Limbo Ladies!!

Morning ladies!

Lauki - great to hear from you!! Sorry you're over hon, must be horrible... It's bad enough waiting before your due date! Keeping my fingers crossed that your baby isn't going to make you wait much longer!

Mrs pop - don't be jealous of being fully engaged hon, it's incredibly uncomfortable and midwife told me she could still go overdue regardless of her position! Great! I'm hoping so hard we don't have to wait much longer!

Michelle- good luck with the benefits :thumbup: every little helps!! Glad your cot has worked out well :flower:

As we've not heard from CeeCee I'm assuming she's gone in!!! How exciting, shouldn't be long before we get some news of our first limbo baby!

I'm feeling royally fed up today! Feeling really lazy like I can't be bothered with anything but that just makes time pass slower!! Phrrrppppppp.... Hope you are all having good days!
waiting4astork - all fab thanks, just re-submitted my uni work so feeling very happy!

Hope everyone else is doing well?

Morning ladies!

Lauki - great to hear from you!! Sorry you're over hon, must be horrible... It's bad enough waiting before your due date! Keeping my fingers crossed that your baby isn't going to make you wait much longer!

Mrs pop - don't be jealous of being fully engaged hon, it's incredibly uncomfortable and midwife told me she could still go overdue regardless of her position! Great! I'm hoping so hard we don't have to wait much longer!

Michelle- good luck with the benefits :thumbup: every little helps!! Glad your cot has worked out well :flower:

As we've not heard from CeeCee I'm assuming she's gone in!!! How exciting, shouldn't be long before we get some news of our first limbo baby!

I'm feeling royally fed up today! Feeling really lazy like I can't be bothered with anything but that just makes time pass slower!! Phrrrppppppp.... Hope you are all having good days!

It's not really the end of the world being overdue :). I'm just pottering around the house a bit, finishing my book and enjoying my naps while I still can ;). Everyone's really nice to me here and coming over for visits or taking me out to distract me a bit. The key is to just keep going and focusing on the fact I'll be holding my baby very very soon!

The worst bit is the teasing, all the cramps and pains, but no real contractions! So I just stopped getting my hopes up and just enjoy my last days of being the only one who can hold my baby!

Sorry to hear you're so fed up! I had it yesterday, I just went on strike. I refused to clean anything or cook dinner, I just slept and read my book all day and I feel so much better today! Just take it easy and let yourself be lazy sometimes!
Hello ladies,
Another easy day for me, getting BH and cramps so going to chill out on the sofa!! Im so hoping it will only be another couple of weeks.
Went to morrisons and had a really bad BH while packing, the lady behind me asked me if I was ok haha I told her it was just a BH from walking around and she looked at me like I was nuts :dohh:
Just catching up on OBEM USA, not loving it to be honest, it seems so fake and unreal!! Give me a screamer with manky teeth any day!!

Hope everyone is ok today.

Hopefully not too much longer for you CeeCee.

And good to see you Lauki, hopefully LO will realise its time to be born soon.:hugs:
:haha: I find the OBEM USA a bit boring too! No drama at all is there ;)! On the other hand I must say it's relaxing to watch women give birth without screaming murder, as the UK version made me quite scared of the whole process!

I've been up town here today with my MIL and I'm absolutely knackered after only 2 hours of waddling around! Still can't believe that being pregnant changes your body so much. Nowadays as soon as I get up my whole tummy goes tight and uncomfortable, so I can imagine your BH being horrible Barbles.

Hope you all had a nice day!! :hugs:!
Nice to hear from you Lauki :) Sounds like you've got the right idea not getting too stressed with being overdue- I'd imagine the symptoms teasing you is incredibly annoying though!!

Michelle- please teach me how to sleep to 9am!! I think I've given up on getting any decent sleep now. I may as well get used to it I guess!

Glad you're well MrsGM- what are you doing at uni?

Heather- thanks for accepting me on FB :) Sorry you're having such a rubbish day. Hope tomorrow will be a better one for you!

Amanda- I'm totally with you on OBEM USA- not loving it AT ALL. Couldn't believe the drama they created on that show last night because *gasp*....THE EPIDURAL WAS WEARING OFF!! Dun dun duuuuuuuuun!! I miss the realism of the UK version, as well as the emotion. I haven't cried once watching OBEM USA and it was a guarantee I'd cry every week at the UK one!

I'm hoping that it's a good sign that CeeCee is so quiet- maybe we'll be seeing a birth announcement very soon?

My day has been fine. Decorators have finished baby's room so that's one more thing to tick off the list! Carpet on Monday next :)
miss you all, just another very brief post to say just that. Also work wont pay me SMP as I apparently don't earn enough. Great. so they've stopped my pay halfway through this month so now I can't afford my first lot of rent. *******s, I sorted the paper work out 12 weeks ago and they leave it this long to tell me. Nice one! Ugh. 6 days til possible induction, if not then 11 days til due date. So bloody fed up. Sending you & your bumps all my love and hopefullly will update you on the 27th when we get internet installed,! Hopefully baby will be here by then. :( I'm such a moaning murtle. xx
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Rachy :( Can't believe they'd wait until virtually your due date before telling you about the SMP- what tossers!! Is there anything that you can do?
Thank you ceecee! im sure thats exactly what it was that was causing the distance! we are fine now we had a long chat. Ive realised how he is feeling and he knows how hard it is for me too so were level again now! feels so good to be happy again and excited!

ohhh barbles your engaged already!!! mine isnt yet :( but she said sometimes babies dont engage till the last min when they are ready to come out so no rush i guess!

