Oh no CeeCee, hopefully you are in now or can go in tomorrow!!
Glad Glee was amazing Vicki, Im having Glee withdrawal, I miss it.
Poor you Samira, glad you have had a chat!! Me and my OH argue constantly, all the time about everything lol but that is just us. It is never about anything serious though and we both love each other to death, we have only had a few BIG arguments in 5 years and never once been even close to splitting (I once took off my engagement ring but that was for the scare effect haha). But we did have the 'rough' bit before we had Phoebe, we hadnt been together all that long (16 months when she was born lol) and it was hard to adjust to the fact that we were going to be looking after a whole new person, we had only been living together a week when I found out so we never had any US time, it was always then about the baby iykwim. And my OH thinks I should be doing this and that and Im like NO!! Look at my feet man!!!! haha, my mum tidied for me today
Oooh fully engaged Heather, how exciting but uncomfortable for you, Jacob is only 1/5 engaged and I can barely walk. Hopefully not too much longer for you.
Well done on your crib Michelle, youre a better woman than me lol looks lovely on FB.
MrsPOP - I feel so sorry for you if your feet are worse, isnt bleddy horrible?
Well, the moses basket went up this morning (thanks dad

) and then we went to the indoor play area thing with my friend who is due 2 weeks after me, we had a good old moan about being pregnant while our girls ran off some steam. My feet today are even worse then that picture
Got my raspberry leaf tea today so Im cracking that out tonight, hopefully it will help the old cervix for the sweep. I did ask for clary sage oil too but she wouldnt let me have it yet, she said it should be used right at the end, so I may send my mum in to get me some when Im 37 weeks lol. Anyone else on the tea?
And OH will be home tonight by half 7

so keeping Phoebe up to see him and then hopefully a nice chinese too
Sorry if I left anyone out xx