***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

I love them all too, I really like the look of the 2nd picture of the last one. Like Cleck said, go with what you are comfortable in because there is nothing as bad as feeling uncomfortable at something like that.

The dress and leggins are lovely, but I would wear them for everyday use here, but if dh thinks they are right for the event and that is what you are most comfortable with i would go for it and they are gorgeous on you as it shows off your teeny tiny figure :thumbup:
thanks girls, I really appreciate your opinions. :flower: DH votes for the purple sweater/ leggings combo. I really like the long dress (#3), but he says it's way too fancy. I might wait till tomorrow to make my final decision, but right now I'm leaning more towards the purple/black leggings since it's really comfortable. I still like the first dress though, but it's a bit stiff and right now I'm too tired to think about wearing anything stiff :lol:

In other news... here is the progress on the deck

The door to nowhere will one day open onto the deck. It's going to be 12 foot by 20 foot.

The concrete footers where the wooden posts will sit. Those go down 3 feet! DH calculated that he carried 2600 pounds of concrete today.
Your house is absolutely massive spidey! I'm quite jealous here. :D

Emma keeps pooping on the floor again instead of in the potty. :( Not sure what her deal is but I was upstairs scrubbing the bath and I came down to see that she moved the small hall rug and put it over top of her poop so she was trying to hide it. She knows it's bad but I don't know what I can do about it. :shrug:
Cleckner, we've had some poop issues too. Kira pooped twice in the potty last weekend when we started potty training. But then she held her poop all the way from Sunday until Friday. She was soooo miserable Friday from being unable to poo. Friday night we gave her a suppository since her poop was too hard by then. Then on Sunday night she pooped in the bathtub :dohh: She's been holding her pee so she only goes up to 4 times a day. Today she's peed 3 times so far (and its almost 9pm). Twice completely in her pants and once fully on the potty. Her bladder gets so full that when she has to go, it's too late to make it to the potty. I'm guessing she's testing her limits and one day she'll pee more often. I don't know what to suggest about Emma's pooping. Kira doesn't hide hers.. it floats in the bathtub and she points to it and signals me to fish it out :haha:

Ah, and I almost forgot the most important news! On Saturday and Sunday I got positive opks. My nips started hurting Saturday morning right on cue :thumbup: I've been eagerly waiting for my temp to rise but it hasn't happened as of Monday morning with either thermometer
Spidey - dress one is stillmy favourite, but you have to wear what you fel comfortable in. Where is the event? Make sure you take pictures of you all dolled up!

As for the poo incidents, no advice here as I am still too chicken to try potty training :haha:

Will come back later for a proper catch-up.
you girls are making me have second thoughts! I really do like the 1st dress. My new plan is to wear the 1st dress and stuff the bra a little bit. If it looks good, then the 1st dress will win! Then I can wear the sweater/leggings combo another time :thumbup:

How's everything going Shiv?

No obvious temp rise for me this morning. Tonight or tomorrow I'll enter all the temperature data into the computer and make a graph so I can share.
The first dress just looks so nice on you. I just love the style of it too. It's something I could never wear. :haha: Really out of all your choices I could probably only get away with the 3rd dress. I think people would be disgusted if I wore leggings. I've never wore leggings ever. My only outfits are jeans and a nice top. :blush: I'm not very fashionable.
I am SO unfashionable! I am terrible, I have no idea how to dress for my shape, so always just look rubbish - especially now I am breastfeeding again. The only thing I worry about is access to my boobs!
You do look hot in the first dress, your figure is amazing!

So David goes back to work tomorrow, I am dreading it. Cora has decided that throwing up after every feed it the way forward, so i am havign to keep her upright for like an hour after each feed, which is tough when Sophia wants me to play with her. Up until Day 10 Cora would just feed then go down in her 'basket for hours until her next feed, she is far more maintenance now. If she was my only chid it wouldn't be a problem but I can't just sit on the sofa this time round.

I have been making use of my babyhawk around the house today to keep her upright, but I don;t want her to lose the ability to sleep in her basket - aargh.

i am pretty worried about the amount she is being sick. The Health visitor is coming round tomorrow so I will discuss it with her. Although she has a small tongue tie when she was checked for it it wasn't casuing any issues. But i wonder if it is the tongue tie causing her to swallow more wind and thus giving the sick issues :shrug:

I had forgotten how worrying the first few weeks are, you'd do anything to stop your new baby feeling pain etc

She will be weighed tomorrow, she was 8lbs 11oz on Saturday (still 6 oz below birth weight). She will be 2 weeks old tomorrow so I hope she is nearly up to her birth weight otherwise I will assume the sick episodes are stopping her putting on weight, which is one of my main fears. SO fingers crossed for a good weigh in!

