Limbo Ladies!!

Mrs Pop - we're Birthday Buddies!!! hehe - I'm 29th June too!!! How weird that my due date is the day before yours and our birthdays are on the same day - freaky!! I am the ancient member of this group though...I'm going to be 35! Funny, I've always been the youngest in every group of friends etc my whole life and on here I'm the old bird!

Can't believe that about the druggies - hell I'd be terrified - utter *******s!

Barbles - sorry to hear about your pile hon - I don't really know what they are or what they look like really but I have heard they are sore - poor you! great news on the sweep though!! I have my next midwife appointment on Thursday at 38 weeks +1 day and I'm hoping she'll check my cervix to see if there's anything exciting going on - though I'm not very good at asking for stuff, tend to just go with the flow...hmmm!

Hi everyone,

Firstly I am fistpumping in delight that I'm no longer the oldest, thanks Hopefulheath! Yes, what has happened to Tescos' nappy bags?! I was going to get the Value ones too Barbles, my mate said she discovered they were bargainous and also no point buying anything more when it is literally something to put a stinky nappy in! Must be a national shortage, am going to have to drag myself to Sainsburys if this doesn't sort itself out in the next few weeks!

MrsPop you don't half have the worst luck of everyone! I went to uni in Liverpool and we basically lived in the drug dealing centre of the city - amazingly though it felt quite safe because of all the 'protection' around there! Hope you gave them some of your pregnancy hormones, I mean how dare you want to get past their car?!

Good news from the midwife Barbles, not long to go for you now by the sounds of things! When I think about how much we have still to do, this sort of news is the worst possible scenario for me at the moment!! I am actively NOT trying to get baby engaged, keep slouching in seats etc.

Well our fitted wardrobes are being done at the moment, they did quite a lot yesterday and they look ace! Going to choose carpet and get that sorted out at the weekend so we can move ourselves back in, we're currently sleeping in the spare bed which is tiny compared to our normal bed and neither of us is getting any rest! It's a nightmare, I'm sleeping badly enough as it is. Once the wardrobes are done we can make a start (finally!) on the nursery which is exciting although it's going to be pretty bare until they've arrived! They won't be sleeping in there for a while so we're just doing the bare bones and getting the furniture in and then we can get curtains and other bits and bobs once we know what we've got.

Have spent lunchtime perusing the Cath Kidston website for various peoples' birthday presents - I'm stockpiling presents so I don't have to think about them when I have a newborn which is very organised of me (but really I just like buying presents for people!). It would obv. help if I was more organised when it came to my own child's birthday!
OMG, my workmate just came back from shopping and she bumped into Lauren from Glee in French Connection! And spoke to her! I am dying inside, I had the opportunity to go out but couldn't be bothered! GUTTED!

Hurray though, going to see them all live tomorrow (admittedly with the same workmate who just met Lauren in FC!)!
OMG, my workmate just came back from shopping and she bumped into Lauren from Glee in French Connection! And spoke to her! I am dying inside, I had the opportunity to go out but couldn't be bothered! GUTTED!

Hurray though, going to see them all live tomorrow (admittedly with the same workmate who just met Lauren in FC!)!
Vicki - tell me about it. I honestly think I must have been some evil dictator in a past life the amount of crap Ive had going on this pregnancy! And ZOMG your friend bumped into Lauren Zises? Im sooooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!!

Heather - Yay for birthday buddies! We have the best birthday ever! I will be 28. Wouldnt it be so funny if we both gave birth on that date? Heehee! Totally feasible, I was due 9th July and got bored so decided to come 2 weeks early!

Barbles - sorry about the pile chuck. Hopefully it will stay small and not bother you too much. Make sure you drink plenty of water and dont let yourself get constipated. My foof too is disgusting. I trimmed t'other week and got the shock of my life, it was so swollen and almost purple!!!!!!!

