Limbo Ladies!!

michelle i had to have doritos and dip after reading your post!!! yum yum!!!! how is your bump feeling now?
barbles how did u get on at your 2nd appointment??
claire im glad its not just me that moans eh!!! thats fab news jayden got a place!!!
All fine natalie, BP gone down so see the MW again tuesday for another check.

Im such a hormonal cowbag!!!!! I could cry here now all coz I want a kebab :dohh: Im doing my own head in.
OH didnt get in until half 7 tonight and has gone straight out on the house, I asked him what we were doing for tea and said about getting a kebab later when he gets in. He said no and I should sort myself out!! Well no, now I want a kebab.
I even accused him of having another lady on the go who was feeding him up and thats why he is always late and he doesnt want tea!! :blush: I am insane!!! I dont accuse him of having sex, no I accuse him of getting fed by another woman :nope:

I think its high time I had a baby!!! I am truely OVER being pregnant!!

All I do is moan too, sorry ladies

Hope everyone is having a nice evening!!
hahaha awwww barbles bless u!!! why dont u try going on just eat website and see if any where near u delivers kebabs?
glad you bp all ok!!! :)
Morning all!!

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling ok today?

We had our 2nd antenatal class last night, doing all the practical stuff like bathing a nappy changing etc, man was it hot in there though!! I wasnt doing to good, I must have looked awful because everyone kept stoppping and looking at me and fetching me drinks.... it got to the point where I thought I was going to faint and very nearly did, luckily I had a wall to lean on!! My feet and ankles were massive, on fire and uncomfortable and I thought for sure Id be taking a trip to the MW today...but amazingly, I got home, went to bed, had the best night sleep in AGES (still very tired now, but hey ho) and woke up today with normalish feet and ankles and no feeling of 'OMG, catch me!'!! Just hope it stays like this for the day!!

Next week off! Yey!! 13 more working days after today!! Wahooo!
morning :)

desp trying to finish some uni work today and over the weekend but so friggin tired!

Hope you have a more normal day MrsKTB

need to look at antenatal classes, bit stuck as with the local NCT ones, the main saturday is when my sisters wedding is :(
KTB its pregnancy and birth magazine!! is so weird seeing myself in a mag lol!

Waitinforastork thank you!!!! i got it yday and felt relieved at the article although they do change your words round a lot. I did not tell her i cried myself to sleep LOL! and me and chris have only been together 2 years in feb so im sure i wasnt 21 haha! and we were trying for more than 6 months too but im sure they just make it how it would sound best!

im fine today! chris is off work and so am i so we are having a day in on this rainy day off! and my friend is coming over at 12 with her goooorjus 5 month year old! will be good to see how the dogs react with a baby! esp coz the bitch is coming into season at the mo!

little bit of a worry but gona keep an eye on it....had a bit of blood on my tissue just now when i went for a pee. me and chris did have some this morning though so im guessingi t might be to do with that as we havent for ageeeeeeees!!!! on top of that got a stinky headache but on the plus side my nursery wardrobe is getting delivered today so means chris can get that up and i can start sorting the mess i have made in the nursery hehe! xx
Lol, I thought they might not quote you word for word in that article Samira- still fabulous though :) Lucky Chris this morning haha- I hope everything settles down now and you don't spy any more blood on the loo paper!

Kate- hope you're going to put your feet up next week. Sounds like you need it!

Amanda- hope you're feeling a bit better today. I lost the plot with OH completely last night. He bought a new car and had to ring for cover insurance. There's a message before you get put through to someone saying that you had to tell the operator if you didn't want to have your details used by the insurance company to send offers etc. He forgot to do that and I lost the plot a bit, ranting about how I would have to put up with cold callers ringing our house all day when I'd be trying to get our newborn baby to sleep whilst HE'D be at work and not getting bothered. He looked slightly bewildered and apologised for the rest of the night. I felt like a total cow afterwards. Bloody hormones!

Mrs GM- it can be awkward getting the NCT classes to time right. OH and I had to go to another town for ours as the town where we live, didn't have any classes available until August which is slightly too late lol.