So you may have seen on fb that when Cora was just 3 days old we went back to Kent to visit David's mum. i was not happy about having to make this trip when surely she should have been coming to visit us so soon after the birth. Anyway since then we haven't heard anything from her, not a text to find out how we are nothing. SO we are going back to Kent on Sunday as my parents invited us for lunch on Sunday (no pressure just if we felt up to it). Now my question to you ladies is this.............my parents live about 3 miles away from David's mum, should we be telling her we are back in Kent? To be honest I don't want to. She should have been in contact with us to arrange seeing Sophia and Cora again and she hasn't been. But is it very harsh to just not say anything?

Hope you are all well x
Oh shiv I don't know what to say about the vomiting issue. :( That sounds awful. :hugs::hugs: Have you tried cutting out different things in your diet to see if it changes her gas issues? I really hope they can figure it out and I also hope she's back up to her birth weight and even higher at the next weigh in. :hugs: I remember how worrying it was with Emma because she wasn't gaining back the weight either. We ended up having the vomiting issues than but it was from the formula they made me give her. :growlmad:

As for going home. If it were me I would have to tell her. Otherwise I'd feel really guilty about it. I do think it's wrong that she hasn't tried to see how you guys are doing. Is David very close with his mom?

Oh yeah, also wanted to say good luck with David back to work! I hope it's a really smooth transition for you and isn't too stressful. :hugs:

Have you girls ever had that feeling where you just want to cry for no reason at all but you just have that urge where you need to cry? :rofl: I felt like that all day yesterday. I just kept feeling like I need to cry and that something was wrong with me. I haven't been keeping track of my cycle at all but today AF hit me like a brick. So I guess that explains it. All day yesterday I thought I was nuts. I wanted corey home so bad just to have someone to hug. :haha::blush: I hate hormones sometimes.

In more exciting news I'm down to 186 lbs! :dance: I was doing so great until yesterday but again AF hit so that must be why the loss suddenly stopped. Yes, I'm still weighing myself every morning. I can't help it. :lol:
Spidey: I love the last one too, but there is definitely no point in wearing it if it is too fancy for the event or you will feel totally uncomfortable. Can you tell I love an excuse to dress up :haha:

You are so tiny, you can get away with any of them - so see if stuffing the boobs works on the first one and if not wear the 2nd as they are both lovely :thumbup:

Most of all have a great night out :thumbup:

Cleck: I hope the feeling of wanting to cry passes, I hate days like that and get them once a month but in the middle of the month for me and it is horrilble when you have no reason what so ever to cry, but at the same time feel like everything is a reason to cry :dohh:

Sorry girls I have no idea what to advise on the potty training either as you know our attempt didn't work, hopefully it is only temporary as they were both doing brilliantly :thumbup:

Shiv: Best of luck tomorrow, but you will do fine, it will probably take you a few days, but you will get your own little routine going.

Sorry to hear about Cora being sick though and I do wish I had some advice, but Natasha was a really dry baby so I never had to deal with that at all. It must be a worry though and not nice to clean up. I really hope the HV can give you some answers tomorrow.

Regarding your MIL - mmm I would definitely feel like not calling to her, but I probably would in the end as I would also feel too guilty, she definitely is in the wrong though. For a start you shouldn't have had to call and she definitely should have been in contact since.

As for fashion - some of clothes would be very fashionable and some are not fashionable at all. I do try and keep up a little as my sister would be totally and utterly obsessed with fashion and I always feel like the plain Jayne if I don't make some sort of effort :haha: - but at the same time I will only wear and buy stuff that I like and not because it is in fashion, where as she would buy it just because it is in fashion even though she may not like it 100% - I also buy stuff that is not in fashion just because I like it too, where as she wouldn't dream of that :haha:

My work clothes are totally not in fashion as it is usually a black pants and some sort of smart top - mind you they have being boring me lately so I have been wearing loads of my smart casual dresses with black tights for a change, but now they feel like work clothes and not at home clothes :dohh:

Well not much news from me, I am cutting down to two days from this week as my hours are so bad, so that will be nice to have an extra day with Natasha, although we will miss the money, our savings are back up a bit and DH redundancy money should be through soon, so we will be fine for a while and hopefully things will pick back up. Although I really don't want to see all his redundancy money being used on bills and day to day things. It would be nice to save it for a while in case anything happens to his new job and all going well do something nice with it, but sure that is life aint it.

