Limbo Ladies!!

Hi everyone, how is everyone?? Staying out of hospitals for a while??

I've been so busy at work. My replacement started on Monday and she is sooo slow! I've got so much to do and she is holding me up. My manager is worried and wishes I didnt have to leave.

On a better note, my team surprised me with a babyshower lunch!! It was so sweet of them. They've organised drinks for me on Thursday which is my last day.

I'm so tired these days... And my tummy hurts... Like it is stretched to the max and wants to stretch more!! :(
Hello ladies, once again I havent caught up :dohh:

Finally finished decorating!!! So my little cottage is now looking lovely and is ready for little mans arrival. My list of things to do before he gets here is getting smaller and looks like I will be done by my 35 weeks deadline to be ready for him :happydance:

Health visitor came today, she didnt say much really, was nice and forgot half the stuff and the red book so didnt stay long thank god lol.

I then spent the rest of the day on the sofa watching Lord of the Rings and dozing, Phoebe was at nursery so i took full advantage of this. Over-did it a bit yesterday with the old cleaning so it was nice to have a break.

Ooh and Tescos called to see how Phoebe was after her accident, I told them she was fine and I was the one who actually ended up in hospital :haha: anyways they are sending us a £30 voucher for Phoebe to buy herself a toy with, bonus seeming it was a complete accident.

I hope everyone is ok and there havent been too many dramas.
will definately catch up properly tomorrow.

Well after telling everyone to be careful yesterday I ended up in a calamity of my own last night! I was walking from work to the car park, fell over due to a combination of slippery surface and a bit of the heel on my (completely flat) sandals falling off - my left knee, which I scraped along the floor, is now disgusting and I can only describe it as looking like corned beef. It really hurts! And my left hip which I also kind of landed on hurts as well. So now I have a swollen face from the dodgy mouth problem (still no dentist appointment - next available slot is next Thursday!), a limp and a knee that is red raw!

Of course, out of the 6 or 7 people who saw me fall over, only one nice lady came to ask if I was ok. A group of 3 or 4 blokes were stood right next to me and they didn't even interrupt their conversation! I checked the bub's heartbeat when I got home on the old doppler and all is fine there so it's just me with the injuries which is fine.

Just to add a final insult to proceedings, I have to have my photograph taken at work today for some new business development literature stuff! I have a wonky smile, my hair is particularly wild and they're going to have to airbrush out my spots. In the words of D:Ream, things can only get better!!

That's really good of Tescos Barbles, they're obviously fending off any potential litigation you might feel like starting! And v. jealous that you've finished your decorating, ours is only halfway through if that at the moment. :-(
Hi everyone, it's too quiet on here!

I'm a bit worried about ceecee though, haven't heard from her in a while and nothing on Facebook had anyone heard from her?

AFM, I am utterly shattered. I have had just about enough of waking during the night to either pee or just the mission of turning myself over :( and then Jayden woke up at 630, again and I can't get back to sleep once he's awake. Napping during the day just isn't the same, if I ever get the chance (very very rarely) and my belly feels like it's completely stretched to capacity even though I know I've more growing to do and I've pretty much had it with pregnancy! I'm so grumpy today so everything Jayden is doing is annoying me and it's not fair on him :cry: Oh I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Hope everyone is well, well, apart from all the falls! xxx
Hi all!!

What a day!! Is it time to go home and sleep yet?!?!?

Vicki, how's the ol' corned beef leg doing? Sounds painful, glad bubs is ok though!!!

CAn we all be extra careful please, I dont want to see any more stories of falls, hospital trips, knocks and bangs etc etc...only mention of hospitals I wanna see is when I read your birth stories! lol

Ive just got off te phone with my nan, who has managed to put the fear of God into me!! She had been reading an article about the links of pre terms labours in families....and decided to tell me that:

When she gave birth to -
My uncle, he was 6 weeks early
My Auntie, she was 3 weeks early
My mum was 2 weeks early.

