Hello Hello!!! :wave:
Sooorryyyyy I've not been on for ages!! I'm FINALLY on maternity leave!! I was supposed to finish on Wednesday last week but every client I had seemed to want last minute jobs doing before I disappeared so last week was just mentally busy...anyhoo, I've finished now - hoorahhh!!!!
Sooo, I've tried to catch up but as usual I've already forgotten most of what I've read, but here goes!!
Claire - sorry you're having crap from your sister again - just try your best not to let it stress you out, it sounds to me like she is jealous of your lovely polite family!
Barbles - show us your pram !!
Samira - you looked AMAZING in the magazine - I had a quick peek whilst in Tescos yesterday and then proudly showed DH squeaking that you are a Limbo Lady!!! He was mildly confused but I felt like I knew a celeb!!
Michelle - Awwww we'll miss you hon! Sorry to hear you've been having family politics too - hope the move all goes well and everyone simmers down!
Rachy - we miss you!! Glad everything is going well! Can't believe you are going to be induced too!!!
Vicky - Love your cot!!! I really wanted that one until DH pointed out that it was almost bigger than the little room in the eves we have as a nursey!! hmmm, yeah could be right! It's beautiful though hon - how exciting!!
Ceecee -

eeeeek!!!! I can't believe this is THE week!!! No fair!! I know being induced in no fun but to know we have the same due date but you're going to get your little girl this week makes me SOOO JEALOUS!!!

I wish I knew when my little one was going to turn up...the idea that I could go overdue makes me want to cry!!
Hope everyone else is doing well!!
As for me, not so bad! Happy to be taking it a bit easier at last, though I'm not really very good at taking it easy!!

Still have horrific Heartburn and getting no sleep due to that, weeing all night and generally being blinkin uncomfortable!! Been having a few BH and getting some pain and odd cervical twinges - I have no idea if it's anything or just how it feels when your 37.5 weeks pregant!

Baby is VERY low and I really waddle! I'm still going for morning and evening dog walks (very slowly) in an attempt to get her to come out early!! Trying to focus on the positives though, that baby will really be here soon and our lives will change forever so to enjoy and embrace everyday of this last magical stage (ok sorry got quite deep there!!)
Now ladies....embarrassing wayyyy toooo mucchhhh info question!! I've been having some weird discharge. It's really watery and makes a big wet patch on my knickers (sorry euuuu!) I still have a bit of white creamy stuff (double euuuuu!!!!) but this watery stuff is odd. Had it now for about a week, is it normal???? help!!!! Anyone else got it or just me?? It doesn;t smell or anything gross and I have no discomfort - just thought I'd ask!
Big hugs to all of you,
Heather xxxxxx