***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

It's one of those days here too Cleckner. I got fed up and ignored Kira for 20 minutes and cleaned the kitchen as she screamed. It makes me feel awful but I can't keep it together all the time. She does the same thing- something will be right next to her but she NEEDS me to get it for her.

Your cupcakes sound awesome!!

I bought a HUGE gnarly pumpkin and we're going to carve it either tonight after the life insurance guy comes :lol: or tomorrow night. Kira is going to have a blast playing in pumpkin nasty!

And speaking of DORA.... we're going to the Baltimore aquarium on Saturday because Dora will be there!! The first 50 kids get a free picture with her :haha:
Emma is STILL screaming. :wacko: I seriously don't even know what to do with her some days. I've tried cuddling her just now and it doesn't help. She just wants to scream. And it is ear piercing screams as loud as she can go. I'm sure the neighbors think I'm beating her. But no..I'm just sitting here beside her while she rolls around on the floor screaming. :shrug: I think I'm a horrible mom. I don't see why she acts like this. It has to be something I messed up with along the way. :( I can't blame it on DH because he's never here.

The aquarium sounds fun!! We plan on going to the aquarium in LA on sunday! I'm hoping it's worth the trip. We are seeing that and an auto museum for DH and the cemetery that Marilyn monroe is buried in(is that weird?:lol:)
gosh emma sounds just like sophia!

so my story from yesterday............we were at the registry office, just me SOphia and Cora. Sophia had been a gem during the time when I was form filling and had just been sat on the floor playing with some toys that they had in a box. Cora had ben feeding so it was all going swimmingly! then Sophia found a book she wanted me to read. She loves books and when she wants me to read to her there isno deterring her. SO i was trying to answer the womans questions whilst reading her this book. The appointment was coming to an end so I started skipping bits of the book so that we were finished. SO we finish up and I strap Cora back in to her babyhawk on my front. (i had Cora in the carrier and Sophia had walked from the car 20m away holding my hand). I get up out of the chair and say "come on Sophia, lets go", she said "no I don;t want to go" and started screaming at full volume, you know the scream, high pitched, awful! SO i spent 5 mins trying to persuade her to come with me. No movement - continuous screaming. So I said "right I am going then, see you later". I walked out of teh room aand round the corner so she can;t see me.......usually she would get worried and come and find me, but she just kept screaming "don;t want to go". The registrar was looking worried and embarrassed and sorry for me. Normally I would just scoop SOphia up kicking and screaming and march out, but I couldn't because I had Cora on my front. I managed to grab Sophia and get her out of the room into reception (where the next person was waiting for their appt, clearly an elderly man who was coming to register the death of someone, probably his wife!). I couldn't keep carrying her as she was writhing too much, so I plonked her down and sat down myself. I tried bribery "if you are good and come with me to the car you can have a snack", but nothing was working. So I just had to sit it out. It tool 30 minutes of her screaming for her to calm down and leave. I was so embarrassed but there was nothign I could do, as I wasn't about to leave her there while I put Cora in the car. Anyway I got her in the car and she asked for a snack, which I declined saying she hadn't been a good girl and she must come with me when I tell her to. So she screamed all the way home, then refused to get outof the car. So I left her in the car for 15 minutes and took Cora inside. Seriously it was an hour from hell! And the first of many tantrums that day. Other reasons for screaming were, she couldn't get hertights off and silly me tried to help! I went for a wee when she wanted to read a book! One of her puzzle pieces wouldn't fit! David came home fromwork and she said "no I want Daddy to go back to work" followed by screaming (poor David!)

seriously what ahs happened to out girls?!?!? this must be what they mean by the terrible twos.

Sometimes all youcan do is ignore, because Ilike you don;t want to give in every time. They have to learn surely? I am hoping it is a short lived phase!

Cora is 3 weeks old today,I had my weigh in this morning

weight 2 weeks post partum = 10st 3.5lbs
weight 3 weeks post partum = 10st 0.75 lbs :happydance:

I am eating like a horse so it MUST be breastfeeding! I have stopped bleeding now so that is helping anymore. I don't really feel like my shape has changed at all (will upload photos now), but I am back in my pre-preg jeans! It took 4 months last time!

