Limbo Ladies!!

Rant Alert!!!!

So, this girl my hubby met on a holiday he went on before he met me, never been anything more than friends, but she deffo has a thinkg for him. He never texts or contacts her, but she is always sending cards and little gifts and writing on his facebook. She obviously knows he's with me, married to me and having a baby with me, but has never mentioned ME in anything she's posted on his facebook!

She's just written on his wall 'Hey, hows the pregnancy going? Any names yet?xxx'

Erm, he's not pregnant, div!!

I dont have any problems with him being firneds with girls...not at all, but she really bugs me, always putting kisses, always asing about him, not about us?!

I know I always ask after the partners of male friends I have and wouldnt dream of ending a text to them with a line of it just me?!?
Im the same with my boyfriend, but thats cause he has a history of being a little 'over friendly' himself, but hopefully thats just what it is. He has a friend who he met up with the other day, he text me and said 'Im meeting becky tonight for a catch up is that ok?@' Well it wasnt ok, but i said it was, anyway she had bought me loads of baby clothes and then got him to arrange when i could meet her etc, so i know it was innocent lol.

But some girls need to accept that they should just leave some men alone. My boyfriend also has another girl that sends him random texts, and he was seeing her on one of our breaks, i know hes not interested but i just want to tell her to leave him alone lol!!! xxxx
Hubby is too polite, he'll respond maybe once to a message on FB but wont get into a convo, and she doesnt have his/our new address so cant be sending him pressies...she just gets my goat! Its like she does it to be annoying!!
Some girls give the rest of us a bad name! At least Mr B doesn't take her on but yes, I would find it massively annoying. You have 'the prize', so just sit back and imagine her grim face when he's plastering Facebook not only with pictures of your wedding but also of your beautiful baby boy. Suck on that, loser woman!

Fortunately my husband has had limited contact with females for, basically, ever, so I don't really have any people to be wary of. I've always had lots of boy friends (not necessarily boyfriends!) though and he has had to work through a lot to get over jealousy issues, especially at first. I felt so sorry for him because I'd never have done anything with anyone else but he found it really difficult to deal with me hanging around with other blokes! He's since met them and decided they're all a bit weird anyway though so no worries these days!
Those thankyou cards are amazing and it's a good idea doing them now :D

MrsKTB, I know, where has the time gone?
We had alovely mini break in Dorset which included some celebrations for hubs 30th and kinda babymoon too

Those kind of girls really pee me off too, we had a few problems with a girl who basically stalked my OH and was so manipulative...still gives me jitters as it was so bad
Also another girl who we both worked with said nothing to me on FB but saw him at a meeting and was all congrats, how are things going?!?!? Erm hello, talk to me!! I found the 'remove friend' button on FB useful for that one :haha:

Urg how annoying for you. Some girls are so bad, I too have had a few!! One girl he knew said to my OH infront of me and our daughter that he never had to pay for ice-cream in her shop (she ran an ice-cream and fudge shop funnily enough) but they way she said it sounded like a fricken porn star!!! I was like 'come on Ross they got shit flavours in here' :haha::growlmad:!!
And his ex used to call and leave notes in the letterbox all the time though she knew he was with me, she did stop after she heard I was pregnant with Phoebe. Then like a year later, I saw her out, a few dirty looks were thrown and she then was ALL over FB slagging me and OH off :growlmad: childish little mare!! This is why OH doesnt have FB, he said its not worth the hassle.

Well Oh has been promoted at work, instead of just being a plant operator he is now a supervisor and currently running two sites. He is leaving 6 in the morning and often not getting in until 7pm and working some Saturdays and his boss said he would give him a pay rise :happydance:. Got his wage slip today, he was only put up 50p :dohh: so once you tax that is like an extra 20 quid, my OH (and me :haha:) is a bit disapointed really. OH is sort of thinking he had an easy life before for 50p less and now working his bollocks off for not much more. I know its up to his boss and we should be grateful he is recognising Ross as a good worker but we thought it might of been a pound rise. Like I said, he gets us a takeaway tonight and theres his pay rise gone lol.

I have no nursery :nope: but I do have a rocking chair in my bedroom so Ive got it the other way round lol not that the chair gets used for anything other than a clothes horse xx
Helloooo! sooo sorry ive not been in! it has been hurrendous at work. Our accountant is in hospital with cancer so ive had her job and my job to do and i know if i came on BNB id get no work done!!! butttttt hopefully that will all end this week !im training a guy tomorrow and i am praying he is a quick learner!!!!

Chris is away fishing tonight...hence why im on facebook and BNB at 10pm LOL! not normal!!! lonely me!!!!

