Hello to all you wonderful gorgeous limbo ladies!! I apologise in advance as I haven't managed to catch up on everybody's posts yet but I will do throughout the course of today! Promise!
This post will be long just as a warning so please feel free not to read it !! Just me prattling on!!
Had an eventful few days or so hence my absense and it all started Friday night lol. I went to visit my parents for the weekend as it was my Dad's birthday on Monday, it was so good to see my family

Well Friday night I started experiencing quite strong, but irregular Braxton Hicks but to be honest didn't think too much of it. Saturday I was still getting them but they were slightly stronger and sunday they got even stronger then came Monday lol. Monday morning the braxton Hicks got really strong and I coudl barely stand up straight but I took two paracetemol and was determined to enjoy my dad's birthday and last day of my visit. We went out for a meal for lunch and my 'braxton hicks' were so strong I had to stop eating each time and breathe through them... and then that's when we realised they were coming every 3-4 minutes. I've had regular braxton hicks before so didn't think too much of it but when 2 hours later they were still has strong and painful and DH decided enough was enough and we were driving home and going to hospital!!
Thank goodness I sorted out my hospital bag before going to visit my family as it was already packed in the car lol. DH rang ahead to the hospital and they told us to get there as soon as possible and the usual 2 hour drive only took DH 1.5 hours lol. Anyways got to the hospital and they took me straight to maternity admissions (so I got the tour I wouldn't have had otherwise lol see silver lining and all that!!) and they hooked me up to the trace machine and discovered I was indeed having actual contractions.
The midwife was AWESOME no other word for her. She was so kind and really couldn't do enough for me. She explained everything to me and DH and even gave me a cuddle!! Then the doctor came in to 'examine' me which I was petrified of but in all honesty the internal wasn't as bad as I expected. Relaxation is key though!! She told me my cervix was long and closed but as a precaution they wanted me to stay in overnight for observation as I was still having contractions. Then she said to be on the safe side that they would give me two doses of the steroid injection 12 hours apart so that Jessica's lungs would mature quicker in the event of going into actual labour. Nobody at this point broke the news that the injections had to be administered in my BUTT CHEEK!! Lol. Also, the injections tend to play havoc with sugar levels so I would have to test my blood sugar level every 2 hours to see if I needed extra insulin at any point.
Lovely midwife injected me with the first dose of steroids then finished her shift and handed over to another lovely midwife. They moved me to a smaller room but kept me on the delivery ward just in case and it was lovely and comfortable

I then sent DH home as he looked exhausted and tried to get some kip before the first blood sugar testing at 1am. Tested at 1am and found my sugar levels had sky rocketed so ended up having extra insulin and then back to sleep for 2 hours. Throughout the night my sugar came down thankfully, still high but ok
Then at 7.20am I had the second steroid injection and had a shower in my room (private bathroom was so lush lol) and helped myself to some breakfast. Thankfully the contractions had stopped at 4am but then at about 8.30am I started getting niggles again and by the time the morning doctor came to check how I was doing I was in quite bad pain. It was a constant sharp pain across my whole bump and I could barely stand. Also, Jessica had decided she wasn't in the mood and didn't move for 2 hours which was horrific. Eventually I was hooked back up to the CTG by the new midwife (who wasn't as nice and kept telling me she had more important people to see) but then she disappeared and I ended up with a lovely young midwife called Lauren who was brilliant. By this point I was in agony so Lauren sorted out 2 cocodamol for me and told me to sleep. I laughed at this as I couldn't imagine how I was supposed to sleep through the pain but the cocodamol knocked me out and I slept for 1.5 hours lol oops!! By this point it was around 3pm and I was wondering what was actually going on so Lauren sat me down and started explaining all my notes to me

Apparently my contractions from the day before were about 3 quarters of the strength of full blown 'about to push' contractions and she told me that she was amazed I had been so good about it all. On hearing her say that I was amazed I had done so well ha ha. I'm a big wuss!!
DH had had to be in work for most of the day so he managed to get to the hospital for 5pm and I was overjoyed to see him

I miss him so much when I'm away from him. Then it started rolling around to 7pm and Lauren came in to ask how I was feeling. The cocodamol had worked wonders and although I was still experiencing a bit of pain I was feeling so much better than that morning. Then Lauren told me that the only reason I was allowed to go home that night was because I had to come back for a diabetes clinic appointment the next day so they would check up on me then lol.
Had my appointment yesterday and had a growth scan too and little miss Jessica is perfect

she's bang on target size wise and her lungs heart etc all seem to be on target too so if she does deicde to come earlier they told me they would just let me deliver rather than try to stop her. Also have my induction date which is 23rd June at 9am but obviously this is subject to change if the labour ward is busy that day
So thats my news lol sorry its so long I honestly didn't mean to prattle on for ages!! Eeeep!! Now off to catch up on everybody elses news as I devour a bagel for brekkie
lots of love to y'all!!