Limbo Ladies!!

I bet you ladies thought you were getting a break from me :haha: Sorry!
Been texting hubby and I said 'The place is a tip and I'm really sick of going round in circles tidying and cleaning when you can Jayden don't respect me for it, and make messes expecting me to clear them up. I feel like a skivvy'

He replied 'Now that's not fair, I do alot of tidying up, u know I hate mess'

So now I've got the hump and replied 'It's not the tidying up, it's the cleaning! Have you ever cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, or taken it upon yourself to hoover the stairs, sweep up, whatever?? No. All I ask is you clean up after yourself!xxx'

Ohh he's annoyed me again xxx
Oh claire, i can totally relate to you, but not with a hubby, with my old housemates, i cleaned up all the time, bought all the cleaning stuff etc. etc. They didnt realise how much hard work it was. My housemate dropped an egg on the carpet at my babyshower and just walked away laughing, so I cleaned it up whilst all my friends were there because i knew she wouldnt!

The estate agents have delayed me getting the keys now for 2 days untill the saturday, which isnt too bad, but is still a bummer. Oh well. Its going to be a busy busy weekend next weekend lol.
The cards sound nice Claire, Im hoping to make my wedding invitations, though i should probably start now as Ive got two years and Im rubbish at that sort of thing haha.

Wont be long until you are all settled in Michelle.

Well after my horrible shopping trip at Morrisons (fecking old codgers barging me) I came home and put half the shopping away and need to sit down as Im aching. Havent put the breakfast dishes away yet and generally the house is messier than it has been all week (ive been very good this week for tidying in the morning) and then who turns up? A friend who I havent seen for ages and my house is a shithole. So then I usher her out in less than 20 minutes as I have to get Phoebe from school. She is coming back on Tuesday but now I feel awful and messy lol

Still having niggly period-type pains on and off. Can you have BH like that? Im having the 'normal' BHs though havent had one yet today. I dont think its anything 'official' starting yet, my labour with Phoebe started with periody type pains (after waters broke) but they were stronger and a bit different to these.
I loved making my invites, wish I had enough supplies and time to do it for a profit lol xxx
Aww Claire, sounds like you're having a rough time of it at the moment :( As for the smack, the subject was actually brought up at my NCT class last week. Our teacher asked the class to put their hand up if they were ever given a smack as a child. EVERY ONE OF US put our hand up and I have to say, everyone in the class are nice, hardworking people with good manners and no sign of being traumatised ;) I'm not saying it ahould be done constantly but like others have said, an odd smack won't do any harm- sometimes they need to know clearly when they've overstepped the mark.

Hopeful and CeeCee- sounds like your Princesses are imminent. How exciting!!! I can't wait for the Limbo babies to start arriving :)

Yasmin- sounds like your collegues did you proud with all of the prezzies that you had!

Michelle- how frustrating it's been delayed by a couple of days for you picking up your keys. Next weekend is going to be very fun though!

Amanda- I was having quite a few BH yesterday and had some period type cramps with it. I texted one of my friends who has a baby to ask her if that was normal, and she said she had it when she was pregnant too. So I'm taking that to mean that all is ok!

Well, it's been a long day today. Sent my mum off back down south on the coach this morning, so the house will be a lot quieter now. She'll be coming back up a few days after baby is born though. I then came into work to cover for someone who's off, and I've found it really tough now. Thank goodness I only have to come in again one day next week and that's it! Once I've finished here, I've got to go straight to the hairdressers where I've got to sit in the same position in a chair for 2 hours whilst someone wraps up my hair in bits of foil! Argh- I just want to get my pjs on lol.
Thanks Kim, and all you ladies, you're all fab! :hugs: I'm feeling much much better, the smack seems to have worked (for now) Lol. We're watching Nemo just now. Hormones are raging today I think, will be better once hubby gets in and they're off to the gala day tomorrow so I'll need to find a comfy bench to sit on and wait for them to pass (I can't walk as far as they need to) so hopefully it'll be nice and not rain lol.

Kim, glad you're stopping work soon, it's much easier when you don't need to worry about getting up in the morning lol you become a lady of leisure (almost lol)

How do you ladies know which way baby is lying? I honestly cannot tell (and the mw never told me last time I seen her) She felt transverse for ages then I though she'd turned and now I'm getting kicks and punches absolutely EVERYWHERE and I cannot tell which way she's lying at all! I thought I felt her bum sticking out to the right earlier but it could have been a head, I was getting smacked from all angles :haha: xxx
Well Jacob lies mostly on the right with his bum under my right ribs but sort of diagonally so his head is near my left hip. I feel his elbow and shoulder poking out my left side. He does obviously sometimes have a shuffle but not much these days as he is getting to big lol I had guessed he was head down which the MW said he was because of the hiccups in my foof. And I know his head is near my hip coz I feel it sort of hitting my hip, it doesnt hurt just feels really odd.