SO my photo and article came out in the mag today.......and i havent seen it!!!! i thought it was out tomorrow!! il have to buy it after work! am a little scared of what it looks like in a mag and what has been written haha!

Update on me for the week or so - had my 34 week midwife appt and all is ok - i had a bit of blood in my wee but shes sent it off and it was all ok which i didnt expect!

Since sat ive had baddddd bum gravy and i dontk now why!!! spoke to doc today and he said it could be a bug and wait n see a couple more days.........thank you mr doctor so helpful!!!

Also had 2 more ante natal classes - relaxation classes but ive found them pretty useless! shes just gone on about back pain, muscles, etc and then today was about labour...which we have already covered and at the end of the classes we lay there for 15 mins on a matt. but oh well, one more to go to next week and thats it!

I did order a pregnancy yoga dvd though - better late than never! be good to get some stretches in before labour!!!

Anyone elses bump small! i tell ppl im almost 35 weeks and they are in shock! i suppose its a good thing but also i want a wanging bump at the same time! although im uncomfortable how i am so i wonder how bad id be bigger haha!

Ceecee i cant believe how close you are to having your baba with you!!!!!! our first limbo baby eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhhhh so this is where everyone is hiding!!!! i'd completly forgotten about this forum!!!!
can i come back and join please!!!!

i just seen those cards claire they are gorgeous!!! i wish i had the patience to do something like that!!!!
There you are Natalie! Lol, welcome back!

Morning everyone! I've got a day of washing, cleaning, packing and ironing :wacko: But so can't wait to get away, even if it is just an hour down the road in a caravan! :rofl: Lol.

Welcome back Samira! I went to get the Magazine this morning and the stupid Spar didn't have any copies :grr: Will nip to Asda after and get it, can't wait to see it! You'll need to add an bump pic so we can see :thumbup: xxx
Morning all,

Hi natalie :) Nice to 'meet' you!!

Barbles, congrats on the hubsters is shitty that his payrise doesnt mirror the extra work, but at least he is being noticed!! Maybe once hes settled nto the new role he could ask for more?

Samira, what mag is it? :-$

So, me and hubby went for a curry last night and had a giggle about what a pain in the backside his 'friend' Amy is....I knew he thought the same as me, but it always makes me feel better hearing it!! Wish he's man up a little and tell her to eff off though!!

Anyway, the curry.... we went to a new place that we'd not been before, I ordered a madras and the waiter laughed...i asked why and he kind of sniggered and said 'oh, women tend to go for a korma'! I thought it was a little odd...but when my madras arrived, i understood why!! Man was it HOT! I love really spicy food, but i havent been too good with it while being preggo, so didnt go for my normal phaal!! Was hoping that the spice would 'get things moving' in the bottom dept, but alas, still bunged up!! Meal was very nice though.... only £10.95 for 4 courses, no menu limits...aces!!

Is it Friday afternoon yet? Im fed up of work!!

hey samira what mag is it? I will pick it up and have a little looky!

I am so fed up at the mo, I am on anti-b's for my THIRD urine infection so far this preg!
I feel so sore down below and it hurts to pee, never had one before in my life so god knows why they just keep coming back lol.

I was just saying i had better start thinking about my hospital bag but I just don't know where to start, it seems like such effort! lol x
Morning all, blimey all these new ladies! Welcome everyone!

Samira, I shall pick up a copy at the weekend and look forward to reading all about you! Exciting!

Barbles, great news on promotion, shite news on the resulting payrise! I agree with Kate, let him show them his 'stuff' then ask about the other 50p. I have little experience of this myself though, I was promoted a year ago and given no payrise or anything other than increased targets and a 'Senior' added onto my job title!

Claire, enjoy your hol! Doesn't matter where it is or how long it's for, a hol's a hol in my eyes! When we went to Essex for that wedding we were only there for two nights but I still treated it as a mini holiday.

Kate, I have had curry cravings all week! I too have had to abandon anything too spicy with having a bit of a dodgy stomach so I have sadly developed a taste for korma. Can't believe I'm eating grandma curries! Plus every time I ate something spicy I had massive Braxton Hicks all night - I took that as a good sign for later on when we're trying eviction techniques!

I have minimal news - I have bought my husband some 'Mr and Mrs' pillowcases for our second anniversary which is a bit gay really so am also going to have to buy him a manly beer box of his favourite ales! I went along the 'cotton' route but he is thinking about using 'china' for mine seeing as I am partly Chinese anyway. Hopefully this means he's taking me to see the Great Wall and Shanghai etc, but more likely to be a plant pot or something. Tee hee! Or a dim sum feast!