Ive not gone to the Police yet, Im going later with my mum. Ive found out who the guy was who made the threat, he actually said he was going to kill me because he knew where I lived. Little sh*tbag!!!!
Hey everyone :) Sorry I've not been on here for a few days- had a few house dramas to deal with!

Michelle and Rachy- miss you both around here. Hope you're both doing ok (presuming that you might be able to see this post somehow!?).

Laura- that must have been really scary for you :( I hope it's not stressing you out too much. Scumbags.

Heather- I've had the same watery discharge too. Was getting paranoid that I had no bladder control!

CeeCee- you're going to have your bubba in your arms SO soon!! I am far too excited for you lol.

Vicki- sounds like you got a great bargain with your furniture :) I feel a trip to Manchester Fort coming on lol. Glad the drinks all went well. How annoying you missed Lauren though :( Bet you're looking forward to seeing Glee tomorrow though.

Amanda- how exciting that they're going to do a 38 week sweep for you. Sounds like you've got to a point where you'll be needing it! You have my sympathy about the pile. Sounds ouchie :(

How is everyone else doing?

Well, I've had quite a few days of it. On Saturday evening, we noticed a drip coming through our ceiling through a very fine crack. It got worse and worse until this morning, when I came downstairs to find half of the ceiling on the floor :( What a nightmare! So, we've had to get a plumber to come out and fix the leak (turned out to be the bathroom sink) as well as a builder to come and see when he can fix the ceiling (will be Monday because it needs time to dry out but he can't fix the hole, so the entire ceiling has to be rebuilt and plastered). All this has been going on in the middle of having the decorators in the house, starting baby's room who are also going to have to come back at the end of the week to redecorate our entire kitchen :(
On top of that this morning, I rang Mamas and Papas to get the furniture delivered next week (the carpet will be going down in baby's room on Monday). The woman on the phone told me that my wardrobe and dresser/changer was out of stock for 6 weeks!! I asked how it was possible that it was out of stock as when we bought it 7 weeks ago, it was in stock and we were told our name would be put on our items in the warehouse and we could have it delivered anytime. She said she had no idea. I was on the verge of tears at this point, seriously! She went off to have a word with the manager and warehouse and somehow, they 'miraculously' found our furniture in the warehouse. I hope it hasn't just been taken off some other family :( Anyway, it's all being delivered and put together on Thursday so it's safe to say, I've got my hands full here for the next 10 days or so!

We've got our hospital visit tomorrow evening so I'm quite excited about that. Anything to get me out of the house and take my mind off ceilings, walls, floors and furniture (oh, and we've got a guy coming next week to sort out our fence, guttering and driveway). Who said maternity leave was meant to be relaxing!?
Crikey ladies !! I leave you alone for 24 hours and you start hanging out with drug dealers, stealing furniture, demolishing ceilings, gaining piles.... On a serious note I hope you're all ok and I'm sending massive pregnant hugs to you all XXXXX

On a nappy bag note I bought 100 bags for 50p in boots yesterday :) perhaps it may be worth a try looking for them there? :)

Well I've been up since 5.30am just can't seem to sleep properly due to frequent peeing and feeling like my knees and hips are on fire if I stay in one position too long. Lol I think its my body getting prepared for not getting much sleep when Jessica arrives. So I've been on a mission this morning :) sterilised all of Jess's bottles, dummies etc and double checked my hospital bags and I believe I'm ready to rock and roll. Just have to hope the hospital aren't too busy tomorrow morning when we call them at 8am! I'm getting DH to call them as I'll cry if they say we can't go in lol and that would sooooo not be dignified.

