Limbo Ladies!!

Hello ladies, hows the move going Ceecee, is it nice to get into somewhere new? I get my keys in 6 days, im ever so excited!!!! yipppeeeeeeeeeeee.

Ive been sniffing some weird things recently, freshly washed damp washing (yum) shoe polish (yum) and today i just sprayed normal polish on a duster and sniffed away (YUM) im so naughty xxxx
Try sniffing Cif Michelle, the original one in the white bottle!! OMG it is immense!! I keep cleaning my kitchen and then sniffing the worktops and the sponge!!! It smells soooooooooo clean and fresh and lush!! I love it, infact I may go have a sniff now.

I have calmed slightly after my hormonal-ness earlier, I now have flapjack xx
Its the dampness of the washing im loving the most at the minute. The washing machine was on earlier and i was so excited for it to come out lolxxx
Ohh don't talk to me about hormones! I've just texted hubby a huge raging message! This fucking mouse is still on the loose, cheese gone again! I'm ready for sitting in the cupboard and waiting on it myself! :brat::sad2::grr:

I spent ALL DAY yesterday cleaning and my house was pretty much spotless and when him and Jayden came in it was as if they have no respect for this house I try to keep clean and tidy! Came downstairs this morning and Alan had left feckin crumbs all over the bunker! Is there any need for that??? Especially since I spent all day cleaning and was fucked for it!? He probably couldn't even tell you how to use an anti-bacterial spray!!!!!!!!!! Oh I'm really angry, probably because I had another shit nights sleep and Jayden was up at 6.30, yet again!!! :grr: xxx
And to top it off Jayden's being a wee shit this morning and not listening to me. But he said to me 'I'm scared!' I said 'Scared of what?' His reply??? 'YOU!' He's not actually scared of me but I'm feeling so tired and hormonal today, I really just wish I could go to sleep. Worst of it is hubby is going to some Uni thing with his work today and won't be home until after 6pm when he's usually home at 1pm on a Friday :( He really doesn't realise how fuckin easy he's got it, he can swan about as much as he wants and doesn't realise how hard pregnancy is, never mind looking after a 3yo when pregnant :grr: Just having a rough day I guess :( Sorry for the early morning rant, I think I'm done now xxx
Claire - sorry to hear about your mouse problem! Fingers crossed that you solve it soon and I'm sorry that your boys ruined your cleaning efforts. This house we've just moved into has brand new carpets and if they're damaged we have to pay for them to be refitted when we leave. DH decided to walk across the hall, living room and dining room the other day and left a trail of black boot polish everywhere and went to work. I spent about 2 hours getting the stains out (which did come out fully thankfully) and then he came home and trampled mud through the house!! Grrr I nearly slapped him lol XXX

Barbles - I think sometimes it's good to have a hormonal blow out lol I had a right go at DH the other day for putting the tiniest amount of juice back in the fridge - I mean it wasn't even a gulps worth of drink lol he thought I'd gone mental oops!! But I must admit I felt so much better afterwards!! LOL xxx

Michelle - This house is so much nicer, feels like a proper home. Only problem is the old house had a downstairs toilet and this one doesn't so my leg muscles have been gettin a very good workout as I pee at least 30 times a day lol ooh how exciting about your keys!! I bet you can't wait!! On the smelling front I love the smell of Flash bathroom cleaner with bleach and dettol surface spray which smells of apples :) must admit fresh washing is lush too!! xxx

Yasmin - nice to be back hun! Hows things with you? Your scary black outs stopped?? I really hope so XXX

Hopeful heath - Eliza is trying to make her way out the same time as Jessica!! Lol they're destined to be born around the same time lol. Jess was 3/5 engaged a good couple of weeks ago then when I went into hospital she decided to move sideways now she's moved back to being 3/5 engaged and head down so fingers crossed she stays that way lol little madam just like her mother lol xxx

Samira - Can't wait for the magazine to come out as it's this month you're in it isnt it?? How exciting!! Our super model of Limbo !! XXX