OH is homeward bound, looking forward to a nice chinese and cuddles tonight (well cuddles depend on how much he pisses me off between now and 8pm haha)

And maternity leave is immense Kim, even though I still gotta get up early with Phoebe, once 9am comes and she is at nursery I am the ultimate dosser!!
Sorry you've had a rough day Claire :hugs:

urgh I feel proper grim. On more antibiotics for chest infection and have more cramps and stuff :(
Literally a two minute update from me just while I have internet access, again I'm sorry I can't get online so can't catch up :'(
We're getting the internet on the 27th JUNE! I could be gone by then!! EEEEK.
I am 37 weeks on Tuesday. I can't believe I'm nearly full term. I have to go as I'm on my dads laptop quickly. I Miss you all loads! xxxx
Arrrrrrrrrrr Rachy, good to hear from you. I will be losing internet access next week too :( booooo, not sure when i will get it back either as i need to sort out all my bills before i go searching for internet, talking of which, does anyone know a cheap one? xxxx
Good to hear from you Rach, hope you're settling into your new house well! :hugs:

Michelle, sky is pretty good. We have home phone, broadband and every sky channel for about £75 a month. Obviously you don't need the movies and sports etc so that'll cut about £20-30 off a month, definitely look around though.

I'm 31 weeks today!! :happydace: Still can't quite get my head round the fact it's going soo fast! We had our local Gala Day today and my boy was a footballer! The theme was what I want to be when I grow up :haha: He was so cute, we walked all the way round, took about 45 mins and stood about waiting for ages after it so now I'm really sore! Had to take a co-codamol and had a nap but I'm sure I'll live! Now I'm going to make dinner even though I really don't want to cook (and I don't trust hubby to do it right, his mash is always really lumpy! :rofl:)

Hope everyone is well today! :flower: xxxxx
Thanks ladies, OH has set up that we get BT internet and phone for the 27th. Hopefully I wont be in labour when He comes out to do it otherwise you get fined! I am sooo gutted that I can't get online and baby could even be here by the time I log on next! Happy 31 weeks Claire, it flew for me at that point if that makes you feel better :) xxx
I think they'd make an exception if you were in labour or giving birth :rofl: Aww it's already flew for me, I look forward to taking my weekly bump pic and that seems to make it go faster! Hopefully it won't slow down, but I know I can't be pregnant forever so that's a good thought to have I reckon! :haha:

I have my friends baby shower tomorrow, quite looking forward to it because I've never been to one before so it'll b interesting (and I hear there's gonna be cake! Yum :haha:) But there's gonna be at least 6 of us pregnant, I'm the next one due so that'll be a bit surreal! xxx
I cant stop eating, 2 packets of crips and a cheesestring ive just had in about 30 seconds! help
Hello ladies

Well bit of drama for you (non baby related)

Our friend is with this girl, they have been together about 9-10 months and she is a bit rough and I dont like her much. She is 5 months pregnant though not their fault as her coil went up into her womb etc so it was an accident as she has two kids and he has 3 of his own.

Anyways he turns up here earlier with his 3 children, she had disapeared all afternoon with the car when he was supposed to drop his children off at 1pm and when she got home told him she wasnt taking his effing children home, he better leave etc all out of blue. Then she tried to chuck his children outside in the rain and the cold :shock: they are 5, 3 and 1 so little babies really. Anyways he turns up here then to see if Oh would drop his children home for him, all red faced where she had punched him and she had smashed his phone up. SO OH lent him our car and said make sure he has it back here by half 5 as we are going out for tea. Quarter to 6 now I hear a car pull up look out to see if our friend and nope you have guessed it, its a police car.

Our friend has been arrested , dont know why as the policeman wouldnt tell us but he had our car keys with him and the site keys our friend had for work (my OH is his supervisor)

So he only lives 5 minutes walk away so OH has gone up there to get our car and isnt back yet so is probably in the midst of the drama :nope:

Never liked the girl and never thought our friend should have got with her in the first place (she was a rebound) her poor children, she was here the other day and her littlest one was screaming as 11 months old do sometimes, she told her to 'shut up the little witch' :shock: and then her three year old smiled at me, well I never thought is possible that a child could have blacker teeth, she has obviously never even touched a toothbrush :nope: I always say to Ross that I worry for them.

So there is our drama for the day :dohh:

Other than that all good here, had tons of BH yesterday and was getting a bit like ooohhh but had nothing today.

Hope everyone else is ok? xx
Hi Limboladies! Claire how are you doing? I also made my own wedding invites, thank you cards etc. I love being creative and making pretty things :)

So I've been getting some pains... Like a burning sensation on my tummy. It is just above my belly button and makes me want to cry... Anyone else getting this?

I'm 36 weeks!! Gotta pack that hospital bag! I've still got things to buy. Where are you ladies buying your nursing bras from... I was thinking either good old m&s or john lewis??
Hi all!!

Wow!! A lot to catch up on over the last few days!!

Hoping everyone is ok today?

We had our first antenatal class on Saturday which was great. The group was small, just 3 couple's, non of which me and hubby can see ourselves staying in touch with, but nice enough!! My head was fried by the end of it, so much information!!! The antenatal lady and MW who was with her said i need to be keeping an eye out for signs of early labour as my gran, aunt and mum have all had early labours....thankfully, no more that 7 weeks!! Got our next one on Thursday evening!! Yey!!