Ive been doin the RLT too, hopefully it gets me ready! what does clary sage do?

HIIII lauki!!!! nice to see you! were not limbo either hehe we just didnt leave!! massive good luck for your labour though! il be looking out for your birth story on third tri!!

im the same with OBEM USA its wiff!!! il still watch it but i think its rubbishhh! i suppose its probs coz its nothing like what we will have at hospital coz they have private hospitals with their insurance and also different procedures! still gets me everytime when a baby comes out! sob sob sob!

Rachy urgh thats so shit about work!!!!! u should still be able to get maternity allowance if you dont earn enough? theres someone you can ring to find out about it but i dont know who!

any weekend plans girls?! im just catching up on my recordings this morning then cleaning then nothing today! my baby shower is tomorrow eeek! so excited! i havent a clue what is going on as didnt plan it! just have to show up at 4 :D so glad its late coz means i can hit the car boot sales in the morning haha!!!! x
Sorry bout your pay Rach, the shits for not telling you sooner as well. Hopefully little one wont be too much longer. I think the general feeling in here these days is fed up lol.

Samira - Phoebe didnt fully engage until 2 days before arrived, Im just hoping that Jacob doesnt pop out again else they wont sweep me, though today Im in agony so I think he has gone down further, the pressure is ridiculous. Clary Sage is an essential oil that helps bring on labour and when your contracting, its got quite a herby smell, not to my taste but Ill try anything lol. I used to burn it but you can put in in your bath and massage your bump with it.

Nothing from CeeCee on FB this morning yet so fingers crossed for her.

Claire - you are coming home today, I have missed you on here twinny though I loved all the holiday pics of Jayden, he is so cute.

Well last night I though something was seriously happening, I was getting periody back aches coming and going, braxton hicks but slightly painful ones and i was just so restless. Of course I went to sleep and it all stopped as per but today Im still achey and feeling so sore in my pelvis.

And camera drama, my zoom has jammed and wont turn on so I am cameraless. The turn around time is 4-6 weeks for repair :dohh: so thats no good. Im going to try a local chap to see how quick he can do it else Im going to have to use my mums which isnt nowhere near as good as mine. Still at least i will have some sort of camera and not just have to use my iphone.

MIL is down staying so she is babysitting tonight and we are hopefully going to see Hangover 2, lets try and laugh this baby out. i really wanted to see Transformers but its not out til next week so may have to try to blag a sitter for that too.

Hope everyone else is ok? How is the weather in the rest of the world? Its so miserable and rainy here in Cornwall but apparently by Monday it should be boiling, great lol!! xx
Rach that's awful. I bet you qualify for Maternity Allowance though Hun :hugs:

I had to come on here to celebrate that I *think* Ive started to lose a teeny bit of my mucus plug! :dance: There wasn't much and I know people can lose it weeks before birth but it's cheered me up anyway! Might explain the random lower back/bump aches I've been having for a few days....
Helllloooooooooooooooooooo! I'm back ladies and god, I've missed you all! Lol. Caught up with most of you on Facebook and I've had plenty of updates on there :haha:

I actually cannot believe how swollen your feet are barbles :hugs: I thought mine were bad but they looks really skinny compared to your poor tootsies! How's the BP? I don't know if you've updated already, I've read all and forgot most of it :dohh:

I had a really fun holiday, Jayden had a ball. Had a day where he didn't nap so he was a bugger all day so didn't get to go to the disco and still didn't go to bed until about 9pm! Lol!

Ceecee, I really hope something happens now you're in hospital!

I've already bought my RLT, do you think it'd be daangerous to start drinking it now, just 1 cup a day? And now I'm back from holidays and I'm 33 weeks, I will be quite happy for baby to come any time - that's how miserable I am with this SPD at night time, I thought I'd actually popped my hip out last night, it was soooo sore I cried :cry:

Sorry I haven't fully caught up but I hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Claire, my feet are actually getting worse and Ive had to take off my eternity and engagement ring now :cry: getting fed up of sitting on the sofa with my feet up and nothing much changing. And BP was fine last check and Im finally on the weekly checks now.
I read that you can start RLT at 32 weeks so you should be fine, Ive started with one cup a day, its giving me BH which are good things. Once Ive checked with the midwife Im going to up to three cups, someone said on 3rd tri it has been linked to high BP so obviously I don't want that so going to stick to one cup until then.

