Limbo Ladies!!

The stupid Matalan in Coventry doesnt have a maternity section!!!! Although, I did get a lovely maternity maxi dress from the one in Leeds a few weeks back!!

I pretty much told her not to speak to me like I was a child, that her attitude was worse than a teenager and that she was a vile human being....but you a lot more depth! lol

Hope you feel better soon! x
Hehe!! Go Mrs KTB!!! I'd have loved to have heard that rant, serves her right for being such an unpleasant rude cow!

Mrs pop!! Welcome back, how was bridesmaid duty?? Did the dress look suitably dildotastic?? Hope you feel better soon hon and congrats on getting to 35weeks :) !!!

Hey Ladies!!

Lots to catch up on!

Ceecee, how scary/exciting/crazy! Glad you've got a date to go in though, I wish I had a date, I hate not knowing when she's gonna come lol. Glad you're back at home now though :hugs:

MrsKTB, I cannot believe she spoke to you like that! I'd probably have cried and walked away (depending on my mood) but well done you for giving her a good one! Bet she'll think twice before speaking to people like that again.

Hopeful, hope you feel better soon :hugs: there's nothing worse than feeling ill. Lots of fluid and rest.

Laura, you looked stuning at the wedding from the pics on FB! Boo to SPD though, mine has been playing up big time aswell, especially when I'm lying down on couch/bed. So I feel your pain :hugs:

Well I finally have a day to myself, Jayden's at his childminders so I was gonna clean/tidy etc but I really cannot be arsed! SPD is being a pain, noodles is being quiet (although she had a bit of a party this morning) and I am generally frigged so I just want to sleep! Had my thyroid and iron checked though and they're fine so it's just beign pregnant, which sucks lol xxx
*round of applause* to Mrs KTG!

HH - bridesmaid duty was ok-ish! I had a good SPD day but nearly decked the Nazi Photographers. The venue was an hour's drive from the church so I had to stop on the way after the ceremony to go for a wee at my in laws and kept on getting harrassing phone calls from bridezilla 'where are you, we need you for pictures'? *rollseyes*

I get there and the photographer starts shouting at me in front of the other guests 'we've been waiting for you young lady'!!!!! It was only coz my friend would have killed me that I didn't tell her to go f*ck herself! And when we were doing the tacky photos and I was chatting to the other bridesmaids the other photograpger shouted at me again 'be quiet Chief Bridesmaid we've waited long enough for you already'!!!!!

Im still fuming (hormones) and am sooooo tempted to phone them up and tell them what a bunch of unprofessional w@nkers they are! :rofl: :grr:

The dress was neon-pink-tastic but despite my being a whale, I didn't look as bad as I feared. I'll crack open my lappy and post a piccy!
Aw thanks Claire! Good that your iron & thyroid are ok though.

I got my bloods checked last week and my anaemia is getting worse. Might be because I keep forgetting to take me iron tablets, oops!

Ooooh, I'm having my first RLT today, tastes like shit!!!! :haha:
Just commented on fb, I loved the RLT! I ended up drinking it more because I enjoyed it! I never helped me even a tiny bit but I'll have it this time aswell because I liked it lol.

Ok ladies, question! How many maternity/sanitary towels are you taking to hospital? Amanda, you may know this better than me. I had a drain in my stomach to get rid of the blood I was loosing so I don't actually know how many I would normally have needed for the 1st 2 days. Or if I should buy actual maternity towels to last for the full bleed or just the 1st couple of days? I know that if you use normal pads it can mask infection but I just can't imagine wearing what are potentially just nappies, for weeks or even any longer than a day or 2. xxx
Oooh I dont know. I bought 10 packs of Mat Towels from ASDA and was going to pack about 4 packs...
Hello Limbo Ladies

Havent caught up yet but hope everone is well.

Soem of you know about my hospital trip lol Im still a bit sore and I fell again yesterday (I didnt want to mention that bit on FB :dohh:) so I have a pretty sore leg and ankle today too.

heres the story if anyone would like to know.