What is everybody up to today?? Once my DH gets up we are going to book to Waterstones as I have a book voucher and thought a good book would come in handy during the induction process lol. Then we are popping into his work to try and hunt down my sisters ex-husband lol. My DH is in the army and so was my sisters ex but he left when they got married. Well since then he's rejoined and is still claiming he can't afford to pay any of the loans of that they took out together and now the debt collection company are chasing my sister to pay off the full amount which she can't afford. She can't afford monthly repayments never mind the whole £17000!! So as DH is in the army he's going to phone up my sisters ex's regiment and get his boss to have a word. We know he' recently inherited quite a bit of money as his father died about 4 months ago so I would like to see him argue his way out of paying but he probably will because he's a sneaky *******. Anywho I am waffling because I'm mad but slightly excited as I like detective work!! DH always said I should be a copper lol

Anywho, I hope everybody is well and happy

lots of love xxxx

Sorry to hear about your ceiling waitingforastalk - what a nightmare! But glad you got your furniture sorted - I hate it when that type of thing happens so I'm really glad they managed to 'find' you your furniture!

Thanks for the tip off on the nappy bags CeeCee - I'll be heading for boots! Fingers crossed for tomorrow for you - eeeek, so exciting! And good luck with your detective skills!

Well I'm 38 weeks today - and already getting bored of people asking if anything's happening yet! DO I LOOK LIKE ANYTHINGS HAPPENING?? Arghhh! - well that's what I'd like to say but I just smile politely and say I'm still 2 week from my due date but any time now! Phhhhhhpppp - actually I think I'm just frustrated, I really want my little girl now!!! I'm ready, I'm sick of the pain and discomfort, feeling sticky and hot and I just want our baby already!!! And then I get flashes of THIS IS HUGE - I mean, we're having a child - from now on it wont be just me and Jonathan but a child too - I can't quite get my head around it (I know I should be used to it by now...but it's just so HUGE!)

Here's hoping baby comes soon!

Hope you're all doing well today x
Hello ladies, not sure if this will work as I'm on my phone, but I couldn't stay away for too long. Ceecee is tomorrow the big day? Oh my god that's so scary but exciting at the same time!

I've moved in now, but not unpacked properly, downstairs is done but I havnt done my room or babies room, going to make a start on it today. Its not too soon to put crib bedding on is it? I just want things in the right place cause I feel like I'm hiding it!

Its a bit lonely living on my own :( xxx

Sorry to hear about your ceiling waitingforastalk - what a nightmare! But glad you got your furniture sorted - I hate it when that type of thing happens so I'm really glad they managed to 'find' you your furniture!

Thanks for the tip off on the nappy bags CeeCee - I'll be heading for boots! Fingers crossed for tomorrow for you - eeeek, so exciting! And good luck with your detective skills!

Well I'm 38 weeks today - and already getting bored of people asking if anything's happening yet! DO I LOOK LIKE ANYTHINGS HAPPENING?? Arghhh! - well that's what I'd like to say but I just smile politely and say I'm still 2 week from my due date but any time now! Phhhhhhpppp - actually I think I'm just frustrated, I really want my little girl now!!! I'm ready, I'm sick of the pain and discomfort, feeling sticky and hot and I just want our baby already!!! And then I get flashes of THIS IS HUGE - I mean, we're having a child - from now on it wont be just me and Jonathan but a child too - I can't quite get my head around it (I know I should be used to it by now...but it's just so HUGE!)

Here's hoping baby comes soon!

Hope you're all doing well today x

Lol I know what you mean!! I've had 4 texts this morning already asking if I've popped yet lol I dread to think the amount I'll get tomorrow ha ha !! Are you on facebook Hopeful heath as would be good to stay in touch with you via fb too? If you don't want to thats no problem :) xxx

Hello ladies, not sure if this will work as I'm on my phone, but I couldn't stay away for too long. Ceecee is tomorrow the big day? Oh my god that's so scary but exciting at the same time!

I've moved in now, but not unpacked properly, downstairs is done but I havnt done my room or babies room, going to make a start on it today. Its not too soon to put crib bedding on is it? I just want things in the right place cause I feel like I'm hiding it!

