Limbo Ladies!!

Cruela may work!!! Just a wig and a faux fur coat right?? Easy Peasy?!
Hubby is going as Hitman... cos he's bald and has a black suit i think! lol

Baby baths! Whats better? A stand alone bath for baby or something to go in our regular bath? Some kind of seat or support?

We've been looking at something like this...|Bathing+and+potty+training|14417599.htm

but can't decide if something like this would be better...|Bathing+and+potty+training|14417599.htm

or even this...|Bathing+and+potty+training|14417599.htm

KTB – ive got both a baby bath and a bath support which goes in the bath! I got them both from the car booty for a couple quid each lol! i don’t know which one i will prefer when it comes to it so i got both. I need to get a top and tail thingy yet though!
The thing thats putting me off the bath is the space it'll take up...we've not got much of it as it is!! I think UIm leaning towards the Summer folding seat thingy.....hmmmmm!

I really wanna go home! I feel like poo!!
Samira, what car did you go for? I got rid of my beloved Mini 2 months ago. I miss him soooooo much!!!!!!

Michelle - WOOT for FOB moving away! :dance: and Esme is a beautiful name, we're both very Twilight what with Esme and Alice!
MrsPOP - i got a nissan quashqui +2! its fab! the boot is huuuuuge and you can turn the boot into 2 extra seats....why i need that i dont know but its nice to have the option LOL!

I miss my mini already though just knowing i wont drive it any more! ive got....had more like.. the cooper S convert so it was soooo fast and had such a roar and kick when it drove which this new car doesnt have but im a mummy to be, have to be practical!!!! x
We've actually got a few Twilight names her, Esme, Alice, Leah, Jacob, I think there's a Jessica in the books (although I'm not sure about the films) And they're all gorgeous names! :happydance:

It has been ROASTING here today! I've been so sticky and hot all day even though I showered this morning, so just had another cool shower and I could honestly have stayed in there all night! Now I'm laid in bed watching BGT with the ceiling fan on, it's like heaven! :haha: xxx
Hellooooooo ladies.

Have only caught up on the last page so far, never realised we were so Twilight obsessed haha.

Decorating again today, OH is on the bathroom today and ma and da are on they way over to help me clear the front room for new carpet tomorrow. Then all I gotta do is clear and tidy our bedroom and the house is all ready for a small persons arrival!!! Goinna try to blag OH for some dollas to buy some nice things to go in the bathroom :happydance:

Hope everyone is ok in this heat, personally I am dying!! Going to try to buy one of those hand held fans to take around and for labour, hospitals are always hot anyways so imagine giving birth in this!! Urg!!

Off to put wahing on the line :hangwashing: (one good thing about this weather) and go to town so catch up laters

Ooh and Im a honeydew finally though Jacob is blatently FAR bigger lol
The thought of giving birth in this heat makes me want to :cry: !!!!
I'm sorry ladies that I wont get a chance to catch up right now.., just wanted to quickly update you all. We're in our new house, about 70% unpacked but it's nice :) found it a bit sad at first leaving my parents or just not having them around but it's also nice to have my own space..just wanted to let you all know we're all good, cant belive I'm 36 weeks on Tuesday. I'm terrified, honestly, terrified of labour. The responsibility doesn't scare me, the sleepless nights don't either, it's the thought of the labour, can't stop worrying about it. Have a gut feeling I'll go early. But now that i've said that I bet that wont happen. I'm guessing end of June instead of 5th July. We shall see!

Had our routine scan, baby has gone from a few days behind to a few days ahead, eek. So hopefully she's going to be a good weight and not too small now, but hopefully not too big either. However, they've said they're happy for me not to need another scan from now on. My GD team put me on metformin as my fasting before breakfast levels have been quite high so we will see if that controls it , if not then they'll discuss insulin. We've not set the internet up at ours yet, i'm currently at parents visiting, but we should have it soon. And then I can keep sane with some kind of virtual company as OH works 9-5:30 six days a week which can get lonely. I can't wait for the labour to come, and go and to meet my little girl. I hope you're all doing fab, like I said, sorry I haven't been able to catch up on everyone.. I miss talking to you ladies. Hope to catch up properly soon. Lots of love. <3 xxx
:hugs: Rachy I think we'll all surprise ourselves with how well we'll do in labour ya know. We're quite close together in our EDDs, be interesting to see which of the limbo ladies pops first! I hope I go at the end of June too, this SPD is getting unbearable!
Hello scrumptious bums!

