Limbo Ladies!!

morning everyone!

so friggin tired :coffee:

at the day job then need to do some uni work, feeling like a right scruff as I've got toothpaste down my (black) top and my maternity skinny jeans have gone mad and so wrinkly round the ankles

soooo badly want to go back to bed :(
Hi all,

CeeCee you must be so excited/nervous/everything else! Can't wait to see our first Limbo bump turn into babe. Hope you enjoy your last few days as a couple with Mr Cee before your little tornado arrives!

Samira I bought P&B at the weekend, you look amazing! Was it chilly?! Hope you're pleased with how it turned out.

Barbles get some pram pics on! Hope the BP is better now?

Michelle - hope the move went well if you manage to read this and that all families returned safely without anyone thumping anyone else!

Kim - if you think the TC Mamas & Papas is good you need to get to the one at Manchester Fort! We went on Saturday, it's biiig, has their entire furniture range out plus basically everything else they sell! I did indeed want to buy everything but fortunately have no patience and couldn't be bothered so we ordered the furniture and left! Saw a nice baby gym I like though. I don't really want the room to be too 'themed' so that pretty much excludes most of the bedding and stuff, am just getting plain sheets in the main - by the time they've been sicked/pooed/weed on I'd struggle to justify it!

Big hurray during our M&P visit was that there was a spontaneous sale on I didn't know about - we were going to get the Summerhouse furniture range as a substitute for the Ocean Dark Oak which was too expensive to justify but with 30% off we got that instead! YESSSS!!! Was so pleased I went to the loo about ten times. Think I might have had a little infection or something as there was the tiniest bit of protein in my sample at the midwife on Friday. Sooo, furniture arrives during my first week on mat leave in about 3 or 4 weeks. Still plenty to do before then. Next job is to order the buggy and the car seat etc but as Mr G was still a bit sweaty after flexing the plastic in M&P I didn't push it this weekend. Well, I tried but he resisted, lol!

Not much other news except that Baby G has now turned and is head down! They're a good size already, my lungs are somewhere around my ears and I'm really breathless all the time. I also have an uncomfortable ache in my right hip every night in bed which bizarrely gets worse lying on my left side! And the drinks which I organised on Friday went well, haha! I thoroughly enjoyed leaving everyone there at 5.30pm and walking the entire three minutes to my car to go home where I watched Wigan rugby hand out a good thrashing to our dearest rivals!

Better go, busy days at work these days but am enjoying not taking on anything new for a change... Have good days everyone!
Hello Hello!!! :wave:

Sooorryyyyy I've not been on for ages!! I'm FINALLY on maternity leave!! I was supposed to finish on Wednesday last week but every client I had seemed to want last minute jobs doing before I disappeared so last week was just mentally busy...anyhoo, I've finished now - hoorahhh!!!!

Sooo, I've tried to catch up but as usual I've already forgotten most of what I've read, but here goes!!

Claire - sorry you're having crap from your sister again - just try your best not to let it stress you out, it sounds to me like she is jealous of your lovely polite family!

Barbles - show us your pram !! :happydance:

Samira - you looked AMAZING in the magazine - I had a quick peek whilst in Tescos yesterday and then proudly showed DH squeaking that you are a Limbo Lady!!! He was mildly confused but I felt like I knew a celeb!! \\:D/

Michelle - Awwww we'll miss you hon! Sorry to hear you've been having family politics too - hope the move all goes well and everyone simmers down!

Rachy - we miss you!! Glad everything is going well! Can't believe you are going to be induced too!!!

Vicky - Love your cot!!! I really wanted that one until DH pointed out that it was almost bigger than the little room in the eves we have as a nursey!! hmmm, yeah could be right! It's beautiful though hon - how exciting!!

Ceecee - :friends: eeeeek!!!! I can't believe this is THE week!!! No fair!! I know being induced in no fun but to know we have the same due date but you're going to get your little girl this week makes me SOOO JEALOUS!!! :hissy::blush: I wish I knew when my little one was going to turn up...the idea that I could go overdue makes me want to cry!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!!

As for me, not so bad! Happy to be taking it a bit easier at last, though I'm not really very good at taking it easy!! :laundry::hangwashing: Still have horrific Heartburn and getting no sleep due to that, weeing all night and generally being blinkin uncomfortable!! Been having a few BH and getting some pain and odd cervical twinges - I have no idea if it's anything or just how it feels when your 37.5 weeks pregant! :dohh: Baby is VERY low and I really waddle! I'm still going for morning and evening dog walks (very slowly) in an attempt to get her to come out early!! Trying to focus on the positives though, that baby will really be here soon and our lives will change forever so to enjoy and embrace everyday of this last magical stage (ok sorry got quite deep there!!) :blush:

Now ladies....embarrassing wayyyy toooo mucchhhh info question!! I've been having some weird discharge. It's really watery and makes a big wet patch on my knickers (sorry euuuu!) I still have a bit of white creamy stuff (double euuuuu!!!!) but this watery stuff is odd. Had it now for about a week, is it normal???? help!!!! Anyone else got it or just me?? It doesn;t smell or anything gross and I have no discomfort - just thought I'd ask!