David is away tonight for work so I have been on my own and it hasn't been too bad. Sophia went to bed easily (fingers crossed it stays that way) and cora is asleep in herbasket in the lounge with me.

Here are the photos then. First one 2 weeks post partum, second one 3 weeks post partum


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  • 3 weeks pp.jpg
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oh dear, Shiv. that sounds awful, in the registry office of all places! but I understand, we have major meltdowns from Adam as well. mostly at home, I don't tend to give him chances to go mad outside (he rarely gets to walk unless there are two of us there, he's not reliable enough yet and I am scared he'd run into the road).

(just wondering what would have happened if you'd tried to film the tantrum, remember we mentioned that a while back)

I am with all of you on the ignoring the tantrum thing. sometimes it's my only option because as you know when I was having a tough time alone with him a few weeks ago, if I shout it gets out of control. it's usually over such small and (to us) irrational things. and Chris seems to think there is something wrong with him for it, but I know there isn't, it's because he just gets overwhelmed with frustration. the other day he found our cat's Cath Kidston bed (which had been away somewhere) and he took a huge fancy to it, and spent ages trying to squeeze into it, with varying degrees of success. then he took into his head to squeeze one of our settee cushions into it. this did not work and he couldn't handle it. it's funny to watch, but sad as well, tears were streaming down his little face, he was just raging, and couldn't or wouldn't understand why it wasn't working, and wouldn't let it be. same thing with various toys that don't do what he wants. he has a variety of toy people (Lego men, Happyland, etc) and they are not interchangeable in all his toy cars and van, etc, and he always tries to get ones that won't fit to fit, and this is a recipe for disaster.

none of us are horrible mums, though. if all of us are reporting a similar thing, then it *has* to be put down to them being toddlers. got to take the rough with the smooth, I guess, and the good parts are really good. Adam is getting so sweet recently, I don't know if he realises things are going to change or what, but he's started to want me to comfort him more (though I am *always* second to daddy if daddy is around). this morning when we were getting ready to go to playgroup, he had a minor mishap (don't know what as I was in the other room) and he cried and screamed, and I lifted him onto my knee to cuddle him, and he still cried and it wasn't stopping. we had to go out, so my mum tried to take him so I could go get dressed, but he wouldn't sit on her knee and wanted to come back to me. there's been other stuff as well and it just warms my heart. he's never been *that* demonstrative, but he'll give my mum a kiss when she asks (not me!).

wow to your weightloss progress, you look amazing. I am still green with envy and certain I am not going to go that way! I'll be joining in the Lion Cubs dieters properly, no doubt. :(

spidey, so glad your mole screening was clear. what a relief. :D pic of Kira is so cute, she seems such a sweet little girl.

Jean, how are you doing?

so it's my due date today. well, my official one, and the one that will be counted regarding how far over I am allowed to go. so 12 days left, unless I hang out for 40+13. I don't feel *too* awful. yesterday was pretty horrible, though, midwife calling me fat really got to me. stupid cow. she didn't use the word fat but she asked if anyone had said that the baby is big. I said no, is he? and she said yes, and "there's rather a lot of you as well" while pretty much grabbing the layer of fat on my bump, like the Special K ads from the 80s, can you pinch more than an inch. I just froze, and it was annoying because I never seem to react in a constructive manner at times like those. I wish I had got up and said something, but I'd have cried, and I can never explain myself properly. am a bit worried about explaining it to the mental health midwife tomorrow, because I know I'll cry, but I have to.

