Hello hello limbo ladies!!!!
I was away for a few days over easter and then I lost you!!!!!

had no idea where the thread had gone! Finally I found it in groups but since then I have been trying to catch up and I've only made it to page 106! So please forgive me for disappearing and also please forgive me if I have missed something really important that's going on for one of you... I will catch up eventually!!!
News as it stands on page 106 (and very sorry if anything has changed since!!)
CeeCee I'm so sorry about Stella fur baby, I can't imagine how gutting that must have been for you but remember you've done the right thing by her and ats very selfless of you! Loved the Limbo poem too and on page106 you are just about to have it out with your boss about your back pay (it's like a soap reading this thread!!) hope it went well hon!!
Michelle - 5 times!! Wahooo hehe (sorry I know ages ago for you now but I couldn't let that one slide by without comment!!!)
Samira, Rachy, Vicky & All those moving house - hope it's all gone / going well. Was so chuffed for you Rachy when your family helped out with your deposit and hope you sorted out the hob saga samira and are back in your lovely home?
Barbles! Hello!! not spotted too much going on for you on page 106 but hopeeverythings going well
Claire, don't care what you say those are a fine pair of pins you're rocking!!!
Ummm, what else... Ohhh I know - Pizza Express is my fav, mmmm bruscetta!!! Yay for hen nights, I loved mine and did the dare cards too, sooo much fun! Ummm, I know I have forgotten loads, please forgive me ladies!!!
Happy to be back, hope you're all happy to have me
Heather xxxx