Limbo Ladies!!

I wouldn't worry about eating 'too much' it's not as if you are eating junk! Lol.

I don't think I've used the pregnancy card as such, maybe with hubby but not really in general. But the other night I was at a club for my nieces Glee club performance thingy and no-one offerd me a seat. I was standing rocking because my back was sore and was next to a table, and a woman got up to go for a cig and said to her mate, 'don't let ANYONE steal my seat' and looked at me. I felt like sitting down just to spite the cow! I got a seat eventually but it's not like I'm not noticeably pregnant, stupid bitch. xxx
I would struggle with this also! I have trust issues, I don't believe anything anyone tells me until I've seen it myself! Haha! I'm safe where I am with my lovely neutral things for now. I'm sure you are all perfectly on course to have your girls (and boys where appropriate), these people have seen baby bits countless times don't forget! My biggest concern at the moment is that I seem to have an awful lot of newborn stuff and not much in 0-3, I'm pretty sure I'm having a giant (husband was 10lb 12oz!)!
I wouldn't worry about eating 'too much' it's not as if you are eating junk! Lol.

I don't think I've used the pregnancy card as such, maybe with hubby but not really in general. But the other night I was at a club for my nieces Glee club performance thingy and no-one offerd me a seat. I was standing rocking because my back was sore and was next to a table, and a woman got up to go for a cig and said to her mate, 'don't let ANYONE steal my seat' and looked at me. I felt like sitting down just to spite the cow! I got a seat eventually but it's not like I'm not noticeably pregnant, stupid bitch. xxx
:O So rude! Eeeh, society today etc. Yeah, I'd have stolen her seat too, you snooze you lose! That Glee club thing sounds quite good though, lol!
People will get you 0-3 stuff Vicki, don't worry :) I have a good mix of both just now. I'm having some very very strange movements, it's like she's clawing at the front and bashing her head (or feet, don't know which) against my cervix and it's hurting my china :( really sharp sort of pains and I don't remember getting anything like that with Jayden. Anyone else got it? xxx
Well im walking at snail pace at the minute lol, its so uncomfortable and painful all over. Booooo im such a moaner. Cant decide whether to go and buy some baby things now, but my mum keeps telling me i have too many clothes for the baby already lol. I think tesco have got some gorgeous things in for babies at the minute.

My mum suggested i buy mainly 0-3 cause all babies in my family are usually big, i have like 2 new born things. Oooops.

What about grobags/ sleep bags for the baby? Is anyone using these or just using blankets? xxxxx
No grobags or anything for me. As long as the sheets are tucked in properly there's no need for them. And Jayden was swaddled til he was about 6 months so they were useless for me, I tried one and he hated it! So it'll just be blankets and sheets for me :thumbup: xxx
Whats swaddling? Ive heard of it, but what do you do, and what blankets do u need? xx
I used a cheap stretchy blanket and basically just wrapped him up like a fajita :rofl: He never had any major issues sleeping as long as he was swaddled. magine being all snug inside a womb and them coming out into the big bad world and put into a loose bag?! Not for my babies but they obviously work for some lol. I'll see if I can find a pic of Jayden swaddled (I usually kept an arm out, he had a thing about touching his face lol)

Copy of DSC00039.jpg

So you can use any blankets then?

I still need to get some, my friends bought me some pink fluffy blankets but theyre more for pram use i think. I know nothing :( xxx
Yeah, as long as it's wrapped tightly enough, but not ones with holes in it (babies can get fingers a toes stuck) You can get swaddle blankets but they can be expensive so I'd stick with normal blankets. Don't worry about 'knowing' anything, but if you really want a hand I'd recommend 'the contented little baby' book. You'll need to look it up though, I got a thread blocked here for mentioning it before lol xxx
Lol, I didn't know it was forbidden! Apparently the woman who wrote the book have sued forums before for using her name so it's barred :/ But it is a pretty good book and I'll be using it again this time round xxx
Hello ladies!!!!

