***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

i really do wanna test but i think waiting is probably the best option for me, im not gunna go on any big coasters anyway iv already made my mind up im just gunna tell him i dont feel well or something, the longer i leave it the less time i have to be paranoid in first tri if i am pregnant, im already taking vits and folic acid so that bits covered, i will probably do a test at weekend though but id rather not do..
So I don't wanna get my hopes up but a little bit ago I had a bm and after I wiped I looked down and saw this large glob of cm on my lady bits so I reached down (warning TMI!!) and thought I'd figure out what texture it is and it was creamy but had like ewcm mixed in with it. I know it's not leftover semen because hubby and I haven't bd'ed in over 48 hrs. So I looked it up and on countdowntopregnancy.com it says that that can be a pregnancy sign. I'm REALLY hoping but at the same time really trying to not get my hopes up. :blush: Shiv, your right, I'm in denial. :haha: But I am trying to not pay too much attention as well. I do kinda already feel like I'm probably out this time. :shrug:

Anyhoo, still no luck finding my hammy. :( :wacko: I've eliminated the laundry room up here. He's not in there for sure. I've checked Bryson's room thoroughly and not there either. DH and I are going to have to tear our bedroom apart and try to find him. If no luck, then we will have to direct our search downstairs. We're hoping to find him up here though. I'll let you all know. *sigh*
:hi: ladies. Sorry I've been missing in action but I just wanted to be on my own for a bit after the mmc. Just couldn't get chatty. Just popping in to say I think I got my :bfp: today :yipee: early days and only just visible on an ic and Internet mid stream but have just taken two more tests and a line is on those as well. I'll only believe when I get my positive digi ( tonight was a no but my wee was like water sorry tmi, was cross with myself as I knew at the time). So I'll celebrate then but not until then. Haven't caught up with what's going on but will try to in a sec. Hope you are all well and good. :hugs:
Ash CONGRATULATIONS. That is fantastic news :happydance:

Boothh honey :test: how can you resist. You have to get in quick with my hospital so don't wait too long :hugs:

As for everyone else :hi: sorry not replying individually but I'm wishing bfps for everyone in a week :yipee:
PIPPIN!!!! Welcome back!!!! And CONGRATS!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :yipee: I'm so happy for you!!! Try a digi tomorrow morning or morning after with FMU. I'm SURE it will say pregnant!! That is so exciting!! They do say that after a MC/MMC that you're especially fertile so that's wonderful! I personally wasn't ready to try again immediately after. I wanted to let myself heal emotionally and physically and get to know my cycles again first. Thus why I'm finally trying now. This is actually my 2nd cycle TTC. So we'll see. I'm so glad you're doing so well! Congratulations and I couldn't be happier for you!! :hugs:
aww yaay pippin!! congrats hun i bet if you do i digi tomorrow it will be a bfp :) FX for you hun :hugs:

i just spoke to stuart and he finally agreed i can get some tests over the weekend :D i really think they will be bfn though cus going off my last few cycles i am not due til late next week, but im on cd36 i think and the few cycles before the 2 48day cycles were 36day cycles..
Boothh, that's great hun! Please let us know the outcome. F'X for you!! :hugs:
Congrats Pippin

Fingers crossed for everybody else - hi Vici :)

as for me - well AF just finished so I'm back in the game again... AF due again about 3rd dec... Gonna try and DTD around midcycle this month :rofl: we seem to keep being away that weekend!
OMG Pips, massive congrats hun, sooooo pleased for you xx

Becki - glad Stuart has said you can get a test, i'd be going mad lol!

Hi Jo :wave:

Kimberly - ooo, sounds good with your CM, although i can't give any help on that as CM isn't my speciality lol!!

Shiv - yes I took Clomid to fall with Imi but the difference was I had follicle tracking and trigger shot so i knew when i'd ovulate. It took us 2 cycles. This time i've taken it on my own and I didn't temp so have no clue if anything has even happened!!
Pippin- hi and congratulatoins! Keep us up to date with the digi, photos please!

Kim- you are the funniest non-symptom spotter I know, looking things up on google does not = not symptom spotting! i hope it is a good sign for you though :flower:

JoeyJo - good luck this cycle, hope you get some good bding inmid cycle!

Vici - I don't really understand anything that you just said :haha: but I hope you have timed it right this cycle :hugs:

Cleck - any sign of AF?

Boothh - test test test - and photos please!

Well it seems we are on a bit of a BFP run this month, so who will be next?
Morning ladies!

Huge congrats pip! Sticky dust for both of us! Hope u don't mind me asking but did you have strong symptoms last time? Was anything 'different'? I'm hoping u may be able to ease my mind a bit lol! Good luck with the digi, although I'm sure it'll be positive!

