***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

BFN! :( So I think this spotting is AF on her way. It definitely should have been positive by now if I was preg, so I'm pretty sure I'm out. Which is ok. I mean yeah, I'm disappointed but at least I get to try again with all of you! :thumbup:

Boothh: Wow...cd 12 and ur still 2 weeks out from OV? When the heck do u usually ov then? That seems like a very long crazy cycle. :wacko: Poor you!

Meanwhile, I hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was crazy busy and I somehow pulled something in my right back. Yesterday morning it was seizing up so badly I could barely move or breathe. Very scary and not fun. After some medicine and massaging from hubby to try to make the muscles relax it finally got better. Still in a bit of pain this morning but not nearly as bad as yesterday morning. Since Bry is in bed, I am going to go lay down on my heating pad which helps. I even slept on it last night so I would be able to get up and get hubby off to work and Zach onto his bus.
Anyhoo, you all have a lovely day and I'll check back later. :flower:
sorry to hear about your back kim :hugs: i have back trouble and its the worst thing in the world!

i OV anytime from CD20 onwards it was around CD24-25 for a while but the last few cycles its been at least CD30 :/ my cycles are quite irregular and long, but last 2cycles have been 48days each!! x
Well AF seems to be about finished. I am definitely going to skip the OPKs this month and DH and I will just DTD when we feel like it and not put any pressure on it. I'm starting to look more forward to losing weight than being pregnant again anyways. I know I want to be pregnant again but at the same time, I want to be thin again. :rofl: Well, MY thin. Which isn't all that thin compared to UK standards. :blush::lol: So we will see what this next cycle brings and if nothing happens I won't be TOO heartbroken. (at least I hope not)
Hi Everyone. Hope you're all having a nice day. Well my temp is on it's way back down and I'm still spotting so I'm waiting for AF to arrive in full which SHOULD be tonight (I hope). I just want her to get here and get gone again so I can try again.
However, I have to be in court on Nov. 2nd for a minor fender bender and I'm due to OV on Nov.3rd. So now I'm afraid that stress from that might offset OV and cause yet ANOTHER late OV and once again missing the egg. :dohh: I REALLY wanna catch it this time and get preggie so that our baby will be a Leo. Bry technically is a Virgo but because he was born in August, I still got to be part of our wonderful little group. :flower:

It would be nice for this next baby to be a Leo and be born in mid to late July/early August as no one in my family has a July birthday so that would be perfect and it wouldn't overlap with Bry's birthday. :thumbup: So I feel like I MUST succeed this next time. The pressure is on, so to speak. :wacko: I refuse to TTC during January because that would put the baby's due date in October and right in the range of being a libra. I'm an aries and libra is my polar opposite which is what my "mother" is and is part of why we do not get along and I definitely don't want the same kind of relationship occurring with my daughter because of that too. So we gotta time this just right. I know it sounds insane and a little nuts and yes I've thought this out WAY too much. :blush:


Cleck, I'm glad AF is heading out now for you so that you can try again. I hope you and hubby succeed this time around too and before he deploys again. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Boothh: Have you been to the doctor about your cycles? That sounds a bit excessive and they might need to run some tests on you to determine the cause. They also might be able to shorten your cycles to a more normal range with treatment which could also help you succeed in getting pregnant.

Pippin: I hope AF won't be too harsh on you. I know you've been through enough already. :hugs:

I hope you all have a lovely day today. I better go stop bry from damaging our tv screen by banging his empty formula can against it. :dohh:

PS - Ignore my ticker, my cycle is longer this time than 28 days due to late ov. Blah! I'll fix it soon as AF arrives.
:hugs: Kimberly. I was so sure this was your month. Symptom spotting is a bitch sometimes when so many PMS symptoms are the same as pregnancy symptoms. :(

