Limbo Ladies!!

Heather - Is your middle name Marie...?? I think I've found you but wanted to double check before I added you as stalkers don't go down well on facebook ha ha xxx

Yep that's me! :thumbup: feel free to add me anyone - just got your friend request Amanda - thank you! :hugs:
Morning Ladies!

Firstly Ceecee - are you here or have you gone in??? How exciting, fingers crossed for you lovely!!!! And happy happy Induction day!!! :happydance:

Amanda - your poor feet!!! I have really swollen legs but my feet are ok (weird I know!) if I wear ugg boots (when it was cooler!) then my legs swell through the day until they bulge over the tops by evening - oooooh soooo pretty!!!! When did pregnancy get so glamorous??

Waitingforastork - course you can add me on facebook hon :flower:. Glad your hospital tour went well - my hosp won't give tours anymore so I'm super jealous. It would be nice just to get an idea of surroundings before the big day but hey ho! I'm intending to have a water birth if everything goes to plan so I'll keep you posted on that one!

Vicky - come on then, how was GLEE!!!???!!!

Mrs GM - welcome to 3rd tri hon, hope your husband annoys you less today!

Mrs Pop - course you can add me to facebook, add away :thumbup:

I have my 38 week appointment with the midwife today, my usual lady is on holiday so I hope I get a nice replacement :shrug: - I'd love her to say I have some progression but who knows! Come on baby cheeks, I want a glass of vino!!!

Hope you're all having a good day x
Hi all! How is everyone?

Ive had a pooey week, me and chris have been having a hard time which is horrible as we have never had arguments before….:S , I think it has suddenly sunk in that our lives are about to change and he has been quite different and distant. Hes usually so caring and loving and now I feel like hes a thousand miles away. And hes been acting irresponsible too, he went fishing on Sunday and got drunk, n then drove home! I obviously showed I was angry coz we have a baby on the way…what if he hurt himself….or what if I went into labour… is he meant to take me to the hospital! And I think he thinks now im on maternity im gona be super woman cleaning the house and getting everything sorted in 1 day! Hes done the so what have you done all day…why couldn’t you of done this your at home all day…..correction…I still work from home that takes up half my day…I am meant to sit back and relax…which I do in the morning! Argh he just peed me off. So weve had the barney now and also the long chat about everything but we were still distant last night and I didn’t get a single wink of sleep. And he has sent me a long text this morning apologising saying he hates being like this and that he loves me and hayden more than anything in the world, hes just finding it hard to understand everything. So its not just us that go though the emotions ladies lol! Were gona go out for dinner this weekend to have some us time!

And then its my baby shower Sunday eeeeek!

Got my friends coming over at 11 to pack my maternity bag and then just chill out in front of the tv (one is on maternity and one has a gorjus 5 month old!) so we just talk babies all avvo haha! And then its my 36 week MW apt at 3pm where ive got to take my birth plan!!!!

Thank you all about the mag :D its still weird being in a magazine haha!

OMG BABRBLES YOUR FEET!!!! Im sorry but I did laugh but its not a laughing matter!! They are humungous! I thought my best friends feet were bad! Shes had water retention real bad in her hands n feet but not like yours you poor thing!!!!!!!!

MrsPOP do I have you on FB! Im useless at knowing who everyone is on my FB until I put 2 n 2 together with status;s and similar posts on bnb haha! Add me its samira magrabi – and anyone else limbo :) heather just added you too! Yay more fb friends!

Ceecee did yoiu go in!!!!!!!! its killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first limbo baby eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
Hi ladies,
hope everyones doing well, i'm feeling o.k at the moment, just abit tired but probably feel the best I have for a long while!
At my last midwife appointment she said baby was back to back, so I should work on getting her turned round, on all fours for a while every day apparantly!
My OH is going to think thats an offer if he walks in and see's me doing that haha xx
Yes ceecee, have u gone in, the suspense is killing me I may just wet myself!

Oh samira, in my pregnancy book it says how couples will tend to argue during the latter stages because of the stress. I was horrible to tom on saturday as he was helping me move but got here at 11 not half 10, I told him he was really selfish etc etc, I felt guilty after lol. Then on sunday I started crying to him, and I don't really cry so he gave me a big long hug whilst I sobbed and when I pulled back he was crying too, said he didn't like seeing me cry and he was scared too, it felt so much better to get it all out, so if u don't feel uve said all u want to say to him then say some more, you will feel better.