(slightly concerned I am cooking a 10lber as well.)

also, we went to labour ward last night because I had a bath with clary sage and afterwards baby was hyperactive. way more than he usually is, and he is generally a busy little bee. I got terribly worried that he'd got tangled up in his cord and was in distress, so rang up and they said come straight down. labour ward seemed to be very quiet, there was one woman in who had a baby while we were there because we heard the newborn cries, but not a peep from the mum so guess she had an epi. they were very nice anyway, and put me on the monitor for 30 mins, and it showed he was ok, but really active still. no explanation for that so I just hope he's really ok. his hb was fast, a lot faster than it's been at mw appts (baseline 150 but up beyond 180 at times). mw tomorrow morning again, and perhaps a sweep. need to get Chris involved before I go there, he's not been very "helpful" because he's taken the last 3 days off work sick. Monday was a not-really sickie, but Tue was a genuine one, and today was because he'd been up past 1am taking me to be monitored! think he's planning to go back tomorrow. have been taking EPO at both ends, and loads of RLT, not sure about the clary sage again. might have been coincidence that baby went berserk after my bath in it... I didn't use much, maybe 8-10 drops in a really deep bath. next time, if I dare, I'll use less.

oooooh, I might have finally made a mummy friend! a couple of weeks ago my mum checked out this toddler group locally. it's very popular and you have to register (it's not always open for registration but my mum got chatting to one of the girls who runs the group and explained and they let us register Adam) and you have to book your place online the day before the group. booking opens 7.30am and it was fully booked by 10.30am. so I booked Adam a place at 7.45am yesterday. had to set my alarm! anyway, there was a woman with a 6-week-old newborn there, I thought she also had a toddler but she didn't, but her mum does stuff at the Sally Army hall the group is at so it seems she was there to meet mums and for the company. she was lovely, and really pleased that I'll also be there with a newborn soon. so that's good. she mentioned meeting for coffee as well. not sure how old she'd have been, early 30s probably.

I am in the place where I simply cannot imagine things starting. just hoping my waters don't break and nothing happens. I am scared of needing to be induced. but last night while we were listening to baby hb racing away like mad, and I was worried they might keep me in for an emergency c-section, I wasn't worried about missing out on a natural birth, I just want him to be ok. so I have to hang on to that. like I did last time. I want us both to be alive and well at the end and everything else is a bonus.

no 40 weeks belly pic. forgot and now I am full of curry, so maybe I'll do an officially overdue one in the morning. :haha:
Hey girls

Thanks for all the messages - I'm not too bad, was a bold girl on Friday night when out and drinking and smoked, but it made me sick as a pig (which is good) and I haven't smoked since, was doing fine over the weekend and hadn't really thought of them, but am back to eating all around me the last two days and missing them in the evening only so that is better than last week. I have bought the alan car book to reinforce everything and I'm going to read that first and if I'm still struggling, I will try the hypnotist as it is €190 to €250 which is a lot.

Spidey: I'm sorry you are feeling crappy and worrying - so glad your appointment went well and you don't have anything to worry about - so I hope you can relax a bit now. Hormones are just the worst aint they - the make us think so crazy some times (well they do me anyways)

Cleck: Sounds like you will be busy with the party - best of luck with it. That is great Emma is doing so well cutting down on BF.

Shiv: I hope Cora is still sleeping through for you and Wow your weight loss has been amazing and you look fantastic, there is a definite difference from last week.

MJ: That midwive is a cow - I hope you can get out the words you want for the other midwife tomorrow and compain. I'm delighted you have also met a new friend and delighted Adam is looking for cuddles from you, Natasha used to never want cuddles either, but she loves cuddling in now for a good few months and I absolutely love it and feel so much closer to her (and I didn't think that was possible).

As for the tantrums girls - It definitely has to be the age because Natasha sounds the very same as each and every one of your children at the moment and it was great to read all your stories as I was starting to think we had spoilt her too much too, so I'm glad now that maybe we haven't and hopefully it is just a phase. We really haven't had any tantrums out yet (wait and see I will have jinxed myself now) but we do have plenty of screaming and shouting these days. She is also fussy about things for example there has been a few nights where she has screamed going to bed and I have ran in thinking there was something wrong and she would be crying "teddy wong way wound" - because her teddy would have been turned a diffferent way than she wanted :dohh: or she will scream if she wants a drink or is hungry. I keep trying to tell her all you have to do is ask, but its just not working the same as stop screaming doesn't either :dohh: - so like you all I don't want to always give in so I do ignore a lot or if she is really bad we have a travel cot / playpen that I leave up in the hall and I put her in that for 2 mins and she usually screams louder and then stops and calms down in that so basically she gets a time out, but in the playpen rather than the corner or on a step as I don't think I would have the patience to keep putting her back if she was moving out of it :dohh:

Not much news from me - just was busy the last few nights trying to get the last of the updated publication done for work and I also have to give a training session on the same publication to another dept's tutors (which I am a bit scared about) and then I only seemed to get in as far as fb and then it was time for bed.

