***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

and ash ill send you my paypal so you can refund me for that waste of money test :rofl:
go and have a blast on all the big scary rides Boothh without worrying and then test agin when you get back if AF hasn't shown up!

I am all stocked up on pregnancy tests, now I just have to try to reisist poas until I am at least 12dpo! aaaaaaaaaaaaargh I hate the tww and to top it off I think I am getting a cold boo hiss, damn DH for passing on his germs!
LOL Pippin! (About the "we have to be pregnant again together, it's not an option" comment.) I dunno why I feel like I am out this month but I just do. I'm convinced that I'm not pregnant. However my BBT took a good sized spike this morning and I've had a couple little pulling like twinges this morning too and just feeling very tired and blah. However on the cm front, I'm a bit dry today. So who knows. :shrug: I do wish I knew one way or the other but I think it's too early to test yet so I'm waiting till Tuesday. Also I normally get spotting for almost a week before AF (or at least the past 2-3 cycles I have) and normally it starts on 8 dpo. Today is 9 dpo and still no spotting (knock on wood) so I want to take that as a good sign in hopes that it means that a bean implanted in time for my uterine lining to not begin to break down and spotting to start and thus I'm pregnant but of course that remains to be seen.
I'd really LOVE for us all to be pregnant again together! That would just be awesome!!

Pippin, what were your first signs that convinced you to test for pregnancy? ie ms? loads of cm? fatigue? hunger? nausea? etc etc. I wish I could remember what I had going on when I got my bfp with Bry. All I do remember for sure about that was excessive thirst. After I got my bfp the peeing picked up and hunger did too and then a week later nausea hit. But I really cant remember pre bfp. :wacko:

Cleck, where are you hun? Did AF find you?

Boothh... so are you saying that you're not gonna test unless u know it will be a bfp OR just suddenly be hit by AF? I understand not wanting to see a bfn and how disappointing it is but at the same time, I think it's better to know for sure if it's bfn and AF still doesn't arrive. Because if that happens then you know something isn't right and will know to get to the doctor's and figure it out. At least for the sake of your health. If nothing else I'd urge you to test just to rule that out so that you know that everything is ok (instead of abnormal without a pregnancy).

Shiv, awww it will be here before you know it! Especially with the holidays upon us and so much preparing to do the time goes right by. :winkwink:
i did a test and got a bfn!! i dont mind though cus it means im not paranoid on holiday! and tbh i think its wayy too early as by my calculations im not even due AF til next sunday! :D xx

You are as bad as me I started at 7dpo and I got shed loads of :bfn: until 11dpo. Quite depressing really so I do understand the need to hold off. Take some away with you :haha: Fingers crossed for you in about 5 days time.
go and have a blast on all the big scary rides Boothh without worrying and then test agin when you get back if AF hasn't shown up!

I am all stocked up on pregnancy tests, now I just have to try to reisist poas until I am at least 12dpo! aaaaaaaaaaaaargh I hate the tww and to top it off I think I am getting a cold boo hiss, damn DH for passing on his germs!