Feeling a bit crap today and it is not time of the month for me, I can't explain it, I don't actually miss or want a cigarette, but I do have a feeling like something is missing all the time. Last week I was putting it down to being on my detox and wanting food, but now that I'm eating normally again, it is still here and I'm back to snacking again, so I know it is cigarettes I'm missing.

I have been doing so well, but I really do wish this feeling would go away as it is really getting me down and this is going to sound really silly but I actually feel slightly depressed the last two days, how stupid is that. Maybe it is just the change of seasons or something and will pass, because I really hate feeling crappy like this and am trying my best to think positive but its not working :dohh: - At least when I feel like this with hormones I know it will pass. I guess that is what is getting to me, is that I'm afraid it won't pass, as I have a friend who stopped smoking 4 years ago and she says she still misses them. I would be really weak that way and would just end up smoking if I felt like this for 4 years :dohh:

Anyway enough whinging. I'm going to start temping just to see how I get on. I'm not going to take it too serious though and will probably forget to take my temp :haha:
Aww jelr I'm so sorry you are feeling down. :hugs: I can imagine quitting smoking after so long will have so many emotions running through you. Something IS missing in a way because you had that habit for so long. It's like you lost an old friend bc ciggies were there for you probably especially when you were stressed, angry, etc. I truly hope you don't feel this way for long. Do you have any hobbies that can keep your hands busy even when you are sitting? Something that can also take your mind off cigs a bit more. Like cross stitching or knitting or something like that? Probably a stupid suggestion but I don't really know what else to say. :blush::lol:
Thanks Cleck - no it is not a silly suggestion at all. I know another friend of mine that did cross stitch to keep her hands busy, but unfortunately I never really had an interest in anything like that and am not very good with detailed work as I don't have great dexterity in my hands.

I think that could be part of it, I have been so busy in work getting everything started back up for the new term and I have also been updating the assessment guidelines book that I compiled for the tutors a few years ago and I did this at night so that I wouldn't be away from Natasha anymore than three days and also to keep myself busy. Well I'm now finished that and work has slowed down so I don't really know what to do with myself and I'm off now until this day next week as I'm working Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

Being busy has really helped, but it now feels like I have kind of stuck my head in the sand and not really thought about it where as I don't have much choice now :dohh: and I hate feeling like this when I should be thrilled that I have so much time to spend and enjoy with Natasha.

Oh well hopefully the weather won't be really rotten tomorrow and maybe we will get out for a walk and I can walk the frustration out of me :haha:

Thanks for listening and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :thumbup:
Look at this old thread I just found. This will cheer us all up. :D


Although all my pictures have been removed because I went through photobucket and cleared it out. I still can't believe how teeny and cute all our lion cubs were!! Well, they are still all cute but there's nothing like little babies. :cloud9:
Shiv, I'm sorry about Cora and her spit up. Kira use spit up, but it wasn't severe and it never shot out of her mouth. I use to keep her upright in the Moby after she ate, but I can understand you wanting/needing to put her down after she feeds. Do you have a forceful letdown? I had a very forceful let down and it always caused her to gulp air in the beginning of a feed. I also had a fore milk imbalance that caused greenish frothy poos and spit up. Are her poops normal colored? I hope you can find a solution soon. Let us know how she does at her appointment tomorrow.

Oh, and Shiv... if it were me, I would NOT tell David's mom you were in town. But I'm a bitch like that and I don't feel remorse :haha: DH's mom who lives right next door couldn't get her ass over to see Kira but 3 times during her first 5 months. I refused to carry Kira over to her house to "force" a visit. As a grandmother there should be some effort on her part to see or ask about their grandchild.