Oh yeah I got 2 penalty points on my driving licence today for getting caught using my mobile - I was so mad with myself as I never do it because I have a handsfree installed, but there is something wrong with it for the last 2 months - I was working so when I got back to the office (was out with groups) DH got screamed at because I have asked him several times to phone the guy who can fix it :dohh: - so I now have them stuck on my licence for 3 years and a fine of €80 - but on the other side, it did teach me a lesson for being so careless.

Other than that I am on CD13 today so we dtd and will again on CD15 and CD17 so hopefully that will be enough around CD14 to 18 days - We are actually out on Saturday night for DH's sister's 50th birthday party so I'm sure we will that night too seeing as Natasha will be at my mams so that will also be CD16. I'm excited to see if my charts shows ov - it is a bit all over the place at the moment :haha:
jelr, I'm glad the cigarettes made you sick. Maybe thats all you needed to get back on track :hugs: Good luck this month TTC... I hope I'll see a BFP picture in the next 2-3 weeks!

MJ, I still can't believe your midwife said those things to you. Those belly measurements are not a good indication of the baby's size so firstly she shouldn't have commented on you having a big baby. And she should NOT have added the squeeze and fat comment about you. Gosh, it's a wonder you didn't slap her! Yay about the new Mommy friend! I hope it works out and Joel will have a little playmate one day. When I was pregnant with Kira I never felt like labor was imminent so I know how you feel... it's crazy to think that you're already at 40 weeks. Time has flown by. Make sure you post on FB or here atleast once a day or else I'll be stalking your FB page :haha:

Shiv, that was a tough situation with Sophia. You did good waiting it out though- that takes alot of strength. I might have caved and called DH to come over to help me :lol: Your tummy is still going down and your boobs look bigger in the most recent picture!

Cleckner, after all that screaming Emma will sleep good tonight. I have another bf question for you. Does Emma still feed in the night and as she wakes up in the morning. I'm debating how strict I will be with my bf rule, but I think it would be impossible to cut out those feeds right now for Kira. I mostly want to cut back on all the daytime feeds to begin with so I would keep the night/morning ones for now until she fully night weans.

I took Kira to her 4th library story time class today. For the 3rd class I had to carry her out half way through screaming :blush: but she behaved nicely for this one. It's nice to hear we're all dealing with the same quirks. I always feel like I'm coming up with new strategies to out smart Kira :haha: I think the hardest part is they're all self-centered at this age.

Oh, and if AF comes tomorrow my LP will have been 10 days even with newborn style bf!! I know I'm not pregnant because my nips don't hurt, but I'm starting to get a little excited wondering if I am. I can't believe I'm capable of getting so excited each month :lol:
Shiv- That trip to the registry office sounds awful! I can totally see that exact same thing happening with Emma. It's like they get these ideas in their little heads and they just won't let it go. :nope: I'm sorry that happened when you had little Cora too. That's probably twice as stressful. This is why the second kids are always more laid back. They see how awful their brothers and sisters are and decide they don't want to be that loud. :haha:
You look amazing in your postpartum piccies!!! :dance: SOOO jealous that you are already in pre-pregnancy jeans. It took me nearly 2 years to be back out of maternity stuff. And that was with seriously hard work. :haha:

MJ- OMG WTF was the midwife thinking by saying that and grabbing you! :gun: Seriously I think if someone did that in this country they'd get fired. :nope: That's inexcusable. You are NOT fat. If your fat than I am in trouble because I'm much bigger than you in 'non pregnant' form. I'm angry for you right now. I know just what you mean about not knowing what to say in that situation though.
That is great that you met a mummy friend!! I hope she turns out to be an amazing friend. My luck has been awful with mommy friends so hopefully yours is better. :D
Labor dust your way too. :dust: Although I hope you don't go in labor before taking one last belly pic because I want to see your belly again. :lol:

jelr- Naughty girl with the cigarettes! But I'm glad it made you sick in a way cause that probably helped with your lack of cravings for it now. Stick to your guns girl, you are doing great. :hugs:
Good luck TTC!! So exciting!! I hope you have better luck than I've had. We could use some new excitement around here. :D

spidey- Most nights Emma sleeps through now without asking for booby but she does still get it all morning while I get extra sleep. I'm not about to quit that because it gets me more sleep every day. :haha: So I feed her to sleep and than if she does wake up in the night I let her nurse(not that I really notice because I usually sleep through it), and than mornings and if we are home naps too. But for most of this week she has napped in the car so she has skipped those. :D
I'm so excited to go back home because I'll be able to take Emma to story hour at the library. My mom is the one that reads the books to the kids(she works there) so I think Emma will love it because it's grandma doing the reading. :D The good thing about that is if Emma throws a tantrum I can just take her into the staff room to let her calm down. :haha:
I hope you get a sneaky BFP this month too!! :D

Well, I have to say I feel SOOO much better hearing that Emma isn't the only one acting this way. I actually think knowing that Emma isn't spoiled but doing this because of her age makes me less frustrated about it. Hopefully I can keep my cool knowing this now. I was just getting so upset thinking she's a spoiled brat. :( But if she's a spoiled brat, than I guess we all have spoiled brats. :haha:

Well I've made 22 cupcakes(wasn't quite enough mix to make 24:dohh:), 3 dozen cookies, and have carved minnie mouse into the front of my pumpkin so far. :haha: I have a lot more to do still. I'll probably try making pinwheel wraps tonight. They are baby dill pickles with cream cheese and sliced meat wrapped with soft shell tortillas. Soo yummy and I remembered them last minute so I'm gonna make those along with the main mean dish for the party. And probably making deviled eggs. I'm gonna make the deviled eggs look like eyeballs in honor of halloween. :D Okay, I'm off. :wave:
Thats so cool your mom does story time!! Is she a librarian?

Cleckner, I didn't want to admit it, but I don't want to give up those morning feeds either because it gives me a good amount of extra sleep :haha: Today Kira was such an angel and she didn't ask for booby during the day. It was a wonderful break from the terrible twos :thumbup:

Don't forget to take pictures before your party Cleckner!!
Yup my mom is a librarian!! :D Cool but embarrassing because she knows everyone in town along with all the town gossip. :haha:

I admit I haven't been good about getting pictures of everything we are doing here. So I will have to get it out tomorrow and get pictures of everything. DH made cornhole boards. Has anyone ever played that here? I'm sure UK girls have no clue but it's a bean bag toss game that adults play. Well anyways, DH made one and it's black with skulls. It is SO awesome. We spent tonight painting them and will eventually have to clear coat them but I don't think we have time before the party so we'll just play with flat paint for now. Here's a link to the game of cornhole for anyone curious. :haha: I know it's a horrible name.

I'm gonna go try to get some pictures of the boards and maybe I'll post them tonight. I'm making brownies and starting deviled eggs in a second so might not have time. It's already 8:30 pm and we have cookies to decorate too. :dohh:
LOL Cleckner, cornhole must be a mid western game :lol: IF we played it here, we would call it bean bag toss. The last time I played bean bag toss was in elementary school during a May Day festival and I haven't seen it played, or heard about it ever since :haha: I wonder if your California neighbors have any experience with cornhole boards.
Oh man we play cornhole at every family get together. :haha: Maybe it is a midwest thing. V and her husband have never heard of it. But DH said his friends from the ship will know how to play because they play when out to sea sometimes. :haha: I'm uploading pictures now so hopefully I can post a few on here. I'm also in the middle of making cheesy hamburger meat for sandwiches. Recipe here:

Okay, I just resized a shitload of pictures to post on here for you girls so here goes. :haha:

Pictures from the pumpkin patch:

I ended up carving both of these. Corey was too busy with the cornhole boards.

Cupcake and food pictures:

Inside my fridge right now for spidey's nosiness:winkwink:

Decorated garage:

And the cornhole boards.
oh f*ck I'm pregnant!


