Wow girls, can't believe how much there is to catch up on!
CeeCee and Amanda- hope you're both doing ok after your hospital trips. I hope you pair are not setting a trend for the Limbo Ladies!! Must have been pretty scary for you both, having to go through that. I think you're both incredibly brave (and CeeCee- how awesome are you managing with those contractions at almost full strength?!).
Pop- glad to hear the wedding went well, albeit having to deal with a few idiots who don't understand the needs of a hormonal pregnant woman whose baby is using their bladder as a trampoline! Dress looks lovely too
Michelle- you don't sound ungrateful at all. Plus, it sounds plausible to keep one moses basket at your house and one at your mum's
Ugh, my head is in a shed today (I blame being in work!) so I know I've missed people and events out. Sorry
Our cat still hasn't turned up so I'm genuinely fearing the worst now- she's never disappeared for this long. Even if the worst has happened, I just wish we could find where she's gone so we could give her a proper send off. I just hate to think of her being somewhere on her own
On a brighter note, we had our first NHS Parentcraft class last night, which was brilliant. My midwife actually took the class so it was nice that I knew her already so felt comfortable butting in with questions

The first part of the class was about early labour signs, when to ring the hospital, what to pack in the hospital bag etc (although I've already printed my list out from on here lol). The second part was all about different methods of pain relief which was good to hear about, as there were things that I didn't even know about or know that were available (aromatherapy and IV paracetamol being two of them). The class came to a bit of an unceremonious end though as a poor woman fainted when we were discussing epidurals! So, it got cut a little bit short but she seemed to be ok as we all shuffled out of the room! What was good about the class was that apart from one woman, everyone was having their first babies so it was nice to feel clueless together! Also, everyone was around the same age so I didn't feel like an old fart

Also found out that the labour ward where I'll be having the baby has just finished being refurbed so everything is clean and modern, and there is ALWAYS one midwife to one mum so no midwife shortages

Apparently it's not a very busy ward which is good to know.