Pippin- I'm glad to see you in here! :wave: I remember that first period after my D&C. It was horrendous. I hope your cycles get right back on track for you and this first period doesn't last too long. :hugs:
You and me both Cleck. It figures that my stupid body would throw fake signs at me. This is why I try to ignore them for the most part. :dohh:
Thanks ladies, AF is heavy but no pain thankfully. I had al sorts of pills at the ready but I don't need them. Looks like Sam has chicken pox so very bad night last night so off to the doctors we went (their request I phoned before) so hoping for a better one tonight. Annnyyhooo not sure whether to use opks this month, I know I'm a POAS addict so I better get some more in so I can use myself as a human experiment again. Still going to keep it casual though. x
:hugs: Kimberly. I was so sure this was your month. Symptom spotting is a bitch sometimes when so many PMS symptoms are the same as pregnancy symptoms. :(

Pippin- I'm glad to see you in here! :wave: I remember that first period after my D&C. It was horrendous. I hope your cycles get right back on track for you and this first period doesn't last too long. :hugs:

I hate it when that happens, every symptom under the sun and then nothing, still you never know, maybe skip taking your temp till she arrives (easier said than done though huh). xxx
Kimberly- I'm sorry this wasn't your month :hugs:

Boothh- before Kira I had really long cycles like you... it makes TTC a real bitch though!

Pippin- poor Sam :cry: He must be so miserable and itchy.

Cleckner- it sounds like a good plan to not actively TTC this month! I bet since you declared you'd rather focus on losing weight while DH is gone you'll end up pregnant, LOL.

So IF I ovulated last week I guess I'm having my official 2ww! I might actually have to do a pregnancy test if I'm more than 4 days late on AF since I have an x-ray scheduled for early November. It goes against my whole idea of not testing until I'm atleast 2 weeks late, but just this once I'll have to break my rule. But I know I'm not pregnant since I feel so unfertile right now.
Kim, sorry it wasn't your month, but good luck this month!

Pip - glad that AF is not as bad as you were expecting. hope that little Sam has a better night and gets well soon

Cleck - just enjoy Corey and see what happens!

Spidey, so looks like you could be the next tester, I had forgotten how exciting it is to test!

Boothh, your long cycles don't seem to stop you and Stuart being the most fertile couple in the world - I bet you have a Disney baby!

As for us, well I am due on on Monday and then we officailly start TTC. I am assuiming I won't have a long cycle this time as I had tons of EWCM around day 15 so that would mean approx 30 day cycle which is back to normal!
oo jesse is getting right on my last nerve today! his back teeth are coming in which makes him the biggest whiner EVER! i had a splitting headache and im just not in the mood and he will NOT go to sleep :dohh: :(

i hope we do have a disney baby then we can call her minnie haha :haha:
I need you ladies thoughts please if I may. Today is 12 dpo and cd30. Still spotting. Now, I know I said my temp is on it's way back down or at least I think it is. The thing is that it's still in the high end of the temp range. It's still not near pre-OV temps. Pre-OV temps were 96.8 to 97.2 (F) at the highest. My post ov temps have been 97.7 and up to almost 98.1 (F). Temp this morning was 97.6. So while slightly lower, not that much. Normally I'd be starting my period right now. I went to the bathroom (sorry TMI) and after I wiped I used a little bit more tissue and probed inside and it came out brown stuff. No dark red in sight. I should be getting hit with full on AF right now. I don't get it! I'm hoping maybe she arrives tomorrow but I just took my temp as usually during AF and pre-ov even in the evenings it stays in the same lower range even if in the higher end of that lower range and tonight it's 98.48. Now, I don't wanna get anyone excited or anything because I seriously doubt I'm preg but this is starting to get ridiculous. Are there ANY chances that I caught live 5 day old spermies and am having a late implantation which could be why I've had only bfn's so far? I know that implant can happen between 6-12dpo. I know today is 12 dpo but IF an implant took place at 10 dpo then I would get bfn's and no bfp and no AF right? My last test/bfn was 11 dpo. You can tell it's messing with my head. :dohh: I just need something to happen one way or the other! Either bfp or AF. At this point I just wanna get on with it already. :hissy: Hopefully temp will drop more in the morning and AF will start if I'm really not pregnant. If I am preg, I want my dang bfp already! :grr: One thing is for sure, I'm very irritable and cranky and quick tempered and I don't normally get very pms'y right before AF. At least I don't recall feeling this way usually. :haha: Anyhoo I will keep you all posted.
I think those spermies can live in there up to 6 days and even than it takes a day or two for them to travel down the tubes and implant themselves. I say you aren't out until full blown AF hits. :hugs:
aw kim :hugs: it gets so annoying at the end doesnt it! i hate being in limbo every month! xxx

