Limbo Ladies!!

Totally OT, but just had my fair restored in human kind!!

One of my clients just called to invite me and hubby along to a comedy evening with free bar (for hubs obviously) and food etc at his farm on firday night!! He said I'm the only one in my company that has ever been any use and he just wanted to show his appreciation, because he may not still be with us by the time I get back from Maternity Leave! Bit short notice, but very sweet non the less!

Ceecee, I see your vein are like to hide??x

I like these ones but I'm not sure if I can afford that, just for stickers :wacko: xxx

Something like this Claire?

Or these stickers for the walls xxx
Aw thats so nice of him Katie!

My veins suck too.Im insisting if I need a cannula that the most senior Doctor on the ward does mine, no cack-handed Madwife for me thankyou!
Thank you Katie! That's pretty much what I'm looking for :hugs: The only think I'm thinking is most of those letters are actually covered by the animals. Maybe I should just get normal coloured alphabet stickers? xxx
Yeah, get plain alphabet stickers and get the jungle stickers seperatly...would be a lot cheaper too!! x
hiiiiiii girlllllllllllllls!

arghhhh what a long week / weekend ive had!

we finally moved in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are finally settled! unpacking was so hard! we had so much shit and i just didnt know where to start! thank god for the bank holiday! we then spend over 300 on new stuff for the i dont know! on pots, pans, cutlery, duvet covers etc!

nursery is getting painted at the weekend wooooooooo! ive started a nursery progress album on facebook, il try keep it updated!!!!

Ceecee just ready your hospital post! So glad all is ok!!! What a scare! Your little madam wants outie!!!! And eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek to 23rd June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So soon!!!!!!! xx

Does anyone else get crazy bad leg cramps! i get them every night and morning! they are agonising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i swear my bump has halted in growth!!!!!! whenever i tell ppl ive got 7 weeks to go they are shocked! and to be honest so am i LOL it isnt that big! am scared now and i dont have my next midwife till the 9th! gona have to wait it out! xx
I like the plain animal ones claire, and getting some alphabet ones to mix in would look lovely.

Eeeeeeeee samira im sure your little one is growing fine.

Ive put myself in a silly situation eeeeek, my housemates mum gave me a moses basket, but i wanted a new one (sorry if thats snobby lol) anyway i accepted her moses basket etc etc and its been in my room since then. Anyway my friends from home asked me what i wanted, so i said a moses basket cause theres 4 of them putting money in it wouldnt be expensive and they have fab taste, soooooooooo theyve got me one. Anyway im having a baby shower on saturday, and theyre coming up to leeds with the moses basket, now im going to look ungrateful. Im going to warn them that my response will be 'oooooo thanks, now i have 2, im going to keep one at my mums house' just so i dont hurt my housemates feelings. is this bad? i feel soooooooooo mean xxx
Samira, Im feeling you with the leg cramps!!!!! My MW told me to drink milky drinks like Horlicks befreo bed, and eat a banana...seems to be doing the trick so far!!!

Michelle, I dont think it seems ungrateful at all! One at yours and one at your mums is a prefectly reasonalbe excuse too!! BTW, where about in Leeds are you from? Im from there, I moved down to Leicestershire 3 years ago xx
I love my mum sooooo much. She popped round to see how I was doing and tidied my kitchen and front room and hoovered right through seeming the house has been neglected a bit the last few days and I cant stand for more than 5 minutes :hugs: She is the best.

Im having a serious leaky boob day, my right booby has not stopped spurting out since I got up.

Glad your all moved in Samira.

And no your not ungrateful at all Michelle.

Hopefully you dont have OC CeeCee, my itching has calmed a lot these last few days.

My veins are super, never have any problem with them, I do get a few complements on them haha. Though my right arm has been battered with all the blood taken and the butcher midwife.
Wow girls, can't believe how much there is to catch up on!

CeeCee and Amanda- hope you're both doing ok after your hospital trips. I hope you pair are not setting a trend for the Limbo Ladies!! Must have been pretty scary for you both, having to go through that. I think you're both incredibly brave (and CeeCee- how awesome are you managing with those contractions at almost full strength?!).

Pop- glad to hear the wedding went well, albeit having to deal with a few idiots who don't understand the needs of a hormonal pregnant woman whose baby is using their bladder as a trampoline! Dress looks lovely too :)

Michelle- you don't sound ungrateful at all. Plus, it sounds plausible to keep one moses basket at your house and one at your mum's :thumbup:

Ugh, my head is in a shed today (I blame being in work!) so I know I've missed people and events out. Sorry :blush:

Our cat still hasn't turned up so I'm genuinely fearing the worst now- she's never disappeared for this long. Even if the worst has happened, I just wish we could find where she's gone so we could give her a proper send off. I just hate to think of her being somewhere on her own :cry:

On a brighter note, we had our first NHS Parentcraft class last night, which was brilliant. My midwife actually took the class so it was nice that I knew her already so felt comfortable butting in with questions :haha: The first part of the class was about early labour signs, when to ring the hospital, what to pack in the hospital bag etc (although I've already printed my list out from on here lol). The second part was all about different methods of pain relief which was good to hear about, as there were things that I didn't even know about or know that were available (aromatherapy and IV paracetamol being two of them). The class came to a bit of an unceremonious end though as a poor woman fainted when we were discussing epidurals! So, it got cut a little bit short but she seemed to be ok as we all shuffled out of the room! What was good about the class was that apart from one woman, everyone was having their first babies so it was nice to feel clueless together! Also, everyone was around the same age so I didn't feel like an old fart :haha: Also found out that the labour ward where I'll be having the baby has just finished being refurbed so everything is clean and modern, and there is ALWAYS one midwife to one mum so no midwife shortages :thumbup: Apparently it's not a very busy ward which is good to know.
Sounds like a great class, I really should go to one! :haha: What did they say about aromatherapy?