In Tescos, my delightful little monster decided to run away, I parked the trolley, went after her, caught her arm and then she slipped and I came tumbling down with her. I landed on my left leg and hip and Phoebe had face planted. Her lip was split and bleeding everywhere and we had lots of people rush over to us. I dont think they realised I was pregnant straight away as I had Phoebe cuddled into me while sitting on the floor and she looked awful so everyone fussed her. Anyways Tescos got us tissues, peas for phoebes lip and a ice lolly for her to suck, she was pretty upset and shaken and I was too but was more worried for her obviously than me.
When we went to leave, I got outside and rang Ross and then felt a bit shaky, drove (probably shouldnt have done) to local Minor injuries for us to be checked over and realised I hadnt felt baby move since I fell and Iwas shaking like a leaf. Phoebe was fine by this point, loving all the drama and had a super fat lip.
Waited forever to be seen, I had felt Jacob move so had clamed slightly. Phoebe was fine. My blood pressure was sky high (no wonder) plus because Im Rh Neg and was getting quite sore, they wanted to check me over more so off to DAU I went with my mum, Ross stayed home with Phoebe.
Spent all evening on the monitor, had blood taken, BP had gone down slightly and was due to go home when I had a great shooting pain up my back infront of the midwife so no go for me, I had to stay in. I had nothing with me so ended up sleeping in my clothes ( they gave me a gown but it was like sandpaper), my phone battery had died so was using my mums old brick so couldnt even go on FB lol.
Slept awful, was sooooo sore and had a lady labouring next to me until bout half 1 when she got moved and then another lady snoring all night.
Spent all morning strapped up again and had the evil AntiD injection.

So i get home late afternoon after spending day at my mums, walk into my front room and go over on my ankle and end up on all fours. My knee has taken a beating and my ankle is pretty sore. Was going to ring DAU to tell them I had fallen again but Jacob has been moving fine, I had literally had the AntiD 5 hours before and TBH I felt like a right tit so I left it, if I thought there was anything seriously wrong I would have called straight away.

So Im bruised and beaten lying on the sofa at the moment lol

I was told by three midwifes I have a fair size baby though Im measuring for dates so I dont think there is a lot of water in there, he is just all baby. Will not be buying anymore newborn I dont think lol.

Hearing all those ladies in labour has made me want him all the more, I cant wait for him to come now, Im soooooooo excited!!

Right off for a catch upxx
Just commented on fb, I loved the RLT! I ended up drinking it more because I enjoyed it! I never helped me even a tiny bit but I'll have it this time aswell because I liked it lol.

Ok ladies, question! How many maternity/sanitary towels are you taking to hospital? Amanda, you may know this better than me. I had a drain in my stomach to get rid of the blood I was loosing so I don't actually know how many I would normally have needed for the 1st 2 days. Or if I should buy actual maternity towels to last for the full bleed or just the 1st couple of days? I know that if you use normal pads it can mask infection but I just can't imagine wearing what are potentially just nappies, for weeks or even any longer than a day or 2. xxx

Ohhh I'm glad you asked this Claire because I want to know too!! Also how many nappies should I take? And breast pads? :shrug: Do you take baby wipes and sudo creme etc - Jes' I'm so clueless!! gulp!
Good question!!

Ive got 2x packs of 20 from Boots, 1x pack of 20 from mothercare and 1x pack of 10 thick ones from Wilkos so far.... not really sure what to expect? Will it be like a period or much heavier?

BTW, if you would like to add me on FB (those of you who don't alrady have me ) Im Katie Bellman in the Leicestershire area, photo is a pic of 20wk scan x
Awww Brables, how horrid!!! Hope you're feeling ok now?x
Hello Limbo Ladies

Havent caught up yet but hope everone is well.

Soem of you know about my hospital trip lol Im still a bit sore and I fell again yesterday (I didnt want to mention that bit on FB :dohh:) so I have a pretty sore leg and ankle today too.

heres the story if anyone would like to know.