I had my scan, and newBaby is still a boy, and still doesn't have a name. Don't know how we're going to agree on one :( As I know a lovely girl who's just had a little girl, but has no money at all, I just sent off most of Imogen's tiny girl things to her. There's some stuff I can't bear to get rid of and some that I will sell and some that I want to give to close friends when they have girls, but it did make me quite sniffley. Need to sell stuff on ebay so I can buy cute boy things.

I found out that I have a posterior placenta this time. Last time I had a huge anterior placenta, which contributed to Imogen's less than optimal birth positioning. But now, having always thought that Imogen kicked quite a bit, I'm being beaten to death from the inside by new baby. He actually woke me up the night before last, kicking really hard. I guess the anterior placenta actually did shield me quite a bit. Duncan felt him easily from the outside, having not felt Mog until I was a good 24 weeks pregnant. I'm hoping this means I'll have an easier delivery this time.
AE i had an anterior placenta with jesse and sometimes i couldnt feel him but sometimes wow he managed to wind me! im dreading the next babies kicking cus jesse was very active! dont worry about a name you will come across something you both love soon enough! x
Hi Aunty E, glad to see you here! Glad all was well with the scan. i had ananterior placenta with Sophia and barely felt any kicks so got a bit worried with the kick counting so I guess a posterior placenta would be good next time!

Oh and Kim, try not to stress, I know it is hard but maybe try to wait and see what happens over the next few days :hugs:
AE: Don't worry, you will think of a name I'm sure. Start going through baby boy name lists and see what appeals to you.

Boothh, Cleck, and Shiv: Thanks for the kind comments. :hugs:

I'm even more frustrated today. Temp went back up and still no AF. :dohh: I guess if it's still up tomorrow I will retest and see if it was late implantation. The other thing is that I was reading online last night that late implantations that take place at 11 and 12 dpo have a much higher chance and rate of mc than those that implant on 8-10 dpo. :wacko: So now I'm worrying of course. I swear I'll never learn to not go googling crap. :dohh: So terrible. :nope:

This morning I'm ridiculously sleepy and had a bout of diarrhea last night (not fun). So this morning I feel really blah and tired. I've also got canker sores on my lower lip from the sunburn I got on them this past weekend from being out at the airshow all weekend. Ugh! So that's not any fun either. :( They hurt and I'm using the best stuff on them and hoping they heal and go away quickly. This has not been my week so far. :nope:
i also had an anterior placenta, and it did cushion a lot of the kicks, although i still got the hell beaten out of me! I think id like a posterior placenta next time!

right just wondering, im using the last of my opk's (not buying anymore after these have gone!) and im testing 3 times a day, to try catch the surge! ive started getting faint lines now, and i konw that the test line needs to be stronger than the control line, but now im starting to get faint lines does this mean ovulation is around the corner?

im supposed to ov around the 22nd CD16, and im on CD14 now, so are the lines on the ov kits a good thing?

we've been DTD every other day at least, to try catch the eggy this month, but im convinced that next month will be the one for us! Kara was also conceived november, so that would be nice!

how is everyone else getting on?
im on CD14 still a while to OV yet for me but were dtd every other day at least now! im not going to test til after im back from disneyland though, think it will be CD45 the day we get back and the last 2 cycles have been 48days long so im definatly going to wait til were back to test! seems like aaaages yet!

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