Limbo Ladies!!

Thankyou ladies, such a HUGE weight off my mind! I really didn't want the lack of work referance messing it all up as the contract said it could! I'm also 35 weeks today. Holy Moley. I'm so scared!
Hi ladies! Hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend!

Great news on your house Rachy!

My little one is kicking really painfully too, a coupke of times were right in the cervix, feels like an electric shock when she does it there! Ouch!

My weekend was ok but with the weather being so rubbish we didn't really do much! Me and DH planned to go out for day yesterday somewhere nice to take some video and photos of bump before she comes but weather called that off...BUT lovely husband now says he's going to take Friday off so we can do it then when the weathers nice! Wahoo for a 3 day week :-)

Ooh, great house news! Get nesting! I tried to persuade husband to buy the nursery furniture this weekend as Mamas & Papas had 10% off but even the tantalising option of saving £200 wasn't enough to persuade him as apparently we have nowhere to put it! We are now waiting until mid-June AT LEAST! Gah! But delivery only takes about two working days so not exactly a rush, apart from in my own head.

Kate: Poor Mr B! And also - lol! I was on all fours on Sunday afternoon to try and get my bub out of breech and Mr G also had a similar 'OMG are you alright' moment! He's not bothered about the hospital bags though, no idea what he'd actually do if I wasn't alright.

Well the Chinese buffet was rubbish. Admittedly I have been spoilt from an early age with proper Chinese grub but there was very little going for the buffet. It was really salty and very ropey in quality. Tut. I knew I could have gone across the road to my favourite restaurant, paid about £3 less yet eaten stuff that was 3446131453 times better so I resented the whole thing anyway!

Work is :wacko:, I'm only in today and tomorrow and then off until next Tuesday so trying to do everything at once, plus I've got my sodding appraisal tomorrow which is going to be 100% awful! Just want it to be over so I can concentrate on a nice weekend of wedding attending, B&B-staying and TAKE THAT ON SUNDAAAYYYY!!!!

Anywho, better re-tie my shackles. 25 working days to go - hell yeah!
Yay Rachy!!! Wonderful news about your house :) I can't believe you're 35 weeks now (I know that sounds stupid as we're all still moving along with you, but it sounds SO close!!). Thanks for your kind words about our cat. We have all of our neighbours looking again today and I know she can't have gone far because her legs are bad, which makes it all the more frustrating that we can't find her :( Sounds like your cat is an angel- no wonder you'll miss having her about. At least you can still go and see her loads though.

Vicki- sorry that the buffet was rubbish :( We usually go to La Wah buffet if we're in Manchester. It's just around the corner from Oxford Road station and it's gorgeous. Always packed too, which is a good sign! Ooh, and I'm seeing Take That on Friday :) Can't wait! This will be the 7th time I've seen them now- not missed a tour since 1993 lol.

My fav pair of jeans and my only pair of over bump jeans are dead!!! The stretchy bump band bit has been tugged at so many times that its some away from the denim...already mended them once!! They were from George at ASDA and they no longer have them!!!

Is it wrong to cry over jeans??? I have a couple of pairs of under bump jeans, but they are nowhere near as comfy!!


Anyway.... Drama over!

Vicki, sorry the buffet was crappy!! Im not a fan of these buffet places, the stuff is never as good as a proper place!!

Congrats on the new pad Rach! Little big jealous!! Would love to be moving somewhere bigger!!! :)

Waitin4astork, keeping everything crossed for the cat, hope you find her soon!

Got MW appt this arvo, which means nice early 2pm finish!!!! Then only (counts how many working days left) OMG!!! 25!! Just like you Vicki!! (PS, OMG, I wanna go see take That but i was actually banned by MIL)!!!
Ohhh soooo urghhh today! I feel so close to meeting little one (5weeks to go today!!) and I just want to be there.... I'm so uncomfortable doing EVERYTHING I just can't imagine another 5 weeks - really hoping she comes at 37!! On the plus side, it's June now so she may be here this month or definitely next month which doesnt sound so bad.

Really hope your cat turns up Kim! It's awful when they disappear, such a worry!

Sorry about your Chinese Vicki! But good luck at your appraisal!

Sorry about your jeans MrsKTB!! Bugger!! I've been living in over bump leggings and some dungarees, but now I'm near the end it's leggings only, everything else irritates my bump or cuts in underneath my bump when i'm sitting and baby kicks like crazy until I move!!