Your poorly feet hun :( how long have they been like that for?

I'm putting my moses basket downstairs today, still in a plastic sheet but I want to get used to baby things around the house, putting the sterliser in the kitchen but still in the box etc xx
Oh Barbles, your poor feet! Keep them up and wrapped in ice bags or something! Also no idea how you get your toes so nice though.

Samira: It's a big change for all of us and I know Chris will be fine, perhaps he is just worried/nervous - I worry that Mr G isn't all that excited but I know inside he really is, he just doesn't show it all that much. I think we're both just terrified about what is about to happen!

I am happy to report that Glee was brill-i-ant and I now need to ramble about it!!! It was the campest night ever!! Puck and Finn were obviously hot (difficult to choose between them although Finn is probably more my type), I LOVED that Artie did Safety Dance so he got to dance too and OMG I love Kurt bless him! I just wanted to take him home and look after him like his mother! What a poppet. He was great and did his dance routine to Single Ladies. I think Kurt was my favourite. Mercedes' voice is astonishing live, Rachel was obviously good but I thought Mercedes outshone her vocally. And as for Brittany S. Pierce, she is hilarious. Sue Sylvester and Mr Schue were on the big screen doing some interlude bits so at least we got a nice look at Matthew Morrison's face for a bit. Favourite probably Don't Stop Believing because it has to be but frankly they were all ace. Loved it! Ooh, not forgetting Blaine and the Warblers! They wore their blazers and everything! haha! To get the audience into a frenzy a bunch of Cheerios came out before they started and handed out 'Sue's Barf Bags', lol. There was a minor disaster as the start was delayed though because the MEN Arena's main lights wouldn't go out, haha! They had to be turned off individually by some men going up into the roof. The only light left on when Glee started was obviously the advertising board for my firm, tut.

Have good days all, better go and do some work now and stop mooning around thinking about Glee (and the pizza I'm having with my dad at lunchtime).
hehe emily that made me laf! i think my OH would be the same if he found me rocking on the floor with my butt in the air!! hes probs like a dog on heat at the mo how ive deprived him! my horn has totally gone! im sure it will come back in 2 weeks when i want this baby out haha!

I think thats the key michelle - we were both honest with eachother about how we were feeling and it was better! we just need to have some time alone now and cuddle! we didnt cuddle in bed at all last night, it was horrible! so my mind was on overdrive al night n didnt shut down :(

awww yay to glee! i downloaded series 1 and 2 the other day so its ready and waiting for me to watch! how many series are there?! xx
Yeh you need to get it all off your chest it will be so much better! Everything is probably all about the baby at the minute you probably forget to have some you and him time. And a cuddle always works wonders. I havnt got the 'horn' I still managed it last night tho, and I was on top, was definitely exhausted after lol. I'm shocked tom still wants to have sex with me! Xx
Well... I'm still at home :( Rang the hospital at 8 and they said ring back at 8.30... took us til 8.50 to actually get through and then they said they had no beds available and that there were too many women in already. She said that if I could go in today she would ring before 3pm and if not to ring her at 3pm and see what the status is then. Disappointed and gutted really. I hardly slept last night with the excitement and its like waking up on Christmas Day to find Santa didn't get his ass down the chimney and all you have is coal lol. I've pretty much accepted the fact that I probably won't be going in today which sounds very negative and defeatist but I'm just trying to be realistic.

Had a good cry about it this morning and I think I'm calm now :) so much for induction day eh?! DH went nuts at the woman on the phone at 8am first as she said "There's more important inductions before your wives induction." to which DH responded "How would you know as you haven't even asked her name yet?" Lol he's so good when he has a bee in his bonnet!!

As soon as I'm headed to the hospital though I shall notify y'all through some medium or another :) Although the backlog of women is apparently due to inductions that haven't progressed from yesterday so part of me is now dreading the induction process even more!!