Boothh- if u really don't want to test hun then wait! I really want to know if u git a bfp cos im nosey but do what u got to do! Although to me ur symptoms sound convincing!

Joey- fingers x'd this cycle!

Kim- sounds promising! I'll be crossing my fingers and toes for you!

Cleck- any signs of AF?

Shiv- we do seem to be on a good bfp run don't we!

Good luck to all the ladies testing and waiting to test! I'm excited! I predict at least 2 more bfp's this month! Xx
ash with my mmc the only symptom i had was my nips went dark i got no ms or anything and i just had a feeling something was wrong with jesse i had everything going !xxx
thanks hun, i cant help but worry, and i always said i wouldnt get like this this time around :wacko:

my symptoms are -

extremely sore nipples and tender breasts
darker nipples
nausea (with on off actual sickness)
very tired, but i am mostly feeling it late at night as im getting lots of sleep!
lower back ache (on and off)

looking at it it does look good i guess lol!

im still gonna buy a digi double pack, to see if the weeks go up, i think i'll feel more at ease then, as theres actual evidence things are moving along etc!

have you decided to test or not? i really hope you get your bfp!xxx
i still cant decide i think i will text but i dunno if to wait cus i want a dark line not something i have to squint at, i might do on monday before we go then leave it til when we come back,
i dont like digis, i think by the time iv wasted my money buying loads i would only have to put abit more to just get a private scan which i think would be alot more reassuring! x
oh i have well loads of cm aswell recently its pretty gross :blush:
just do what you feel is best hun! we'll all find out eventually!

just so you know tho, all clearblue is on offer in boots! i got two clearblue plus for £7 odd so bargain atm!

i thought about an early scan, but £99 is a frikkin moses basket!haha! as long as i dont bleed, (fingers extremely tightly crossed) thn im not gonna worry (well im gonna try not to worry!)

dont forget boothh, if u get a bfn now, it could just be early, always test again!xxx
Hello ladies! Popping on here to congratulate Pippin :) Hoping that this run of BFPs continues, and the Lion Cub mummies are really back in action!

Found out that I don't see the midwife again until 28 weeks - I haven't seen one since 12 weeks! I don't even have a maternity exemption certificate yet, and I have no idea about antenatal classes in this area. Sigh. They do seem to be expecting me just to get on with it this time.

Duncan brought home some little boy baby clothes from some friends of ours, whose baby (ALBERT!) was only born in August. How he's grown out of some of this stuff, I don't know, but he is a monster baby, ten and a half pounds when he was born. So I sorted through those to work out what I would keep and what was going straight to the charity shop, and actually had a moment of 'won't it be nice to have a little boy this time'. So that was pleasing. It's only taken eight weeks to stop feeling disappointed. Sigh. If only I could make myself feel what I know I should. It would help if this one had a name, I'm just not bonding the same way without a name. Imogen had been named for weeks by this point. I'll have to have another go at Duncan this weekend and get him to actually talk about it. Mostly we fight for five minutes and then stop talking about names for a week or two.
I actually really like the name Albert - it is cute!

Ash - you have got every symptom going!

We had an early scan with Sophia as I had not a single symptom and i struggled to believe there was anything in there. I think we only paid £60 and it was very reassuring, we had it at about 8 weeks and as soon as I had had it I started worrying again until the 12 weeks scan! You just never know.

AE - i can't believe you don't see a midwife until 28 weeks - I felt very reassured hearing the heartbeat every 4 weeks. I may have to purchase a doppler (after managing to resist for the whole of pregnancy with Sophia) - hark at me talking like i am already up the duff - shouldn't count your chickens Shiv!

pippin - i see you are happy on fb today - did you take the digi? Don't keep us in suspense!

i had forgotten how blooming frustrating the 2ww wait is - the sooner they develop a test that can tell you you are pregnant at 1dpo teh better :haha::haha::haha::haha:
I quite like Bertie actually, and Albie, but Albert makes me go cold. Especially as they have a slightly silly surname, it's a bit like Ramsbottom, but not. Don't want to tell you what it is in case they spot this!

This one kicks away, and I haven't bothered with the doppler for absolutely ages, although I could pick up the HB at 10 weeks so it got a couple of months of solid use after that point. Honestly though, he kicks so hard I feel bruised a lot of the time. This time I had an 8 week scan, indispensible in my opinion ;) and then got the HB on the doppler, so didn't feel the need for a 10 week scan too like last time. We had our gender scan at 16 weeks, and the anomaly scan at 20, and we won't see bubs again until he's born. I just find the 3D scans look a bit creepy...

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