Hope you all have a good day!
Kim- our cat has bad legs, at the back, she can't even climb the sofa so we were really worried when we couldn't find her but she stumbled home in the end covered in loads of bits of tree etc :S I hope your kitty turns up soon :hugs:

KTB- BAH jeans, pre pregnancy ones don't even fit on ONE big fat leg of mine, maternity ones are too tight, so I bought XL baggy, purple hippy-esque trousers and sooooo comfy. Hope the 25 days fly for you, and good luck with the MW app.

Vicki- I don't have much furniture for the nursery and maybe it's a good thing as the room is a bit on the small side once the cot is in there. Sorry to hear your Chinese was crap :( Good luck for your apraisal tommorow and hope the weekend comes soon for you sounds like you'll have a great time :)

Hopefulheath- Happy 35 weeks today lovely, I forgot you're so close behind me, I feel the same, fed up and uncomfortable, and don't know how I'll last 5 more weeks. Are you feeling impatient too? But like you said, we're definately having our babies next month, if not sooner, this month :| How scary is that? good scary of course, but I am NOT AT ALL PREPARED FOR LABOUR :'( terrified!

Update on my situation- We were given the keys yesterday, :) :) so we took alot of belongings from my room at my parents house down and had another look at the house, so much nicer, and bigger than we remember it so very happy. They're replacing some windows and doors in the next 2 weeks. There are a few odd things however we need to take pics of as they're not safe and need replacing. At OH's right now packing his stuff to take down. We're going to TRY to take everything without hiring a moving van as OH doesn't get paid for a fortnight and I am left with about 80 quid! Spent alot on house essentials this month, lent OH money as it was a rough month for him. But we are Hoping to be in there tonight if all gets packed away! Scary. Hopefully it wont be long until we have internet access (OH can't live without his XBOX Live account) so either speak to you when that comes in, or when I pop home to visit parents etc which will be often. I hope to talk to you all soon. Much love, love you all x
YES it posted! Phew didn't want to have to type allll of that for a third time! xx
Sounds like everything will be just perfect in the end rach! Im jealous, i dont get my keys till the 16th June.

For all us July Mommies, we should be having babies next month eeeeeeeeeeeeeek xxx
Afternoon! Busy day for Mrs G. I am just about over the all-you-can-eat Chinese now! Kim, my 'usual' is the Pacific in Chinatown. It's half Chinese and half Thai, although I've never eaten in the Thai bit. It's the best grub I've found, dim sum prices especially are brilliant and v. authentic. I recommend it!

Not loving your jeans disaster kate! I had one pair of under-the-bump ones and they were so uncomfortable they've now gone to the charity shop. The bub even kicked them so that made two of us who hated them! I thought about some over-the-bump ones but then decided that I might be too hot in this roasting British summer we're having (!) so I have literally worn leggings and dresses and that's it! Top-wise I've been fine with preggo clothes but the bottom half has been a constant struggle to get comfy. Leggings have saved me from the brink of disaster.

Ooh, and reading from yesterday, I bought a pair of trousers from ASOS which were apparently a size 18 (I'm normally a 16) and I couldn't even get them over my thighs, this was at 20 weeks! Had to send them back. Looking forward to wearing my Isabella Oliver items this weekend, so comfy, nice and actually make me feel glamorously pregnant! I am fairly sure Gary Barlow will fall in love with me in such an ensemble.

Appraisal went surprisingly well, at least 50% of it was positive! Ha! It helped that someone else as well as my boss was doing it (and I actually do far more work for this other person than my boss) so she gave lots of good news stories etc... Anyway, at least I've not got another one for well over a year.

July mums are fast approaching - I'm excited to see some of these Limbo babies arrive!

Back to the grind - have good afternoons all!
Hello to all you wonderful gorgeous limbo ladies!! I apologise in advance as I haven't managed to catch up on everybody's posts yet but I will do throughout the course of today! Promise!

This post will be long just as a warning so please feel free not to read it !! Just me prattling on!!