Yay Cleckner on more weight loss :happydance: I know what you feel about feeling the need to cry all day. I saw the picture on FB of Corey's ship. Did he just leave today? Maybe if you have a good cry it'll make you feel better. Watch some of those Baby Story shows on tv- those always do it for me :haha:

jelr, I hope you're having a better day. It's probably a combination of everything you said- the seasons changing, not smoking, and taking a pay cut. I'm sure you'll always miss cigarettes, but it won't be an all day thing. You'll miss them when everyone else is smoking or after a really stressful day. What days of the week will you work?

Thats a neat old thread to look at. I have all my pictures in iphoto and I like to skip back to see what I was doing 1 year ago, or 2 years ago. I take so many pictures that it's fun to bring back old memories.

The dinner went great!! I wore the first dress based on your opinions and it was perfect! There was another woman at the event with the same sweater/leggings combo so it's a good thing I didn't wear mine too! They actually prepared me a special gluten free meal too :thumbup: I couldn't get a great picture since I was running around until the last second, but you can get an idea of what I looked like. They had a photographer at the event so when the pictures go up I will share the link.

me with makeup on... I have no idea how to put makeup on, so I don't put on much in fear of looking like a clown :haha: I put 2 socks in each bra cup. I found an old nursing bra from when my boobs were a little bigger so it was easy to stuff :haha:

afterwards at my parents house to pick up Kira. Doesn't DH look Amish here? Kira is saying "A BOO A BOO A BOO A BOO" (for booby)
spidey- DH has been gone since mid-september. :haha: His ship was out doing training exercises and than it went to san francisco for fleet week there. But that picture was them leaving san fran to come back here!! He'll be back tomorrow. :D

Now the exciting bit. YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! I'm seriously jealous of your body. :haha: I like your subtle makeup. I'm always over the top with mine so I probably really do look like a clown at times. :lol:
Talk about serious luck that you didn't wear the sweater and leggings!!! Your DH and you match really well too which I like.
Yes, your husband does look slightly amish but he'd have a much longer beard by now cause you guys have been married a while. :D
And lastly, I love Kiras cupcake pajamas!! Emma has the loose fitting version of that with the same pattern. LOVE it. Did she get really excited seeing your bigger boobs? :haha:

hey girls... sorry I went a bit weird last week, it was me being over-sensitive and silly. I should have come back and posted again later that day to explain but I haven't been in the mood to write much anywhere, and I owe PMs and emails all over the place (which I feel bad about, and need to get my arse in gear and do something about).

it wasn't anything any of you said, though. maybe a little bit of me being worried about being a whining whinger and you all getting sick of it. my head is in a bad bad place much of the time, I feel stuck and fed up and stressed and anxious, I have had thought of putting the baby up for adoption, leaving Chris, taking Adam to live by myself... walking out on everything other than Adam. I would never do that, I don't *want* to but sometimes I think they'd all be better off if I just plain was not here. I don't feel like this all the time, just when things are going badly. I had another argument with Chris last night (will explain more about it later, as it's an issue I'd like views on) and I am just fed up of him not seeming to care about my opinions and not having *any* patience with me when I am upset. it's almost as though he sees it as a direct attack on himself that I am upset. he doesn't understand and it seems he will not try.

anyway. I'll come back to that.

Spidey, you looked beautiful in your dress, stuffing and all. :) I loved all the outfits, you really have the sort of figure that can carry off so many different styles. lucky lady. looking forward to seeing more pics.

cleck, I loved looking at your HS photos, too. :D you and Corey made (and still do make) a very good-looking couple. I can't imagine getting married that young, though, but then I was all messed up through school and university and never even had a boyfriend till I was 22. :haha: speaking of which, Chris and I have been together for 5 years on Friday (I was 32 when we met). it's hard to believe sometimes. he hasn't changed much, he's never been that good at understanding me, but I think I was more resilient to it in the past. good on you for the continued weight-loss and getting back on track. it's so easy not to and to let it slide.

Shiv, so sorry to hear Cora has been having sick issues. poor little bub. does she seem like she is in pain? I really hope you can get it sorted out fast, it sounds so distressing for you. :hugs: as for your weightloss, well I can but sit here and be green with envy. got a feeling I am going to be close to 12st *after* delivering baby. meh. it's my own fault, I have not been restrained in the slightest. and as for your in-laws, gah. I would be extremely sorely tempted to forget they were three miles away and just go see your parents. would David be angry? how does he feel about their lack of attention to Sophia and Cora? I empathise, though, as I will explain below. I have something similar with members of C's family who seem to expect us to do the running. only this time round I am going to refuse to. they want to see the baby, they get off their arses.

