***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Hi ladies, didn't know this existed until I stumbled on it. After my mmc we're going to try again after this af. :yipee: Haven't been on BnB much lately but I'm feeling heaps better emotionally now so I think we're ready to go again. Casually but all the same trying. Think I ovulated a couple of days ago but not sure, lines on opk every day but a spike Wednesday, missed the true positive but it's good enough for me, almost negative again now. Leaving it a month so my lining returns to normal. xxxx
Awww Hi Pippin!! It's so good to see you! I'm really glad you're feeling better now. I know what a rough road it is to have to haul. Been there myself. I'm also glad that you decided to try again. I wish you an extra sticky bean next time and a quick bfp! Lots of :dust: for you. :hugs:
hey pippin! glad to see your feeling ready to try again, good luck xxx
:wave: Pip!! :hugs: Glad your feeling better. We missed you around here. :hugs:
^^ :(:hugs: You guys have plenty of time for your girl and she'll be prettier than theirs anyways. :haha::winkwink:
:hugs: me and stuart were just saying that haha just cba with gettin yet another scan pic shoved in my face when i dont want to see it :dohh: they have noo tact what so ever!
Awww Boothh! I know exactly how you feel! :( Frankly I'm jealous as hell of her too! *sigh* We just gotta remember that our time will come and all will be right with the world. I'm sorry she shoved that in your face. Was pretty tactless of her. :( Big :hugs: hun and keep your chin up. :flower:
Any preggo symptoms yet Kimberly? I still have my cold so it's hard to say for me. I've held out with any testing so far. AF should be here Tuesday.
well AF seems to be leaving already which is weird for me as im only on CD3 well 4 when i get up lol normally is around for about a week with having long cycles, :/ suppose its just more time to :sex: lol
Not yet Cleck. But it's early days (only 4 dpo/days past OV). Unless you consider skin outbreak and cravings to be symptoms. :shrug: Which I guess could be. My skin is looking like it did when I was a teenager. :wacko: I was hankering 5 guys burgers and fries like mad today. I caved in and wrecked my diet today by going and indulging myself with it for lunch today. :haha: Hehe! I guess we will see how things go in the next few days. I think IF I had conceived this cycle, that the baby would be implanting around 8-10 dpo. So I wouldn't really have symptoms till then anyways as no hcg would be present just yet at 4 dpo I don't think. I will keep you posted though. Oh but one bit of good news is that my temps are much higher in my post ov(luteal phase) than they have been over the past couple of cycles. It's showing a very clear biphasic pattern on my chart so far. Which is a good sign so far. The next week will be what tells me if I'm really in with a chance or not. Fingers crossed though! And definitely fingers crossed for you too!! Lots of :dust: for both of us!! :hugs:
OMG I read your post and the one thing that sticks out to me is 5 guys!! :rofl: I want some now! We didn't even know what 5 guys WAS until they put a new one in back in VA. Mmmmm it's so greasy and yummy and a heart attack waiting to happen. :rofl: I always walk away feeling a little sicker than when I walked in because I'm so stuffed. :D

Anyways...lol. I've been so tired the past few days but I really don't think I can call it a symptom because I'm still sick too so that's probably it. This cold refuses to go away it seems. It's just a slight cold but still enough to make me feel 'off' all day. We plan on going to the beach today so hopefully some sun will help. :D
Hey Cleck, I don't wanna get your hopes up or anything but when I got preggers with Bry, I got 2 colds in a row and stayed sick like you are. Maybe you're preggers! When is AF due for you?
It should be here tuesday. :D I really don't "feel" pregnant though. You know how you just kinda know sometimes?
i had a cold that didnt go away when i found out i pregnant all 3times lol ;)

i dont think iv mentioned but ive decided to quite smoking, i quit when i found out i was pregnant with jesse and didnt smoke til after he was born which im really proud of, and the other 2 times iv been pregnant i quite as soon as i found out too but understandably started again after things went wrong,

well this time i decided to quit before i get pregnant, hopefully it will give me a better chance of having a succesful pregnancy

i havnt smoked since thursday so im on day3 of not smoking now and iv only had a couple of moments when iv wanted to smoke but i havnt!
Cleck: I understand hun.

Boothh: WTG girl!! So proud of ya! =D>
That's great Boothh, keep it up hun x
so can anyone help me with this trying for a girl thing? i dont really mind either way but i would love love love a little girl, what do we do to make it more likely? x
I think Kim is your girl for that, I believe it involves not orgasming, vinegar and no sex just before ovulation!
:haha: :blush: Apparently this is my cue... :dohh: Boothh, my best suggestion is to buy the book 'How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby' by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles. It's not a big book or very long, it really is a pretty quick read and very interesting at the same time. You can find it in most book stores, online at amazon.com and so on. I'll include a link for your amazon.uk. I've followed the instructions to a 'T' and hoping that it pays off. But if not, at least I tried! :winkwink: I highly recommend reading it before you make your next attempt. Oh and in the book it advises you to wait a few cycles being trying for the girl but that's only for people who have never before tracked their cycles or bothered to find out when they usually ovulate. For those of us who have, we obviously know when we OV thus when to time BD correctly. Anyways good luck and it's fun to try anyways knowing that you gave it your best shot. :flower:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Choose...=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1286741375&sr=1-1 (here is the link to the book on amazon.uk)

PS - Thanks a lot Shiv! Just put me on the spot will ya? :haha: (kidding!)

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