Had an eventful few days or so hence my absense and it all started Friday night lol. I went to visit my parents for the weekend as it was my Dad's birthday on Monday, it was so good to see my family :) Well Friday night I started experiencing quite strong, but irregular Braxton Hicks but to be honest didn't think too much of it. Saturday I was still getting them but they were slightly stronger and sunday they got even stronger then came Monday lol. Monday morning the braxton Hicks got really strong and I coudl barely stand up straight but I took two paracetemol and was determined to enjoy my dad's birthday and last day of my visit. We went out for a meal for lunch and my 'braxton hicks' were so strong I had to stop eating each time and breathe through them... and then that's when we realised they were coming every 3-4 minutes. I've had regular braxton hicks before so didn't think too much of it but when 2 hours later they were still has strong and painful and DH decided enough was enough and we were driving home and going to hospital!!

Thank goodness I sorted out my hospital bag before going to visit my family as it was already packed in the car lol. DH rang ahead to the hospital and they told us to get there as soon as possible and the usual 2 hour drive only took DH 1.5 hours lol. Anyways got to the hospital and they took me straight to maternity admissions (so I got the tour I wouldn't have had otherwise lol see silver lining and all that!!) and they hooked me up to the trace machine and discovered I was indeed having actual contractions.

The midwife was AWESOME no other word for her. She was so kind and really couldn't do enough for me. She explained everything to me and DH and even gave me a cuddle!! Then the doctor came in to 'examine' me which I was petrified of but in all honesty the internal wasn't as bad as I expected. Relaxation is key though!! She told me my cervix was long and closed but as a precaution they wanted me to stay in overnight for observation as I was still having contractions. Then she said to be on the safe side that they would give me two doses of the steroid injection 12 hours apart so that Jessica's lungs would mature quicker in the event of going into actual labour. Nobody at this point broke the news that the injections had to be administered in my BUTT CHEEK!! Lol. Also, the injections tend to play havoc with sugar levels so I would have to test my blood sugar level every 2 hours to see if I needed extra insulin at any point.

Lovely midwife injected me with the first dose of steroids then finished her shift and handed over to another lovely midwife. They moved me to a smaller room but kept me on the delivery ward just in case and it was lovely and comfortable :) I then sent DH home as he looked exhausted and tried to get some kip before the first blood sugar testing at 1am. Tested at 1am and found my sugar levels had sky rocketed so ended up having extra insulin and then back to sleep for 2 hours. Throughout the night my sugar came down thankfully, still high but ok :)

Then at 7.20am I had the second steroid injection and had a shower in my room (private bathroom was so lush lol) and helped myself to some breakfast. Thankfully the contractions had stopped at 4am but then at about 8.30am I started getting niggles again and by the time the morning doctor came to check how I was doing I was in quite bad pain. It was a constant sharp pain across my whole bump and I could barely stand. Also, Jessica had decided she wasn't in the mood and didn't move for 2 hours which was horrific. Eventually I was hooked back up to the CTG by the new midwife (who wasn't as nice and kept telling me she had more important people to see) but then she disappeared and I ended up with a lovely young midwife called Lauren who was brilliant. By this point I was in agony so Lauren sorted out 2 cocodamol for me and told me to sleep. I laughed at this as I couldn't imagine how I was supposed to sleep through the pain but the cocodamol knocked me out and I slept for 1.5 hours lol oops!! By this point it was around 3pm and I was wondering what was actually going on so Lauren sat me down and started explaining all my notes to me :) Apparently my contractions from the day before were about 3 quarters of the strength of full blown 'about to push' contractions and she told me that she was amazed I had been so good about it all. On hearing her say that I was amazed I had done so well ha ha. I'm a big wuss!!

DH had had to be in work for most of the day so he managed to get to the hospital for 5pm and I was overjoyed to see him :) I miss him so much when I'm away from him. Then it started rolling around to 7pm and Lauren came in to ask how I was feeling. The cocodamol had worked wonders and although I was still experiencing a bit of pain I was feeling so much better than that morning. Then Lauren told me that the only reason I was allowed to go home that night was because I had to come back for a diabetes clinic appointment the next day so they would check up on me then lol.

Had my appointment yesterday and had a growth scan too and little miss Jessica is perfect :) she's bang on target size wise and her lungs heart etc all seem to be on target too so if she does deicde to come earlier they told me they would just let me deliver rather than try to stop her. Also have my induction date which is 23rd June at 9am but obviously this is subject to change if the labour ward is busy that day :)

So thats my news lol sorry its so long I honestly didn't mean to prattle on for ages!! Eeeep!! Now off to catch up on everybody elses news as I devour a bagel for brekkie :)

lots of love to y'all!!