In Tescos, my delightful little monster decided to run away, I parked the trolley, went after her, caught her arm and then she slipped and I came tumbling down with her. I landed on my left leg and hip and Phoebe had face planted. Her lip was split and bleeding everywhere and we had lots of people rush over to us. I dont think they realised I was pregnant straight away as I had Phoebe cuddled into me while sitting on the floor and she looked awful so everyone fussed her. Anyways Tescos got us tissues, peas for phoebes lip and a ice lolly for her to suck, she was pretty upset and shaken and I was too but was more worried for her obviously than me.
When we went to leave, I got outside and rang Ross and then felt a bit shaky, drove (probably shouldnt have done) to local Minor injuries for us to be checked over and realised I hadnt felt baby move since I fell and Iwas shaking like a leaf. Phoebe was fine by this point, loving all the drama and had a super fat lip.
Waited forever to be seen, I had felt Jacob move so had clamed slightly. Phoebe was fine. My blood pressure was sky high (no wonder) plus because Im Rh Neg and was getting quite sore, they wanted to check me over more so off to DAU I went with my mum, Ross stayed home with Phoebe.
Spent all evening on the monitor, had blood taken, BP had gone down slightly and was due to go home when I had a great shooting pain up my back infront of the midwife so no go for me, I had to stay in. I had nothing with me so ended up sleeping in my clothes ( they gave me a gown but it was like sandpaper), my phone battery had died so was using my mums old brick so couldnt even go on FB lol.
Slept awful, was sooooo sore and had a lady labouring next to me until bout half 1 when she got moved and then another lady snoring all nig

Oh my god!!! You poor thing - will you ladies stop having hospital dashes it's not good for my blood pressure!! :haha: Glad you are ok now and hope Phoebe's lip feels better too, what a shock... glad you're back though!!
I have a packet of thick maternity towels, a pack or thin ones and been stocking up on normal sanitary towels aswell. I hate wearing towels, they always make me feel dirty, even though I'm know I'm nit, I just hate them lol xxx
Thanks girls, the bloody post posted before I had finished so its all done now lol x
Aww Amanda, how'd you manage to fall again?? :hugs: Sounds awful but glad you're alright now! Phoebe sounds like a right little drama queen loving all the attention :haha: typical girl eh?

Nappies etc, yeah I'm taking it all to hospital except bum cream. They would give you nappies etc if it was an emergency but I'm pretty sure they don't supply them as standard. xxx
Here are some pictures of me in the dildo dress! Ive cropped my head out as I have a weird policy of not showing my face on here although Im always happy to add people to my FB.

The last pic was the one that inspired a friend to ask on FB if I was having twins! :grr:


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Oh God Barbles Im sorry you had another fall!!!! Hope you're ok xxx
You look scrummy, and not like a dildo at all!!

Bloody hell barbles, what is it with all the limbo ladies going to hospital, i think you secretely love it there.

Im currently packing up my uni room and cleaning the entire house, emptied the entire kitchen yesterday, i know i should be taking it easy, but i dont trust my housemates to do it after im gone! xxxx
Barbles - bless you hun! Sorry to hear about your tumble but sooo glad that you and Phoebe are alright XXX Big hugs to you XXX

Just got back from midwife appointment... I was scratching my hands and feet whilst in there, a common symptom of my eczema, and so she decided to take blood tests there and then for obstetric cholestasis. I tried to tell her its just eczema but no, she wouldn't listen. 45 minutes later and 4 attempts at taking blood and she finally admits defeat as she couldn't get me to bleed lol. So I now have to go to the surgery tomorrow to try again... at the same time we are supposed to be picking up the keys for the new house. If I don't laugh right now, I will cry so am laughing hysterically. All this for bloody eczema!! So every day this week I will have either been in hospital or seeing some form of medical professional!! I am grateful that they're taking all precautions, just not so chuffed at the extra blood tests!! xxx
Oh ceecee! I wish everything was much simpler for you, best just to be sure though because that itchy thing can really affect your liver.

Ladies, I am having a mare! I'm trying to find nice stickers for the kids room. I want jungle stickers for the walls and trying to find cheap-ish ones with the alphabet on is a nightmare :dohh: I'm thinking of getting stencils and painting them on but I don't want to make an arse of it. And we need nice jungle stickers for the walls and I can't find any I like!!! Someone with some time please help me, I'm gonna freak in a minute lol xxx

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