***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

shiv - its not nosey, i dont mind answering peoples questions! all-in-all its cost us about £500, but like i say we have been saving, so its not like "omg £500 all at once!!" lol! She is very lucky, but christmas has always been a huge thing to us!

sorry you arent to well kim, hope upi feel better soon!

joey - i also thought the toddler bed was a million times better than cot time! glad its working out for the best!

cleck - once i lie in bed im out for the count! If david isnt ready to go straight away, he'd have to roll me over whilst i sleep haha!
Kim - i hope you feel better soon.

Ash, that is a lot of toys for £500, not as expensive as I thought it might be!

We can't actually have sex in our bed as it squeaks too much (and really don't want to wake Sophia) so we have to either do it downstairs or in the spare room. If it gets past about 9pm then I am way too tired, we will try to get own to business shortly after Sophia has gone to bed! I must admit (and I know this is terrible) but I find ttc a bit of a chore, sex i snot my most favourite thing - DH on the other hand thinks it great!
ash jesse has quite a few of those toys and they are all stuff he loves and plays with especially the laugh and learn chair, and the little people noahs ark haha

i was going through his presents in my head last night

hes definatly getting

waybuloo trike
toddler bed (maybe the waybuloo one)
waybuloo duvet and curtains
waybuloo night light
thomas aqua draw
magna doodle
laugh and learn kitchen
laugh and learn piano
tomy bath washing machine
monster megabloks
mr potato head
itng aquadraw mini mats
v tech alphabet desk
playskool clipo creativity table
waybuloo piplings figure pack
leapfrog fridge phonics
wooden activity cube
itng pick a picture story teller
play mobil 123 farm
big lotso huggin bear
chuggington loop the loop train set
various chuggington trains
fisher price fun to learn potty
waybuloo pop up toy storage
waybuloo wooden toy chest
waybuloo pjs
waybuloo hot water bottle
spot books,
lots of other books

and just other little bits and lots of clothes, iv got another list nearly as long for other people to pick off too lol, i really wanted to get him one of those cars ash but theres no where to put it and i dont think he will actually use it really so im gunna wait til we have a bigger garden lol x
i had ewcm last night so i think OV will be soon we dtd anyway x
luckily for us we have quite a bit of space in the back garden, and we have a lot of storage within the house, as well as a big shed outside :thumbup:

we were between the hello kitty car and the pink mini cooper, but the kitty car is actually 12 months+ so its probably better for her! I actually cant wait to see all the presents wrapped up under the tree! we are storing them in my mum & dads spare room at the moment, and we are going to bring them all home on xmas eve, put kara to bed and then get them all wrapped! Otherwise she'll rip them open early haha! I hope she's got enough, i love to spoil her, its my hobby lol!

good luck this month boothh! i hope at least one of us in the group gets a bfp this time!xxxxxx
yeah i feel the same about jesse haha, iv had a few people say stuff about it mainly my mum but hes my baby why cant i spoil him! we arnt going hungry to buy him stuff s whats the problem if thats hwat i wanna spend my money on! our garden is split the lawn if on a higher level and theres a little patio bit on the bottom but the other neighbours have to walk through my garden to get to their houses so i cant really have loads of stuff outside :/

iv just sorted out all jesses baby stuff, 6huge ikea bags of clothes, 2bouncy chairs, a moses basket, crib and cot and loads of bits to give to my friend, so ive freed up one of our wardrobes now to hide presents in! :) they are huge we have wardrobes all across one wall and they go about 3foot back so planty of room to fit his stuff in hopefully haha x

and thanks too, i hope this month is our month i dont want to be waiting ages!
Thanks Cleck. I know what you mean. I was supposed to BD last night and I was just too exhausted and not feeling up to it and I passed out by 11pm. Hopefully get some in tonight though. :winkwink:

I went to the doc yesterday and he said that I've got a cold and a sinus infection at the same time. Blah! No wonder I feel like crap. Sinus infections make you feel more crappy than you realize. So now I'm on antibiotic, a steroid (prednisone) for the nasal inflammation, and musinex D for the congestion. I told the doc that we are TTC so please prescribe safe meds in case I get lucky this cycle so he smiled and said he would take care of that for me. So at least that's one less worry for me right now.
Oh I also got out of going to court this morning. I called the clerk's office yesterday and told them I am pretty sick and shouldn't be sharing my germs with everyone and she said not to worry about it and that since it's just a little minor traffic citation that I can just pay it over the phone and not show up in court and not to worry about it. So I took care of it and now I get to rest. :thumbup: (It was just a following too closely ticket which actually wasn't true. The car in front of me was stopped at the red light and had been stopped for a couple of mins before I even arrived there but the cop thought that I stopped too close to the other car even though I was like 3 feet away from it *rolls eyes* so yeah, he issued me a citation to taint my perfect driving record. A$$hole.)

Oh and one more thing, for all of you American gals on here, get out and vote today please! And vote WISELY!! Do your homework BEFORE you go to the polls! This is crucial now and we can no longer take any politician at their word. Thanks. :blush:
Hope you're feeling better soon Kimberly. Sinus infections are awful- my DH gets them on occasion and its the only sickness that will completely knock him off his feet!

Shiv- I LOL about the spermies swimming inside you. I feel the same way too... I think because for years and years I always had protected sex but for about 6 months before Kira was made, I decided to give my DH a special treat and stop using protection when I wasn't fertile :haha: It felt weird to know the spermies were in there hunting out an egg with a mind of their own!
So TTC has officially started here and baby dancing is underway (not right now obviously:haha:)

Any signs Ash? I am not looking forward to the 2ww, I swear if I had been trying last month i would have convinced myself I was pregnant, I had all the signs!

I have a problem and I was wondering if any of you could empathise (although probably not as you probably all have young perky boobs!). So it has been a month since i stopped breastfeeding :cry:, whilst i was BFing my boobs stayed covered during sex as they were likely to spurt everywhere :haha: So today was the first time I had my boobies uncovered during sex and i hate them! i can't see them as sexual anymore, and they are just so soft and wrinkly and saggy. i hate OH touching them, even though he says they are great. i woudl really much rather wear a bra :cry:
I don't think of my boobies as sexual anymore too and I don't know if that'll change once I stop bf, but I have a feeling it won't. My DH is always looking at boobies and he doesn't seem to care if they're small, big, flabby, firm, or super fake either, LOL. So if your DH says he likes yours the way they are, I bet he really does. I can't let my DH mess with them too much or milk will squirt out, so once I lift the low contact boobie rule he's going to be a happy guy :haha:
I've had such a rotten day today. I need to vent so I hope you all don't mind. :wacko:
So as of this morning I got hit with a law suit (forced visitation/joint custody seeking, even though I'm married...) that my wacko/sicko "mother" is bringing against me and she stupidly based it all on lies and bullshit. So I'm about to slam her with purger y! I have plenty of evidence to use against her that she is a trouble maker. I hate how pathetic and dysfunctional my family is. :( It's like somehow only my brother and I were spared all of that crap when it comes to our sense of how a proper family should be. It's really sad though. But I guess that's why I'm trying to build my own family and teach my kids to always look out for each other and take care of one another because as adults you will need to lean on each other from time to time. I spoke to my brother a little while ago this evening and he's pretty disgusted with the whole ordeal and is willing to help me out however is needed. Unfortunately I am prolly going to need him to write up a testimony on my behalf to use in court to prove her wrong on a few accounts.
Uggggg I don't need this crap right now. :nope: I'm still sick with this sinus crap and now Bryson has caught my cold too. :dohh: I had him at the doctor this afternoon to make sure it was just a cold.

Oh and today is cd 14. Another concern I have is that I usually don't get a pos opk until cd 16. Well tonight I got a pos opk. :dohh: And a BUNCH of ewcm! (sorry for tmi) I guess I will be ov'ing tomorrow or day after (cd 15-16). My concern is that the sudden stress brought on by all of this stupid shit I'm dealing with could cause it to be postponed. :wacko: Now, IF it does happen on time though it will put me right in the window that I need to be in timing wise and I'll stand a good chance at being in with a shot this cycle. But now that this has happened, who knows. :shrug: Do you ladies think that since I did still get a pos opk (indicating that I'm still having an LH surge happen regardless of stress) that I might very well still OV? Man I'm hoping that I do! I REALLY wanna be pregnant this time around. But I won't let myself symptom spot or anything until AF is late (by 4 days or more). I'm tired of being let down by bfn and the witch. ;) So just gonna play it by ear and hope to goodness that I still manage to OV and maybe get preggers this time.