Can't wait for birth stories and pics of the up and coming bubbas!!!! Make it seem much more real when the ladies I chat too start giving birth!! Eeeeek!!

I had my MW appt yesterday pm, my weight is fine, bubbs was in a good position and kicking away nicely and he's meassuring at 29 weeks so all good!

MW tried to get some blood from me but when she realised that my veins were hiding she sent me to the health centre next door to get it taken.... the woman on reception was horrible!! Id never been there before, so when I went in i headed to reception where a sour faced middle aged hag kept me waiting, without any kind of acknowledgement for 5 mins....when she finally looked up at me and greeted me with a 'Yes?', I explained that I had been sent over by the MW from the surgery for bloods to be taken.... well, it was like id broken into her house and pooed in her dogs dinner!! She ranted on at me about how the blood clinic closed at 1.30 and i needed an appointment, i asked if i could make an appointment.... I thought she was going to reach accross the counter and strangle me!! She replied with '(sigh, giggle) Didnt you just hear me dear? I said they close at 1.30!! How can you make an appointment if they are closed,hmmm? Answer me that?' Well.... I lost it with her....I tore her and her stupid nasty attitude into little pieces and tottled back over to the surgery to tell the MW all about it and give her another go at taking my blood! MW was very cross, so once she'd got the blood (which was very easy now as my BP had shot up) she marched over to the health centre to complain!!! I went home and ate a banana and had a cup of tea!!

Wow, that wasa rant....i wasnt expecting it to be that long!!!

How is everyone else today? All feeling well? Busy? Any sign of cat?xx
WOW ceecee, just wow!! You sound sooo brave!!!

On the plus point, at least you got a little sight into what the pain might be like, so thumbs up for that. But glad your ok now :D xxxxxxxxxxxxx
WOW ceecee, just wow!! You sound sooo brave!!!

On the plus point, at least you got a little sight into what the pain might be like, so thumbs up for that. But glad your ok now :D xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ha ha I'm not brave lol I cried when I found out I would have to stay in overnight hence why the midwife gave me a cuddle lol. I must've looked daft as anything lol. Good to be back chatting to my limbo ladies though XXX Missed you all!! xxx
I so totally missed your post CeeCee, we must have been typing at the same time!!! lol

What an eventful few days!! Glad you are both doing well though, must have been pretty darn scary!! xx
Ohhh my!!! CeeCee!!!!!! Hope you are ok!!?? What an eventful few days! I hope little Jessica stays put until 37 weeks for you but at least you have an induction date now - whoop!! We missed you!! :hugs:

Urghhhh, I am HOT and feel sick :( and generally feally gripey!! I just wish I could have baby now, well if she's finished baking... I'm so uncomfortable and slept so bably last night between hip pain, heartburn, cramp and wee stops, not to mention when baby decided to have a go at martial arts with my cervix as a target! Anyone else getting electric shock type pain in their cervix? I'm hoping it means it's softening or something but I'm grasping at straws really. Fed up with working now, it's so hot in my office today and baby hates me being bent over desk, but have to try and earn as much as poss before my income shrinks to next to nothing :( god I'm a winge bag today, sorry ladies, just tired and fed up!

Hope you are all having good days, any sign of the pussy cat???

Goodness me looooooads to catch up on!

Sorry I've been AWOL lately, had insane weekend last weekend ( was bridesmaid for BF on Saturday, christening on Sunday, trip to Wales on Monday) my SPD has been shockingly painful as a result and the gorgeous little baby who's christening it was on Sunday has kindly donated her lurgy to me and Ive woken up with a bad cough and sore throat. Was supposed to be cleaning the house out today but I'm curled up watching Jezza K :haha:

CeeCee OMG you poor thing, hope you're ok!

MrsKTB what did you say to the snooty receptionist ? I wish I could have been there to see you rip her a new one !!!!! I detest under-the-bump jeans, I went shopping with DH a couple of weeks ago in my fairly new New Look crop jeans and they just kept falling down so had to run in to debenhams (thank God they had 25% off). I love my ASDA over the bump jeans. Ladies - matalan do really comfy over the bump black linenish pants for £14, they're amazing!

Right, will try to catch up now!

PS. 35 weeks today!!!!!!!!! 2 weeks till full term!!!!!

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