Anywho... Vicki - I am beyond jealous on the Glee front!! Glad you had a good time hun X

Heather - I shall be adding you within the next 15 mins or so :) xxx

Samira - Me and DH went through a bad patch about 4/5 weeks ago and we hardly ever fight. I mean I can count on one hand the amount of big, huge, important arguments we'd had up until then on 2 fingers. My theory (and feel free to tell me its a load of crap) is that sometimes when you try for something for so long and then it comes so close to your having it, you suddenly have that doubt hit you and you don't know if it is what you want or how you'll cope when you do have it. DH and I were trying for a baby for about 18 months and I think a couple of weeks ago we just started arguing because both of us were scared that we wouldn't be good parents and that we would lose us as a couple etc etc. I liken it to taking your driving test lol. When you start learning you cannot wait to drive. The freedom of driving and being able to go wherever you want to totally consumes your whole thought train. Then the day of your test you're consumed with nerves because you wonder if this is truly it and and if you're good enough to do it. We get scared because its the unknown. Then after it you wondered what you were ever worried about it and comes to you naturally. And as I said I'm probably wrong and talking total crap but I think when its this close to baby arriving we just get scared thinking 'oh my god what if I'm a shite parent?' 'What if we should have waited?' etc etc. The truth is everything happens for a reason and your little bubs is going to have two amazing parents who love each other loads and who in turn will love him loads too. The distance between you can be overcome and you will do it, maybe you just have to be brutally honest with each other and have that moment to listen to each other. Much like Michelle, when me and DH sat down and talked about it all properly we both cried and hugged and were total saps and admitted how scared we really were. Sometimes you just need to admit it to each other and the problem is solved. I just know everything will be ok hun, I just know it will.

Sorry that was an essay and a half!! Apologies and feel free to tell me to shut the hell up and keep my opinions to myself. :hugs: xxx
Oh and p.s. we ain't super women and if OH's or DH's want the house spotless when they come home every day they should hire a cleaner lol. I do what I can and I try my hardest, if the washing isnt finished or I forget to do the dishes etc then really I have bigger fish to fry!! Don't put the pressure on yourself sweetie as it'll make you ill XXX
CeeCee, aw hi petal :nope: sorry you've not been able to go in, that's rubbish! Fingers are tightly crossed for 3pm xxx stay positive and happy and smiley - it's still early and way ahead of your due date and Jess will be here just as soon as she can be xxx

Samira, don't let it get you down hon, you and Chris will be fine - this is a major life change we're all undertaking and it's not surprising all our heads are spinning, let alone the men in our lives who are far worse at communicating their feelings than we are - mix that in with a double shot of our hormones and it's miscommunication central! Give each other a cuddle and be honest about how your feeling, it'll all be good :flower:

Vicky - I am soooooooo jealous! Glee sound a-ma-zing!!! Britney is my favoirite as she cracks me up :-)) mercedes def has the vest voice so glad she sounded good in real life!

Big hugs to you all xxx
Oh no CeeCee, how disappointing :( I'll keep my fingers crossed that you might get some good news very soon so you can meet your Jess.

Heather- I added you on FB but not entirely sure if the request sent (I did it from my phone and the network can be temperamental!). Let me know if I didn't, and I'll resend it :)

Samira- you and Chris will be fine. Everyone goes through odd patches like this. I went all hormonal pregnant woman on OH's ass last Thursday and we had a barney. But like CeeCee and Michelle said, it's good to clear the air sometimes and get everything off your chest. It's better that you and Chris talk now and it's not all bottled up inside, otherwise it could all explode once Hayden is here and that could be even worse. I'm sure things will settle down for you now.

Michelle- I saw your handiwork on FB. Very impressive :thumbup:

Vicki- glad to hear that Glee was so awesome! Lol, I've got a mental image of all of those lights being turned off one by one. You can always rely on the MEN :dohh:

Emily- if my OH saw that position as an invitation, I'd probably whack him :winkwink: Seriously, have you thought about/have you got a birthing ball? They're meant to be great for encouraging bubba into the right position as well as being good for early labour.

Laura- we were quite fortunate to be able to see the pool but it is weird how it seems so underused at our hospital. Even when we were doing the tour and the midwife asked if anyone is interested in using the pool, only one woman said she might consider it! Odd.

Mrs GM- how are you today?

Well, my day has been going ok- I think I'm finally getting the hang of this maternity leave lark and learning to relax! Have only got decorators in the house today, so it's a lot quieter. The nursery finally has paint on the walls (hurrah!) and it will be finished tomorrow, when the wallpaper goes up. Can't wait for next week when the carpet and furniture arrives so I can dress it, and make it all look pretty :blush:
Just back from seeing the midwife, baby is now fully engaged! No wonder she feels so heavy on my bladder and so bleedin' uncomfortable! But who knows when she'll come. Really hoping I don't have to wait too much longer, starting to feel really fed up and just want to get on with it now!!! X
Oh no CeeCee, hopefully you are in now or can go in tomorrow!!

