Limbo Ladies!!

Definitely not on the cloth nappies - we are far too lazy and impatient and in the middle of the night I just want to whip one off, whip one on and not be faffing about with liners and inserts and all that hullabaloo. There are a few ladies in our group who are using them and they brought them in on Saturday to show everyone. I admire them - one lady has bought 20 for £200. My problem is, what if you can't get to a washing machine for a few days?! You're screwed! So I'd think I'd have to buy more than that and would spend about £400, by which time I could have bought about 100 packs of disposables. They look nice and it's a great idea but I know full well it wouldn't happen for us.

If her bub had turned up she would have been 36+3 so not too early - poor woman has only just started her mat leave though so she wants a few weeks at home to relax first! She emailed me this morning to say that they were quite excited at the thought she might arrive but also now quite relieved that she's still cooking!

Another girl who was supposed to be there on Saturday wasn't because she was having a sweep on Friday - I guess it must have worked! Anxiously awaiting news from them!

Boring day here for me, am trying to look busy but in my head I'm thinking about social arrangements and pretending to pack my changing bag (what is it about changing bags that's so exciting? Is it just me?!).
Good morning my gorgeous ladies!

Sorry, I haven't fully caught up (I don't think anyway) Barbles that sounds like a complete nightmare! My mums full street used to be like that, all the time! So glad I moved away from there. Hope the car was ok.

Am I the only one here NOT having any sort of classes?! I didn't even have any with Jayden so it's not like I know it all (in truth I know feck all :dohh:) so I'm relying on all you ladies telling me what you've learned :haha:

I'm just constantly tired right now! I can't seem to get enough sleep and Jayden getting up before 7am every morning is NOT helping. I did have a half decent sleep last night, only got up twice for a pee :happydance: but I did have a very strange dream! I was pregnant (obv) but I wasn't actually having a baby, it was a dog I was getting! The same as my Toby but a girl called Ruby! I'm sure I've had this dream before :wacko: Wonder what it means................. xxx
Ceecee 10 days!!! Thats amazing! You'll be the first amongst us to have a baby!! Cant wait to read your birth story.

Vicky hows the baby shopping coming along now? I'm sure you said you had left things as last minute as me?

I feel tired all the time too Caire... And I cant seem to stop crying.

I've been feeling a lot of pressure on my bum lately which is strange cos I dont think bubba has engaged yet.
Hey girls, how is everyone?

Rachy- nice to see you on here, even though it was brief! Glad to hear everything is going ok for you.

Claire- I'm sure that you learn a lot more actually having a baby than at classes. I just worry about everything so I need to try and find out a bit of info for reassurance before he comes!

CeeCee- wow, 10 days is SO soon! Exciting :) You did the right thing going to the hospital just in case it had been your waters. When I ended up at the labour ward with pains at 24 weeks, I felt like a proper idiot when it was nothing much and I kept apologising. But they told me not to be so daft and anytime I was worried about anything, just give them a call.

Oooh Vicki, I bet you're looking forward to hearing news of the first baby in your antenatal class :) We had our last full day one on Saturday and we just have a 2 hour breastfeeding class to go to a week on Saturday. One of the ladies in our class might not be there though. She's got the soonest due date out of all of us (5th July) and apparently, she's been told the baby is engaged and ready to go! We've all exchanged email addresses now so hopefully we can stay in touch. There's a reunion in the pipeline with the babies sometime in October.

Well, I've had a busy weekend. I only have Thursday to work now and that's it, but it feels like I'm as busy now as when I was at work! A lot of it is self inflicted though, I'm sure. I really need to learn how to relax and sit still, but I keep thinking of things that need doing! We ordered the carpet for the nursery yesterday so once the decorator has been (he's coming next Monday), we can ring the carpet people and get them to come and lay the carpet and THEN we can get the furniture delivered. I want it all to hurry up! I've started getting bits sorted for my hospital bag too, but I have no idea how it's all going to fit in!!
Hiya girls

Cant actually believe one of us will have a baby in 10 days, how mad is that???? Its gone soooooo quickly.
I went to a one day ante-natal class with Phoebe but havent bothered this time.
Had an awful nights sleep last night, dreamt I was in labour but I sort of was dozing and really felt like I was contracting. Then I was adamant OH was trying to hand me something that had a spider in it :wacko:

Well after the drama of last night, I got home today after being out all day and find our friend on our doorstep, he spent all night and day in the cells and had no way of getting to his parents.
Anyways, she has written all over FB that she has a fractured elbow and stomach pains etc so people are calling him all sorts (it had even got back to OH and his boss that our friend had 'beat' her up just through FB). He got told that she was checked for a frac elbow and was all clear (he says he knew it would be as he never touched her).
So he is not allowed to contact her or her him for 6 weeks or he will be re-arrested and have to serve his bail in jail.
Bloody want their hands banging together, I told him to get out of it but he said he loves her and will do anything to get her back and apparently she is moping around crying wanting him back :dohh: I dont think in a million years he touched her TBH apart from grabbing her arm when she was punching him in the face (he has a black eye). gonna just leave them to it, I dont want part of all that drama to be honest.