Good plan :thumbup: well maybe 10 dpo :haha: btw I got what I thought was a cold with this pregnancy and with Sam look what happened :winkwink: I was also freezing right before I got that first bfp. So cold in bed it was horrible. Then nothing came of it and I don't have a cold so I'm convinced it' the pregnancy. Sam has a cold too so I totally expected to get it. With the one I lost I didn't but it was summer. I also hope getting that cold feeling is a good sign with this one. Getting lots of stretching pains tonight (not very af like) so I'm hopeful :yipee:
i knowww i only tested cus ash made me *points* hahaha :rofl: with my cycles being quite long its hit and miss when i am 'late' etc but im not too fussed, i did the test when we were out so i didnt look and stare for too long at it, when i looked earlier it has a faint line but im thinking evap though im not sure when it arrived, its very squinty and cant get it to show up with camera, so im gunna wait til were back now AND IM LEAVING THE TESTS AT HOME SO DONT TEMPT ME!! :p
Hi ladies. Well I'm exhausted but I had a fun afternoon. We knew that Bryson's favorite characters from the Sprout channel would be at the mall for a meet this afternoon and we knew it was a one time opportunity so we went and took Bry thinking oh how great this is going to be! So we get there and get in line to meet Sean and Chicka. We're in line during a "break time" for Sean so of course the line stops and we all stand and wait. Suddenly we see Sean walking past the line of all us families, moms, dads, siblings, and kids when all of the kids Sean could have stopped to say hello to, he stops and speaks to Bryson! I was so thrilled and honored and Bryson was like " I recognize this guy but I don't know what to make of this". He had the most confused look on his face hehe. I don't think Bryson realizes that the people on tv are real people haha. Bryson LOVES Sean and Chicka and every time he sees them on tv on Sprout he goes up to the tv and is glued to it. So it's finally our turn to see Sean and Chicka, we step up to them and Sean says "Hi Bryson!" Bryson is like "ok, I still cant figure this out but that's ok..and then Chicka comes up into her nest from below it and starts talking just like on the show to Bryson and suddenly he gets this look on his face like he isn't sure if he's ok anymore and then gradually gets to the point of crumpling up his face and he busts into tears and cries!! lol!! I know I shouldn't laugh but it was still so cute! Haha. :haha: Poor Sean felt bad. I could tell by the look on his face. He's a daddy himself so he hates seeing kids upset. Chicka kept trying to cheer Bry up too by blowing kisses haha. So that part didn't go so well but he did enjoy watching them with other kids from a little bit of a distance away. I know that they took a pic but I don't know how bad it's gonna be haha. They said that the pic will be available in 72 hours so I'll see about it then. It was still fun though and very cool to get to meet them that we see on tv everyday. :thumbup: If you wanna see what I'm talking about go to www.sproutonline.com and then click on 'The Sunnyside Up Show'. :)
Cleck, you might be able to get it out there in California since you are here in the USA.
Anyhoo, so yeah it was fun but I am tired now. Still no spotting (knock on wood it will stay that way). Personal TMI question time... so DH and I BD'ed this morning and this evening I had what seemed to be ewcm. But I'm betting it could be leftovers from this morning. However after it being all day long and walking around the mall all afternoon long, would it still be leftovers in there from that? Or could that actually be my stuff? :haha: :blush: AF is due Friday of this coming week. I'm thinking about testing on Monday morning or Tuesday morning. I still feel like I'm out this month though. Oh and I feel chilly and cold here tonight even though hubby says it's very warm in here. I don't have a fever either, I checked. :shrug:

Pippin, what were your first signs?

Ash, what were your first signs about a week before AF was due/before you got your bfp?

Boothh, I'm sorry about the bfn. :( Maybe it's just too early still? Defo go to DL and have a good time and just don't go on the really shaky rides.

Well I better get off the computer here and get to bed. I'm worn out. Talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully my BBT stays this high and no spotting. Keep your fingers crossed for me please everyone! :blush:
Sorry I didn't get on today DH played paintball and we spent the rest of the day at Chuck E. Cheese. Where a kid can be a kid! :rofl:

No AF and I bought cheap pregnancy tests at Target today and took one tonight without holding urine though and it was negative. BOOO! I don't think I'm pregnant either this month. I think I'm definitely out until June now. WTT here I come! :haha:
Sorry Kim hon I missed that bit in your first post sorry just seen it :hugs: my first signs:

Well firstly you going to never believe this but with all three pregnancies and with none of the failed cycled I felt like there was flutterings/spasms in my uterus for about a minute and in a very specific place. Always my first clue. Not not sure what is is but happened every time at 7 dpo (Sam and the MMC) and 8dpo (this one). I have my own theories but they sound stupid, implantation, but everyone says you can't feel that but I definitely felt something every time and exactly the same feeling. I've never told anyone that on here becuase it sounds stupid :blush:. Anyway then about a day after that my boobs start, hot and heavy at first, not all day, mainly when I'm resting or braless, then after a few days I get the stabbing pains mostly under my arms and both still happen now. All three times I just 'knew' I was pregnant which is why I tested so early this one (big mistake very frustrating until 11dpo try to hold off). Then I get AF type pains (still do) but not the same as normal AF, more hot and pulling than that dragging ache. Lastly a bit of heartburn and that's it really. Oh with CM is was dry and watery until 12ish dpo when it became creamy and more abundant. Trying to think if there was anything else. With my last pregnancy I felt nauseous from 7dpo but this one nothing yet, same with Sam. That didn't start till 6 weeks so maybe this one is another boy although I have already got a fetal name of Lolly as in Lollypop, super sticky I hope :winkwink: Lolly is a girls name and it feels right so I'm confused with gender this time. I knew Sam was a boy and I'm pretty sure the last one was a girl. I don't care as long as I go full term and it's healthy. Lastly round ligament pain started last night, quite painful, not here this morning and I don't remember it with the MMC so I'm hoping it's got in nice and deep ready for a good blood supply from me to keep it growing past that 6 weeks mark!

Anyway hope that helps. GOOD LUCK :thumbup:
Sorry I didn't get on today DH played paintball and we spent the rest of the day at Chuck E. Cheese. Where a kid can be a kid! :rofl:

No AF and I bought cheap pregnancy tests at Target today and took one tonight without holding urine though and it was negative. BOOO! I don't think I'm pregnant either this month. I think I'm definitely out until June now. WTT here I come! :haha:

Sorry you are out hon :cry: you never know it could be a late shower. This one was a couple of days after I normally show too (luckily they are rising nicely as I was worrying). [-o< I'm not remotely religious but having a little prey for you :haha:
Boothh- at least they were on offer lol! You can have a great time in DLP now and then when you get back test again, I'm not certain ur out just yet!