Kim - Only just saw about your cat. I'm so incredibly sorry that you're going through this hun. Wish I could give you a big cuddle in person xxx

Vicki - Agreed with the mouse traps - try them all!!!! xxx

Well my back is actually agony today, constant dull ache like when you have your period?? Thats what I've got. I had a hot curry last night and I don't think its made bugger all difference lol. I would try pineapple however I am violently allergic to it so think I will bypass that one lol. As for 'clear outs' thats all I've had over the last few days I honest to god think there can't be anything left in there!! I have an absolute obsession about mint chocolate aero at the moment, I even wake up thinking about it lol yum yum!! I did try to get DH to 'hop on the good foot and do the bad thing' with me last night and this morning but he told me he's not risking it bringing Jessica on early- damn you DH thats the whole point!! Lol. She was growing perfectly on her growth scan and she's had the steroid injections (Well I had the two steroid injections in the butt for her - ouch) so docs said that they wouldn't stop me going into labour if I did so come on DH be co-operative lol.

Hope everybody is absolutely fabulous and so glad to be back talking with you all!!

Lots of love xxx
OMG just noticed that I'm on the last box on my ticker!! Wow that seems to have gone fast! CRAZY!!! xxx
I have had it. Seriously, I know it's probably just hormones but I really feel everyone would be better off without me right now. I just smacked Jayden's bum and I hate doing it, he cried properly and I really feel awful. I caused him pain and it's the worst feeling in the world. I think I'm gonna have to log off for the day, I'm feeling at the lowest I've been since I had PND and cannot bring myself back up. Sorry ladies xxx
Hey Claire, humungous huge hugs to you :hugs: Jayden will be absolutely fine hun, he may well be crying now but in 10 mins he will have completely forgotten it happened and will be back to his normal self. You truly sound so unhappy hun and I wish I knew how to help. Is your hubby still not helping you out? I was hoping he would have bucked up his ideas a bit so that you weren't feeling under so much pressure. Especially when you're working so hard around the house and then he comes in and takes 5 mins to destroy your hard work and when you're suffering with pain and tiredness things seem so much worse.

Did you ever look in to doing something to get you out of the house for a bit? I truly think you would benefit from having an hour just for you to do whatever you want with. Maybe talking to somebody (or us limbo ladies :)) will help you air your feelings so that you might feel better?

We are all here for you hun so don't be a stranger XXXX
I'm still here, I can't bring myself to actually go anywhere lol. I spoke to Jayden (who is completely fine btw lol) and said sorry for smacking his bum, and that I would really like for him to listen to me when I speak, he said 'I'm sorry for smacking your hand... and your bum... and not listening.... and I'm sorry for annoying Toby..... and for putting my Zumba t-shirt on' Lol he knows he's doing wrong, I'm just not in the right frame of mind to actually properly discipline him, that's why I ended up smacking him :(

Hubby tries to help out, and thinks he does but it's downright disrespectful to destroy the work I done yesterday, I'm waiting on a reply from him still :wacko:

My problem is, I feel so damn guilty when I'm out without Jayden :nope: I hate being away from him for my own selfish reasons (whether I need time or not) and to be honest, I'd rather hubby took him out and gave me a couple of hours to sleep rather than me actually getting ready and leaving the house - how lazy does that sound??! I'm so done with these stupid hormones, my nose is still running after the tears (Jayden didn't see me cry, he sulked upstairs :haha:) and I can't wait to be 'me' again xxx
On a more positive note, I'm going to make my own baby girl thank you cards :cloud9:

I love making things like that, I'm not great at it, but I'd rather get a slighty scruffy looking homemade thank you card than a generic nice thank you card! I made all my own wedding invites aswell and it was a total labour of love but was so pleased with the outcome. Very simple but lovely-


But I can't find what I want to put on the cards and how to actually make them lol - any ideas? xxx
Actually, now I think about it, I made a tonne of stuff for my wedding! Kids favours, customised the favours, made the table decorations, table names and pretty much everything else! I loved it though, really would LOVE to be a wedding planner but the course is about 1k to complete - I can dream eh? Lol xxxx
If that would work for you hun then do that! Get hubby to take Jayden out for an hour or two and let you get some sleep - and I mean sleep, not you running around the house as fast as you can to do every spot of cleaning you can manage - and I bet you any money you will notice a difference in the way you feel.