When my Auntie gave bith to -
1st Cousin, he was 3 weeks early
2nd cousin, she was 3 weeks early
3rd cousin, he was 7 weeks early

When my mum had me, I was 2 weeks early

So now she has me and everyone else convinced that I will be having this little fella early (whether it be the case or not) Im having a melt down! lol
Erm...I had to go to hospital today, sorry!!!!

I'm fine though, lol. Was the silly community MW who was being incompetent as always. She said Bub's heartrate was too fast, my BP was too high (yeah coz she irritates me) and I needed a CTG. Also she said bubs was breech. Whatevs.

I got to Obstetric Day ward at 1pm, I was discharged at 1.20pm lol!

CTG was fine, heartrate was great, she was wriggling away.

Then We got a surprise scan! Which was totally awesome. LO is head down (yay!) a d is starting to engage (mega yay!). We got to see her face really clear and she has the most cute little pouty mouth! And she is definately a girl, you couldn't mistake that little foof :)

Hope everyone is ok!

I don't have CeeCee on FB Claire, gosh I hope she's ok!
Hey girls!
Wow, it is quiet on here! I was expecting to be sat here for an hour going through all of the previous posts! That is a worry about CeeCee- I haven't seen her on Facebook at all since her hospital trip. Has anyone checked when she last logged in on here?

Goodness me, everyone seems to be in the wars a bit lately! Clearly it's going to be my turn to fall over somewhere soon (I'm mega clumsy at the best of times!). Amanda- glad to hear that Tesco care about what happened and followed it up to check you and Phoebe are ok.

Oh Vicki, poor you with your fall :( Can't believe there were that many people that stood by and never even tried to help you! How is it now?

Oh Laura, silly midwife!! She sounds like a right pain in the arse! At least you got a bonus scan though, and got to see your gorgeous girl :) Glad all is well though (and yay that she's engaging!).

Claire- I'm with you on the lack of sleep. If I'm up less than 4 times to pee in the night, I view it as a huge achievement! My back is giving me a lot of trouble now (I can barely walk for more than 5 minutes without it starting up and I have to sit down!) so I have 6 pillows and my Dream Genii pillow all around me to support me. I'm surprised my OH can still fit in the bed now!

Yasmin- happy last day at work! Hope your replacement is getting up to speed now!

Michelle- sounds like you're best off without that arse in your life. If he's not going to be a man, then neither you or Esme need him around. Think it's really mature and sensible of you to let his family be involved in her life, even if he hasn't got the balls to.

Samira- sounds like you're going to have fun with your new car! I'm STILL waiting for my air con to be fixed. After being told it would be '5-10 days', I'm still here 5 weeks later, and getting more impatient! They said they're still waiting from the part from Germany- I could have walked to Germany and got the part myself by now! Ooh, and it's only a week until your magazine debut isn't it?! Can't wait to see it :)

Katie- my mum has freaked me out similarly with the tales of early births. I'm one of 4 girls and we were born 2 weeks early, 6 weeks early, 8 weeks early and 11 weeks early! At least I've managed to pass a couple of those milestones already!

Have I missed anyone? So sorry if I have!!

Well, our cat still hasn't come back and to be honest, I think we're resigned to the fact that she probably won't now :( She's been gone 11 days and in her condition, it's unlikely she could fend for herself for that long. As morbid as it sounds, I just wish if something has happened to her, we could find her so we could get closure and get to say goodbye. It's just so weird- it's as if she's disappeared into thin air.

We went to see Take That on Friday night and they were bloody BRILLIANT!! We had seats that we'd booked so I did have to spend a lot of time sat down because of my back, but it didn't make any difference. I went with my mum and when I booked the tickets, OH said he didn't want to go (as I'd dragged him to see them 3 times already!). Well when he came to dropping us off, I could tell he was sulking about it and regretting not going. After Take That had been on stage about 10 minutes, I got a text from him saying 'I'm here'!! Apparently, he was hanging around on the forecourt so he could hear the songs from the outside and some bloke was there trying desperately to get rid of a spare ticket. OH only had £30 on him but this guy was so desperate, he accepted it and OH got to see the concert too! Jammy sod lol.

