Lol Samira, your dad sounds funny!!
Michelle- your pram looks gorgeous

How annoying about your card though, especially not telling you! I had to cancel my credit card in January because I noticed a few weird transactions on my statement for pay as you go phones (I have a contract). Turns out that when the Lush website was hacked in December (as I was buying Christmas presents), thousands of card details got stolen! Fortunately, it was only £70 that was taken from mine- for some people, it was hundreds or thousands of pounds! I also had plenty of cards to fall back on too
Amanda- hope your blood tests come back clear.
CeeCee- yay for being on maternity leave now!! And a bigger YAY for getting your bloody stubborn boss to get off his arse and do something about the money you're owed!
Yasmin- hope you're feeling ok today. Congrats to your DH on passing his exam
Claire- that must have been bloody scary with Jayden and the bathroom cleaner! I have a feeling that I'm going to be a totally neurotic mum but have to accept that sometimes, they will do stuff that I have no control over!
Vicki- great website! Think I'm going to have a mooch on there now
Hopeful- I'm constantly terrified that they're going to turn around when bubba is born and say he's a girl! I've had it confirmed catagorically 3 times now (each of them have said they're certain) but I still have a nagging worry at the back of my mind!
Hope thats everyone and I've not missed anyone out!
I've just been on the Mothercare website actually, and got my TENS machine, a pair of slippers and a couple of nursing tops. Between the money off code and the offers on the tops and slippers, I saved £35

Getting it delivered in store too so I don't have to pay the delivery charge (cheapskate!!).
Going to the cinema from work to see The Hangover 2- SO excited!! Hello Mr Cooper lol. Also having tea at Frankie and Benny's which I'm very happy about, as I've been eating like a pig all day for some reason!!