused :thumbup: Lol.

Reached a decision - I'm keeping Jayden at home. The deciding factor? I don't have to pay the childminder after all :blush: Good god, I sound like the worlds worst mum but if I had to pay I'd probably have sent him. Now I feel awful! xxx
Thanks guys... DH gets so worried when I call him in the morning now!

It's strange sometimes how your body gets ill and does things but doctors cant figure it out... In this day and age you always expect answers to every problems to just be there.

Lol I went for a wee the other night and screamed for DH because there was a huge spider on the wall lol he thought I'd gone into labour ha ha I think hubby's get scared whenever we speak to them at this stage :) huge big hugs to you hun :hugs: I hope the episodes stop for you xxx
I have 6 days of work left and manager said I can change my hours to reduce the stress of travelling during rush hour... I agreed that it might help to do that. I wish I could just stop working but I think my manager needs me and the doctors didnt say I cant work cos all my tests come up fine. Anyways DH said he will drive me into work instead now.

I have today off... feel bored already. Tried daytime tv but now what else is there?

Aw well at least that's something. We're here during the day, that should keep you amused :thumbup: Lol.

Reached a decision - I'm keeping Jayden at home. The deciding factor? I don't have to pay the childminder after all :blush: Good god, I sound like the worlds worst mum but if I had to pay I'd probably have sent him. Now I feel awful! xxx

Don't be silly hun!! It was a tough call and you thankfully had the decision taken out of your hands in a way xxx Don't feel bad XXX
Oh Yasmin you need a break! I think you should chill out and take it easy for the rest of your pregnancy sweety!

I will take a photo in a minute ladies :)

Eeeeeeeeeee samira that sounds fun, i bet you cant wait to get moved in and sorting out the babies room! xxxx
I just need to think of something to do with him and get on with my cleaning and organising today!!! Upstairs is tidy, just need to hoover and clean the bathroom and then start on downstairs lol xxx
Cleaning...hmmm I havent done that yet... I should get some done today. DH isnt here till tomorrow. I just polished off the last of the cheesecake... passion fruit, mango and raspberry one! Haha I wonder how much is baby and how much is just fat from over indulging!
Aftnoon lovely ladies! Just wanted to ask how you all are, as my brain has collapsed despite trying to catch up and read lots of pages back I can't seem to remember much. I will properly catch up another time but I am however now off to start packing things away in my room. As long as the paperwork goes through fine at the renting company we move out a week today, EEEK. So I shall have to love you and leave you but willl be back on once everything is a bit less hectic.
Lots of love :) xxxx
Arrrrrrrrrr rach thats so exciting isnt it! Are you moving to a house or a flat? Thats a very good point, when i move out i wont have the internet set up for a while booooooooooo xxxx

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