I sat on my exercise ball last night for an hour whilst we watched Game of Thrones (not sure about that one...). Bubbo moved a bit afterwards but fairly sure I can still feel their head in my ribs. My Babasling and my Pacapod bag have both arrived too, exciting!

Got a night to myself tonight, Mr G is going to rugby training. This would not be unusual except that the last time he attended rugby training was in 2008 and he came home with a broken leg which resulted in a three-day hospital stay, 9 weeks off work, a plate and seven screws which are now holding his fibula together! Am crossing everything that it holds up for him tonight - he's fine now and has played indoor football etc regularly since but rugby pitches are more uneven (not to mention rugby being a more manly sport anyway... :D) and I have The Fear! Bless him though, he's coming out of retirement for a benefit game in aid of a friend of ours - she's only 34 but has had a series of strokes and is pretty poorly.

16 working days left - booyaa!
Morning everybody!

Another morning of rushing about here

Plus my ankle hurts like hell :(

Would so just like to sleep on my desk right now :coffee:
Do it MrsGM...Ive been known to during this pregnancy....though, saying that, my belly is now in the way! lol
lol, there is a girl in my office who does pretty much feck all and I've seen her sleeping on her desk with a cushion!!!

And there's me piled high with work.... (diff jobs)
mrsktb im sure our paths have crossed on here somewhere!!!!
:hi: claire!!!! how are u? a holiday sounds lovely!!!!
curry sounds good!!! being a fussy veggie i always find i eat poppadoms and mango chutney and saag aloo and bombay potatos are my fave so tend to eat them and then have no room for the actual curry!!!
barbles thats fab about the promotion at least it shows they are appreciating and recognising all his hard work!!! lets hope they bump the money!!!
vikki g congratulations on your impending 2 year anniversary!! i have our 1st anniversary in july!! no idea what to get hubby tho!!!!
MrsGM i know what u mean when i was at work im sure i was working a lot harder than any of the other people in my dept but i was the only preg one!!! was horrid!!!

me... well i have loads to do today but zero motivation... ive got to wait for a call from mamas and papas about the cot we ordered last night online says prob with payment which i dont understand cos money in account!!! and i still feel rotten with my cold!!!
Why can't we choose our family?! Seriously, you all know how much of an idiot my sister can be and she's fallen out with me, yet again! The texts go as such......

E - How come any time I ask you to do something ur always 2 busy but i ask everyone else 2 do stuff? xx (load of shit)

Me - How do I ask everyone else to do things? I don't do anything really cos I'm quite happy staying in, I enjoy my own company. The last tiem I was out was at C's Glee club, with you! x

E - Just feels like anytime I ask you to meet or if Jayden wants to come with me ur all busy... you were at the fort with Samantha (bros gf) last week n never asked me to go or popped in to c us.... feels crap... xx

Me - I picked her up at 9pm! my phone broke and wanted to go to the 3 shop and only asked her cos she was wantin to go earlier in the day. and ur lunch with her wasn't last minute, cos she told me days before it. And as for Jayden I like him to be with me and where I can watch him, I hate him being away from me x

E - It was last minute, I said begin of week n didn't confirm til thursday.. if id have asked ud have said no... n as 4 u like having jayden with u all the time he spends alot of time with A's mum and dad and prob his sister... wat i think is that u somehow think ur a better parent than me n dont agree with way i am with my kids so dont like jayden being with me :cry: xx

Me - I don't think I'm better than anyone, so thats a load of shit.yes I don't like Jayden copying Dylans naughty behaviour becos if I try to tell him off he sees Dylan getting away with it and doesn't listen to me, so thats part of it.but I certainly don't think I'm better than u!he sees alan's mum and dady yes, but he's with me 95% of the time and thats the way I like it x

E - D getting away with it??? Don't judge my parent skills, u hardly c us to even think u know what ur talking about.. as for Jayden seeing A's mum and dad 5% of the time, thats still 5% more than us x

Basically after that it goes into her slagging me and me telling her I don't want an arguement and he keep going on and on and on! I swear, I have actually had enough! As for parenting skills, she says she's 'lenient' - her kids have no manners (especially my nephew) misbehave, shout at her and have no respect for anyone or anything. So I'm done. Sorry, this is quite long lol xxx
ugh, siblings huh?

I'm currently hopping mad with my sister and she has no idea, waiting til I'm feeling less stressed before I bring it up...
Is it wedding related MrsGM?

Claire, just remember, you cant choose your family!! LOL! Try not to let her get to you!! x
nope money related, owes me hundreds but has sky and a new iphone4, furious doesn't come close

but needs resovling before other sisters wedding & arrival of mini-one...

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