Had a pretty lazy days yesterday and what I think was my first couple of Braxton Hicks!!! Felt a tad crampy, then my tummy went like a rock for about 40 seconds and when it eased off it felt a lille pins and needlesy!?!?!

Also had the worst sleep ever last night due to the hip pain!!! Im limping today, which is nice and attractive!!

Just got to work....cant wait to have next week off! It is so boring!! Im on my own, all my work is done, my office is dark and dreary, the radio doesnt get signal, most websites are blocked...its going to be another long week!!

Much love!!
morning my gorgeous limbo ladies!!

Blimey Barbles it was all kicking off in your neck of the woods wasn't it?! Hope your OH and your car were returned to you afterwards lol XXX

Yasmin - Ooh sounds like funny braxton hicks, I've had what you're describing and literally thought I was in labour lol. Obviously I was not. Hope they're not too unpleasant for you sugar plum! XXX

Rach - Yay good to see you back on here! Hope the move is all going well XXX

MrsKTB - Yep definitely sounds braxton hicksy hun :) They're great fun! Hope your working week goes v quickly for you! xxx

Michelle - I know the feeling except I can't eat everything as it makes my sugar levels sky rocket. It totally sucks as I have a proper craving for mint chocolate aeros all the time lol XXX

Well I had another visit to the hospital yesterday but felt so daft afterwards!! To cut a long story short I thought my waters were leaking so phoned the hospital to see what it would be like and they told me to go in. 5 HOURS LATER and I finally got home, everything was fine no leakage and I felt so stupid for wasting their time but both the midwife and doctors said "If it had been something would you not feel worse for ignoring it and then something going wrong? At least this way we are ALL reassured that everything is ok." So we're still on course for induction on 23rd - 10 days away!! How exciting!! Although saying that its a full moon on wednesday and you know what that means!!

Hope everybody is ok :)

Lots of love XXX

Kate that is a bit of a shame that you can't see yourself staying in touch with your antenatal compadres but you never know! I wasn't sure about ours at first but they've all turned out to be really nice. We're facebooking and emailing now and hopefully planning a few mat leave meet ups for coffee and cake before the bubs' arrive. Although DRAMA - myself and another lady were sat on some balls during a bit of practice hypnotherapy on Sat. When we got off, I had a braxton hicks and so did she but hers hurt! She'd had some back pain etc for a few days as well and at lunchtime she and her hubby went off to the maternity ward! We were all tremendously excited but turns out it was a false alarm, booo.

Michelle: We've just switched to Sky for the full phone/broadband/TV package too, moved away from Virgin. It's not a bad price and would obv. be cheaper if you didn't get all the TV stuff as well.

Barbles: Blimey, that woman sounds like a right nutjob! And not great on the chap being arrested either... Hope the car's survived the experience anyway and that Mr Barbles made it back in one piece.

I had a tres busy weekend, not sure how it has now become Monday morning! Went to a lovely christening on Friday night for my friend's little girl, her family are pretty loaded so had a party afterwards at a nice restaurant with some v. tasty food etc. I was round at theirs yesterday morning and was given a massive piece of christening cake the size of a brick. All-day antenatal on Saturday which was good, went with my mum whilst husband stayed at home with the dads doing urgent decorating tasks. My mum showed everyone how to fold a terry towelling nappy which I was very proud of, even our teacher didn't know! Regrettably we got home and all men were in foul moods having spent all day weilding paintbrushes. Mr G finished last at 9pm after everyone else had gone... and we have decided we HATE the feature wall I had been so determined to have! He thinks it's gay, I think it's just cack. So my poor FIL is having to come back this week to repaint it before he can do any of the skirting boards etc. :-(

The decorating crisis plus a number of other things that wound me up then resulted in me having a major emotional breakdown yesterday and I spent about three hours having crying fits! Gotta love these hormones! My woe-is-me Facebook status did mean that I got some lovely texts and messages from a few friends yesterday which cheered me up! Am obviously fine now!

And today I am awaiting my dentist appointment and also delivery of my Pacapod, exercise ball and Babasling - excited about all of these things! Baby seems to be lying in a weird place. I got up in the night for a loo visit and my tummy felt enormous, very tight and heavy on the right hand side. Back to normal now but I wondered whether they'd gone transverse in the night as from right to left I was pulled as far as I could go!

Have nice days all, Kate you need a stock of books and magazines!
Are you going for cloth nappies then Vicki? We thought about it then thought....nah, we're a bit too lazy, there'll be enough washing to do soon enough!! lol

So, if your antanatal buddy had of been in labour, how early would bubs he?

One of the couple booked on our course wasnt there because they'd had their baby 7 weeks early!

Sky is great, we got sky about a year ago, after havibg Virgin in our old place (wanted virgin, but couldnt have in new house) wouldnt be with out it!! We dont have all the channels, everything but sports and movies...along with phone and broadban, think its about £35 per month?!?!

Currently ebaying....well...trying to find something to spend some pennies on and reading Living Dead in Dallas (True Blood series of books)!

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