Had a nice day shopping, got some wide fit shoes to fit my pasty like swollen feet, a new cardi, a little top saying 'no 1 little brother' and a top and tail bowl.
Waiting on Phoebe to drop off now and then shower and Glee time!! And hopefully a nice sleep.

Hope everyone is well xx
I'm cramping up a storm over here! It's not good :( I've been crampy all day then I got like a braxton hicks except it went right up my bump, full thing went solid (like after an orgasm?) and it was sore! Not awful pain but enough to make me worry. Now I've had a bath which made no difference since I couldn't lay back, and I'm still cramping. I really really don't want to go to hospital but I don't want to risk anything. I think I'll see how it get on overnight and go down tomorrow if I'm still cramping xxx
Oh dear Claire, hope ur ok? Im getting a few periody cramps here and there now and my BH are getting quite frequent, its as you describe my whole bump goes rock hard right to the top.
Definately get it checked out if you dont feel right, no harm in getting checked.

And I think Im going to have to get me one of these orgasms, havent had one in an age due to me being all 'dont touch me and get it over with as soon as possible' when it comes to sex lol
I feel much beter today, not so crampy or achey so that's gonna be good right?

:rofl: I haven't had sex in months, my poor hubby is being well neglected! He'll be thinking it's his birthday, christmas and every holiday rolled into one when he finally gets some :rofl: xxx
Im glad Im not the only one whose sex drive has gone down the pan!!!

Claire, glad you're not feeling so sore today, make sure you give the MW a call or something if you get worried again!!!
Woah, my sex drive has driven right outta town! Lol! It's an effort just to get into bed these days let alone do anything other than sleep in it. I did demand a cuddle last night though. Woke up in the middle of the night with an awful pain in my back just to the right hand side - I sat up on the edge of the bed and felt like I was going to pass out. My friend at work reckons I must have been lying on my back (v. likely) and it was a result of squashing my vena cava. Going to have to watch out for that, I ended up hobbling to the loo for my 2am visit clutching my back, limping because of my dodgy hip and knee after the fall last week and trying not to faint! Haha!

Barbles it's a difficult position to put you in with all the drama but you have enough on your plate without getting involved in it all... Keep out as much as poss! Sounds like a right mess and frankly if they both want to get back involved with each other they must be mad, what a destructive basis for a relationship! Also - how sad was the funeral episode of Glee last week?! I'd already had an emotional breakdown on Sunday morning and then decided to cheer myself up by watching that! I was a woman on the edge by the end!

Yasmin: still not v. organised. I've been gradually buying odds and sods and I think we're planning to order at least the buggy this weekend. We're still deciding on the nursery furniture, we'd originally chosen something pretty pricey from M&P but there is a potential change of minds afoot! Basically all a baby needs at first is some clothes, some food and somewhere cosy to sleep so as long as we have that sorted out I'll be happy. We're not planning on finishing off the nursery or anything until they've arrived and they won't be sleeping in there for ages anyway. I've started getting hospital bag things together as I want to have that ready at 36 weeks. Whenever I order anything online it arrives within about 2 days so not in a great rush!

Kim: Glad your group turned out to be nice, we're emailing each other and Facebooking now too and there is a plan to go to the Trafford Centre soon I believe! Have you by any chance visited the Mamas and Papas stores at the TC or in Cheetham Hill at all? We need to go and see the widest range of furniture possible so we can compare and wondered where was best.

Well I'm off to try and entertain myself for the rest of the day. My workload is going down quite quickly but as we have an open-plan office I have to try and look busy all day! 18 working days left... Have good days all.
Hey everyone :)

Claire- glad you're feeling better now. It's best to try and keep an eye on it and see how you feel for the rest of the day. You'll know yourself if you're not feeling right.

Amanda- that's a mad situation you've got going on at the moment! If your friend has got any sense, he'll stay away from her now even if she does miss him (tough luck, love!).