Sorry to hear about your cat hun :hugs:
Oooh I hope your cat turns up, its horrible when they go missing. And your class sounds fun. Im so tempted to go to the ante-natal day they do here as I loved it last time but Im worried I may find it a bit boring as I have sort of been there, done it.

And I do not intend to go to hospital again unless Im bringing home a baby with me lol Having a few niggles and pains today, just not feeling right. But then I have hardly left the sofa as I cant stand for long so maybe thats why.
Im living in headingley for the next couple of days, been here for 4 years whilst studying at Leeds met, but im trotting off back home on sunday for good. Cant wait to be by my family again.

On a different note, please let me vent my anger, then explain....


The stupid FOB just text me, after about 2 months of no contact. and the last thing he said was along the lines of "youve ruined my life, i hate you, i want nothing to do with you ever" asking how i was and how the baby was, i know hes messed up and changed his mind, etc and i can understand that, but hes vile, and hes done it so many times, when i look at my first posts on here i was gutted by the way he left me, even though we were only together for a short time. Anyway in the past ive been nice to him, usually replying with, were fine thanks etc etc. Today i just said - what do you care, last u said u didnt want to be involved and i was happy with that, he replied with, have you got a name yet? (WHAT THE FU******KRFKJDRGKSDK) so i He then text giving his opinion on the name Isabelle, which was my choice last time we had contact (oh im not telling him ive chosen Esme) i replied with, look why are u texting me? and he hasnt replied. IDIOT.

I am in regular contact with his Mum and sister, and although ive only met them once plan to meet up when im home, and want them to be involved. But he cant keep messing me around. I just hate him. xx
Hey ladies!

Haven't caught up much, but Michelle, if I were you I'd just ignore him. He's obviously incapable of taking a hint! What a tool.

Well, we still have a mouse because of some reason my FIL didn't set a trap when we were away at the weekend! Hubby is seriously cracking up because every time he puts food on the trap and checks it in the morning, it's gone! Cheeky wee bugger! I don't know why but he hasn't cleared out the bottom of the cupboard so my money is on it going up the top, stealing the food then hiding out underneath! But I ain't touching it so waiting on hubby too. But I think he's scared lol.

I slept shite last night, had an afternoon nap which doesn't normally affect my night time sleep these days but last night Jayden got up a couple of times, one time getting out of bed and peeing before he got to the toilet so it was on his bed AND floor lol. I feel like I'm running on empty this morning and Jayden's full of beans lol. Taking my niece to the 3D JLS movie today as her birthday present but I really can't be bothered!

Hope everyone has a nice day! xxx
Morning all!

Michelle, Claire is right, what a tool!! Just give him a whole bunch of duff info if he text you again....w@nker! lol

Waiting, still no sign of kitty? Must be horrid, not knowing!! Still keeping everything crossed!

Claire, Im the same, had a terrible nights sleep!! Hubby was doing my head in last night too..... not his fault, he was asleep, but every time I turned over to get comfy, he turned to face me!! Aaaarrggghhh!!! So Ive been awake since about 3.30am...with 2 dead arms....annoying!!

SIL came round last night to give me a foot massage though, so not all bad!!

Totally OT, but can you ladies think of any femal movie villains? Preferably not Cat Woman esq! I dont fancy wearing lycra at the best of times, but 4/5 weeks after giving way!!! x
he text me back this morning saying 'i may be a prick but i still want to know how the baby is' i said well you didnt before, so whats changed, i dont like you and i dont trust you and my baby is better off without you, and he replied with yeh your probably right, im moving away in a few weeks anyway. RESULT!!! i said, thats the best thing you could have told me, i'll let you now when shes born and that shes ok but thats all u need to know. have a good move.

I feel proud, and happy hes moving away from the same town as me, i know it wont be far cause he works. but woop woop xxx
Michelle – you wont hurt their feelings at all!!! I think the way you are covering it up is ideal! You don’t need to say which one you are keeping where!!

Oh nooo come back kims kitty!!!!!!!! How long has she been gone for?! Maybe get some posters made?

OMG michelle!!!! Your FOB is a complete twunt!!!!!! Id deffo tell him where to stick it! He hasn’t been in contact for 2 months and then that!!!! He has no right to be involved with any of the decisions you make! PS Esme is a much nicer name than Isabelle hehe! I saw another little baby girl called Esmai on facebook the other day and thought how lovely the name was!!!! Where is it from’?

Eeek Claire! Id poop myself knowing there was a mouse hehe! Im such a scardy cat! Whenever we go fishing nights theres sooo many rats, i spend my night making sure i am properly wrapped up in my sleeping bag with no holes incase they come in!

Hmmmm female movie villans...............ive just looked up on the internet...what about mystique from xmen!!!!! Paint yourself blue hehehe! Or wicked witch of the west from wizard of oz? Oooor cruella diville – i thought of that one hhaha I HATE HER! And medusa from little mermaid grrrr! Such a hoe!

YAY go michelle, just seen the next bit on the thread!!! Show him who’s boss! Grrr!

On a positive getting my new car today eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Pick it up at 3pm!!!! I am officially growing up and owning a “family car”. Bye bye Wesley my sex on legs mini!!!! No more convertible....not that ive used it while being pregs, if its hot enough for the roof to be down its too hot for me so the aircon goes on lol!

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