Hello Limbo Ladies
Havent caught up yet but hope everone is well.
Soem of you know about my hospital trip lol Im still a bit sore and I fell again yesterday (I didnt want to mention that bit on FB

) so I have a pretty sore leg and ankle today too.
heres the story if anyone would like to know.
In Tescos, my delightful little monster decided to run away, I parked the trolley, went after her, caught her arm and then she slipped and I came tumbling down with her. I landed on my left leg and hip and Phoebe had face planted. Her lip was split and bleeding everywhere and we had lots of people rush over to us. I dont think they realised I was pregnant straight away as I had Phoebe cuddled into me while sitting on the floor and she looked awful so everyone fussed her. Anyways Tescos got us tissues, peas for phoebes lip and a ice lolly for her to suck, she was pretty upset and shaken and I was too but was more worried for her obviously than me.
When we went to leave, I got outside and rang Ross and then felt a bit shaky, drove (probably shouldnt have done) to local Minor injuries for us to be checked over and realised I hadnt felt baby move since I fell and Iwas shaking like a leaf. Phoebe was fine by this point, loving all the drama and had a super fat lip.
Waited forever to be seen, I had felt Jacob move so had clamed slightly. Phoebe was fine. My blood pressure was sky high (no wonder) plus because Im Rh Neg and was getting quite sore, they wanted to check me over more so off to DAU I went with my mum, Ross stayed home with Phoebe.
Spent all evening on the monitor, had blood taken, BP had gone down slightly and was due to go home when I had a great shooting pain up my back infront of the midwife so no go for me, I had to stay in. I had nothing with me so ended up sleeping in my clothes ( they gave me a gown but it was like sandpaper), my phone battery had died so was using my mums old brick so couldnt even go on FB lol.
Slept awful, was sooooo sore and had a lady labouring next to me until bout half 1 when she got moved and then another lady snoring all night.
Spent all morning strapped up again and had the evil AntiD injection.
So i get home late afternoon after spending day at my mums, walk into my front room and go over on my ankle and end up on all fours. My knee has taken a beating and my ankle is pretty sore. Was going to ring DAU to tell them I had fallen again but Jacob has been moving fine, I had literally had the AntiD 5 hours before and TBH I felt like a right tit so I left it, if I thought there was anything seriously wrong I would have called straight away.
So Im bruised and beaten lying on the sofa at the moment lol
I was told by three midwifes I have a fair size baby though Im measuring for dates so I dont think there is a lot of water in there, he is just all baby. Will not be buying anymore newborn I dont think lol.
Hearing all those ladies in labour has made me want him all the more, I cant wait for him to come now, Im soooooooo excited!!
Right off for a catch upxx