Claire - sorry to hear about your mouse problem! Fingers crossed that you solve it soon and I'm sorry that your boys ruined your cleaning efforts. This house we've just moved into has brand new carpets and if they're damaged we have to pay for them to be refitted when we leave. DH decided to walk across the hall, living room and dining room the other day and left a trail of black boot polish everywhere and went to work. I spent about 2 hours getting the stains out (which did come out fully thankfully) and then he came home and trampled mud through the house!! Grrr I nearly slapped him lol XXX
Barbles - I think sometimes it's good to have a hormonal blow out lol I had a right go at DH the other day for putting the tiniest amount of juice back in the fridge - I mean it wasn't even a gulps worth of drink lol he thought I'd gone mental oops!! But I must admit I felt so much better afterwards!! LOL xxx
Michelle - This house is so much nicer, feels like a proper home. Only problem is the old house had a downstairs toilet and this one doesn't so my leg muscles have been gettin a very good workout as I pee at least 30 times a day lol ooh how exciting about your keys!! I bet you can't wait!! On the smelling front I love the smell of Flash bathroom cleaner with bleach and dettol surface spray which smells of apples

must admit fresh washing is lush too!! xxx
Yasmin - nice to be back hun! Hows things with you? Your scary black outs stopped?? I really hope so XXX
Hopeful heath - Eliza is trying to make her way out the same time as Jessica!! Lol they're destined to be born around the same time lol. Jess was 3/5 engaged a good couple of weeks ago then when I went into hospital she decided to move sideways now she's moved back to being 3/5 engaged and head down so fingers crossed she stays that way lol little madam just like her mother lol xxx
Samira - Can't wait for the magazine to come out as it's this month you're in it isnt it?? How exciting!! Our super model of Limbo !! XXX
Kim - Only just saw about your cat. I'm so incredibly sorry that you're going through this hun. Wish I could give you a big cuddle in person xxx
Vicki - Agreed with the mouse traps - try them all!!!! xxx
Well my back is actually agony today, constant dull ache like when you have your period?? Thats what I've got. I had a hot curry last night and I don't think its made bugger all difference lol. I would try pineapple however I am violently allergic to it so think I will bypass that one lol. As for 'clear outs' thats all I've had over the last few days I honest to god think there can't be anything left in there!! I have an absolute obsession about mint chocolate aero at the moment, I even wake up thinking about it lol yum yum!! I did try to get DH to 'hop on the good foot and do the bad thing' with me last night and this morning but he told me he's not risking it bringing Jessica on early- damn you DH thats the whole point!! Lol. She was growing perfectly on her growth scan and she's had the steroid injections (Well I had the two steroid injections in the butt for her - ouch) so docs said that they wouldn't stop me going into labour if I did so come on DH be co-operative lol.
Hope everybody is absolutely fabulous and so glad to be back talking with you all!!
Lots of love xxx