We had a short 4D scan last Thursday for both Grans (with my mum being up here for a few days, staying) which was lovely. Bubba was being very stubborn though and kept his hands in front of his face most of the time, but they still absolutely loved it. Sonographer estimated that he was 4lb 7oz, which was slightly above average. I'm taking that to mean I'm looking at at least a 9lb baby ;)

We had our first NCT class last Saturday and I absolutely LOVED it!! We were a bit worried about going initially because the class was in quite a posh area and thought the people might be a bit snobby, but they were all absolutely lovely (and a similar age to us too). The teacher was great and we got so much good information from her. She also kept us fed and watered with tea, juice, biscuits and lots of homemade cakes with frequent breaks lol. I liked that the class required a bit more involvement from everyone and I was really proud of my OH (who can be a bit shy around people he doesn't know), as he really got into the spirit of it :) Can't wait for the next class on Saturday!

Right, last but not least (so sorry for the huge ramble!)- my latest bump pic. Feel like I'm going to pop any minute!


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Awww the poor kitty!! It must be awful, just not knowing what happended!!

Im so jealous about Take That!!! My SIL is going in a few weeks to Wembley!! She had a spare ticket for me, but before she had chance to ask me to go, MIL stuck her beak in and told her it wasnt appropriate to ask me as I wouldnt be able to go being all preggo!!! Erm, excuse me, i'll decide that thank you!!! Glad you had a good time!! Did Robbie really make it much better? Im a Circus tour fan so it would have to be pretty special to top that!

We have our first class this Saturday!! Can't wait!! Its a full day thing, so dunno what to expect! But majorly looking forward to it!!!

Your bump look fantastic BTW!!!!!! I feel like mines not changed in the past 2 weeks :(
Thanks Kim, still walking like a cripple but on the mend!! My workmates keep asking whether I've made it in/home in one piece whenever I go anywhere! Sorry about your kitty, I will keep fingers crossed for good news but 11 days is quite a while - I imagine you have but tried contacted local animal rescue/vets type places?

Can't believe your MIL took the TT decision out of your hands Kate, that is practically grounds for divorce! They were AMAZING as always but having discussed this in depth with my mum, friends and another lady at the NCT class last night we have decided that it didn't top Circus. Soooo I recommend you get the Circus DVD out and watch that at piercing volume on the biggest telly you can find!

Got my last NCT class on Saturday all day, am going with my mum. I'll actually be quite sad to finish, I really like them and even my husband doesn't mind them now! The only problem was getting home at 10pm every Wednesday night. I'm chaining him to the decorating with both of our dads on Saturday so mum is going to learn how to bath a baby and talk about hypnobirthing! Lol. All the other ladies are keen to talk about hypnosis and all this stuff and I can't look past the epidural, feel like such a wuss! One of them is properly an earth mother and is having a home water birth with a doula, hypnobirthing, using reusable nappies and basically doing everything I'm not! We talked about episiotomies last night and the mens' faces were hilarious.

I am in reflective mood today as it's my grandad's anniversary. We all miss him a lot still, 8 years on - he died of cancer which spread everywhere and was primarily caused by years of smoking (even though he gave up in his last 5 or so years). Having watched him decline, sat in the room with him and watched him pass away I cannot describe in words how much I hate cigarettes. He never saw me or my cousin get married and will never meet his great grandchildren as a result, saddest thing ever. :( He was a top man.
Hello ladies!! I will apologise here and now that I have read all the posts I have missed but by the time I got to typing a reply my brain was totally having a brain fart and I forgot everything :blush: I am such a bad limbo lady and I hope you all forgive me!!