Jean, ack, I'm sorry you're also feeling down, but you're right in that the loss of the cigs *is* a loss, it's a loss of your routine, the loss of something to look forward to. I hope you're really proud of yourself, it's brilliant what you've done, but even when you *know* that it doesn't always make your feelings catch up right away. it sounds very like the type of conflicted feelings I had when I stopped drinking. I was very proud of myself, and I appreciated not being a worry to people, and I didn't miss the bad side-effects (I used to go into physical withdrawal when I didn't drink, uncontrollable vomiting, shaking, sweating, hallucinations, the lot) but I did miss the way it was before it all went really bad, when it was something to look forward to, enjoy, my way to wind down and sleep, the sense of ease I would get. and I have to be honest, there's not really anything that replaces it, but I did get used to it and it got to the point (thank goodness else I'd still be drinking) that the memory of how it was in the end months is way more powerful than the rose-tinted memories of when it worked. but a period of depression and feeling low about the loss is normal when you make a big change in your life. that alongside the changes in your job/work makes it not surprising to me at all that you feel this way. massive big hugs. I really hope you can find the positives and focus on those (listen to me, I should take my own advice :haha: ).

so... as for me... 39 weeks today. telling myself I have another 19 days (I'd be induced at 40+12). I don't feel too bad about it, but envious when I see people due after me having their babies already (apart from ones who have been induced, I don't envy those). it's only going to get worse because I am certain I'll go overdue. please god not so much as 12 days, but I won't be surprised if I make 41 weeks. :( haven't even been trying anything to encourage things along. other than drinking RLT, but I know that only strengthens the uterus. have hardly even been bouncing on the gym ball.

baby has quietened down a lot the past couple of days, I have no idea if there is a problem, wondering about going to get checked as I am not seeing anyone till Monday. hopefully he has just shifted to a better position and I am not getting kicked all out front. but it's always a worry. he is still moving, but I have had my doppler out two or three times after never using it in months. the midwife I saw last Thursday (the one who referred me for a psychiatric evaluation) said something about a sweep if I hadn't had the baby by next Thur, which is when my next appt is with her (Monday is the community mw). I will be 40+1 and I think policy is to offer one at 41 weeks, but I don't know, I had the feeling she might take a peek and see if I am at all favourable for one. kind of hope she does because I'd like to know what's going on. I understand why they don't do these internal checks as standard, but it doesn't stop me being curious.

have got a lot of stretchmarks now. noticed them last week. with Adam I only had a few and didn't notice them at all till my belly started going down. those ones are in 2 small patches either side of my bellybutton. the new ones are not dark red or big, but they are higher up, also either side of my bellybutton. and they are itchy and the skin feels so tight. I wasn't certain they were definitely stretchmarks, thought they might be broken veins, but when I squeeze the skin I can see it puckers up. so I think it's going to be a bit of a mess. oh well. I shouldn't feel down about it, since it's not like I have worn a bikini since I was 3 years old, and I have had no plans to ever again, but... gah. wondering if it is because I have barely used Bio-Oil this time. last time I put it on every day, sometimes more than once, because it was what I used as an agent for my doppler, and because Adam was a bit of a slug in utero, I listened every day, or almost every day. this time because baby is (or was) a busy bee, I didn't bother much after about 13-14 weeks. :hissy:

my mum is still here and doing a brilliant job as a nanny. :haha: Sunday and Monday she took him out for much of the day, yesterday he went to his other grandmother's, and today they have gone out together again. she is finding all the walking with the pushchair is helping her back pain a lot, so I don't feel *too* bad. I miss Adam, though, yesterday he really was out all day, from 6.50am till 8pm. I hate that he seems to favour my mum and Chris over me, and I hate that when I do things with him, when he tantrums I still can't cope. even if I have not looked after him all day I still cannot cope. it's pretty pathetic.

