***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Kimberly- my DH had sympathy pregnancy symptoms with me too. Sometimes it would really irritate me because I was the one having the real symptoms! He also gained alot of weight with me but the poor guy is still struggling to lose it. I can't wait till this weekend when you test :happydance:

Cleckner- I guess the good news about your late AF is that you have a good length between ovulation and AF. I might be wrong though- I'm learning it all by reading this thread :haha:

So I've been paying extra attention to my womanly secretions (thanks girls, LOL) and today there was alot of what I'd call ewcm. So... does that mean I'm ovulating today? If so, if I :sex: today, could those spermies make it to the egg in time or is it too late?

Boothh- I love it how Jesse is already talking!
Get to :sex: spidey!! I think you'd still have plenty of time for those spermies to catch. :D
Go get him Spidey!

Cleck, I know exactly how you feel, I had a weird freak long cycle last cycle. I am taking it as a positive sign that my body is actually getting back to normal. i figure if your body isn't ovulating because of breastfeeding then your cycle is not determined on ovulation or hormones (as much) and is therefore a bit false (if you get what I mean, almost like being on the pill), so with longer cycles I reckon it means that the hormones are kicking in and ovulation is happening. They might not be as regular to start with but i think it is a good sign that your body is getting back to normal and not just going through the motions. Did any of that make any sense?!?!?:dohh:

Kim, only a a couple more days til testing, i am very excited :happydance:
Yeah I getcha!! I also think it means I'm not quite ready yet to be pregnant again though. It seems like my bodies way of saying NOT YET!!!!
AF IS HERE!!!!! :happydance: :rofl: Who knew I'd be this excited to see her ugly face. :lol:
HAHAHAHA - so how long did that make your cycle?
I'll check in a sec. I want to count my luteal phase too so I'll have to look back and see when I took those tests.
Okay. My cycle was 33 days and my luteal phase was still only about 8 days so it's still too short. :dohh: I'm definitely not ready yet than. That sucks. :(
hon, i wouldn't worry, just enjoy having Corey home next month, and see what happens, damn those ov stick things, i am defo not gonna use them!
I know it! I don't think I'll ever use them again. It isn't worth the upset. I have no clue when I ovulated while trying for Emma. We just DTD every other day and it worked. This next month I'm just going to do that. We'll just DTD every other day and hope for the best. :haha: I'm not cut out for the hardcore TTC. Honestly I can barely even read in the TTC section because I start panicking a bit and have no clue what they are talking about. They are all wound so tight.
We said we'd give it 6 cycles once my AF restarted before we looked into more intense TTC methods - I've had 3 of those cycles but to be fair the first 2 we did next to no :sex: at mid cycle point. AF is taking her leave so gonna aim for every othe day at least for next few weeks (DH will be pleasantly surprised if I actually manage it - I'm a weekend girl nowadays :rofl: )
:haha: We struggle with every other day sometimes. Emma just senses when we want to get it on and she becomes a nightmare. Some people have gaydars? She has sexdar...:rofl:
LOL Thanks ladies! I think you all are more excited about it than I am. :haha: You see how badly I dread the bfn. :dohh:

Cleck, I'm glad she finally arrived. I'm just sorry that you had such a rough cycle. :( Another friend of mine is still bf'ing too and she got pregnant when her LO started easing back a bit on the feedings which allowed her hormones to ramp up enough for her to start ov'ing again. Maybe that's what you need to do. Still bf but not all the time. If you're not already maybe keep the feedings to twice a day or something so that your hormones can also start ramping up more to start ov'ing. I know that bf'ing can cause you to not ovulate. Hopefully you will have more luck next cycle and will get your bfp!

I think that the reason I don't go into TTC boards is that it's just too stressful and I'm a bad enough worry wart as it is. :blush: Being around those other hardcore gals makes me worry more. I think the reason that I've been so calm during this 2ww is that I haven't exposed myself to all of that this time. I've still been checking BBT, CM, CP, OPK, etc. but I've not been fretful over it which has been nice. I think it's because I've been in here with you all who I know and am familiar with so it's been much more comfortable and relaxed. Who knows, maybe that helped me conceive? (IF I have that is, which I doubt.) I guess we will see on Saturday morning. :shrug: I'm still in denial though and I doubt that I'm actually preggers. I think my body is just trying to screw with me, as usual.
Well I'm gonna get going here and try to find something to eat. I'm hungry (again) and the meat for dinner isn't done thawing out yet. Tah tah for now! :flower:
Kimberly- Yeah I think your totally right. I think the BFing has a lot to do with it. Emma still feeds SO much. Seriously she BFs just as much now as she did at 6 months. :wacko: She just won't cut down for some reason. And she gets SO angry if I turn her down. :dohh: If I don't get pregnant next month than there will be 7 more months for my cycle to get right while DH is gone and hopefully by that point Emma wouldn't be feeding quite as often.
I don't go in the TTC section, it is far too intense and I don't understand half of what is said anyway.

Kim what is CP?

Cleck, every other day? what all month? i think I would struggle with every other day for the middle week! I am so lame, have zero sex drive, poor hubby! Good job I bake good cakes otherwise I would probably be dumped :haha:
G cut down his BF loads - I didn't even get AF back till he was over 11months and he'd been down to morning & eve BFs for over 2 months then. He dropped the morning feed about a month ago and this week has only wanted 1 side at bedtime :cry: I actually tried to put him down without tonight as he seemed uninterested but I think once he twigged it was bedtime he wanted it!
:rofl: Yeah when we tried for Emma it was every other day all month. Sometimes more. And this last month while he was home it was every other day. It is fun most of the time but sometimes it can be kind of tedious because it's just like a timed thing that we just know we have to do it. And some days we are both so exhausted at the end of the day. I usually wake DH up in the middle of the night and it puts some excitement back into it. I have always had a pretty high sex drive. Honestly if we didn't do it enough, I have to do it myself. :blush:
aw JoeyJo, it is hard when they seem disinterested. for one reason or another Sophia self-weaned a couple of weeks ago. it is really sad but I guess it is easier that way then having to wean them when they aren't happy to wean. I would have hated to have to say no in order to wean.
G cut down his BF loads - I didn't even get AF back till he was over 11months and he'd been down to morning & eve BFs for over 2 months then. He dropped the morning feed about a month ago and this week has only wanted 1 side at bedtime :cry: I actually tried to put him down without tonight as he seemed uninterested but I think once he twigged it was bedtime he wanted it!

I think I'll be sad when Emma cuts down like that. At this point it feels like she never will though. She seriously feeds at LEAST 10x a day still. :dohh: She will have a quick snack and than run off. And I'm awful about distractions so I just give in and feed her. :blush: Some days it is seriously exhausting. Yesterday I just wanted to stop BFing altogether because she wanted me all day it seemed like. And now that she has teeth it hurts after a while.
aw JoeyJo, it is hard when they seem disinterested. for one reason or another Sophia self-weaned a couple of weeks ago. it is really sad but I guess it is easier that way then having to wean them when they aren't happy to wean. I would have hated to have to say no in order to wean.

I'm really worried about this. I'm already picturing how hard it will be to get her to stop. :( I'm fine with going to 2 years. It's my goal to get there. But after that I will probably want to start thinking about stopping and I have no clue how to even go about it and I don't want to force her. Everyone seems so happy and proud when their baby self weans but Emma doesn't even seem close.

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