***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Hi Vici- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! With clomid you might get twins- wouldn't that be cool!!

I'm not sure cool is a word i'd use, more like petrifying :rofl:
I think twins would be an absolute nightmare. :haha: I can never understand women that are desperate for twins. :wacko::lol:
i quite wanted twins when I was preggo with Sophia, but defo am not so keen next time round!
no i cant either, i know 2girls who just had twins and another who is pregnant with them! id be scared to death after having just one! got to hand it to them though it musnt be easy!!
:wave: Hi Vicki! Welcome!! :)

How exciting that we're all (except Ash of course) in the 2ww!! Wouldn't it be awesome if we suddenly all got our bfp at the same time?!?! :thumbup: Haha I know it isn't likely, but it would still be pretty cool. :winkwink: I'm REALLY hoping and praying that I've caught the eggy this time but I'm trying to ignore my body and not symptom spot so that any real signs will have to slap me in the face and force itself on me haha. :haha: I'm 6 dpo now and will have anywhere from a 28-31 day cycle. But usually on 8-9dpo I start having spotting and then spot for a week before AF arrives. I'm praying that that doesn't happen and I get my bfp instead. But I guess we will see.

Ash, do you remember if you were having scant amounts of cm around 6 dpo? (a week before AF was due.) I know I tend to go dry before AF but AF is still a week away (if at all, hopefully a bfp instead of course). I'm not sure what to think. What little I do have is sort of creamy/ sort of sticky. Or were you having good amounts of cm throughout the 2ww? I wish I could remember from when I got preg with Bryson. :dohh:
At the same time, I bet they keep eachother occupied when they are older. :haha: I'm glad twins don't run in my family or anything like that. I especially cringe at the thought of BFing with multiples. That'd be insane. I give so many props to the girls on here that BF twins till a year or more. It's just amazing. There is even a girl on here exclusively BFing triplets! :shock:
DH's aunt has twin girls and I never appreciated all the work she must do until I had just my one baby. She exclusively bf too... and continued until they were 16 months I think! DH does have twins on his side so my MIL always tells me that I could have twins too, but I don't even want to think about it! I was all belly with Kira so of course I had to hear ALL of the time "are you sure it isn't twins??" I think a boy and girl twin would be neat so there was less jealousy and they could be really close too.
DH has twin brothers and triplet cousins and I was a twin, so I guess you could say twins run in both our famillies! eek but they usually skip a generation - I hope!
Kim- Im not 100% certain but I'm sure I had some cm about 3 days before I tested! More than usual anyway!

Vici- welcome Hun! Good luck with TTC!

On the subject of twins - gahhh no thanks! We gave identical twins in our family, but I know that identical twins aren't genetic! We want 4 kids so it'd ruin some of the fun if you had two at once and only had 3 pregnancies!lol!

So me and David were sat talking last night and he said "oh my god we're pregnant" hahaha I was like really???! It's sinking in a bit more now, I am HATING being early pregnant tho, too much worry, I want to be in 2nd trimester NOW! I forgot what it was like at the beginning! God I want one of u lot to get ur bfp SO BAD I feel lonely! I suppose time will fly once I've got a date for my scan, with Xmas around the corner etc! When I saw the doctor on Monday he told me that I'd probably be induced early again (at full term this time) as to minimise the risk of me getting preeclampsia again, so I guess you could say, I've got about 32 Saturdays before I have my beanie! I feel so unorganised haha!

Anyone botany noticeable symptoms, the main one for me which made me KNOW was really really sore nipples, too sore to touch! And then the bfp came and so did the nausea! Xx
:sick: The morning sickness is in full swing today

my stomach hasnt stopped rolling all morning and ive actually been sick!

good sign i guess, although im still getting lower back ache, which makes me think AF is coming lol! :wacko:

i forgot pregnancy turned me into a moaning paranoid pain in the ass!xx
my boobs are still really killing i havnt got a bra on again i cant stand it haha, and when i was pregnant with jesse i had to stop using mouthwash cus the after taste would make me hrow up well this morning all i can taste in my mouth is mouth wash and it keeps making me gag! :dohh:

i really doubtr im pregnant though im just symptom spotting like an idiot haha x
Sorry to hear you've been feeling so sick Ash - that is a part i'm def not looking forward to. Hoping that my gall bladder problems wer ethe caus eof me being so ill and that they won't happen this time!
Becki - i'm trying not to symptom spot - with Imogen I ahd nothing until after my BFP so trying to think the same might happen. BUT, i have had some real pulling pains and shooting pains in my pubic area, not sure what thats a sign of?!
Awww I'm sorry Ash! That is a good sign though for sure! :thumbup:
Is there any way that you can remember if you had a good amount or a small amount of cm a week before your bfp? :blush: Yeah.... I'm trying to figure out what my chances are. :dohh:
I hope someone can come over and help you out today by watching Kara. If not, then hopefully she will be a good little girl today for mommy. Take care hun. :hugs:
boothh - seriously girl you NEED to test, i want to have someone to shaaaaaarrrreee this with! and im convinced ur cooking a bun in ur oven!

kim - i honestly have no idea how much cm i had a week before my bfp sorry hun :(
my family live quite far from us, so i have no one who can just watch her for an hour or so, but she goes to nursery 3 days a week, 1.30pm - 6pm so that gives me a little break i guess, and she loves it there too!

vici - thanks hun, hope u dont feel sick wen u get ur bfp too!