Its a bit lonely living on my own :( xxx

Hey hun, glad you've moved in ok :) and remember you're not going to be living on your own for long as baby Esme will be here before you know it. You could put your crib bedding on but I'm saving that job til I get home from hospital as I'm worried it'll get a little dusty otherwise. Tomorrow is hopefully the day, got to phone the hospital at 8am to see if I can definitely go in and if I can well... in the words of Pink lets get the party started!! :) Make sure you don't do too much lifting and what not hun - take it easy!! xxx
Will do, toms coming over tonight, I'll put the crib up and the mattress but leave all the covers off. Its a nice feeling being lonely though because its making me want the baby here and stuff, and it makes it sink in more that its happening, not that I don't want it to happen, but as it was unplanned its taken some getting used to.

My mum keeps bringing me round leftover dinners lol, she's still looking after me.

Before I had my breast reduction I had to ring up the hospital and oh my god was it nerve wracking, and when they said I could go in I just went 'oh shit' lol xxx
Argh, busy busy but just to say:

Michelle: Glad you've emerged alive from the move and you can enjoy your little spot of nesting. I know when my friend was expecting her unplanned daughter she was also in a state of shock in the latter stages but now we all (especially my friend) genuinely don't know what life was like pre-baby! It's the nicest surprise you'll ever have.

CeeCee: Good luck! That's all there is to say! Apart from thanks for the nappy bag tip, lol! Can't wait to hear how you get on and with PLENTY of pictures.

Kim: Your post re. ceilings/decorating basically sums up my life! And it's awful! Hope everything gets itself sorted out and on the plus side at least you've started the baby's room - ours is still full of junk from the other rooms we've had to do first! Should be starting v. shortly though but we've had to prioritise our own room, we can no longer cope with sleeping in the mere double bed of the spare room and need our king size back!! The fitted wardrobes look AMAZING though.

Hopeful: Yes, I know with the whole IT'S HUGE thing! I've been looking forward to becoming a mum but my God I'm terrified. My little life will never be the same! Argh! Hopefully it's normal to have The Fear at this stage!

Me news: Have ordered the buggy and car seat today! We're getting the Quinny Buzz in red with all the accompanying bits and the Pebble car seat. Also getting the fork for the front wheel so that I don't tip my child out into a road. Should get it in a week or so. So we now have furniture AND buggy on order - how organised!! Ha!

And now must go and get changed - GLEE LIVE TONIGHT!!!! Massively excited about this! Just need to decide which one to scream for - Finn or Puck? Oh and Lauren of course, haha!
Lol I know what you mean!! I've had 4 texts this morning already asking if I've popped yet lol I dread to think the amount I'll get tomorrow ha ha !! Are you on facebook Hopeful heath as would be good to stay in touch with you via fb too? If you don't want to thats no problem :) xxx

Yeah definitely - add me - Heather Elvidge :) and any other limbo ladies, feel free to add me :flower:

Nice to see you pop on Michelle - glad your move went well and don't worry you'll get used to having your own space and you'll love it when Esme comes along to share it with you - and if you get lonely we're all here too!!! :hugs:
Argh, busy busy but just to say:
Hopeful: Yes, I know with the whole IT'S HUGE thing! I've been looking forward to becoming a mum but my God I'm terrified. My little life will never be the same! Argh! Hopefully it's normal to have The Fear at this stage!

Me news: Have ordered the buggy and car seat today! We're getting the Quinny Buzz in red with all the accompanying bits and the Pebble car seat. Also getting the fork for the front wheel so that I don't tip my child out into a road. Should get it in a week or so. So we now have furniture AND buggy on order - how organised!! Ha!

And now must go and get changed - GLEE LIVE TONIGHT!!!! Massively excited about this! Just need to decide which one to scream for - Finn or Puck? Oh and Lauren of course, haha!