anyway. the thing I wanted opinions on - it's about C's mother, who, as I have said before, is a childminder. she has really not spent much time with Adam - ever - she has now had him for 2 whole days, and once she babysat him for three hours (in January). other than that, she has never been one to come over and visit, we have been the ones to get in the car and go over. I thought with us moving a bit closer things would be easier, and I guess they are in a way (it's a 1/2 hour drive not a 1hr+ drive) but it hasn't made much real difference. anyway. she had Adam for the first time for a day at the beginning of Sept. I was offered a last-minute shift at work and C rang to see if she could have him. whether she can depends on how many other kids she has booked that day and whether or not she has someone to help her, as there are rules about the number of kids to adults. she took him and it all was fine. she said at the time that she'd love to have him again. and we started thinking that it might be a good idea to see if she could have him once a week or every other week for a day once the baby is here. then she went on holiday and only got back at the weekend. when she spoke to C, he mentioned seeing if she could have him, and she suggested yesterday. I was supposed to be taking him for lunch out (I was meeting with Pippin, joeyjo and Aunty E) but decided it might be better if I went alone as he'd also be seeing his cousins (who are looked after by C's mum a few days a week each and were due to be there). so I said ok, and off he went.

the argument I had with C later - I don't know whether I am being unreasonable or he is... on the one hand I would like him to go over there for the odd day, even if it is a regular arrangement. however, C wants us to pay his mother her regular daily rate. she is of course running a business, and it would be unfair on us to suggest she takes a child for nothing when she could have a paid for child. she didn't want paying for yesterday, we paid her about 1/2 her rate when he went in Sept (even though again she said she didn't want paying, but since it was because I was working, she agreed. C's sisters pay her but again it is because they are working. she has them for nothing on other days when they need helping out).

I have a couple of issues with this. the biggest one is that I just don't feel it is right for the only contact Adam has with his grandmother is paid for. C says it's because she works full time and when else would she see them, but what about other grandparents who work and want to see their grandchildren? they find time in the evenings and at weekends, or they take time during their holidays (C's mother goes abroad every chance she gets). I also don't think it's right that it's the only time he sees his cousins. again, what's wrong with C making plans at weekends to see them? the cost is an issue, she charges £56 a day. that is close to half my maternity allowance, and I don't think I want to pay that every week. I don't know how it compares to other childminders, but I would guess it is on the higher end as his mum lives in a pretty affluent part of London (in a council house, they aren't wealthy) and looks after the kids of GPs and other professionals, etc. for Adam to go over there for the day, we need to get him up at 6am to leave about 6.45am to be there in time for C to get to work on time, and then he wouldn't be home till at least 7pm (they were later last night because they stayed for dinner). it's a long day away from me. and I am not sure that if we are going to pay for child care it's how I want it to be. I have thought maybe it would work better for me to find a local childminder who could have Adam for maybe 2 mornings or 2 afternoons a week. I could take him there and pick him up, he'd be closer to home, etc. It just doesn't sit well with me that he is never getting one to one time with his grandmother because there are 5-6 kids being minded by her. I'd rather she made the effort to come and see him, or offer to take him out on her days off - she doesnt have kids on Fridays, but she is also a registrar who marries people, but she tells me she won't be so busy with Friday weddings now we're past the summer busy period. but I have the feeling that if I sit here and wait for her to offer to have him one Friday, I'll be waiting a long time. :(

I don't know. am I being unreasonable? it's not that I expect free childcare, but that I resent it's likely going to be the only time he sees her and his cousins, and I think that should be done because you want to and from love not through a business transaction. the fact of the cost being pretty high *is* an issue but not the biggest one. I was saying to C last night that I'd sooner take the £56 a day and take Adam places myself. and I'd definitely rather it was more flexible and I paid that to get a couple of mornings or afternoons locally, rather than a full - and very long - day. C was antagonistic when I suggested this, though, doesn't want him going to a stranger (grrr) and isn't thinking of what might work better for me. I said - whose benefit is this for? he said yours. ok, I said, so a whole single day mightn't suit me as well as 2 half days. also Adam's, as he can spend time with his cousins. but I am annoyed by this, we shouldn't have to pay for him to see his cousins, ffs!