It's been flipping manic this end! We moved last friday and only just had our internet connection done today so as soon as the Virgin media man had left I jumped on here and got to typing lol. I don't like not being able to talk to you limbo ladies - you guys keep me sane!! Missed you all very very much!!

Had our first ante natal class on tuesday night and the midwife who took it was one of the midwives who looked after me in hospital :) she was lovely and explained a bit more to me about what the induction process will mean for me. Apparently they will only leave me 12 hours for the induction process to work and if it hasn't progressed enough in that period (i.e extremely close to fully dilated or actually pushing) then I will be more than likely taken for a caesarean. I'm not going to lie the thought of a caesarean absolutely petrifies me. So my theory is I have to stay positive and try everything I can to get Jessica out before induction day lol. So I am on the two week countdown, bring on the spicy curries, sex and bouncing on a birth ball (once I've purchased one!!) in the hopes it will move her along!!

I have been experiencing period pains off and on, back ache off and on, experiencing really really strong braxton hicks and also been losing little bits of my plug for the last few days so I'm hoping it all culminates in baby Jess turning up soon!

Anyways sorry to natter about me :( I hope all of you wonderful, gorgeous, amazing limbo ladies are all good and I shall speak to you all soon

Lots of love

Ceecee, I'm so glad you're ok! I was getting a bit scared :haha: Lol, I cannot believe you're more than 36 weeks now! Curry, sex, pineapple, ask for a sweep (?) bounce on the ball! I tried it all and none worked for me but everyone is different! xxx

Kim, bump looks fab! Sorry about your cat though, that's not nice :( :hugs:

I've never had any classes! Even when I was pregnant with Jayden I didn't get anything, I feel like the care I'm getting is shit and am not getting what I'm entitled to! :growlmad:

I've been on a crazy nesting frenzy today! Cleaned everything (except my windows and bathroom lol) I even done under the microwave! Swept, mopped, dusted, hoovered and cleaned my suite! BUT! We still have a fucking mouse! The cheeky wee shite keeps stealing the chocolate/cheese from the trap (without it going off!) It's doing my head in, we can't just close up the hole because it'll make another one, or die and smell :sick: All my cleaning stuff and washing stuff is sitting on the bunker and driving me mental!!!


Here's a wee treat for you all if you haven't seen it yet :) Watch the sky remote xxxx
Oh CeeCee Im so jealous your losing your plug!!! I havent lost anything yet and Im only a day behind. Mind you Ive been getting some aches and pains on and off and BHs when I Ive had what can only be called a 'clear out' today and yesterday :haha:

Awesome vid claire!!!!!
We still have a fucking mouse! The cheeky wee shite keeps stealing the chocolate/cheese from the trap (without it going off!) It's doing my head in, we can't just close up the hole because it'll make another one, or die and smell :sick: All my cleaning stuff and washing stuff is sitting on the bunker and driving me mental!!!

Try a variety of different traps, some of them aren't as efficient as others. We had a mouse once - I saw it in the kitchen, screamed, jumped onto what I thought was a work surface but actually turned out to be the boiling hot Aga and nearly ended up with third degree burns on my arse! Lol! This thing was tiny and yet I was terrified of it, I wouldn't get out of bed without checking underneath first!

Anyway, we tried the traditional traps but they didn't work and I also didn't want a dead mouse splattered across my kitchen. We ended up with a collection of these from B&Q that look like the Sydney Opera House:

They worked a treat with chocolate and my FIL has also suggested raisins as an alternative.

OMG, limbo ladies are losing plugs and talking about pineapple and inductions! Gah! I was looking at my list of things to buy earlier - it is no shorter than the list I had at about 18 weeks, haha! In fact it's longer now I've decided I want a crib as well!
Hi Ladies!!
Glad to see you've all avoided hospital for a few days :thumbup:

Sorry I've not posted this week, I've been mentally busy at work (I work for myself so all my clients have suddenly realised they on,y have me for 1 more week so are piling on the work :nope:) anyhoo, it's all money I suppose!

