Ahh very quickly caught up!!
I hate my hair. I ruined it!! I had it dyed when I was 16 weeks, well when I say dyed, I had it bleached and highlighted. It's always been fine when Im not pregnant and when I was PG with Pheebs it was fine too. THIS TIME my hair all broke off
and its right around the fringe part so quite noticable.
Pregnancy has dried my hair right out, if I wanted I could go a week without washing it and it would still look the same so the bleach obviously dried it more and its all snapped.
So now Im left with horrible roots and I wanted to dye it back brown but OH wouldnt let me as he said I would ruin it more.
I had my hair cut Rihanna style a couple of years back, I liked it but no-one else did
It wont let me upload the pic
I hate my hair. I ruined it!! I had it dyed when I was 16 weeks, well when I say dyed, I had it bleached and highlighted. It's always been fine when Im not pregnant and when I was PG with Pheebs it was fine too. THIS TIME my hair all broke off

Pregnancy has dried my hair right out, if I wanted I could go a week without washing it and it would still look the same so the bleach obviously dried it more and its all snapped.
So now Im left with horrible roots and I wanted to dye it back brown but OH wouldnt let me as he said I would ruin it more.
I had my hair cut Rihanna style a couple of years back, I liked it but no-one else did

It wont let me upload the pic