Limbo Ladies!!

I sooooooooooooooo just took the dog for a walk and fed the chickens and i am SO tired now. xxxxx
Good luck Rachy! SO exciting for you :)

Blimey Yasmin- you really are going through it aren't you? Poor thing :( I guess no news is good news but it must be frustrating that they can't seem to tell you what's going on.

Samira- that first photo of you is sickeningly gorgeous! Can't wait to see you in the magazine soon! Bet you can't wait to get moved back into your home :)

Claire- glad you made your decision in the end. Probably best to be on the safe side if you're busy this weekend too. What is it with blokes that always leave the decisions up to us though?!

Vicki- blimey, you've had a lot to deal with, illness-wise! Same with you CeeCee and the swine 'flu! Think the worst I've had was food poisioning last September (from Gordon Ramsey's place at Heathrow Airport!). I lost a stone in about 10 days and by the time the tests showed that I had food poisoning, it was too late to admit me to hospital- but apparently that's where I should have been!
Hello hello limbo ladies!!!!
I was away for a few days over easter and then I lost you!!!!! :cry: had no idea where the thread had gone! Finally I found it in groups but since then I have been trying to catch up and I've only made it to page 106! So please forgive me for disappearing and also please forgive me if I have missed something really important that's going on for one of you... I will catch up eventually!!!

News as it stands on page 106 (and very sorry if anything has changed since!!)

CeeCee I'm so sorry about Stella fur baby, I can't imagine how gutting that must have been for you but remember you've done the right thing by her and ats very selfless of you! Loved the Limbo poem too and on page106 you are just about to have it out with your boss about your back pay (it's like a soap reading this thread!!) hope it went well hon!!

Michelle - 5 times!! Wahooo hehe (sorry I know ages ago for you now but I couldn't let that one slide by without comment!!!)

Samira, Rachy, Vicky & All those moving house - hope it's all gone / going well. Was so chuffed for you Rachy when your family helped out with your deposit and hope you sorted out the hob saga samira and are back in your lovely home?

Barbles! Hello!! not spotted too much going on for you on page 106 but hopeeverythings going well

Claire, don't care what you say those are a fine pair of pins you're rocking!!!

Ummm, what else... Ohhh I know - Pizza Express is my fav, mmmm bruscetta!!! Yay for hen nights, I loved mine and did the dare cards too, sooo much fun! Ummm, I know I have forgotten loads, please forgive me ladies!!!

Happy to be back, hope you're all happy to have me :blush:

Heather xxxx
Heather (nice to know your real name!), there you are! You know, I was actually wondering where you'd got to just this morning but I'm very rarely on the 3rd tri boards so haven't looked for you, forgive me? Lol. I'm in here every day without fail and still can't keep up so don't worry about it :flower: Hope you're well xxx

I've done ALL my upstairs :happydance: bathroom is clean, rooms are tidy and organised and I hoovered! My back is sore now but it's not too bad :thumbup: xxx
Hiya Heather :)

This thread is mad for how quickly it moves along! At least there's always plenty of news to catch up on lol.
Arhhhh thanks lovelies :-) :hugs: it's good to be back! And be careful with all that cleaning Claire, I over did it at the weekend and ended up light headed and with a sore back for 2 days :dohh:
Nice to see you back Heather, nothing much ever happens to me haha :haha:

good luck with your move Rachel.

hope you feel better soon Yasmin.

Urg I am in pain, dunno what the little lad is up to but Ive got serious pain shooting down my groin/inside leg and he is twisting and turning so Im getting shooting pains just above my foof. Just done a quick clean up before OH gets home and it just about killed me. Plus my boobies are big and heavy and painy.

I think Im getting to the stage where Im quite ready to have a baby, I mean obviously not right now, i want him to be big and healthy but I know the uncomfortableness is going to get worse and I just want him to be here now.

