Heyyy!!! How is everyone! Urgh such a busy week so far! I cant wait for work to end woooooooooo! Almost 2 more weeks!!!!
OK time to catch up!
Rachy you are adorable as a baby!!!!!!!!! Il have to get a baby pic of me from the mother! Be good to compare to little haydn when he makes an appearance too! And love the piccies too your stunning and so much cute stuff you have bought!!!!
LOOOL MRPOP at the pink dildo dress!!!!!! I want to see it!! Compare it to the colour of my rabbit

!!! (which hasn’t seen the light of day for 6 months LOL!
Barbles – hope your feeling better!! Gawd weve got this to come, catching bugs from our constantly ill babas lol! I hope Haydn is like Damien from the omen…..never sick minus the devil but lol!
Ceecee so sorry about stella

and what a nightmare situ with OH’s job :S:S its all dropped on you hasn’t it! so what are you going to do, move? Im sure there will be the answer to this as I go on in the thread catching up! Oooh ok ive just seen your terms of accepting the move – totally reasonable! Ok and now ive got on to your research of York and it sounds fab!!
Michelle congrats on the moving in date! What is wrong with us limbo ladies all moving house!!!!! My tenants are moving out today so I start the packing and moving home tomorrow yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Cant wait to sort through all my baby stuff which is in black sacks n boxes at the mo!
Vicki – I prefer Sophia Marie
EEEEK barbles – yay to last day at work yday!!!!!!!! So jelous!
Tanasha 100% call the MW if you haven’t already!!! I don’t care if im nagging my MW beter to be safe hun!
How can you see your foof is swollen?! I haven’t seen mine for ages LOL! Id def mention it though hun?just incase!
Kim loving your pics – you have so much stuff!!!!!!! Loving alex too!
OOOh yay best and worst pics! OK here is my best pic – it was for this photoshoot thing I did which was free but then they try to make you buy the pics (which I didn’t hehehe) I loved the makeup they did though!
I cant find the pic where im at my worst, probs coz I untagged it on faceybook but heres another hideous one

WOOOWWW Claire your bump is so big with Jayden!!!! How uncomfortable was you!!!!!!! and jayden is gorgeous!!!!!!!! Looks so happy!!!!!
HAHAHAH ceecee! You made me chuckle! I use my feet to pick things up anyways, chris calls me a monkey! Ummm most useful thing hmmmmm........let me think about it n get back to yuo lol! ]
Ohjhhh u envy all of you sat watching jezza!!!!! I cant wait to join you girls in 2 weeks!!!!
Vicki ive got the same class, and im the same, most probs going alone as OH is working! My mum saw my comment about it on FB though on my friends wall and has offered to come as it is also the unit tour after the class so fingers crossed that will reduce the stares!!!
OK catch up done!!!! Yay!
SOOOO my tenants move out today yaaaaay! Inventory ppl in tomorrow morning so we will be moving in as of tomorrow evening yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! The time hasw finally come! I cant wait to sort through all my stuff! There so much of it!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my first late late night in pregnancy at the weekend! We had a gathering and i didn’t go t bed till 3am zzzzzzzzzzzzz! Sooooo the next day i was dead! i felt like i had a hangover and i didn’t even drink! My body was playing trickery on me! I had a migraine all day and it didn’t go on Monday either so i stayed in bed till 12ish and then went to work! Still get the odd headache here n there which i will mention to the midwife at the class tonight to make sure its ok!
Poor chris, its his bday on Saturday and we are spending it unpacking hehe! We did havce the party last weekend to cover for this but i also feel bad! Maybe we can get a curry and il treat him to some on the top nookie LOOOOOL! x