Hopefully this is it for you MrsPop, Im scrutinising my pants and tissue everytime for my plug lol

Well Im here with my back pain and BH AGAIN!!!! Arg doing my head in. Had a nice spicy kebab for tea :dohh: and may even try the sex tonight, try to move things along a bit (which is naughty as Im only 36 weeks)

thinking of you CeeCee, havnt seen you on FB today so hoping your on your way to having your little girl.
Ladies, it's been a while since you've been subjected to a Claire rant so here goes......

My husband is an actual tool. Let me explain........... we had a dressing table in our bedroom with hardly anything in it, mainly small things that had no other place. But that was fine. Then my In Laws kindly give us more funiture to match what we already have (they gave us that aswell lol) and it was a stack of tall drawers, 6 tall! So we're getting rid of the dressing table and putting the drawers in the cupboard with the TV on top and it'll give us more room aswell for baby's Moses Basket.

He said he as going upstairs to 'sort' the drawers and when I went up, my bed was COVERED in toys (from a box we had taken out the kids room), he's emptied the dressing table (so there's small things everywhere like earrings etc) FILLED THE DRAWERS with his clothes and move all my stuff around. Now I have nowhere to put all the stuff I'd planned on putting in the drawers! Because I have a small house and I do 99% of the organising, I have a thing with getting as much out of the space we have as much as possible. Basically what hubby has done is move stuff so there's alot of empty space I can't put anything in. I'm gonna need to re-arrange it all and I don't have the energy :cry: I know he's just trying to help but he's just creating more work for me and I can't be arsed! xxx
Oh Claire, poor you! That's so horrible, men can be so useless eventhough they mean it so well ;)!

I hope you'll find the energy to sort it all out soon!

I'm still here without a baby, week overdue tomorrow :cry:! Hope you're all luckier than me!
Morning ladies,

Sorry Ive not caught up on the goings on on the past week or so...1st day back in work, so catching up on all that jazz!! But hope you are all good, no dramas or unexpected hospital trips etc!!!

So, I was off work last week, using up some leave, did lots of washing and ironing of teeny tiny baby clothes, bedding, blakets etc!! Fitted our isofix base into the car, pretty much got my hospital bag packed, purchased my TENS machine and birth ball...even tried a few pelvic floor dooberrywotsits.....sneezing is getting to be a a frightening time!!

Enjoyed a BBQ with the inlaws yesterday...but the heat really took its toll on me!! My feel spent the day in a ice cold foot spa, still swollen to buggery today and feel like they're on fire, have had to take my wedding ring off as was worried it was going to get stuck (not liking the naked finger), have had zero sleep due to the heat, hayfever and sore hips and to top it all of....pins and needles in my right hand that wont shift!!!

ANyway, enough of my moaning....tell me whats been going on with y'all?xx
Yo yo ladies, I'm in a jolly good mood today, no idea why! The weather is lovely, after I have run my errands I may pop my bikini on and lather up my belly in sun tan lotion, is this allowed?

And also, what does RLT do and where did u buy it from?

I've got the FOBs mum and dad coming over tonight, they're lovely to me, but I still get nervous xx
Going to job center tommorow to hopefully finally sort MA out, need money :'(
in other news i'm at my parents now but the internet package arrived today, so once that's set up I can pop on. Just in time! Baby still hasn't made an appearance. I have however, had irregular cramps and pains for the past few days, and feel like bubba has dropped as there is far more pressure down there now and is getting harder to walk. The pains the other night were quite frequent so I phoned the ward, and they said to look out for a show, or waters breaking, or pattern in pains. None happened though sadly. But she said I could be in latent stage of labour, which might mean pains on and off, but definately means something is beginning to progress so at least that's something. I lost some plug today, but apparently that might not mean anything (:() anyway... If not I see the consultant on thursday who said depending on my cervix they may induce me, so fingers crossed.! Hopefully I'll be getting the internet at home tonight and can catch up with you all properly (Don't think I can do as many pages as I've missed but i'll try my best) Wishing you all well! lots of love xxxxx
Hiya ladies

Hi Rach, nice to have you back, hopefully wont be too much longer, I cant believe how pregnant we have all suddenly become lol

Michelle - RLT helps strengthen your uterus and can help with contractions etc for a supposedly shorter stage. It tastes rank but you can get it in tablets form aswell which Im going to get when I get paid on Thurs, I cant take the tea no more, not even with 3 sugars.

AFM, I feel like poo today!! Not in an ill way or anything just really emotional and tired!! Phoebes being a bit of a pain, my mum pissed me off a bit and OH is working late again and all I want is to go to sleep!! When I rang OH I nearly burst into tears just hearing his voice :dohh: I just wish he was home this evening :cry: (sorry for the self indulgent weeping)

And my feet/ankles are doing my head in, nothing I can do will make them go down, got MW tomorrow so Im going to show her but i know she cant do anything especially as Ive not got no other symptoms of anything. My arse will be permently moulded to my sofa if i sit with my feet up anymore.

Really hoping Phoebe will go bed okish tonight so I can have a bath and an early night but Im not holding out much hope, this girl never wants to go to sleep, ever!!!

Hope everyone else is ok and not suffering in the heat too much :hugs:

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