Sorry to be a moaning minny :blush:

And i had this big gooey maltesars milkshake earlier and its made me feel a bit sicky - eyes bigger than my belly (well maybe not at the moment but you get the idea :haha:)
I am in a horrible mood thanks to Stupid HSBC!!! My phone stopped working, the direct debit hadnt come out to pay my bill, soooooooo i try to pay by card but nooooooooo this isnt working. So i think 'silly o2' then i go to tesco, ohhhhhhhhhhh and my card isnt working, so i get cash out but it just spits my card back out, sooooooo i go to hsbc and they say 'sorry, were not sure why its not working' we will send you a new card, should be about TEN BLOODY DAYS. argh. So i say can i get cash out - answer is no. Blergh. So i cant pay my phone bill or get cash out. Luckily my boyfriend is paying my phone bill and i will pay him back, but i cant buy anything online and i really want to :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Michelle, if you dont have your card you should be able to go into the branch with ID and lift money! I needed new cards last year because someone managed to get my details and tried to take 1.5k from my account. Luckily I didn't have it in there and they blocked the transactions but I could go into the branch and get money. Also, I lost the card this year and was able to lift money in branch.

Hope you're feeling better today Amanda, I'm with you on the pain front, done waaaay too much yesterday and was in agony last night :(

So, yesterday when Jayden got home from his childminders (a different one to scarlet fever daughter lol) he went upstairs for the toilet and he said 'I'm cleaning the bath' and I thought that he was using his sponge. But I went up and he was using my bathroom spray and said 'I need a drink' and asked if he'd put it in his mouth and he said yes. I checked his breath and it didn't smell like it but it was on his chin (luckily it wasn't a 'with bleach' one but man did I shit myself) so I took him downstairs and made him down half a pint of water, spoke to him about it and he was fine! Had his dinner and went to bed and I forgot all about it. Woke up at 12 and was sick, but his dinner was still lumpy (sorry, not the best thing to read in the morning lol) so I assumed it was because he had a late dinner and never settled so sent him back to bed. 2 minutes later he was freaking out and saying someone was talking to him in his bed!!! But he calmed down and fell asleep. This morning when he woke up I said 'what made you sick last night?' and he said 'the skoosh' and it took a minute to realise what he was meaning! I truly think it was a co-incidence that he was sick but hopefully it's taught him a lesson, never to touch bathroom products, even though I've told him a million times :dohh:

So this is my bad mummy confession of the day and trust me, you all will have them one day :rofl: xxx
Morning ladies!!

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your cash card Michelle - If you take ID to the bank you can withdraw money over the counter. Just take your passport or driving license and you should be able to do it no problems. I had to do it when I lost my one card and was waiting for my joint account card to come through just after I got married :) xxx

Heather - YAY!!! My pestering you worked and you are back!! Mwahahahaha only 40 pages left to catch up on now lol xxx p.s. wait until you get to the last few pages and you may have found yourself a new neighbour haha xxx

Claire & Amanda - don't you be doing too much ya hear?! xxx

Kim - You poor thing - food poisoning sucks !! xxx

Rachyroux - Yay on the packing front - so excited for you!! Xxx

Well ladies I have 4 hours and 10 minutes left of work and then I am a free woman!! Can't wait to leave!!
I meant to say in my last post Ceecee, I'm so happy for you leaving work :happydance: xxxx
Claire - eeeep!! God love him is he ok now? Kids have funny metabolisms anyways!! My sister once managed to swallow the contents of a whole tube of bonjela!! She's lactose intolerant so my mam gave her milk (obviously this isn't the advice given now but worked a treat!!) and when she got to hospital they said it had saved her having her stomach pumped because she'd vomited so much of it back up (again sorry for first thing in the morning overshare!!) Hope you're both ok hun and you're not a bad mummy at all, these things happen!! xxx
We're both fine, he's doing his mickeymousekersize now! Lol, I really don't think he swallowed any, if anything he tasted it and didn't like it! Hehe, won't be doing it again that's for sure! When I came downstairs with him, hubby said 'you shouldn't have left that lying about' :dohh: I was still tidying up when he phoned to say he was going to be late home and I had to get Jayden's childminders flowers and pick him up so I didn't have the chance to put anything away! And aside from that, Jayden know's not to touch cleaning products let alone put them in his mouth :dohh: xxx
Don't worry about hubby hun. People lash out when they're scared or worried. My niece loves Mickey mousekercise!! Although she prefers dancing to Flo'rida and the Pussycat Dolls shouting 'smack the booty' lol xxx
:rofl: Kids are so funny! We were watching the Cleveland Show last night and Jayden comes out with 'Nice Rack!' in an American accent :rofl: really shouldn't have made me laugh but I couldn't help myself! xxx
Hi girlies! Hope your all ok on this wet morning! Nice to have a bit of cool for once!