Glad it's not just me!! hehe - congrats on your buggy - so exciting! and enjoy Glee tonight - not jealous at all - much!!! :blush:
Completely jealous fit over here Vicky, give Puck a scream for me!! I was supposed to be going to see Take That next week but obviously cant now. So look out for major sulk on the way next week. And exciting on the pram.
Hope your ok Michelle, I feel lonely sometimes too and I live with my man lol he works soooo much that I hardly see him, cant wait for baby to come so I can actually spend some time with him too.
Ill add you on FB Heather.

Well today is the same as everyday, Im hugely sore, swollen and miserable haha. spent most of the day on the sofa though I dont know why I bother as my ankles never go down. Packed my bag so its completely done as is Jacobs (just need some cotton wall balls). Also got my moses basket matress so Im now ready to have a baby, Ive just gotta set it all up.
My daughter is being an angel and Im being a grumpy old mum who cant do anything with her so feeling guilty about that too today. Getting her a Baby Annabel doll this week for when Jacob arrives so she has a new 'baby' too.

Im hoping Phoebe goes down easy tonight, OH is working AGAIN until at least 10 so Im hoping to while away the evening in the bath with a cup of tea and Edward Cullen.

Hope everyone else is ok?

Oh and CeeCee is having a baby tomorrow!!! OMG!!!! Good luck hun if you see this but I shall also wish you luck on FB, of course in a non jealous fashion lol xx

A nice picture of my feet, this is after they had gone down a bit lol


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OMG barbles - your poor feet!! Well fingers crossed that the hospital says we can go in tomorrow and that the induction works and then fingers crossed I get to meet my baby tomorrow!! Whoop Whoop! Will put updates on facebook where possible!! xxx

Vicki - thanks for the good luck hun :) Will keep y'all posted and add piccies as soon as I can XXX

Heather - Is your middle name Marie...?? I think I've found you but wanted to double check before I added you as stalkers don't go down well on facebook ha ha xxx
Ooh CeeCee, just think- in 12 hours, you might be getting ready to be induced!! So exciting and like Amanda, I'm not at all jealous- honest ;) Seriously, I hope it all goes well for you and I'll be on the edge of my seat, waiting for updates!

Michelle- let the nesting begin!! I can't WAIT to start getting everything arranged in baby's room. It's actually quite sad how excited I am!!

Amanda- your poor feet :( On the major plus side, your nails look so pretty and totally put mine to shame!!

Heather- I'll be adding you on Facebook too, if that's ok? :) Funnily enough, I had a sudden realisation day today. I panicked slightly, but kept it all in because I didn't want to freak out my OH lol.

Vicki- Happy Glee Day! I actually know someone else going tonight so I'm doubly jealous now lol. Yay for your buggy and car seat being ordered :) We still haven't got our car seats actually- we really need to get on that next week! As for baby's room- if it makes you feel better, we were still clearing junk out of it on Saturday, and the decorator started on Monday! Nothing like leaving things until the last minute ;)

Well, we went on the tour of the labour unit at our hospital today. It was strangely quiet when we were there. Out of 8 delivery rooms (and 2 family rooms), only 2 were occupied! I'm hoping it might be like that when I'm there, but sure I won't be that lucky! We were shown around the room with the birthing pool which looked pretty cool, but I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I think I'll see when I'm in labour!
evening everyone!

third tri already, eek!

trying to finish some uni work but hubs is really annoying me & after a stressful day :grr:
Heather can I add you? And anyone else of course I don't already have :)

CeeCee best of luck for tomorrow!!!!! Hope the hospital isn't too busy when you phone.

Michelle I'm glad the move went well Hun :hugs:

vicki I'm so jealous of Glee Live!!!!!

Barbles - your feet are well skinny compared to mine!

Waitingforastork - I had my hospital tour too but didn't get to see the pool :(
Hi MrsPOP you can add me if you like :) I'm friends with Michelle, Kim, Amanda, Samira and Claire so if you want to please add me too :) xxx

Waiting for hospital to answer their bloody phone... so nervous/excited I feel sick! Just want to know if I can go in or not!!!

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