Glad Glee was amazing Vicki, Im having Glee withdrawal, I miss it.

Poor you Samira, glad you have had a chat!! Me and my OH argue constantly, all the time about everything lol but that is just us. It is never about anything serious though and we both love each other to death, we have only had a few BIG arguments in 5 years and never once been even close to splitting (I once took off my engagement ring but that was for the scare effect haha). But we did have the 'rough' bit before we had Phoebe, we hadnt been together all that long (16 months when she was born lol) and it was hard to adjust to the fact that we were going to be looking after a whole new person, we had only been living together a week when I found out so we never had any US time, it was always then about the baby iykwim. And my OH thinks I should be doing this and that and Im like NO!! Look at my feet man!!!! haha, my mum tidied for me today :blush:

Oooh fully engaged Heather, how exciting but uncomfortable for you, Jacob is only 1/5 engaged and I can barely walk. Hopefully not too much longer for you.

Well done on your crib Michelle, youre a better woman than me lol looks lovely on FB.

MrsPOP - I feel so sorry for you if your feet are worse, isnt bleddy horrible?

Well, the moses basket went up this morning (thanks dad :thumbup:) and then we went to the indoor play area thing with my friend who is due 2 weeks after me, we had a good old moan about being pregnant while our girls ran off some steam. My feet today are even worse then that picture :nope:

Got my raspberry leaf tea today so Im cracking that out tonight, hopefully it will help the old cervix for the sweep. I did ask for clary sage oil too but she wouldnt let me have it yet, she said it should be used right at the end, so I may send my mum in to get me some when Im 37 weeks lol. Anyone else on the tea?

And OH will be home tonight by half 7 :happydance::happydance: so keeping Phoebe up to see him and then hopefully a nice chinese too :winkwink:

Sorry if I left anyone out xx
I've got my raspberry leaf tea all ready and waiting in the cupboard! I'm going to start it next week. I've also got some clary sage oil but by the sound of it, I'd better not use that for a couple of weeks!

Just back from Mothercare. Car seat and isofix bases are ordered (went for the Maxi Cosi Pebble) and will be in stock and fitted on Tuesday. That was the last major thing we had left to get so hopefully by this time next week, everything will be ready and bubba can come when he likes then!
Well... I'm still at home :( Rang the hospital at 8 and they said ring back at 8.30... took us til 8.50 to actually get through and then they said they had no beds available and that there were too many women in already. She said that if I could go in today she would ring before 3pm and if not to ring her at 3pm and see what the status is then. Disappointed and gutted really. I hardly slept last night with the excitement and its like waking up on Christmas Day to find Santa didn't get his ass down the chimney and all you have is coal lol. I've pretty much accepted the fact that I probably won't be going in today which sounds very negative and defeatist but I'm just trying to be realistic.

It's been a long while since I've been in this thread, because I'm definately not in Limbo anymore ;). I'd like to meet my baby now as I'm 4 days overdue! Just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world CeeCee with your induction and hope that it'll happen soon! I knew I was right and that you'd be meeting your baby before I would :haha:!

I'm sorry you were let down, but don't forget, you'll hold her soon! Focus on that amazing fact :hugs:.

Good luck to everyone else and I hope you won't go overdue like I am, every day feels like a week :growlmad:!
Barbles - my hands are terrible too! I look like the Michelin man!

Heather - I'm so jealous fully engaged!!!!!!!! I'm only 1 day behind too, I clearly have a naughty little girl :cry: lol!!!
Thanks barbles, I'm really proud of the crib actually, and it fits perfectly in my room, its like it was meant to be!

Oh your feet :( are they tender and stuff or just swollen?

Got to go to the job centre today cause they told me I'm entitled to income suport as I'm a student, that would be a major help tho! And it would mean I could apply for the maternity grant, so fingers crossed they say yes. I hate going tho, its full of pure chavs, and the staff in there talk to me like I'm as chavvy as them especially as I'm a single parent (kind of) as tom doesn't count when it comes to benefits.

I didn't wake up till 9 today wooppp wooop xxxxx

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