Hey girls, how are we all doing?
Claire- sorry about the crap you're having to put up with, with your sister. Sometimes, families can just be a huge pain in the arse (and believe me, I'm talking from experience!). On a happier note, yay for the nursery place and your cards are gorgeous
Amanda- hope all goes ok for you at the docs.
Samira- I bought the magazine this morning (I have to say P&B is my fave- I'll miss it when bubba is hear and I don't really need to buy it anymore!). You look fabulous and the article is great too!
CeeCee- you're officially full term now!! Can't believe your little one will be here so soon!
Michelle- your bump looks sickeningly gorgeous

Mine's looked like a roadmap for a few weeks now!
On the subject of blood pressure, mine was 100/60 on Tuesday. That sounds low, doesn't it? Midwife said it was normal though. Hmm. Other than that, appointment went really well. Boy is still head down, with his back on my right which she said was the right position

She checked his heartbeat and actually said, "Blimey, I'm going to have to turn this (the doppler) down- he's got a very strong heartbeat, hasn't he?!" - that made me all proud lol. Fundal height was exactly 34 weeks too. I noticed when I looked at my notes after I'd left, that she'd written 'engaged' on the section about baby's position, which she didn't do last time I went although he was head down too. I'm hoping that means things are progressing!
Went to the last NHS Parentcraft class last night and it was all about breastfeeding. Surprisingly, OH handled it much better than me. I came out panicking that I wouldn't be able to do it- it looks and sounds so hard! The midwife did say that she's support our decision on feeding whatever it may be, but I really want to try and breastfeed if I can. Eek!!