Good luck with the move on Saturday Michelle, definately pull the preggo card if it kicks off a bit. Ive pulled it a bit with OH when it comes to hoovering but I still need to whip it out a bit more i think :haha:

I get shooting pains too claire, I know I was uncomfortable with Phoebe but I dont remember pains like I am getting now.

Ive got mostly 0-3 months stuff, only a couple of newborn suits and a few newborn vests as Phoebe was big and Ive been told Jacob will be big. If he does come small Ill send OH up Tescos for some more babygrows lol

Had a friend round this morning then dozed until I picked Phoebe up, really missed her today, 3pm couldnt come quick enough.

Got a niggly back today so gonna rest up today.
Am definitely not getting any more newborn! Although I was showing my mum some of it and we decided it was actually quite big, the Mothercare newborn is a lot bigger than the M&S for example. In fact I was a bit panicked at the size of it! It's supposed to fit up to 11lb so fingers crossed I have a nice average 7lb-er and they don't take after their father. Was banking on receiving a lot of presents in 0-3 and 3-6! My brother's girlfriend has also bought some Elmo shoes which sound amazing!

Michelle, I've got a couple of swaddle wraps for mine although I think a blanket would do the job. My goddaughter fell asleep instantly in hers! I plan to use it mainly at night rather than in the day to try and introduce a difference between night and day sleeps (suspect as long as they sleep I won't care though!). It'll be good in summer too as not too hot. I do plan on using grobags though after the swaddling is done and they learn how to wriggle out. Maybe I too will write a book then ban anyone from mentioning it :)

Can't quite believe this - our department is going for some drinks on Friday afternoon in some sort of effort to motivate us so who has been asked to organise it?! The preggo woman! I am now running around trying to find somewhere with good offers on cocktails, wine and beer when all I'll get is a poxy orange juice that I'll probably have to buy myself anyway! Anyway, off home now for a takeaway with my friend and her cute daughter so it's not all bad.

Night all!
Hello ladies!

Michelle - wow now that sounds like a busy house you'll be having on saturday!! xxx

Kim - Glad you've not got long left in work and also glad you've got your furniture sorted hun xxx

Claire & Barbles - I hope your cramps are feeling better today girlies. I could barely walk this morning with pain I had shooting across my tummy and in my hip. Thankfully a lie down after taking some paracetamol seems to have done the trick :) xxx

Vicki - your work are cruel *******s!! Lol fancy making the preggo lady book a night out! xxx

Well all going to plan and the hospital not being busy, this time a week tomorrow I will be getting induced! Crazy! And I don't even know exactly whats happening as nobody seems to want to give me an indepth explanation of what will be happening and when lol. Got to go to hospital later for my diabetes clinic appointment so hopefully will get one of the diabetes midwives to explain stuff to me.

As for the pregnancy card, I've not really used it other than hubby doing the vacuuming but in my defense our vacuum is massive and so heavy I could barely use it when I wasn't pregnant lol.

Hope all you lovely ladies are all good :)

Morning all!

Oh we have all been busy!!

Hope everyones pains are gone? No more falls or hospital trips?

Im feeling ok today, nothing to moan about....except being at work!! Roll on 15th least I have next week and half of the following week off in the mean time!!

Still having no luck with over the bump jeans!! Ordered some from Very, they're awful, the fit is terrible!! Ordered some from Debenhams, the over bump bit doesnt start nearly low enough so they're goping back, tried to order some from Next, out of stock for 16 weeks!!! Not having any luck! Baby'll be here by the time I find some!!

Vicki, who's asked you to organise the drink thing? A man? Idiots!! Make sure you find somewhere with some nice virgin cocktails!!

Morning all, just been to the midwife. Last appointment with her as im moving house on saturday, which im quite sad about cause she was lovely, but this new midwife will be the 5th one ive seen! Blergh

My BP was 96/64 today, is that low? I have a low BP anyway, but still looks low. She also sent off a urine sample as she said it looks like theres some 'stuff' there. Lol, suppose thats the only way she can explain it.

Im growing at the top of the line on the growth chart too, she said its not an overly big baby, but its a 'good size' wont be buying much newborn now lol.

How is everyone else? xxxxx

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