oh dear, Shiv. that sounds awful, in the registry office of all places! but I understand, we have major meltdowns from Adam as well. mostly at home, I don't tend to give him chances to go mad outside (he rarely gets to walk unless there are two of us there, he's not reliable enough yet and I am scared he'd run into the road).
(just wondering what would have happened if you'd tried to film the tantrum, remember we mentioned that a while back)
I am with all of you on the ignoring the tantrum thing. sometimes it's my only option because as you know when I was having a tough time alone with him a few weeks ago, if I shout it gets out of control. it's usually over such small and (to us) irrational things. and Chris seems to think there is something wrong with him for it, but I know there isn't, it's because he just gets overwhelmed with frustration. the other day he found our cat's Cath Kidston bed (which had been away somewhere) and he took a huge fancy to it, and spent ages trying to squeeze into it, with varying degrees of success. then he took into his head to squeeze one of our settee cushions into it. this did not work and he couldn't handle it. it's funny to watch, but sad as well, tears were streaming down his little face, he was just raging, and couldn't or wouldn't understand why it wasn't working, and wouldn't let it be. same thing with various toys that don't do what he wants. he has a variety of toy people (Lego men, Happyland, etc) and they are not interchangeable in all his toy cars and van, etc, and he always tries to get ones that won't fit to fit, and this is a recipe for disaster.
none of us are horrible mums, though. if all of us are reporting a similar thing, then it *has* to be put down to them being toddlers. got to take the rough with the smooth, I guess, and the good parts are really good. Adam is getting so sweet recently, I don't know if he realises things are going to change or what, but he's started to want me to comfort him more (though I am *always* second to daddy if daddy is around). this morning when we were getting ready to go to playgroup, he had a minor mishap (don't know what as I was in the other room) and he cried and screamed, and I lifted him onto my knee to cuddle him, and he still cried and it wasn't stopping. we had to go out, so my mum tried to take him so I could go get dressed, but he wouldn't sit on her knee and wanted to come back to me. there's been other stuff as well and it just warms my heart. he's never been *that* demonstrative, but he'll give my mum a kiss when she asks (not me!).
wow to your weightloss progress, you look amazing. I am still green with envy and certain I am not going to go that way! I'll be joining in the Lion Cubs dieters properly, no doubt.
spidey, so glad your mole screening was clear. what a relief.
pic of Kira is so cute, she seems such a sweet little girl.
Jean, how are you doing?
so it's my due date today. well, my official one, and the one that will be counted regarding how far over I am allowed to go. so 12 days left, unless I hang out for 40+13. I don't feel *too* awful. yesterday was pretty horrible, though, midwife calling me fat really got to me. stupid cow. she didn't use the word fat but she asked if anyone had said that the baby is big. I said no, is he? and she said yes, and "there's rather a lot of you as well" while pretty much grabbing the layer of fat on my bump, like the Special K ads from the 80s, can you pinch more than an inch. I just froze, and it was annoying because I never seem to react in a constructive manner at times like those. I wish I had got up and said something, but I'd have cried, and I can never explain myself properly. am a bit worried about explaining it to the mental health midwife tomorrow, because I know I'll cry, but I have to.
(slightly concerned I am cooking a 10lber as well.)
also, we went to labour ward last night because I had a bath with clary sage and afterwards baby was hyperactive. way more than he usually is, and he is generally a busy little bee. I got terribly worried that he'd got tangled up in his cord and was in distress, so rang up and they said come straight down. labour ward seemed to be very quiet, there was one woman in who had a baby while we were there because we heard the newborn cries, but not a peep from the mum so guess she had an epi. they were very nice anyway, and put me on the monitor for 30 mins, and it showed he was ok, but really active still. no explanation for that so I just hope he's really ok. his hb was fast, a lot faster than it's been at mw appts (baseline 150 but up beyond 180 at times). mw tomorrow morning again, and perhaps a sweep. need to get Chris involved before I go there, he's not been very "helpful" because he's taken the last 3 days off work sick. Monday was a not-really sickie, but Tue was a genuine one, and today was because he'd been up past 1am taking me to be monitored! think he's planning to go back tomorrow. have been taking EPO at both ends, and loads of RLT, not sure about the clary sage again. might have been coincidence that baby went berserk after my bath in it... I didn't use much, maybe 8-10 drops in a really deep bath. next time, if I dare, I'll use less.
oooooh, I might have finally made a mummy friend! a couple of weeks ago my mum checked out this toddler group locally. it's very popular and you have to register (it's not always open for registration but my mum got chatting to one of the girls who runs the group and explained and they let us register Adam) and you have to book your place online the day before the group. booking opens 7.30am and it was fully booked by 10.30am. so I booked Adam a place at 7.45am yesterday. had to set my alarm! anyway, there was a woman with a 6-week-old newborn there, I thought she also had a toddler but she didn't, but her mum does stuff at the Sally Army hall the group is at so it seems she was there to meet mums and for the company. she was lovely, and really pleased that I'll also be there with a newborn soon. so that's good. she mentioned meeting for coffee as well. not sure how old she'd have been, early 30s probably.
I am in the place where I simply cannot imagine things starting. just hoping my waters don't break and nothing happens. I am scared of needing to be induced. but last night while we were listening to baby hb racing away like mad, and I was worried they might keep me in for an emergency c-section, I wasn't worried about missing out on a natural birth, I just want him to be ok. so I have to hang on to that. like I did last time. I want us both to be alive and well at the end and everything else is a bonus.
no 40 weeks belly pic. forgot and now I am full of curry, so maybe I'll do an officially overdue one in the morning.