Booth, I agree with Ash. You do need to test. Listen, tell Stu that it's better that you test now and know if you are or not so that you will know while at DL if it's safe to ride the coasters or not and that you don't want to take a risk that you might wind up regretting later. In all seriousness, it's the most sensible thing to do for the safety of yourself and the potential bean. After all, would he want to risk a little bean's safety because he made you wait till after the trip and caused you to ignorantly get on one of the rides that shook you up a bit too much? It's more a matter of being responsible than anything else. So I say go run out to asda or boots or whatever is close by and get you a test and tell Stu exactly what I just said. If he has any kind of sensibility and a brain in his head, then he will understand and will agree for you to test. At the very least, if it's a bfn and while I know that would make you sad, at least you will have the distraction of fun at DL to keep your mind off of it and cheer you up.
Please consider what I've said hun. I'd hate for you to go and find out you were pregnant and then miscarry and then blame yourself and beat yourself up over not testing sooner and feeling guilty and thinking you caused it or could have prevented it had you have tested and known to not go on the coasters. It's for your safety and sanity.
Ash, try some ginger beer or ginger snaps, or if you can find them.. 'preggie pops' are wonderful! While I was preg with Bry, one of my UK friends told me about them as they have them over there. I didn't think they sold them here until I found them around 3rd tri haha. I've already got some on hand for next time in case I get ms again.
AFM, today is 7 dpo/ cd 22. AF is due in a week. I'm tired and hungry. I ate my usual breakfast bar and was still really hungry so I got up and made a couple grilled cheese sandwiches which I've now eaten and I'm still hungry.
I'm trying very hard to ignore my body and not think about stuff too much. Which is easier said than done.
Tomorrow is 8 dpo. Hoping that the usual pre-AF spotting doesn't show up.
I better get going here, Bry is awake now and will start fussing up a storm for me to come get him any time now haha.