I have a strong feeling I will not win this, unless I put my foot down and say no, he's not going over there again. which would be cutting off my nose to spite my face. but I am hacked off that there is no discussion about it. C thinks we can afford it so it's fine. I think I'd rather spend the money elsewhere and Adam see his family regularly in a non-payment scenario. :hissy:

gah. I don't need more stress but bam, my husband does seem to like adding to it.
Sorry you girls are feeling fed up - I can honestly say that each and evry one of you has a VERY good reason for not feeling on top of the world. (Apart from you Spidey, you're a skinny biatch who has a big night out to look forward to :haha:)

Jean - it is normal to feel depressed when giving up smoking, my mum certainly did. It is like losing a friend and a past time all rolled in to one. It will get easier, but don't beat yourself up about feeling a bit lost, it is understandable. Perhaps start to plan what you are going to spend your saved up money on. Maybe mak eit something that will be improved by giving up smoking. Maybe a facial as it is supposed to improve your skin etc. I think you should be really proud of yourself :thumbup:

Cleck - I can certainly say that when David was away I often had days where I didn't just feel like crying but did cry. I find crying to be quite therapeutic. I hope you feel better soon. And well done on your weightloss :thumbup:

MJ - not long to go now until Joel will be here and things will seem brighter. I am glad your mum is being such a help with Adam. Try not to feel bad about Adam seemingly prefering her, he doesn't, it is just that I am sure with your mum it is all about Adam and funand games. It can't be like that when you are a mum as life must go on. He loves you more than your mum and if she were to take Adam away for a few days and he didn;t see you then you would soon see that you are his number 1 :thumbup:

I will reply about the MiL issue later as I have to go and finish dinner now. I will also update about my first day with 2 children to look after, if I survive long enough to reply again :haha:
MJ- You can moan and whine on here as much as your heart desires! Sometimes I feel like I whine way too much on here too. But we've all gotten to know eachother over the years and it's a safe place with very little judgement so that's the great thing about this group. :hugs: I'm very sorry that you've been feeling so down in this pregnancy. :(:hugs:

The MIL issue. I completely agree with you on this one. I think it's very unfair that the only way you can get C's mom to spend time with Adam is through a business transaction. Especially because she'll be having to split her time between all the kids she watches so Adam really isn't getting the special grandma/adam time that he deserves. It really does seem wrong that you'd be paying her for it too. I really don't know what to suggest in this situation but I really hope C stops being so unreasonable. You two seem to both have very strong personalities and opinions so that's what makes you butt heads. I really hope you guys can come to a good compromise. :hugs::hugs:

Is your bump bigger with this baby than last? Do you have pictures to compare? I'm sure that's why the new stretchies are cropping up. Or maybe this baby is positioned in a different spot than Adam. As you know, my stretchies were AWFUL. Like there really wasn't a spot on my tummy that wasn't affected. But now that I'm losing the weight off, the stretchies are nearly 100% faded. Although now my belly looks like a deflated sack but that's another problem altogether. :haha: I'm sure you'll drop the weight off pretty quickly and those stretchies will fade with it. :flower:

Also, yay for 39 weeks!!! :dance: I can't believe you are almost done already!! All of your pregnancies seem to fly by! Hopefully you don't have to go all the way to 41 weeks.
LOL about me being a skinny bitch. A skinny bitch with fake boobs! Here are the pictures from the event: https://www.katrinakrauss.com/ click on 2011 community safety awards. Nothing too interesting, but you can see how fancy it was. There is a picture of DH with his boss.

Shiv, I can't wait to hear how your adventure was today! Kira is being very stubborn and naughty today so if I had a newborn I would be going bonkers!

MJ, I'm so glad you posted. I'm sorry that everything seems to be crashing in around you :hugs: We've all had bad days/ weeks/ months, so don't feel like your posts will be too whiney. It really helps when you get things out and that's why it's nice having you girls here to vent too. Have you started taking your SSRI yet, or are you holding off. You know, you don't have to be a hero and not take a drug that your body needs to get balanced again :hugs:

In regards to your inlaws... I don't think you're crazy with how you see the situation. If I was in your situation, I would expect my MIL to spend some time with Kira without pay. So either for a few hours during the week, or for a half-day on the weekend. If it were a constant thing, like full time every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I would be okay with paying a little bit of money, but not full price. I don't know- I just think that grandma's should want to spend some time with their grand kids without being compensated for it. Or maybe I'm just cheap :lol: My mom watches Kira 15 hours/ week for free, but if she needed extra money, I wouldn't feel weird giving her some pay. My MIL has told me that she'll babysit Kira with pay, which has always turned me off. I think sending Adam to daycare a few mornings or afternoons/ week is a good idea. It would be great for him to be in a different environment and good for you too. You could catch a nap with Joel, or just have 1 baby to look after for a few hours. Sometimes we just need a few hours away to refresh our minds and re-energize.

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