I was so bored yesterday as doctors have told me not to go anywhere far on my own so DH took it so seriously he's banning me on going out without him lol. So last night I was bored and pissed off and he just dragged me out to the car in my pyjamas and took me out for a drive all along the seafront and bought me an icecream. It sounds stupid but it made me feel a million times better. Sometimes it's just the little things that make a massive difference.

I would definitely stick to your guns on hubby ruining your hard work yesterday. I'm quite lucky in that DH does a lot of cleaning so when I flipped my lid about the shoe polish and then the mud he was very apologetic and cleaned the mud up himself. These darling men need to realise that we ain't cleaning for the benefit of our health!!

See Jayden is absolutely fine hun and whats more my mam said something very valuable to me the other day and I truly think it applies to you. My niece Lily has got to that age (3 and a half) where she's become very cheeky and starting to push people to see where their limits are. So my mam (who looks after her a lot) has started disciplining her and she said to me "If you don't let kids know they're boundaries they'll have no respect for you or anybody else" and Claire, Jayden so obviously is a little gem and apologised to you afterwards. He's just seeing how far he can push you and when you discipline him trust me it hurts you a lot more than it hurts him! My niece Lily cries for roughly a minute and then she's off tearing around like the tazmanian devil she is!!

You have to stop beating yourself up about things hun because you are a brilliant wife, brilliant mummy and a brilliant friend as so many of us limbo ladies can testify. You do not have to be perfect all the time. If the washing up isn't done don't worry about it. If you want to go out for a swim or a walk or a cuppa with a friend, don't feel guilty because you're leaving Jayden with his daddy, its perfect bonding time for them :)

You need to get some time for you though hun as otherwise you will suffer from exhaustion and thats no good for anybody.

Mahoosiuve huggles hun XXX
Actually, now I think about it, I made a tonne of stuff for my wedding! Kids favours, customised the favours, made the table decorations, table names and pretty much everything else! I loved it though, really would LOVE to be a wedding planner but the course is about 1k to complete - I can dream eh? Lol xxxx

A lot of courses nowadays you can pay for over a time period. When I did my aerobics instructors course I paid for it over 2 years and that was £1300 maybe its worth looking into hun? xxx
Ah Claire, you're going through it this morning - sending positive thinking your way! Sometimes a smack is the only way. If they're not dished out too often they have a proper startling effect. I don't think anyone who gives out the odd smack is a bad mother and you are clearly not so do not beat yourself up about it! My friend's little boy was kicking off to a major degree the other day in the bath - she smacked his bum, sat him on his bed and left him there for five minutes. He was profusely apologetic when she went back and all was forgiven - he's slightly older than Jayden but not much I don't think. Heck, my MIL used to use a piece of wood with a bit of sandpaper attached to it to whack my husband and his brother! Lol! The things you could get away with 35 years ago!

Seriously, take our wise limbo advice and leave Jayden with his dad or someone for a few hours and get yourself out of the house. Jayden will not starve or suffer terrible misfortune, you are not being selfish and I bet you'd enjoy it and build up a little network. Meeting up with some other mums once or twice a week would be good, no? And I love your wedding invites, they look v similar to mine! Except I am rubbish so a nice lady my mum knows made all mine, her house looked like a paper mill for 5 months!