How is everyone else today?
Im feeling pants today. Sign for my house tomorrow and move in so i should be excited but im not, my mum just really upset me cause she knows ive invited the FOBs parents over to the new house on Sunday, ive only seen them once when me and FOB were together but have been in regular contact, anyway my Dad lives in portsmouth but is up for the weekend so he wants to take the chance to meet them etc, anyway my mum said "well me and Tim (stepdad) dont want to be involved in that as we dont agree with it, and i just want her to know how low my opinion of her son is" i said it wasnt fair to invite them over to the house then make them feel rubbish for their sons wrong doings, and i want to build a relationship first before i say that. Then my mum went on to say how wrong it is that Ollie (FOB) wont be on the birth cetificate and her and my step dad think its so wrong that he will be 'unknown' on the birth certificate, she made it out like its my fault, but what can i do, he wont go on it.

I just burst into tears and snapped at her and said nobody has the right to get involved with what i do about Ollie and if anybody gets involved i'll be angry. She thinks she has a right because shes financially helping me with the house move, but i dont think its fair. The way i see it is - he doesnt want to be involved, wont go on the birth certificate etc etc, but this gives me and Tom the chance to bring her up without his shitty crappy influence. Im happy with that. He can fall off the face of the earth for all i care, infact, i'd bloody push him!

Sorry im just really upset xxx
Aw Michelle I'm really sorry. No advice but lots of hugs :hugs:

Claire - as requested on FB I won £50, then £15. Then my mum won £50, then £10z not big winnings but lots of fun! (I'm talking about Bingo guys, I'm a regular) x
Aww michelle, that's a shitty situation to be in! FOB may not be interested, but if little Esme is gonna have loads of Grandparents that care about her it's certainly not going to do any harm. I'm sorry your mum doesn't see it that way :hugs: Hope it settles down soon.

Ohhh Mrs, think of the baby clothes you can get with that money! I'd love a wee windfall xxx
urgh michelle thats awful! i know shes your mum but shes wrong! its not the grandparents fault and they should be involved in their granddaughters life, I think what you are doing is right!

MrsPOP YAY to bingo! i love bingo havent been in ages!!!! im gona have to get some girls together and go!!! so much fun! or even just go with my mum haha!!! she would love it! x
Me again ladies, this is me saying goodbye for a while, im moving out tomorrow and dont plan to get the internet for a month or so.

I will keep everybody updated on facebook as per usual, if i havnt got you search Michelle Lee Ann Gannon, or here is my blackberry pin is 22500640 if anyone has a blackberry and wants to add me, or my number is 07850548823 if anyone has anything interesting to say drop me a text hehe.

Lots of love to all of you ladies, i will do my best to get online, but i doubt it will be very much xxxxx
oh noooo bye michelle!!!!!!!!!!!! il see you on FB though anyway but will miss you on BNB!!!!!

in a month we might have our babies! how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
Again, not getting hardly ANY time to even catch up or do anything :( But wanted to let you all know I'm thinking of all of you and hope you are all doing well. I might be induced on the 30th because of the gestational diabetes, if my cervix is "favourable" so might be having little one a little bit early. Can't believe I'm 38 weeks on Tuesday.. Hoping she'll come early naturally really .. but as long as she's safe. I've been told NO to waterbirth because of the GD and that i'll need constant monitoring. I Really really hope you're all well, and I can't wait to get internet on the 27th!! Love to you all girlies, missing chatting xx
ohhh woowww! another eary induction! Ceecee is this week EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Thursday isnt it?!!!

Shame about the no water birth though :(

Im just sat at home watching crap tv on my own! waiting for chris to come back! hes been fishing all day and hes been catching lots so is still there!!!! wish he would hurry up! dinner was ready ages ago but i had to turn it off to wait for him!

Had a good day car bootin today though :) got lots of stuff for baby to tick off the list of things i need!!!

hope everyone had a fab weekend!!!!!! x
Hello ladies, havent caught up as usual!!

Hope everyone is well and the house moves etc have been ok.

Havent been on for a few days as my anti-virus ran out on the laptop and OH banned me from using the computer lol. been having a nose on my phone but its so much hassle to type on an iphone!!

Seriously reached my fed up point now!! Been having very strong braxton hicks for the last few nights, generally they are coming every 5 minutes and last for around 40 secs (yes I timed them in hope) but they dont hurt, just are sooooooooo tight I cant breathe and they always stop by the time I go to bed so havent bothered ringing the midwives. If they start hurting or whatever I will (as well as jumping for joy) but I know they are not the real thing. Im hoping it means the real thing isnt all that far off, cant handle these for another 5 weeks.
GOt my pram yesterday as well, I LOVE IT!!! Actually had to fight with Phoebe over who was going to push it around the front room first haha :blush: Will add pics tomorrow!