Booth, I agree with Ash. You do need to test. Listen, tell Stu that it's better that you test now and know if you are or not so that you will know while at DL if it's safe to ride the coasters or not and that you don't want to take a risk that you might wind up regretting later. In all seriousness, it's the most sensible thing to do for the safety of yourself and the potential bean. After all, would he want to risk a little bean's safety because he made you wait till after the trip and caused you to ignorantly get on one of the rides that shook you up a bit too much? It's more a matter of being responsible than anything else. So I say go run out to asda or boots or whatever is close by and get you a test and tell Stu exactly what I just said. If he has any kind of sensibility and a brain in his head, then he will understand and will agree for you to test. At the very least, if it's a bfn and while I know that would make you sad, at least you will have the distraction of fun at DL to keep your mind off of it and cheer you up. ;) Please consider what I've said hun. I'd hate for you to go and find out you were pregnant and then miscarry and then blame yourself and beat yourself up over not testing sooner and feeling guilty and thinking you caused it or could have prevented it had you have tested and known to not go on the coasters. It's for your safety and sanity. :hugs:

Ash, try some ginger beer or ginger snaps, or if you can find them.. 'preggie pops' are wonderful! While I was preg with Bry, one of my UK friends told me about them as they have them over there. I didn't think they sold them here until I found them around 3rd tri haha. I've already got some on hand for next time in case I get ms again. ;)

AFM, today is 7 dpo/ cd 22. AF is due in a week. I'm tired and hungry. I ate my usual breakfast bar and was still really hungry so I got up and made a couple grilled cheese sandwiches which I've now eaten and I'm still hungry. :wacko: I'm trying very hard to ignore my body and not think about stuff too much. Which is easier said than done. :dohh: Tomorrow is 8 dpo. Hoping that the usual pre-AF spotting doesn't show up. [-o< I better get going here, Bry is awake now and will start fussing up a storm for me to come get him any time now haha.
Ash - sorry you feel so poorly, but it is a good sign - only another 8 weeks or so until itshould ease off!

Boothh - it does sound promising, fx for you x

Vici - you took Clomid before you conceived Imi didn't you? How many cycles did it take after you started the Clomid? fx'ed for you too!

Cleck - any sign of AF yet?

Kim - you do make me laugh a little bit - you are such a symptom spotter in denial :haha:

As for me, well when I was pregnant with Sophia I didn't get a single symptom until about 8 weeks when Ihad sore boobs and then that was it until heartburn kicked in at about 30 weeks (oh and the bump was a bit of a give-away!) so I don't think symptom spotting will do me any good! Doesn't stop me though! And i guess each pregnancy is different. I wonder what the chances are of having one pregnancy with absolutely no morning sickness and then getting it bad the next time?!?!?!?

Anyway sit tight girls, won't be too much longer until we all know if this month is a goer or not!
No AF for me yet! She should be here tomorrow if my cycle sticks to 30 days. Or on Sunday if it decides to be 32 days like last month. :dohh: Who knows. I hope it comes soon because DH is home 2 more weeks so in theory if his sperm lived a while in there, we could still have a chance next cycle. :haha:
Hey Cleck, maybe you're in for a surprise bfp! Keep us posted!

Shiv, LOL!!! :haha: I cant help it! :dohh: It's SO hard to not think about it! :winkwink:

Well, I've made a horrible discovery a little while ago. My hamster has gone missing. :( I've looked and looked and so far, nada. I'm hoping to find him sometime today. I've set up 6 live traps so far (nothing that will hurt him) with food in them and I'm hoping he will find one of them and I'll be able to tell if he has been in them and hopefully even find him in one of them. One of the traps he will not be able to get back out of again so I'm hoping that maybe that will pay off too. If I don't find him by the time I have to leave here to go get hubby from work then when we return (if I dont find him in a trap) then we will have to turn the house upside down to try to find him. At the least, I'm sure he is asleep where ever he is. This evening he will be awake and wanting food so I'm sure he will go hunting for it and I'm hoping at that point finding him will be much easier. If any of you have any further tips for me I'd be grateful. I'm so worried about him because we do have a cat but she stays downstairs and his cage is upstairs. Not to mention the cat was locked in the downstairs bathroom all night because she was being bad (long story). So I don't think the cat got him but I'm not taking any chances. I doubt the hammy made his way all the way down the stairs. He's probably somewhere upstairs here. I just hope we find him alive and well. I'm trying not to panick over him. :nope:
Aww sorry about the MIA hamster. :hugs: Maybe he made nice friends with a mouse and they are having a party. :haha: Seriously though, I hope you can find him. We once had a hamster disappear too but it didn't end well. :( It sounds like you are doing all you can do for him though. Hopefully he gets hungry and sees the food in the trap. Fingers X'ed he shows up tonight.

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