Yes my FOB is a weirdo, hes done a few more strange things the past couple of days which has resorted in me speaking to his girlfriend, who is also confused by his behaviour. More fool her to be honest.

Anyway, on to the exciting news, i had my baby shower this weekend, ive put the photos on facebook, it was hilarious! I blindfolded my friends and in pairs they had to feed each other blended food and guess what it was, it was highly entertaining!!! Got some lovely things too :)

How is everyone else? Do we get a picky of the car Samira??

Oh ive also moved back home from Leeds today, and its 11 days till i get my keys to the new place :) eeeeeeeeeeeeeek xxxx
Morning all!!

What else has he done Michelle? Nutter!! Baby shower sounds fun!!

Samira, I swapped my little funcky Seat for a Honda be honest, its much more fun!! I like being bigger than most other cars!! Even though they dont seem to see me!! We still have our little Honda coupe though :)

OMG, my hayfever is driving me up the wall!! Im fed up of sodding sneezing!!
I got a text off him asking if i had posted my scan pictures through his girlfriends door, i laughed this off as i was in Leeds and 100 miles away. I started speaking to his sister who was with his girlfriend at the time, and the scan pictures were on her sofa when she came down in the morning so they cant have been posted through the door. Anyway he started denying he had ever been to a scan, which isnt true as he came to my early scan in December, and took 2 pictures away. He then asked me to tell his girlfriend he never had any pictures, so i forwarded this message to her lol. Anyway he was blaming me, and his girlfriend thought it was him.

He text me this morning saying they had sorted it, and the scan pictures had been put in a dvd box so his girlfriends daughter, whom he plays daddy to, must have got them out. I said well dont involve me in your troubles again, he said dont worry i wont bother you again, and and about the birth certificate, i think you should put Tom (my boyfriend) on it as i wont go on it.

I told him i wasnt going to lie on her birth certificate, and as his family will be involved it will just confuse her. Im going to tell her like it is, that your her dad but you wouldnt be a man, and didnt want to be involved.

Argh xxx
Oh Michelle, he sounds like a nightmare!!! Tell him to do one and leave you the fuck alone! Well, that's what I'd do lol.

Oooh Katie, I hope your hayfever gets better soon. I've never suffered but hubby and Jayden get it, it's not nice :hugs:

I'm never buying a new car, every time I get one I fall pregnant! Lol, got my last one in June 2007 and found out I was pregnant July 2007, this time we started looking in November last year and found out I was pregnant in December lol. And since this is my last one I will NOT be buying a new car lol.

I swear my belly gets bigger every time I look at it! Here's a pic from yesterday if you haven't already seen it on FB


Can't believe I'm over 30 weeks already! xxx
Goodness me Michelle your FOB is a bloody loon!!!!! I sincerely hope you're CSA-ing him?He sounds like my ex who dumped me when I stopped giving him money and he kept making out I was some psycho ex and his new GF kept contacting me to stop harrassing him and it all fell spectacularly around his stupid head when the truth came. The silly cow ended up marrying him and having 2 kids with him before she finally cottoned on what a freak he is and then divorced his stupid ass :haha:
Sounds like you had a lucky escape there Mrs! Lol

So I had lunch with what was supposed to be my mum and dad today before they go away on holiday, but it ended up including my sister and the devil nephew! Luckily Jayden was well behaved despite D's stupid tantrums so I was very proud of him. But my sister does my head in. She was going to get her nails done so asked my dad to take D home with him for a couple of hours and she said 'why doesn't Jayden go over aswell and they can play together?' :wacko: So I said no, he was going for a nap because he's been up since 6 and he's got his Zumba class at 3.30pm and I didn't want him to be grumpy later, and she was like 'oh, he'll be fine, he'll just sleep longer tonight' etc etc. I think I had to say no about 4-5 times before I eventually said 'no, I'm going home. Give Auntie E a kiss and cuddle. Goodbye' And she made fun of the fact I wouldn't give Jayden ice-cream with strawberry sauce on it! He had a white t-shirt on and it's just full of sugar, he doesn't need it! And she joked about giving him a drink of her cola, it's just not funny! On nights out (that are very rare now since she met her new man) she's like my best friend but when it comes to parenting and the kids we just clash so much and I cannot be arsed with it.