I've caught up but baby brain means I now can't remember what's happened to which lady :dohh: sorry!! Hope you're all doing well though! Sorry about the kitty not turning up :cry: hope the mouse is caught, and hope all of those in new pads are enjoying them. CeeCee fingers crossed for your induction, at least you have a date to work to, cesareans scare the crap out of me too!

I went to the midwife today and my little one is 3/5 engaged :happydance: and in the best position (well done little one!!) and midwife said I should be ok for another week but maybe not make it 2!! amazing! Saying that I bet I go over now but it's nice to know all the pelvic pains and bowling ball on bladder, BH's etc haven't been my imagination!!
Hello ladies!

Nice to see you back CeeCee!!

Well arent I jealous of the plug losing and engagements? Im soooooooooooooo over being pregnant and keep waiting for signs haha, not even 34 weeks yet. Getting a lot of BH though and Im constantly pooing (dunno if thats a sign lol). Give him a couple more weeks of growing and then he can come lol.
I cannot believe we are actually at this stage now that we are going to have babies. Cant wait for the first Limbo baby.

Oh is working late again so Im hoping Pheebs will go bed easily tonight and Im going to write me a little birth plan and list of the very little I have left to get. And rest these hugely swollen feet, they are not even going down at night now and Ive had to remove my eternity ring though the engagement ring hasnt come off yet, I cant bare to take it off.

Hope everyone is ok, cant remember who said what but I think that is the trend in here these days hahaha xxx
Ooooh POOP! I was up at 4.30am with horrible diahhorea, and it's been happening all day aswell, it's awful! Also had some pains earlier aswell, a few like period cramps and then a big one that felt exactly like a contraction! But had nothing since then, thank god! I know I'm over it and all but I really don't want a baby that's too premature, no thank you!

Ooooh POOP! I was up at 4.30am with horrible diahhorea, and it's been happening all day aswell, it's awful! Also had some pains earlier aswell, a few like period cramps and then a big one that felt exactly like a contraction! But had nothing since then, thank god! I know I'm over it and all but I really don't want a baby that's too premature, no thank you!


Im the same, I want my baby but obviously I want him to be big and healthy too. It must be a 3rd Tri thing then, pooping. I cant remember with Phoebe though I kept constantly pooing when I was in labour.

Well I have managed to just bollock both my daughter and OH in the space of 5 minutes. Phoebe was out of her room and in my room going through my jewellry box. This is getting a nightly occurance so she had a right telling off, one night she opened our bedroom window :wacko: we had put the baby gate back on but she can open it so that was no use.

and then OH has been working all day and this evening!! I know he is busy but he hasnt called me once, surely he can ring on the way to pee or something!!! Phoebe rang him to say goodnight and then passed the phone to me, he barely said two words and was laughing with his mates which enraged me (hormones lol) and then said he would ring back in half an hour!! over an hour later and no freaking phonecall!!! So I have text him telling him to fuck off :dohh: and still no reply!! :growlmad:

Im on a hormonal one ladies, stand back :blush:
Hola!! Kim thats a lovely baby bump! My one feels huge and my skin feels like it just cant stretch anymore.

Ceecee good to see you back on here!!

My next appt is next week. I hope bubba has engaged by then.

So today was my last day at work. Everything was manic but I finished my work and did an intense 4 day handover, hence the lack of posts. My replacement... Nearly lost my cool cos shes slow and doesnt listen. She cant take any information in and just sits there and stares at the work like it will miraculously sort itself out!!! Rant over...

On a good note I'm on maternity leave and had a good sendoff! My manager cried when I said bye :( I got some lovely gifts... A buggy, lots of baby clothes, record book, baby bath kit, lots of pampering things for me.. Made me feel special :)

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