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent. :blush: I've been wound up tighter than a top today because of all of this and haven't had a chance to vent and unwind from it all. Ugh! I guess I'm gonna get ready for bed now. Maybe I can convince DH to get off the computer and come cuddle up with me. Hey one can hope right? Haha.
Oh Kim, sorry you are having such a crappy time. Who does your mum want joint custody of and why? i hope you get it sorted ASAP.
As for Ov I would say as you have had your surge and will ov as expected so try not to worry :hugs:
:hugs: kim, i dont understand anything about opks and surges etc so i cant answer that, but your mum sounds like an idiot! maybe it will be your lucky month though pregnancy always seems t happen in the middle of a mess!

well i dont know if iv OV yet or not but my boobs are hurting and i got ewcm and belly ache so i think it will be soon, weve been dtd every other day at least and plan to for another week so ill hopefully catch it!
Kimberly- I also think you're probably going to ovulate. Stress doesn't always stop ovulation, so this might be your month!

Can a grandmother get forced visitation of her grandkids??? I would think not! What a mess and I hope you can get it sorted out soon without having to waste too much money on a lawyer!

Boothh- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!
i really cant stand the ILs we dropped jesse off to stay over tonight and MIL made a comment about putting up the travel cot in stuarts room, then kept going on about how full of stuff it was, well i walked into the kitchen and glanced up the stairs on his bedroom door is a big sign saying OLIVIAS BEDROOM (obviously thats what sil is calling her baby) i dont know why but it really fucked me off, FIL is a decorator so tomorrow im gunna say 'so when are you gunna come and decorate jesses room then?'
so obviously they are gunna be living there it just makes me think even more that jesse is gunna get left out, they never bother to come and see him weve lived here 8months and theyve been 3times where as my mum lives twice as far and comes about twice a week :dohh: im just so pissed off all they go on about is stupid SILs baby and jesse is gunna get forgotten cus it will be all about her, i really feel like she has just took everything away from me, i should be due in 2weeks but clearly everyones forgot about that, as if i wanna sit and look at her baby things and hear about eerytime we go round when we should be talkin bout my friggin baby things aswell but no one bothers acknowledging my baby, sorry for the rant but stuart wont hear a word against them and i fookin hate them!! i really hope im pregnant soon so i can announce it on the day she has her baby just to take the edge off it like she did with jesses birthday.. silly bitch!

feel better now iv got that out my system haha
Boothh- :hugs: Sounds awful. I hope Jesse doesn't suffer later on because his grandparents choose to play favoritism. :( :hugs:
Boothh, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this! She sounds exactly like my mother who is trying to make my life a living hell right now too. She also plays favorites. Matter of fact my sister is the favorite of us children and naturally her (my sister's) little boy is her favorite also. It's just so wrong and I refuse to allow my children to be affected by it and have to deal with it too and then be asked why they aren't treated the same way, get the same things, etc. That's a big part of why I always keep my distance from her. That and the fact that the lifestyle she keeps is HIGHLY inappropriate and improper. Also the fact that she's very manipulative and controlling makes her hard to deal with as well. So I can understand your frustration. I'm really sorry you're having to deal with that. :( I also know what you mean by feeling like no one remembers the baby you lost. I often feel that way too. Matter of fact, one of my cousins is pregnant right now. But, I know that if DH and I both remember our tiny angel, then that's all that matters because it was ours. No one else's. Therefore they couldn't possibly understand the pain. I would of been 28 weeks along now. At times it's hard to believe that 4.5 months has already gone by since then. Anyways, try not to let the ILS get you down too much hun. Trust me, it's not worth it. :hugs: Hang in there!

