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Kim what is CP?

CP = cervix position (high, medium, low/Soft, Firm, Medium) It's just another sign to help confirm that it's time for OV or it's getting close or that you've already ov'd. I just don't obsess over it like I used to. :haha:
I wouldn't even know what I was feeling with CP. I don't even know if I can reach. :rofl:
Oh dear! Bry was sitting in the floor with his plastic bowl of crunchies (strawberry flavored puffs) and he went to dump the bowl out onto the floor and I told him no no. Next he does this defiant squeal and looks at me like "so there". I was like ooo boy you did not just backtalk me! Haha! So then he squeals and grins like nahh I'm just being cute. Right now he is being cranky. Ugh! I guess it starts. :dohh:
:haha: Awww all our babies are such stinkers. :D It's so hard not to laugh when they are bad. I have trouble trying not to crack a smile.
Cleckner- Kira feeds just as much as Emma. It's ALL day, but just for short periods of time. I have no idea if she'll ever stop :haha: Sometimes I can distract her if I feel a little too much like a dairy cow. I figure that one day she'll need less and less but right now I can't see that happening anytime soon.

I couldn't do every other day... so I envy you girls with the energy and drive!

Like Cleck, I don't think my cycles are back all the way with all the bf I'm doing. AF is really light with no cramps. I hardly get any noticeable womanly secretions too (LOL, is there a better name for that??) and I have no pms symptoms. I feel like there are no hormones in my body, which is a great thing for my mood but not so great for baby making. So I really have no hope that I'll get pregnant for awhile and if it does happen it'll be a happy surprise.

I have never felt my cervix! I don't know where I would find it up there :haha:
LOL! If near OV time it will feel like lips, soft and kinda mushy. If near AF or post OV it should feel like a nose kinda.
aw JoeyJo, it is hard when they seem disinterested. for one reason or another Sophia self-weaned a couple of weeks ago. it is really sad but I guess it is easier that way then having to wean them when they aren't happy to wean. I would have hated to have to say no in order to wean.

I'm really worried about this. I'm already picturing how hard it will be to get her to stop. :( I'm fine with going to 2 years. It's my goal to get there. But after that I will probably want to start thinking about stopping and I have no clue how to even go about it and I don't want to force her. Everyone seems so happy and proud when their baby self weans but Emma doesn't even seem close.

G was never really a "snacker" for milk - I was always worried about a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance so tried to really encorage long feeds where he drained at least 1 side; obviously if it was warm or anything & he was thirsty he got more short feeds.
My friends LO self weaned very abruptly when she was 3 months pregnant - apparently it's common coz the milk changes - she felt super guilty but there Was no need & nothing she could do, LO didn't seem upset at all just didn't want milk.
Aw Cleck you still have AGES until Emma is 2, a lot can change in that time, she will cut down for sure, just in her own time :hugs:
G'morning ladies. I just wanted to let you all know that I caved this morning and tested with a FRER (first response early result) and it was bfn. :( I'm hoping that maybe it's just too early. Will have to wait and see how it goes I guess. Temp is still up though. :) (knock on wood that it stays up!) Hubby doesn't think that it's over yet and that it's just too early. He's convinced I'm preg. I hope to goodness that he's right. As much as I'd be let down if AF shows, I'm even more worried about him getting let down. :( Not a fun thought. :nope: So the waiting game continues... *sigh*
Oh no Kim!! :hugs: You are DEFINITELY not out until AF shows up. :D I still think you are. I'll be amazed if you really aren't pregnant with your long list of symptoms.
joeyjo- I had a foremilk/ hindmilk imbalance too. For the first 6 months I would only feed from one side for 3-4 hours straight so Kira would get the fattier milk. But something changed around 7-8 months and now I don't have much of that watery milk anymore. The only reason I know is I still pump a few times each week at work and the first milk that comes out use to be clear, but now its not. So now I just feed off the side that seems bigger :haha: It's nice not having to watch the clock anymore.

Kim- I'm sorry you didn't get your bfp, but I agree you shouldn't give up hope since its still quite early. :hugs:

Cleckner- I think you said something about teeth and bf. When Kira's top teeth first came in they use to rub on the top of my nipple and it would be quite painful at times and even leave indents. It lasted about 1-2 months but now I don't feel the teeth at all. So I don't know if she adjusted to a mouth with teeth or if I have nipple callouses now, LOL. So I bet in time the teeth issue will go away with you too.
Yup. Emma's teeth hurt. Just the top ones but if she sits a certain way while feeding I can just feel them pulling down onto the nipple. :wacko: I've had to learn to readjust the latch and we are slowly getting better at it, but I have my bad days that I think I should just give up. :dohh:
Cleck- don't give up because I was at the same place as you a month ago and now I wouldn't even know Kira has teeth because I never feel them anymore. I even googled and posted about the teeth issue here, but no one really had anything to say besides correct the latch. I found that nursing laying down was the best position for the days when I really felt those sharp little teeth! Now we're back to normal with all the crazy nursing positions including the acrobats that Kira likes to do while she snacks :dohh:
well we managed to get in some good loving last night haha first night we both passed out we were too drunk haha, ;) how is everyone else?
Kim, i will be keepingmy fingers crossed that it was just too early to test for you. How is your temp today? have you tested again?
:hi: ladies, which turned up for me today so once she's gone I'm officially TTC after my erpc! :yipee: going to take it casually so I don't get too hung up on it but looking forward to having a go. Already can tell this witch is gong to be a bad one (hospital warned me it would) so will be wishing the next week away!
Pippin: Hi. Glad to see you back. Yeah, first AF was rough on me too. Not fun and not painless like it usually is but hopefully it wont be too bad. :hugs:

Shiv: Yes, my temp is still up, no I haven't re-tested. IF it is still up tomorrow morning then I will retest. I wanted to wait a couple of days just in case it was too early. However, I am spotting now. Have been for a couple days now which for me can be either implant OR pre AF. For the past 2 cycles now I've had pre AF spotting for a few days so I cant count it for anything. Even though I had implant spotting with Bry. So who the heck knows. :shrug: To be honest I'm feeling quite pessimistic about things this time and suspecting AF is on her way. However if I do get a bfn and AF comes, then at least I can still be trying with all of you and that's a good thing. :thumbup:

Everyone else: Big :hugs: and hoping you're all having a lovely weekend. It's been a busy one for me. I haven't been home. I've had to be on duty at the Air base for the Airshow that's been taking place all weekend. But it's been fun. :)
:hi: ladies, which turned up for me today so once she's gone I'm officially TTC after my erpc! :yipee: going to take it casually so I don't get too hung up on it but looking forward to having a go. Already can tell this witch is gong to be a bad one (hospital warned me it would) so will be wishing the next week away!

hey pip, my AF was pretty horrible after erpc just make sure to take plenty of painkillers and FX it disappears sharpish so you can down to ttc! :hugs: xxxxx

well im on CD12 today! should be OV in roughly two weeks! weve been going for every other day at least so hopefully we will catch if i am earlier anyway xx
oh and kim FX for when you test! :D

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