I was soooo certain AF was coming since I saw a temp drop this morning in my wiggly all over the place BBT chart. But just for sh*ts and giggles, I POS tonight and look what I got!!?? I am 11 days post ovulation. Crazy huh!?? How the hell will I sleep tonight. Oh geeze.. let the constant worry begin!
OMG! Yay yay yay! Will write a proper reply when I'm not on my phone!

Cute photos cleck, Emma just gets more gorgeous if that's possible. And Sophia loves goats too!
SPIDEY!! HOORAY!!!! and wow, that's a pretty clear bfp for 11DPO :happydance: (it looks a lot darker than my first did at 12 or 13DPO - here).

SO happy for you! now you have to do more POASing! :wohoo:

great pics, Cleck, Halloween looks like it's going to be a lot of fun again :D

How are you doing, Shiv? how's Cora doing, is the sickiness any better?

as for me - nothing going on. no signs. by my calcs I am 39+6 today, which is when I lost some plug with Adam. we'll see. I am not hopeful for much going on in the next few days, but I have a sweep booked for Tuesday afternoon. just hoping she is able to do it, as I am dreading her sticking her hand up and saying she can't reach or it's totally unripe and closed. I also had a sweep booked for Monday, my community mw appt (Tue is the mental health mw at the hospital), Mon was the rescheduled appt from the one I had with the horrible mw, but I cancelled it when the hospital mw said she could do me on Tue. I told the nice mw about the awful one and she was frustrated and exasperated that she could make a comment like that. for one, she said, it's clearly not true, for another, comments like that will stay with some woman for the rest of their lives. and they have to be more careful and sensitive. so she said she will speak to her.

my mum bought Adam a boy baby doll and a buggy yesterday and he just LOVES his baby. :D he is so sweet with it. sometimes not gentle, but mostly great.

going to Primark this morning to buy some sort of massive baggy nightie or t-shirt. it occured to me when I woke for the 6th time in the night that since I have misplaced the massive maternity t shirt I wore when birthing Adam, I don't have anything that's long enough to be decent. all my maternity clothes are too short and tight now. and though I hope to be able to use one of the pools, if I can't I will need something. and there is literally nothing apart from a garish shocking pink nightie I bought last time, which is ok to bf in (it's a Primark non-maternity 18-20 with buttons that go halfway down) but I suspect it'd be a bit tight right now. ok for after, though. plus it's hideous. so I want something better.

Cleck, as you're not on the FB group oyu won't have seen my last belly pic (well, latest, possibly not last) - 40+1:

SPIDEY OMG!!!! YAYAY!!! I am soo happy for you!! :dance::dance: Sticky and healthy dust your way! :dust: May it be a sick free pain free 9 months for you now. :D

mj- You look soooo good!!! Your MW or HV was an idiot to say that you are fat! :wacko: You look like you are all belly.

Okay, I feel like I'm going to taint this thread after spidey's good news but I have to say it because you guys already know the situation with us and our attached neighbors and I've been sick to my stomach all day over it. Last night was the party. It was great. 10 adults and at least 1 kid per adult so a good turn out. We ate food, sat around the fire pit and laughed, the guys played cornhole, and we had a sheet hung from the neighbors house with a projector playing kids halloween movies for the kids all night.