Big hugs to all of you,

Heather xxxxxx
Hi Hopeful heath!! I don't think any question is tmi with us lot lol and in answer to your question yes I've had it and thought it was my waters leaking so toddled (or should that be waddled) off to hospital. Long story short it wasn't my waters just discharge and its perfectly normal at this stage apparently :) xxx
Hi Hopeful heath!! I don't think any question is tmi with us lot lol and in answer to your question yes I've had it and thought it was my waters leaking so toddled (or should that be waddled) off to hospital. Long story short it wasn't my waters just discharge and its perfectly normal at this stage apparently :) xxx

Arhhh brilliant! Thanks Ceecee - I wondered the same about my waters!! This stage of pregnancy is just like the 'two week wait' with symptom spotting!!! well glad it's not just me!! :)
Here is my lush pram. Its a Mamas and Papas Zoom and I love it soooo much. Its so easy to push and fold etc and I cant wait to have a baby to put in it. And yes in one of the pics it is Woody and Jessie from Toy Story in the car seat haha

Having an easy day with Phoebe, my feet are horribly swollen and not going down at night, Im getting pains here and there and I keep getting a pain right through my cervix. We are set up with sweets, a can of coke, comfy clothes, the duvet and lots of films, most of them Disney, IDEAL!!!

I keep getting my hopes up that all these pains mean something may kick off in the next couple of weeks, Im so jealous of you CeeCee that your little baby is on the way soon (me=horrible jealous cow bag)

Not sure about the BP either ladies, got the midwife tomorrow so will see then and doing my birth plan. I got a list of questions as long as my arm to ask her. TBH Im sure it is gonna be up still and Im gonna end up in the DAU at least once before baby comes.

Sorry to keep moaning all the time lol.

Glad everyone else seems to be ok and just suffering the same moans and groans as me.

CeeCee, 3 stone isnt that bad, I have put on about 2 so far which I am over the moon with specially as baby is at least 6lbs of it so far but Ive got about 7 stone to lose too once Jacob is here. I refuse to be the fat mummy at the school gate, we can do it though xx


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Hopeful heath - lol tell me about it every twinge I get I wait to see if its labour or not lol. Usually its just wind ha ha!! Knowing me though I won't recognise the fact I'm actually in labour when I am!! xxx

Barbles - Awww your pram is gorgeous!! Sorry to hear about your BP and swollen fett sweetie, wish I had some amazing advice that would help but I don't as amazing advice isn't really my forte! And you are not a jealous cow bag hun, if I'm honest I'm starting to get a little apprehensive about this whole induction thing! I can't wait to meet my little princess but at the same time I'm nervous about the induction process itself and whether its going to work or not. In one way I would love another week just to chill out but I know in reality I just want to have my baby girl in my arms and cuddling her so bring on the pain I guess lol xxx
Hi Hopeful heath!! I don't think any question is tmi with us lot lol and in answer to your question yes I've had it and thought it was my waters leaking so toddled (or should that be waddled) off to hospital. Long story short it wasn't my waters just discharge and its perfectly normal at this stage apparently :) xxx

Arhhh brilliant! Thanks Ceecee - I wondered the same about my waters!! This stage of pregnancy is just like the 'two week wait' with symptom spotting!!! well glad it's not just me!! :)

Tee hee just noticed our babies are watermelons lol how cute is that??!! xxx
Quick one as supposed to be reviewing the biggest, most boring and complicated spreadsheet I've ever seen but I too have had loads of this watery discharge stuff in the last few days, it's terrible today in particular! I'm not as far along as you ladies but that doesn't seem to matter! Just one of those things, my friend warned me that she had a lot towards the end. Going to get some lovely pantyliners from Tescos on the way home to avoid any embarrassing wet patches on my work dresses.

Oh yeah - I was looking for the second week running for nappy bags in Tescos. Asked a woman where they were and she pointed to an empty bit of shelf - apparently they've been waiting for them to come in for FOUR WEEKS and still no sign of them! Wigan has some sort of nappy bag shortage! I live in a weird place.

Love the pram Barbles, that's really cute! We're getting the Quinny Buzz 3 (and the extra bit to make it a 4) in Rebel Red if we ever get our asses in gear. If not, it'll have to make do with the BabaSling until it's about 3!
Watermelons!!! I know!!! Eeeek, don't much fancy pushing one of those out my foof - I guess I should be grateful it's not a pineapple! Ouch!!! :)

Aww sorry about your swelling barbles, feet up and Disney films sounds like the way forward!