Sorry, that turned into quite a rant lol xxx
Goodness me Michelle your FOB is a bloody loon!!!!! I sincerely hope you're CSA-ing him?He sounds like my ex who dumped me when I stopped giving him money and he kept making out I was some psycho ex and his new GF kept contacting me to stop harrassing him and it all fell spectacularly around his stupid head when the truth came. The silly cow ended up marrying him and having 2 kids with him before she finally cottoned on what a freak he is and then divorced his stupid ass :haha:

Im not going through CSA, if hes not involved I dont want his money or anything to do with him, and as he wont go on the birth certificate i cant go through the CSA without a DNA test, which i would pay for, and to be perfectly honest, im not fighting for him to be involved, if he doesnt want to be he is doing me a favour. My brother just rang me and asked if i wanted him to sit down with Ollie (the FOB) i said no not at all, i want nothing to do with him. I wish i could delete his number but ive got to keep the texts he had sent me for future reference if they are ever needed. What a crappy situation!! xxx
Morning all you lovelies!!

Im a grumpy cow today!!! Im so chuffing tired, baby hiccups, sore hips and dead arm kept me awake all last night!! It feels like Ive done a full week at work already and its only Tuesday morning!! I just can't wait to finish, the commute stresses me out beyond all control, Im doing nothing while Im here because my work load has been re allocated in preperation for me finishing, Im on my own in my office all day long, I cant stop eating...etc etc!!

On the plus side, we start our antenatal classes on Saturday! It's an all day thing, well 10am -3pm! We're very exited, if a little nervous!!

How are you all? xx
Hey all!

God, what's with all the hospital visits?! I don't like this. Please all look after yourselves! Hope those of you who've had to go in are ok now and have feet very firmly up in front of Jezza and Homes Under The Hammer!

I have had a busy few days but all nice - went to my friend's wedding in a v. posh bit of Essex where we stayed in an amazing B&B (better than some hotels we've stayed in!), had excellent weather, wedding was lovely and my hat was ace! The bride and groom had reserved seats in the ceremony room for their preggo guests so hubby and I got a seat which was nice (was v. small, most people had to stand!). Went to Take That on Sunday which was A-MAZING! Not as good as Circus which to be fair was pretty hard to beat but the whole thing was brilliant as always. Robbie's solo bit was great. Pet Shop Boys were an amazing support act too! We had seats in the unreserved bit but I spent the whole time stood up anyway, was shattered yesterday but sooo worth it.

Just to put a downer on things though I'm having a nightmare with sodding pregnancy gingivitis (am pretty sure that's what it is), going to have to go to the dentist which I hate with an unbridled passion to have teeth cleaned and see if there's anything he can do. I hate taking tablets whilst I'm pregnant and have gone the whole way through this pregnancy taking nothing at all but am now popping paracetamol regularly and I don't like it. This baby's going to come out looking like a 500mg caplet at this rate!

I'm always concerned about this baby anyway. I never feel big kicks or anything, just the odd shuffle, hiccups (if they even are hiccups) feel faint and don't seem to happen very often, I can't work out where they're sitting, I've had no leakages... Even though I have a big belly and am uncomfortable in every way, I feel like I'm pretending half the time! I just want them to go mad and beat me up every day (will regret that now!). They may still be breech as well I suppose which won't help.

Mrs Pop, you look lovely in your bridesmaid dress! Bloody photographer was a bit rude though, I hate the Nazi ones! The snapper at the wedding I went to at the weekend told me to 'squash in a bit' for our group photo. Err, well with the hat and the stomach that's quite difficult pal!

Kate: what a BITCH receptionist! Why are they so awful at all?! They've clearly missed a vocation as some sort of fascist dictator. I've got 4.5 weeks of work left and I'm slowly passing out the odd file so I'm not leaving it 'til the last minute. My main aim is just to leave work on time and not be constantly stressing out before I go! I've got my last 2 NCT sessions this week, one tomorrow night and an all-dayer on Saturday from 10 - 4.30. I'm taking my mum on Saturday so have told her to behave herself! I really enjoy them and the other ladies are really nice. I saw one of them at TT on Sunday!

Michelle: He is a loon. Your little girl is much better off without him at all instead of having this odd character hanging around in her life.
Hi everyone, how is everyone?? Staying out of hospitals for a while??

I've been so busy at work. My replacement started on Monday and she is sooo slow! I've got so much to do and she is holding me up. My manager is worried and wishes I didnt have to leave.

On a better note, my team surprised me with a babyshower lunch!! It was so sweet of them. They've organised drinks for me on Thursday which is my last day.

I'm so tired these days... And my tummy hurts... Like it is stretched to the max and wants to stretch more!! :(

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