Breast feeding class was really good! Learnt a lot and got chatting to some of the couples in there this time around which was nice. Still no buddies though, will probs join some groups when im on maternity, not that i need it as my best mate who lives down my road goes on maternity 1 week after me but be nice to meet new ppl too!

I feel AWFUL too but not at the same time. At the end of the class a woman was coming in to “preech” (thats how i saw it) to us about using washable i know 100% that i wont use them so thought i don’t wana sit here in this hot room any longer and said to the teacher “is it ok if i miss this bit, i know im not going to use them” and the stare i got from her was evil LOL! but it was too late for me to back down so i got up and scurried out with chris behind me loooool! Now usually i wouldn’t feel bad but she looked shocked that i would do such a thing! I felt bad already as chris was late from work so i was there alone for 30 mins of it too! Ohhhh wellll, wont see her again anyways so who cares!

So we went to our empty house after the class! It felt soooooooooo good to be home! We sat my pride and joy, our sexy black leather corner sofa and just looked about in silence, was so weird but loved it! It felt like a big weight had been lifted of my shoulders for 2 mins....obv it hasn’t, this weekend is gona be a sorting mission (which I am very good at but i also get very stressed if chris tries to help bless him. Bit of an organisation freak over here)! So i have a half day tomorrow and then a whole bank hol weekend to get the house disinfected and homely again! She said she would clean it top to bottom for me but its no where near clean! Inventory ppl go in at now really and then just have to wait for the report! EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe Claire your post made me laugh! He is so funny!!! It must be constant amusement when they get to that age! Its a shame coz im sure i will miss it all as will be going back to work :(

EEEk ceecee congrats on no work soon!!!!!!!!! You must be over the moon! Has anything happened about the money he owes yet?
Samira, you won't miss it all! Will you be going back full time? Even if you do you'll still have plenty of time to spend with your funny little guy :hugs: xxx
Morning ladies! Eek Claire, I bet you were cacking yourself! But it sounds like he's none the worse for wear and at least he won't do it again! My husband keeps panicking about the Aga in our kitchen which is very hot to touch and therefore admittedly a tad dangerous with a young child around. My reasoning (because I will not allow him to get rid of it!) is that they will only touch it once and never again afterwards! He just tuts at me, lol!

Samira I had my breastfeeding NCT session last night too! No evangelical nappy talk though! I was worried about it because I don't want to feel forced into anything. It was actually fine - I feel more educated on it and how to do it etc but I don't feel under any particular pressure to do it. There are 6 couples in our group and 3 of us turned up with no man last night which was also good as it was much easier to chat to them in the break etc without feeling responsible for entertaining the menfolk! One woman is due on 23rd June but may need to be induced early so she might not even make it to the end of the course! The woman demonstrated everything with a doll and a knitted boob, haha! The boob was purple with green nipple. We also watched this amazing video where a baby was born, put on skin-to-skin with its mum and then after a while it bobbed itself around without any assistance to her boob and started to feed, showing the natural instinct they have. Cute! :)

We also had to go round and introduce ourselves again and say what we were most looking forward to about the babies. Other people said becoming a family, meeting the new person, finding out their personality etc etc - mine was having 12 months off work which most ladies then agreed was probably the most appealing thing about the whole experience. Speaking of which - MASSIVE ENVY for both Barbles AND CeeCee now! Hope your final hours go well CeeCee - and if they don't, it doesn't matter anyway! Can't believe I still have 6 weeks to go! :wacko:
I wont immediately! well I am hoping to do my own thing at some point, its just knowing what i want to do a business in!!!! ive got a year to figure it out though hehe! ive got a degree sat in my back pocket being wasted at the mo haha!!!! x

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