Had a quiet fathers day but still a nice day!!

Hope everyone is ok and had nice days today

Hello girlies!!

Sorry for my lack of communication of late - just been manic busy sorting out last minute preparations for mini me's arrival :) Fingers crossed the hospital won't be too busy on thursday morning and I can go in and get induced as planned and everything will go to plan. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible :) My nanny's lucky number was always 21 so I'm hoping that maybe nanny will look down on me and Jess and help us go into labour naturally tomorrow instead!!

Claire - sorry to hear about you sister. I'm suffering with relative problems too atm!! My sister always has to be the centre of attention and so now its coming close to the birth she's doing everything so can to have all eyes on her. She's even made my parents feel really guilty about coming up to stay with me for a week after the birth!! Then yesterday DH decided to tell me that he's dreading spending a week with my mam as he thinks she bosses him about etc. And then he also dropped the bombshell that his parents are coming up for a week straight after my parents and that they plan on "taking Jess out as often as possible". Am I being unreasonable that I don't want them taking her off all the time?? I mean she's my baby and she'll only be 2 weeks old...I just don't want to have her out of my sight! MIL also pissed me off as when discussing what we were thinkin about wearing for my brother in laws weddin in october she told me "Don't bother buying anything until a week before as you probably won't have lost any weight". Oh and she sent DH a fathers day card and put in it "Jessica is so lucky to have you both as parents - but especially you as you will be the coolest daddy ever!" Now I'm probably being v hormonal here really?? Not sure how she expected me to take that??!! Hormonal pregnant me finds that bloody offensive!! I hope your sister realises she's being a tool hun and if she doesn't then as you say she'll need you first and then realise what she's messed up. Big hugs hun XXX

Samira - You looked GORGEOUS in the magazine hun I rushed out to get my copy as soon as it came out!! Lol totally your stalker!! xxx

Barbles - hope your BP has gone back to normal or at least gone down a wee bit :hugs: xxx

Kim - Hi hun hows things with you? xxx

Michelle - Hope move in day went all good for you and I'm sorry about your mum upsetting you :hugs: sometimes people really don't know when to keep their opinions to themselves - I believe being this heavily pregnant is a good time for people not to so anything lol xxx

Rachy - Ooh how exciting that our little ones may be born days apart! I have no idea if my cervix is favourable or not lol hopefully though it will all go to plan on thursday! Have you decided on a name?? xxx

Vicki - Ooh I didn't realise you were part chinese! How cool is that?! We have some exciting exotic ladies on here!! xxx

Good to see some familiar faces coming back in here :) sorry if I've forgotten anybody... I am typing at the speed of light trying to remember everything I needed to say but no doubt I will have forgotten something :blush:

Me and Dh's hayfever has been really bad so been up since 5am. Had one breakfast when I got up but now absolutely starving again so off to have some more rice krispies!! Yummy!!

Lots of love to y'all XXX

P.s. forgot to say if anybody wants to keep in touch via facebook too just pm me and we can swap names :) xxx
Oh nooo barbles your little one is teasing you hehe! what pram did you get?!?!

hiiii ceeceeee! we totally will have a baby in your arms this week (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK) your allowed to be busy!

My main task this week......pack my hospital bag! im going shopping with my maternity friends to get everything! primark and pound land will be our main destinations!!!

Urgh sooo tired this morning! Chris's friend decided to knock on our door at 6.15 as he was locked out from his house and wondered if his keys were here!!!!!!!!!! he didnt even come here yesterday....obviously had a heavy night GRRR! and then it was impossible for me to get back to sleep!

Off to work in a minute to train some guy zzzzzzzzzzzzzz! hopefully will be finished by lunch time :( x
Ooh samira that sucks! Why do people do that?! Lol and fingers crossed that you'll be finished by lunch hun. I have a hospital bag for me and one for Jessica lol I never pack light! Going to pick up the last few things tomorrow from boots as I have nearly £30 worth of points to use on my advantage card so nappies, gripe water, cotton wool balls, some milk formula and some other bits and bobs to get and I'm done! Ooh and some more knickers lol My knickers seem to keep disappearing and I have no idea where!

OMG I weighed myself for the first time in around 6 weeks and I have officially put on 3 stone with this pregnancy!! :( Which means at my current weighht I would have to lose 100 pounds (just over 7 stone) to get to goal weight ... ooh its gonna be a long journey!! xxx

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