Cleck- maybe just maybe you cold be in a bfs (big fat surprise) bfp lol!

Kim- I didn't really have many symptoms other than a bit sore boobies and I was tired! But I guess deep down as soon as my AF didn't show I knew I was preggo!

Pippin - I'm glad we are on this journey together cos it's flippin scary! According to my doctor I'm 5weeks 3days today, seems so unimportant lol, can't wait to get my letter for my booking visit & scan! Your symptoms are more or less the same as mine except I am suffering with nausea! Have you noticed ur sense of taste and smell has increased? Things smell so bad from miles away haha it gets my gut rolling!

I really cannot wait for first tri to be over i forgot how dreadful it was! But at least we've got a busy few weeks ahead with christmas shopping and getting ready for Xmas, which is just around the corner, then new year etc then hopefully (if not before) scan time! Just can't wait for that, I will relax a teeny bit then lol xx
Tus a bit scary isn't is Ash, I just want to get to 7 weeks first and see the baby alive. Can't focus beyond that really as that is when it all went wrong last time. I can't connect with this pregnancy yet as I'm still in disbelief it happened that quickly again! All a bit surreal really.

I must make an appointment tomorrow with the doctor, he might even give me a reassurance scan if I can find the courage to ask. What do you think?
I would deffo ask for a scan pippin I bet they will give you one, I even got reassurance bloods with my 2nd mc (turned out not so reassurring lol)

My boobs are still hurting and I feel really tired so maybe I'm still in with a chance xx
How did/do you go about ressurance scans/bloods? I'd like something like that, but I think I'd want to wait as long as poss for a scan so then I can see anproper baby lol! Iykwim?

Are you going to have a private scan pip?

Although I know I shouldn't google I do and I read last night that most mc's happen before 9weeks and mms are the rarest, don't know how much 'truth' is in it but I read it all the same lol!

Boothh- I don't want to set u up fir disappointment but I really think ull get ur bfp in a few more days! I really hope so anyway!

How did/do you go about ressurance scans/bloods? I'd like something like that, but I think I'd want to wait as long as poss for a scan so then I can see anproper baby lol! Iykwim?

Are you going to have a private scan pip?

Although I know I shouldn't google I do and I read last night that most mc's happen before 9weeks and mms are the rarest, don't know how much 'truth' is in it but I read it all the same lol!

Boothh- I don't want to set u up fir disappointment but I really think ull get ur bfp in a few more days! I really hope so anyway!

So after passing out at only 10:45pm from total exhaustion (very unlike me) I broke down and tested this am and bfn. :cry: I shouldn't of tested. I wish I waited but oh well. My bbt is still up pretty high and still no spotting so I'm hoping it was just too early. Is 48 hrs after what might of been an implant dip on my chart, too early still for a bfp even on a frer? Sigh, I'm probably out but I'm trying to hold onto hope if possible. :(
Kim I think the earliest you can test even with a frer is 4 days before the day your period is due, and even then it can be inaccurate! My advice wait till AF is a day away! I'm sure u'll get a surprise! X
Kim - give it a good few days and test - I think 2 days post implantation is definitely too early to get a BFP. Glad you had a good day yesterday, keep your chin up :flower:

Ash, I had a private scan at around 8 weeks and it is definitely baby like by then, so I would ask the dr , the worst he can say is no, an dthen you haven't lost anything!

So I am madly spotting symptoms - well not exactly symptom spotting but experiencing things that are different from my past cycles (I cannot for the life of my remember whay me cycles were like post Sophia and certainly wasn't really paying attention to signs when I fell pregnant with Sophia) - so over the last day I have experienced

WIND! lots of it including some of it trapped which is actually feling like little bubbles in my lower belly.

SPOTS. now i do get spots prior to AF, but usually only a few days before now 12 days before

EMOTIONAL - I welled up several times yesterday (including X-Factor :blush:)

Now I *think* i ovulated between monday- wednesday - so there is NO WAY any of these things are pregnancy related as implantation wouldn't have even happened yet - so mainly I blame you KIM for making me go crazy :haha:

I would put my chances at actually being pregnant at about 20% this month so very unlikely!
So do I just ask the doctor if I'd be able to have an early scan
Because I'm worried? I never knew it was baby like at 8 weeks that's nice to know :thumbup:

I was like that last month shiv, symptom spotting eight after ov, I agree, it's all the talk of symptoms lol! 20% is still a bloody good shot! Around 300,000,000 sperm get ejaculated into the vag, it only takes one and maybe just maaaaaaybe that one made it this cycle! Hahaha xxx
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