Now the attached neighbors obviously weren't invited and they did come out a few times to leave in their car and come back. So they knew we were out there. But every time I'd go in the house, it was SO loud from them playing music. I mean it was ridiculous how loud it was. Shaking our whole house. Our party ended around 11 so everyone could get home with their kids and put them to bed. We go in and clean up doing dishes, etc. All whilst this music is being loud next door. Well we laid down in bed around 11:30 and our dog diesel was barking. Well a bit later we heard a loud bang against our fence and corey quickly opened our bedroom window in time to here Scott(the attached neighbor guy) yell 'TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER' to our dog. And he suddenly got quiet. Corey threw on clothes as fast as he could and ran into the backyard and leaped up onto our fence like a cat so he could see into the neighbors yard. Of course corey yells what the fuck are you doing. Scott denies doing anything saying 'what are you talking about'. Than corey said you hit our fence. Scott was like no i didn't. And corey said yes you did we heard you yelling at our dog too. Than scott admitted to throwing something at the fence. Corey than said to turn the music off. They wouldn't. Corey said 'you have two kids sleeping in your house and you continue to play music this loud'. The wife Casey cuts in and says 'my kids are trained to sleep all night'. Corey said 'good for you'. :rofl: Than casey tries cutting in again and corey yelled at her to shut up. The arguing only lasted about 5 minutes but it was enough to have me shaking. I'm just watching it all from our upstairs bedroom window which faces the back yard. (fill in appropriate curse words as needed because this conversation was full of them.) Finally I screamed 'forget it, I'm calling the cops'. So corey came in and didn't want to call. I said 'we can't keep living like this with them because they play their stuff loud all the time'. So I found the number to the 24 hour security people that drive our neighborhood all day and night and they sent out 2 cars with 3 security cops. Excuse my language here but the fucking pussy wouldn't even answer the door to them!! The cops said they can see him looking through the peephole from the shadows of it and they were like 'we can see you dumbass' to scott. :rofl: Corey went out and had a chat with them and they said they'd keep trying but he's not answering. They ended up being out there at least an hour last night repeatedly ringing the doorbell of the neighbors trying to get them to answer. They never answered and the music was turned down slightly but still loud until 1-2 in the morning. :wacko:

Corey has duty today so it's just me. I couldn't sleep very well last night and in between bursts of sleep I've been running to the trash dry heaving because my stomach hurts so bad. I couldn't manage to actually throw up but I really needed it. I was crying and just a general mess. I had to take a hot bath to calm my shakes because my whole body was shaking too. I just think if they are capable of trying to hurt and scare our dog who is completely innocent, what else are they capable of? As I type this their stuff is loud again. Not loud to the point of me trying to call the police but definitely loud enough for us to hear. I don't know what to do. We have two more weeks here and than we should be gone but I am absolutely terrified. I let our dogs out for a few minutes this morning so they could do their business but I watched them like a hawk and let them right back in. Normally we could just let them be out there as they pleased. Now I don't think we can do that. And I'm also scared they'll do something to our vehicle. I mean, what are they really capable of?! :cry:

Okay, I had to get that out. I'm so sorry spidey because I feel like I'm raining on your parade. I am so freaking happy for you. You gave me the one smile I've had so far today. :D
Cleckner, Firstly, I LOVE your pictures. Thanks for the fridge one :haha: you have a very anal fridge :lol: Your pumpkins are really good too and the corn hole boards turned out great. I bet everyone was impressed with your party planning and decorating skills :thumbup:

Please don't think you're raining on my parade with telling us about your sh*tty neighbors. I was happy to hear about it since I need a break from being paranoid about this pregnancy. I totally get your fear of them screwing with your car. Is there another place you can park your car for the next 2 weeks. Like a police station or a 7-11 nearby? Do you have 1 or 2 cars? Can you clear out your garage for the next 2 weeks or does it only hold 1 car? They were throwing a HUGE temper tantrum because they weren't invited to the party. It just makes them look like big idiots. Once my boss was being super mean and unreasonable to me and I decided to really f*ck with her head so I left her 3 candy bars wrapped in ribbon with a note that said something like "thinking of you, I hope you enjoy your weekend" :haha: I hope your tummy and nerves can calm down soon :hugs: I react the same way to situations like that.

MJ, good luck on finding a shirt to wear during labor. When I was transferred to the hospital they made me wear a stupid gown. So that thing came off pretty fast and the nurses kept trying to cover me up :haha:

I have NO pregnancy symptoms, so I'm having a really hard time with this being for real. I couldn't sleep at all last night because of course I was worrying. Did I make the right choice? am I going to be a bad mom to Kira? what if there's something wrong with the baby and it stresses my marriage? what if something happens to the pregnancy and I can't cope with the loss? I need to stop thinking about it and trust that everything will be okay. It's actually a perfect time to get pregnant since my m/s will be letting up by Christmas (my favorite holiday!), I have 6 weeks of leave to use by February, so I could use 6 weeks if I have m/s, it would be another summer baby so I don't have to waste money on maternity clothes... Can you all see how crazy my brain is. I seriously need to turn my brain off :haha:
spidey- I just knew you'd get pregnant when the time is right and it seems like it is with the timing and everything! I would worry with no symptoms too but it is still VERY early. You'll probably be kicking yourself in a few weeks time for wishing symptoms onto yourself. :lol: Did you have MS with Kira? I can't remember. Well, MS usually doesn't kick in until 6 weeks anyways. For once your nipples are wrong though! :haha: I'm seriously so excited for you. :hugs::hugs: It's been a long time coming. And also gives me hope that I can get pregnant with my F'ed up cycles even if Emma is still breastfeeding next year. :thumbup:

We only have the one car since DH wrecked our other one last year. But I'm not certain that it will fit in the garage because it has a safari rack on it. (It's a jeep wrangler so pretty tall too) I had DH park it right in front of my kitchen window viewpoint so I can watch it all day. I keep getting up and checking to make sure it's good. I'm not sure that he would actually do anything to it because he's too pussy to even open the front door when the security guys show up. So he's obviously a bit of a coward.

I called the main office and voiced a complaint as well. The woman was really nice on the phone and didn't seem like she could do anything to help but than I mentioned that she probably knows who this guy is because recently he went in and yelled at the people at the main office because a security guard was supposedly harassing his wife.(The story behind this is that Casey(the wife) would walk to the nearby school to get her 5 year old from kindergarten. Well she'd walk on the road so the security guard told her to get on the sidewalk. And he had to tell her again a few days later. So she told her husband about it and they said the security guard was harassing her. Which to me it seems like he was just doing his job trying to keep her off the road.) I'm pretty sure the security guard ended up being fired:( and when I mentioned Scotts name to the woman at the main office, she immediately said 'OH!! Yeah, we know him..' In a 'yeah that guy is an asshole' tone of voice. :haha: Than she seemed like she wanted to press the issue a little harder about getting the complaint filed. I guess they'll be sending them a letter. Which I don't think a letter would do much. :dohh: but V from across the street said if I keep complaining each time they are loud or do something bad, I can get them evicted. :haha: But I only have 2 weeks left so it's slim chances. I warned DH to stay completely away from both of them. I told him he is absolutely under no circumstances to get into a physical fight with Scott. From now on we are just going to immediately call security if anything happens. I'm not going to stoop to their level IYKWIM.

Okay that was a giant jumble of a post. :haha:
spidey- I also meant to say, yes my fridge is anal. :haha: That's how all of my food items are in cabinets too. Anally stored. :rofl: DH refuses to put groceries away anymore because I throw a fit if they aren't the way I want. :rofl:
Cleck - i seriously thought you were gonna say that your neighbours had shot your dog! Thank god they didn't, but that is how crazy I think they are! They sound like complete Dicks, i hope you don't have anymore run ins with them before you leave. by the sound of it he wouldn't have the balls to do anything, but best to be on the look out!

Spidey - your fears are normal, I felt the same when I got pregnant with Cora. You spend all that time getting pregnant and then when it happens you wonder if you are doing the right thing! You'll be great and Kira will be a great big sister! Sticky vibes coming your way!

MJ -hope Joel makes his appearance soon, glad you have your parents around to help out. Also really glad that Adam has been lavishing you with love, told you he loved you most!

jelr - hope you are having a good weeked. Naughty naughty for smoking, hope it has taught you a lesson :haha:
Where are you in your cycle and how is charting going?

As for us, Cora's sickness is variable (which means it is not reflux etc). Some days we don't have much and others lots - she just vommed all over David (first time he has had it on him) and he just lay there saying "help"!

She has been sleeping well at night, although she has slept so much today that I fear the worst for tonight!

TMI - but did any of you have issues with feeling like your poos were sharp after birth? It was fine for the first 2 weeks but now my poo feels like it is sharp - not nice!

I got a bra delivery the other day and they feel great! I hadn't realised how unsupportive my old nursing bras were. So the old ones are gonna be my night bras and i now have 3 new fancy daytime ones! That is about as exciting as it gets for me these days!

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