Anyone else tooooo hot???? I'm blinking baking today! Good for drying washing, bad for me!!

Weight gain, urghhhh don't even talk to me about it! I lost loads of weight a couple of years ago by doing lighterlife and kept it off for a couple of years before I got pregnant...I even suffered an eating disorder for a couple of years :cry:. Now i'm 4 STONE heavier - it's made me cry and be depressed so many times as I haven't even overdone the food during this pregnancy, I eat really healthily :shrug: as I want to the best I can for baby. I know I have a lot of water retention but still! I'll be doing my best to get the weight off as soon as she's here...bring on the breast feeding and 500cals burnt a day - whoop!!!
Vicky - OH MY GOD I had EXACTLY the same yesterday - went to Tescos to buy nappy bags and couldn't find them anywhere, so asked lady and same thing, she pointed to an empty bit of shelf!! how strange!!! Where are all the nappy bags???? !!
Vicky - OH MY GOD I had EXACTLY the same yesterday - went to Tescos to buy nappy bags and couldn't find them anywhere, so asked lady and same thing, she pointed to an empty bit of shelf!! how strange!!! Where are all the nappy bags???? !!

Glad I'm not alone with the discharge!! Teehee, thanks ladies!!! :-)

Lush pram barbles!!!
Vicky - OH MY GOD I had EXACTLY the same yesterday - went to Tescos to buy nappy bags and couldn't find them anywhere, so asked lady and same thing, she pointed to an empty bit of shelf!! how strange!!! Where are all the nappy bags???? !!

Glad I'm not alone with the discharge!! Teehee, thanks ladies!!! :-)

Lush pram barbles!!!
OMG nappy bags !! I forgot them on my shopping list!! Must get some tomorrow! Thanks for the memo ladies!! xxx
No nappy bags in Cornwall either ladies, I was looking for them the other day too!! Didnt even have the expensive ones in there (I always used the Tesco Value ones, I refuse to pay for perfumy bags to put shitty nappies in lol) We will have to raid Asda or Boots for them lol.
Well just put a massive load of baby stuff in the wash, best get my ass in gear!! I thought I was almost done but now have a list the size of my arm of things to do, firstly get my camera fixed!!!!
Anyones else foof swollen? Mine is HUMUGOUS!!! I just looked in the mirror, it shocked me to be honest!!! And Im constantly wet too!!
Hmmm can't see my foof but I'll look in the mirror next time I'm upstairs! Hehe :-)
Morning! :flower:
Haaa, sorry Barbles, tried to check on foof but even in the mirror it's hard to see as my bump is soooo low!!! It feels bigger than it was but maybe I am just fatter! Sorry I am no help!

So... I'm definitely having a Cancerian baby now (if she'd come yesterday then she'd have been Gemini) I'm a Cancerian, we're the best! hehe xxx

Still too hot, hurumpppphhhh, it's really humid here today! Feeling much the same today, the odd twinge but nothing significant. DH told me I was doing an amazing job this morning, arhhhh, it's lovely to be told that :D.

No more news from me for today - how are you all feeling?

Heather x
Im a Cancerian too Heather, my birthday is a week tomorrow! Im soooooo hoping Alice comes then :) I really wanted her to hang on until she could be a fellow 'narky bitch with a short fuse' as my mum calls she can talk! :rofl: When's you're birthday?

Im not good. FFS, everytime I update something crap is going on! Been up since 4am because had a couple of drug dealing scals round by mine threaten to kill me because I wanted to get past their druggie car blocking the road.
OMG, are you ok? Did you call the police or anything? Fucking scum threatening a heavily pregnant lady (or anyone for that matter).

Well I had another look in the mirror and I have also for the first time in my life have got a pile!!! Its only small and doesnt hurt but I was gutted lol. As well as my huge foof, it aint pretty down there. Maybe OH had the right idea when he said we should give up the sex until baby is here lol its a scary sight.

So went MW today, went through my birth plan, all straight forward. BP was ok and urine was ok. Im measuring dates (36cm) but she thinks I have a long baby and he will be 9lbs odd or upwards. He has started to engage too and here is the best bit, She offered me a sweep at 38 weeks :happydance::happydance::happydance: so hopefully my little Jacob Roy will be on his way in three weeks time!!!!!
She also told me to finish my bag and make sure Im ready by the end of this week for him!! Which I should be.
So im feeling happier than I have for a good couple of weeks, I can see light at the end of the tunnel lol, I just hope this sweep works!!

Hope everyone else is ok today xx

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