Mummy to Jayden and Ava
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Died?! Did I miss something?! xxx
Ditto! I should be working my way through about three days' worth of work here but am now panicking about someone on Glee dying! Lol!Died?! Did I miss something?! xxx
Hoorayyyy!!! I've finally caught up!! Whoop whoop! It's been like reading a book, love it!
Anyhoo- yay CeeCee moving to York!!! I only live about 30mins away (nr Beverley) so if you're ever lonely, give me a shout!! Hoorayyy! Also great news about your pay - at last eh!!!
Claire - Jayden is sooo yummy!! Glad he was ok after bathroom incident, I'm so scared of that type of thing!!
Yasmin - yikes!!! Sorry to hear you had another funny turn, poor you! I have very low blood pressure so always feeling faint if I'm on my feet too long but to black out unexpectantly must be very scary, you look after yourself hon!
Michelle - hello hon!
Barbles and Vicki - hope you're both ok and nothing serious!
Happy packing Rachy!!
Samira - congrats and happy sorting at the weekend!
Massive appologies if I have missed anything or anyone out, my brain is like a sieve today!
As for me, I feel like a big lump today, not finishing work until the 15th June but I work for myself at home so at least I'm not comuting. I'm a bit scared though as I'm a freelance designer so when I don't work I don't earn any money so trying to sort out government maternity allowance but it sucks at £128 a week - urghhh.
Pregnancy wise still battling with the worst heartburn known to mankind, and my little one seems quite low now as every time I stand up it feels like a bowling ball has decended!! She keeps getting hiccups too - really cute
Hope all is good with you all todayxxx
I have Finn moments but mostly he just irritates me for some reason, though him and Rachel are good together and blatently love each other. And I quite like Sam though he needs to cut his hair now. And Blaine... Jesse St James though.... I think its his voice, all gravely and sexy. I watched it with my mum yesterday and when she Rachel started singing and then he kicked in me and my mum both gasped and looked at each otherwe are sooooo sad haha.
I think Im just a Glee horn dog!! I even fancy Artie at times.
I didnt know anyone died until yesterday when my mum said it, she knows who it is but is sworn to secrecy.
Just forced a yogurt down my throat. I havent eaten since my pancakes yesterday and still have no appetite now but made myself eat. I hoping that is just an after effect of the bug I had but it can be a symptom of this OC
Right Im off to get ready to be turned into a pin cushion, will let you know how it goes x
Died?! Did I miss something?! xxx
Ditto! I should be working my way through about three days' worth of work here but am now panicking about someone on Glee dying! Lol!Died?! Did I miss something?! xxx
Aww sorry to hear that your still having awful heartburn hun! I've had it for the first time in weeks this morning but a good dose of Gaviscon seems to have solved the problem. So nice to have you back here though hunwe've all missed you!! And yay to being neighbours lol DH is officially accepting the job this year so once we get our posting order we'll know exactly when we're moving but think it will be March next year. xxx
Thanks hon, it's awful, I get through one of those large 500ml bottles of Gaviscon every week and have to take it about 5 times through the night - it's grimola!!! Thankfully I have a lovely doc who's prescribed me loads so I get it free or it would be costing me a fortune!!
I'm a Gleek too! Yay! But someone dies!!!????ohhh nooo!!!
OK, slightly different topic It's our 2nd wedding anniversary on Sunday and last year we didn't really do presents as such (we ended up with Toby boy lol) but this year I want to get hubby something (not really sure why because he doesn't deserve it) but I don't know what! I know he likes golf, football, darts etc and he really wants a new fish tank but I wouldn't know where to start! We don't really do presents anymore so i dont know what to get him (fish tanks are expensive) xxx
Aww sorry to hear that your still having awful heartburn hun! I've had it for the first time in weeks this morning but a good dose of Gaviscon seems to have solved the problem. So nice to have you back here though hunwe've all missed you!! And yay to being neighbours lol DH is officially accepting the job this year so once we get our posting order we'll know exactly when we're moving but think it will be March next year. xxx
Thanks hon, it's awful, I get through one of those large 500ml bottles of Gaviscon every week and have to take it about 5 times through the night - it's grimola!!! Thankfully I have a lovely doc who's prescribed me loads so I get it free or it would be costing me a fortune!!
I'm a Gleek too! Yay! But someone dies!!!????ohhh nooo!!!
I wish I had a nice doctor!! I'm having no end of trouble trying to get all my prescriptions sorted for my gestational diabetes. Boots have lost my prescription as well so I have to go in this afternoon to the docs surgery and beg for a new prescription. Oh deep joy! I snapped at the receptionist the other day and said "Quite clearly I don't enjoy stabbing myself 7 times a day with needles but for the health of my child I will do anything. Now will you help or not?" I know it was bitchy but I just snapped lol. I've just realised that Eliza won't be arriving the same day as Jessica nowoh well you're still stuck with us both lol xxx
Aww sorry to hear that your still having awful heartburn hun! I've had it for the first time in weeks this morning but a good dose of Gaviscon seems to have solved the problem. So nice to have you back here though hunwe've all missed you!! And yay to being neighbours lol DH is officially accepting the job this year so once we get our posting order we'll know exactly when we're moving but think it will be March next year. xxx
Thanks hon, it's awful, I get through one of those large 500ml bottles of Gaviscon every week and have to take it about 5 times through the night - it's grimola!!! Thankfully I have a lovely doc who's prescribed me loads so I get it free or it would be costing me a fortune!!
I'm a Gleek too! Yay! But someone dies!!!????ohhh nooo!!!
I wish I had a nice doctor!! I'm having no end of trouble trying to get all my prescriptions sorted for my gestational diabetes. Boots have lost my prescription as well so I have to go in this afternoon to the docs surgery and beg for a new prescription. Oh deep joy! I snapped at the receptionist the other day and said "Quite clearly I don't enjoy stabbing myself 7 times a day with needles but for the health of my child I will do anything. Now will you help or not?" I know it was bitchy but I just snapped lol. I've just realised that Eliza won't be arriving the same day as Jessica nowoh well you're still stuck with us both lol xxx
They can be buggers those medical people! I've had no end of trouble finding a decent doc but finally this one actually seems to listen!!! (a rare quality it seems!!!) I hope you get your prescription, stupid blinking receptionist, what does she think, that you stab yourself for fun??? Idiot woman!
Awww you're right, if you get induced at 37 weeks (is that when they're talking about doing it?) unless Eliza comes early, but I reckon she's going to hang on in there until the bitter end!! My poor friend just had her baby girl at 42 weeks and 1 day!!! Eurghhhh I hope none of us have to wait that long!!!
Lol, one of the reasons I stayed team yellow was because I didn't trust the very experienced medical staff to tell me the right gender and would rather find it out for myself! It's the exact sort of thing that happens to me, I'd go out and spend hundreds on boy/girl stuff then find it was all a mistake!
I've got to go for a scan next wednesday at 2pm and they will see how big she is and check fluid levels etc. They may decide (according to rather scary midwife) that she needs to come out then and induce me next week or if they're happy with everything they may just leave me to be induced at 38 weeks which would be.... June 22nd. I have a funny feeling though that she may make her own appearance around the 15th June. Can't explain why I just have a funny feeling - I'm probably completely wrong but there's my funny feeling lol. Awww your poor friend! But she's got a wonderful baby to look after now eh?xxx
ETA: Yes I panicked that my little girl was a boy for a while but when I saw her foof on camera at 26 weeks my mind was put at ease! I think its one of those things we worry about! I'm sure Eliza ia a little girly thoughXxx