I have not much news today. Going to a christening tonight which I'm looking forward to, provided I fit into the maxi dress I plan on wearing! If not it'll have to be a Matalan special as my Isabella Oliver stuff's in the wash! My knee still hurts but is on the mend and I'm getting some nice bruises. I got into work at ten past 8 this morning so used the time wisely by not working and instead going onto Amazon and buying some stuff - got an exercise ball so I can start trying to get this daft child out of breech, my Pacapod changing bag and a Babasling in sexy scarlet red (to match the Quinny which we will order in the next week or so). Woop! The in-laws are talking about what they can buy us at the moment - narrowed it down to either the car seat and base or the crib and mattress. Could it be possible that I'm starting to get somewhere?! Lol. Need a ton of sheets and bedding (and other stuff) but I plan on just doing a mass ordering session online with John Lewis and others once mat leave has started.

"Working" from home later so you may see me more today...!
Ceecee, you're an actual star. I honestly don't know what I'd do without coming on here and moaning. Same goes for all you ladies, you're all amazing :hugs:

He finally text back and said 'sorry I meant to clear it' eh, no you didn't because you never do it! I'm going to have to have serious words with him about it tonight because I'm fighting a losing battle and it's really bugging me. I don't want him to clean the bathroom, sweep or really do much, but I do expect him to clear up after himself.

It's definately something I'm going to look into, I can't actually see myself doing anything else I'd enjoy as much. My wedding was perfect and it was all down to me (yes, I am blowing my own trumpet! :rofl:) hubby didn't do anything except turn up! Lol xxx
Thanks Vicki - eeeek! Sandpaper?! Christ! I must admit, we're both doing much better since the smack, lol. I think I feel bad because it was his bare bum and not with trousers or anything :blush: although, I didn't pull them down to smack him, he has a thing about being naked, he loves it lol. xxx
Sorry you are feeling so bad today Claire, I have days like it too and Phoebe has gotten smacked bums. It will get better soon, they are at the age where they are trying to push us as far as they can, Im having it all too. I have sort of the opposite problem with my OH, I will clean and clean and when he gets home he will find one thing out of place and moan or go into the front room and there will be toys on the floor and he will moan!! I mean, Im not going to tidy Phoebes toys away while she is still up, they would be out again in ten seconds. He never appreciates what I do do but when there is one dish in the sink, ooooh hellup (he is sooooo OCD over cleaning). Im not a naturally tidy person but Im really trying at the moment to keep on top of things now the house has been decorated and is looking lovely, I hope I get a bit of recognition for it soon.
And dont feel guilty about spending time away from Jayden, I am soooooooo looking forward to going to Morrisons child free this afternoon to do my food shopping lol and next week im going out for my friends birthday, yes I have nothing to wear, I cant drink/smoke and am the size of a small house but I fully intend to enjoy my meal and plan my post baby night out with the girls. We all need time to ouselves sometimes.

My fricken toilet has broken and its doing my head in, it keep constantly flushing on its own and when you sit on it its like sitting on a bidet (or so I imagine, I have never actually been on one lol), Ive fiddled and fiddled with it and I cant get it to stop :growlmad:

Got periody type back pain today and so tired, I had a lovely dream about having my boy last night but I also had two nightmares, thought i saw spiders on my bed and it would take me ten minutes to try to roll over so had a bit of a disturbed night :dohh:

Anyone got any nice plans for the weekend? Im having a quiet one apart from a meal out with the family tomorrow night to say thank you for the help with the decorating x
I think I'm just so tired I can't deal with it! I can't even get out today because hubby has took my car. His car is there but there's no diesel and he's took my bank card! Oh I think I may be done for murder soon if I don't calm down before he gets in! Lol. I'm going to make Jayden had a nap today, he's had one the last few days and bedtime hasn't been too bad so I think another nap is on the cards today :happydance: If he'll go for it!

See if DH came home and had a go for something being out of place I'd deliberately leave things out just to annoy him! :grr: I'm very stubbourn that way though xxx
I've just spent £40 on ebay getting stuff to make my thank you cards! Lol, I got enough to make 50, I'm sure that'll be enough. It's gonna be a square card with a 'Thank You' banner at the top, pink gingham ribbon and buttons at the left hand side, and a baby girl bib and booties in the middle. It doesn't sound like much but I think it'll all come together nicely :) I just hope I manage to actually make them now! Lol xxx

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