Hey girls!
Wow, it is quiet on here! I was expecting to be sat here for an hour going through all of the previous posts! That is a worry about CeeCee- I haven't seen her on Facebook at all since her hospital trip. Has anyone checked when she last logged in on here?
Goodness me, everyone seems to be in the wars a bit lately! Clearly it's going to be my turn to fall over somewhere soon (I'm mega clumsy at the best of times!). Amanda- glad to hear that Tesco care about what happened and followed it up to check you and Phoebe are ok.
Oh Vicki, poor you with your fall

Can't believe there were that many people that stood by and never even tried to help you! How is it now?
Oh Laura, silly midwife!! She sounds like a right pain in the arse! At least you got a bonus scan though, and got to see your gorgeous girl

Glad all is well though (and yay that she's engaging!).
Claire- I'm with you on the lack of sleep. If I'm up less than 4 times to pee in the night, I view it as a huge achievement! My back is giving me a lot of trouble now (I can barely walk for more than 5 minutes without it starting up and I have to sit down!) so I have 6 pillows and my Dream Genii pillow all around me to support me. I'm surprised my OH can still fit in the bed now!
Yasmin- happy last day at work! Hope your replacement is getting up to speed now!
Michelle- sounds like you're best off without that arse in your life. If he's not going to be a man, then neither you or Esme need him around. Think it's really mature and sensible of you to let his family be involved in her life, even if he hasn't got the balls to.
Samira- sounds like you're going to have fun with your new car! I'm STILL waiting for my air con to be fixed. After being told it would be '5-10 days', I'm still here 5 weeks later, and getting more impatient! They said they're still waiting from the part from Germany- I could have walked to Germany and got the part myself by now! Ooh, and it's only a week until your magazine debut isn't it?! Can't wait to see it
Katie- my mum has freaked me out similarly with the tales of early births. I'm one of 4 girls and we were born 2 weeks early, 6 weeks early, 8 weeks early and 11 weeks early! At least I've managed to pass a couple of those milestones already!
Have I missed anyone? So sorry if I have!!
Well, our cat still hasn't come back and to be honest, I think we're resigned to the fact that she probably won't now

She's been gone 11 days and in her condition, it's unlikely she could fend for herself for that long. As morbid as it sounds, I just wish if something has happened to her, we could find her so we could get closure and get to say goodbye. It's just so weird- it's as if she's disappeared into thin air.
We went to see Take That on Friday night and they were bloody BRILLIANT!! We had seats that we'd booked so I did have to spend a lot of time sat down because of my back, but it didn't make any difference. I went with my mum and when I booked the tickets, OH said he didn't want to go (as I'd dragged him to see them 3 times already!). Well when he came to dropping us off, I could tell he was sulking about it and regretting not going. After Take That had been on stage about 10 minutes, I got a text from him saying 'I'm here'!! Apparently, he was hanging around on the forecourt so he could hear the songs from the outside and some bloke was there trying desperately to get rid of a spare ticket. OH only had £30 on him but this guy was so desperate, he accepted it and OH got to see the concert too! Jammy sod lol.
We had a short 4D scan last Thursday for both Grans (with my mum being up here for a few days, staying) which was lovely. Bubba was being very stubborn though and kept his hands in front of his face most of the time, but they still absolutely loved it. Sonographer estimated that he was 4lb 7oz, which was slightly above average. I'm taking that to mean I'm looking at at least a 9lb baby
We had our first NCT class last Saturday and I absolutely LOVED it!! We were a bit worried about going initially because the class was in quite a posh area and thought the people might be a bit snobby, but they were all absolutely lovely (and a similar age to us too). The teacher was great and we got so much good information from her. She also kept us fed and watered with tea, juice, biscuits and lots of homemade cakes with frequent breaks lol. I liked that the class required a bit more involvement from everyone and I was really proud of my OH (who can be a bit shy around people he doesn't know), as he really got into the spirit of it

Can't wait for the next class on Saturday!
Right, last but not least (so sorry for the huge ramble!)- my latest bump pic. Feel like I'm going to pop any minute!