Vicki- I've been to the Trafford Centre Mamas and Papas A LOT. In fact, they now recognise me there lol. Haven't been to the Cheetham Hill M&P but have been to the one at Cheshire Oaks. Trafford Centre is definitely better. They haven't got every range of furniture out but they have the majority, and it's set up so beautifully :) We ended up choosing the Coastline range which they had a display of when we bought it (or when MiL bought it, I should say!), but they've since swapped the display to the Madison range as they have an offer on that at the moment. I should warn you- you will want to buy EVERYTHING when you set foot inside the store ;)
Ta Kim, think we'll pop along for a look. We had originally chosen the Ocean Dark Oak range which is lovely but the Summerhouse collection is on offer and looks nice also. I want to see it in real life though before we buy in case it's not as well built! I guess I'll need to leave the wallet in the hands of my husband in case of temptation, he will be sure to reign in my spending!!
Afternoon ladies, havn't been on for a couple of days, im being distracted by the move on saturday eeeeek, which may i add ALL of my family will be helping me this i mean my mum, step dad and a couple of family friends, then my dad and his wife and brothers sisters and boyfriend etc, however the 2 families have not been reunited for about 10 years, and they havnt been too amicable over the years lol.....should be interesting all in a 2 bed roomed house! Oh and the FOBs parents may pop over at some point to meet the family...and myself as i have only seen them once..... Ohhh well, roll on sat!

Im so teary at the minute, keep crying at everything, it even makes me want to cry writing that :(

I also dont think i know what braxton hicks are, whenever i feel a twinge or pain or anything i just class it as being pregnant...............
Ooh, they're both gorgeous :) To be honest when I've looked at the furniture they have in store, it all looks pretty well made and loads better than a lot of others I've looked at. Also, I don't know how handy your OH is with DIY but you can pay for guys to put all of the furniture together properly when it's delivered (my OH is hopeless so it's a big relief to know it'll be done right!).
Blimey Michelle, sounds like you're going to have a houseful on Saturday! If anyone starts stepping out of line, use the pregnant woman card and it should shame them into shutting up. I realised yesterday I hadn't used the pregnant woman card enough when I went into Volkswagen about getting my air con fixed (they said it would be 5 days to get a part in and I've been waiting almost 6 weeks!). I did a big emotional performance and miraculously, they can now fix my car tomorrow ;)
I havnt used the pregnancy card either yet, but im still doing really well at the minute so trying not to. I car share with my mum and she needs the car tomorrow when i have a midwife appointment, so i was going to have a moan, but ive decided i can manage a half an hour walk down a lane, and gentle excerise will be good....hopefully :) xxx
It sounds like we're all going through an emotional stage, this is good news for me as it hopefully explains my not-very-rational breakdown on Sunday! Ladies make sure you are using your pregnancy card wherever possible. I've not used it enough and it's led to me basically being exhausted and pulled from pillar to post! I think on Sunday I realised that I couldn't carry on just being 'as normal' and I really need a bit of time to try and relax a little and look after myself. We need to let others run around after us for a bit!

I've found (and I can say this here only!) that my friends haven't been half as supportive/helpful to me in pregnancy as I've been to them in the past during theirs. I feel a bit taken for granted by the whole thing! I was expecting the odd visitor, the occasional text, the every-so-often let's have a coffee sort of thing that I've always done and I've had pretty much bugger all! It's made me realise that the only person who is going to look after me that way! My moany facebook status at the weekend did prompt quite a lot of action though. Regrettably not from my husband who I think just thought I'd gone mad.

Rant over!

Good luck with the move Michelle, at least you're not short of volunteers! Hopefully it all goes smoothly! If I were you I'd leave them to it and go and hide behind a hedge or something until they've all gone!

Thanks Kim, am going to get myself down there and check it all - my husband and his dad are DIY experts, they'd probably make a better fist of it than the actual M&P chaps!
Yeh i might just do that, give everybody a room and they can stick to it hehe.

Im going through the motions of believing im going to have a boy looking in my draw full of pink clothes thinking they will all be wasted, and i have told everybody im sure its going to come out a boy, ive even picked my boys name. I was only told once it was a girl, and her words were "I think i can see 3 lines so i would say its a girl"

Michelle, I'm having the same issues, although I've had girl confirmed 5 times(!) and I still have worries I'm going to have a boy! For me though it won't be about the clothes because I don't have that many pink things (because no-one knows it's a girl) but that I've got used to the fact I'm going to have a daughter and I think I'd struggle to bond with a boy now. I know that sounds horrible but when I've kept her secret for so long and knowing she's a girl it'll be soo hard xxx
Yeh thats the same with me. I cant get it out of my head! The fact she used the words 'think'

I cant stop eating again, for lunch ive had a bit of curry from last night, a bowl of wheetos, crisps a yoghurt and a banana eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. And im going out for dinner tonight xxxx

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