***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

thanks for that, i will have a quick look and order one, the only way i know when i OV is cm but i think that im quite accurate cus if i note it down AF tends to arrive 13-14 days after my guess of OV, should i be doing more to tell? x
Boothh, I think you need to know how many days prior to OV you are so that you can stop having sex a few days before...............cue Kim..........

Kim you are our resident baby gender expert - I find it all really interesting, and it will certainly be cool to see it working for you!
i have really irregular cycles so how would i guess that :dohh:
Read the book Boothh. It explains all of that! :thumbup:

And thanks Shiv...I think. :wacko: Hehe! :haha:
i think i want another girl, but then i picture a little boy and i kinda like that idea, i think i only want a girl so i can decorate their room how i want haha, that and i love dressing kara up all pretty lol!

i have to say though when we were trying for kara i didnt know about the shettles (sp) and according to my diary, i dtd on CD 15, and we made a girl! I guess she was just a super duper fast swimmer! :rofl:

right now though, im really not bothered about the sex, i just want another liccul bambino lol! im really worried about getting pre-eclampsia again too :( incase its worse this time, altho ive been told it usually sets in later than the previous time, so maybe id make it to 37 weeks next time if i do get it! fingers x'd i dont get it again!

my AF departed yesterday :wacko: but saying that it never usually lasts a full week anyway, it was just very light spotting yesterday, and nothing since, so i do believe shes gone to pastures greener lol! Now to start some serious babydancing! i dont care what they say im getting some serious sex in this month, at LEAST every other day, if not everyday, because obviously just DTD more at ovulation times is not working :( god i hope theres nothing wrong with me :(

i am full off AF now and we said were gunna do it at least once a day haha
listen to you young'uns - everyday?!?!?!?!?? I can barely muster the energy to do it around ovulation :haha:
god when i was pregnant with jesse we used to do it about 3 or 4 times a day right up to the night i went in labour haha ¬_¬
i we never get round to it anymore though with stuart working 12hour days and my back problem we can never be bothered, but i bought loads of stuff from ann summers to help us along lmao ;)
gahhh im too fat for ann summers stuff lol! although as long as im not wearing it im up for it lol!

I was too scared to have sex when i was pregnant with Kara, the first 11 weeks we didnt do it at all :shock: and then when i had a massive bump david was put off cos he'd feel kara moving and think he was hurting her :rofl: hahah! we aren't as worried about baby to be this time, just gonna relax and enjoy!

im so excited to be pregnant again! AND as bad as this sounds i cant wait for light duties at work! They cant take the piss out of me then! and wooooooiiiiiii for 9months paid leave from work, plus 5 weeks holidays! :D :D it best happen soooooooooon :D
ha stuart used to complain but i couldnt get enough ha

and ash shut up you look alot smaller than me lol

i had an ann summers party a few weeks ago for my birthday so i got a big discount ha x
Hehe. I'd definitely be too embarrassed to even think about putting on any lingerie. I'm way too chubby in the wrong parts of my body to wear any of that. I remember the days when I could though. Sometimes I wish so badly I could go back to that size and figure. I could wear anything I wanted to back then and didn't have to worry about looking fat.

Meanwhile DH, bless him, keeps asking if we have a little bean in the oven. He cant wait for me to be preggers again hehe. :haha: I told him I'm only 6 dpo so it's still technically early days and that in about a week or just shy of a week I'll have a better idea of whether or not I am. I kinda doubt I am though. Not had many symptoms to speak of really. I've had 1 craving, twinges/niggles this am, I guess I'm a little constipated (no bm in 3 days), increased appetite yesterday, and a headache last evening. Oh yeah, and a little bit of fatigue, especially in the early part of the day and then again in the evenings. But that's really about it. To be honest, this time I'm just going with the flow and not even really symptom spotting and not getting bent out of shape over things. If AF arrives, then ok, and we try again. This way if a symptom does present itself, it will be for real and not just in my head due to symptom spotting. Of course, I do hope that I am pregnant but we will just have to wait and see. Which is what I keep telling hubby too. I think he is more anxious this time during the 2ww than I am haha. :haha: It is nice to have him so proactive in this though and to see him being eager to have me pregnant and have this next baby together. :thumbup:
I just bought some lingerie two days ago. Wore it that night after I had a nice relaxing bath. Walked out and DH's mouth dropped open. Than we tried to get Emma to sleep and EVERY time I slipped out of the bed after getting her to sleep, she woke. I did it about 5 times before I finally gave up. :dohh: So no sexy time for us that night. :roll: I swear Emma senses when I want to have an orgasm and does whatever it takes to make sure I won't. :rofl:
I just bought some lingerie two days ago. Wore it that night after I had a nice relaxing bath. Walked out and DH's mouth dropped open. Than we tried to get Emma to sleep and EVERY time I slipped out of the bed after getting her to sleep, she woke. I did it about 5 times before I finally gave up. :dohh: So no sexy time for us that night. :roll: I swear Emma senses when I want to have an orgasm and does whatever it takes to make sure I won't. :rofl:

You're definitely on for a girl next time then :haha:
i bought a nurses outfit LMAO stuart loves it though i feel abit of a divv in it, were goin away to a posh hotel this weekend so im gunna pack up a bag of tricks lmao
:rofl: Yeah if Emma keeps it up.

Well, AF is supposed to be here tomorrow. I took an IC pregnancy test this morning and nothing so I think I'm out for sure this month! I'm really unsure if I should get an ovulation test kit again. It was somewhat stressful but now that I know how to use them a little better, it probably wouldn't be as bad. I'm worried about ovulating late. So I think I might use OPKs again this month and if I ovulate late again, than I'm done TTC until DH gets back and maybe my cycles will get back on track.
maybe emma just wants a little sisterr :rofl:
LOL! Poor you Cleck! Bry has done the same thing to DH and I a good few times. :dohh: You'd think they'd leave us alone so we can make their siblings for them! :haha: It does suck being ummm... c**k blocked by your own toddler. :blush: LOL!!

AFM... Today is cd 23. I'm still a few days out from testing. My temp went up this morning to the highest it's been yet. I'm feeling blah and quite irritable today. Maybe slightly queasy as well. But I'm not paying a lot of attention to it. Just gonna wait it out and see. I have been feeling a bit more quick tempered lately but that could be either pms or preg sign so I'm not reading much into it. I cant believe how calm and relaxed I've been through this 2ww. It's gone by so fast. Which is a good thing. Anyhoo, I guess I'm going to get off here for now and relax while I can before Bry wakes up from his morning nap. Full day today, I have a meeting to attend this evening and won't be back from it till tonight. Boy, am I gonna be wiped out by the time I get home. Makes me sleepy just thinking about it. Haha. Well you ladies have a lovely day and I'll check back in here later. :hugs: to you all.

Oh and Cleck, did AF arrive?? I know she was due today.
You'd think they'd leave us alone so we can make their siblings for them! :haha: It does suck being ummm... c**k blocked by your own toddler. :blush: LOL!!

i pretty much just wee'd myself :rofl:
:rofl: Glad to know I made someone laugh. :haha: Now go change into dry undies. LOL! :haha:

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