Cleck, Welcome home hun! I hope you had a wonderful trip and I cant wait to see the pics! :)

Spidey, My mother doesn't have a case. She can only get visitation if my husband and I agree to it and if her influence is in the best interest of the child. In this case, it isn't. Not to mention she perjured herself and it's likely gonna wind up causing her to be jailed. Which at this point, if that's what it takes to teach her a lesson, then so be it. As cruel as that sounds. (You ladies have no idea the amount of chaos and pain that woman has brought into my life over the years.) Also, the only way a grandparent can get custody in this state is if the mother is deceased, separated, or divorced. I am none of the above! I'm alive and well and happy married and Zach (my oldest son who this is about) is thriving.

Shiv, she is trying to get to Zach. The sad fact of the matter is that she is using him to try to manipulate me (as usual). She doesn't really care about him. It's about making me miserable so she can feel better about her life. I won't go any further into the messy details.

AFU, Today has been a rough day around here. Bryson has been very cranky all day today and been very picky about his diet. Normally he doesn't give me any grief. He's obviously still sick with this cold he's got and his nose sounds so snotty. :( All he wanted to eat this evening was his cereal and his baby yogurt. So that's what I fed him since it was better than nothing. I'm hoping that he will feel better tomorrow if not, then it's back to the doc I go with him this week.
Meanwhile amazingly I've managed to keep Zach well in the midst of all of this. DH, Bry, and I have all been sick so far with this. Yuck!
TTC - Now about TTC. I had pos opk's from cd 14-16 and then today it was neg again and creamy cm so I am either 1 or 2 dpo now. I think I ov'd yesterday morning though (Friday/cd16) as I was having a ov pains (mild ones). My BBT hasn't spiked just yet but I'm hoping/expecting to see a significant rise tomorrow morning. So I guess we will see. I'm hoping I did actually OV because if so then we hit the perfect 3-4 day window timing wise for BD which puts me in with a good chance this cycle. I'm NOT symptom spotting this time around! I'm barely even gonna watch the calendar! I'll temp still and then immediately think about/do something else after I temp each morning and I refuse to let myself think about it. Hopefully, with a little luck, I'll turn around and be a few days late for AF along with a bfp. But I guess we will see what transpires. Anyhoo, 2 ww time. Is anyone else in their 2ww? Or is my cycle schedule completely opposite from the rest of you? :haha:

Hope you all are having a nice weekend so far and have a lovely day tomorrow. :hugs:
Well Kimberly, I have no clue when or if I've ovulated this month but I think I'm in my 2ww. :haha: I'm pretty sure I'll be out this month though. We didn't really try per se. We just DTD when we felt like it and since we had our vacation, we didn't do it as often because we were so exhausted from walking every day that we just fell asleep by the time our heads hit the pillow. :dohh: So I hope everyone doesn't mind me lurking around here while I'm WTT for the next seven months. :blush::haha:
Hello ladies! Sorry I've not been around in a while!

Kim & Boothh sorry to hear ur both having a shitty time with family atm! Fingers x'd all gets better!

Cleck - hope u did manage to catch the eggy! 7months is a long time, u r a strong woman being away from DH that ling, I dibt think I'd cope at all!

Afu - well AF was due today, so far she's not here, my nipples are so so sore, wouldn't let David anywhere near them yesterday lol! I do have a bit of lower back ache today though, but I don't usually get it before AF it's normally during so no idea what that's about! I have no tests so I can't even find out, and I'm working all day today, so the shops will be shut when I finish and I can't even buy a test lol! Hate the wait! I want to know NOW so either hurry up AF or hurry up tomorrow so I can buy a test!

I really don't know about this month, I can't decide if I think I'm pregnant or not, with kara I knew befor I knew lol! But with our angel baby I didn't have a clue!

I want it to happen soon though as I've just realised we've not been protecting since June! So it's like 6 months and not a single bfp :( I hope nothings wrong with me!

Anyway I'm sending lots of any dust to u all! Hope k e of us is lucky this month! Xxxx
thanks everyone xxx

Ash we havnt protected since febuary! I suppose I have been pregnant twice since then but not successfully! You've already been pregnant twice so you know you can get pregnant it's just timing etc FX for when you test! xx

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