***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Thanks Ash and Shiv. My BBT is still quite high and my chart is actually starting to look triphasic but I know that that still isn't a guarantee. *sigh* I'm going to call my doc today and see if I can get in on Wed and get her to sneak in a quick ultrasound. If my lining is still nice and thick at that point it could mean I'm pregnant afterall and maybe this is just implant (even tho I doubt it). I also need to speak with her about the week long spotting that I get every cycle as it could be low progesterone which would present a problem and could probably hamper my TTC efforts and even make sustaining a pregnancy impossible and would need to be put on supplemental progesterone to sustain me and a pregnancy. It's so frustrating because I didn't have this problem before my mmc and d&c. :( I'm beginning to feel like it keeps trying to haunt me every cycle by doing this. :(
The spotting this morning is brown and very scant/minimal. I'm hoping and praying that it's going to stop and go away completely and prove me wrong. Though I'm not holding my breath not getting any hopes up. At this point I'm counting myself as out so if I'm proven wrong and find out otherwise, it will be a great surprise. I just hope that AF isn't late without a bfp to make all of this harder. :nope:
would your doctor really give you an ultrasound Kim at this stage? no-way would you get one over here (or at least certainly not where I live!). i am keeping my fingers crossed for you hon :hugs:

And Boothh - even i didn't cry when Aiden left - he was a bit boring I think. Althoguh I did cry at Rebacca's song on Saturday! Have a great time!

I am off to Harrogate to visit a friend for a couple of days (David is away all week doing his Masters and didn't fancy staying home alone (well with Sophia!). Dreading the drive, i am going to set off at Sophia's bedtime (with her all in her PJ's and sleeping bag) and hope that she sleeps for the entire journey (will take 5 hours if there is no traffic). wish me luck!
aw shiv harrogate is lovely the wedding we went to a few weeks ago was there and its gorgeous, have fun xxx
Shiv, yeah she probably would because even if I'm not preg, she needs to make sure that there isn't a physical problem going on inside my uterus from which the spotting is coming from. We need to try to find out for certain if I am having low progesterone causing my pre AF spotting for a week before AF during the luteal phase of every cycle. I didn't have this before my mmc so we need to make sure there wasn't any damage caused by the d&c which could explain the spotting. Basically just to cover the bases and rule out more major problems and issues before assuming low progesterone, even though that is probably the culprit.

Good luck on your drive and I hope Sophia sleeps for you. Drive safe and have fun! Make sure to let us know how the trip went. :hugs:

Btw, Cleck where are you hun and did AF arrive?? It's strange not hearing from you.
No AF still :wacko: I usually get a period in the middle of the day though and today is the 33rd day like last month so if it doesn't arrive today or tonight, I'll probably start thinking about getting more tests. I'm almost glad I don't have any in the house because otherwise I'd be testing constantly. :haha: Maybe I should wait a week after no AF just to drive you girls crazy. :winkwink:
well were all packed now, stuart is asleep and im wasting time. today has dragged like you wouldnt believe! well i might pop in once or twice but i might not do! i hope i come back to lots of bfps!! (including mine hopefully!!) xxxx
stuart deffo thinks im pregnant now as i burst into tears when aiden went last night on xfactor lmao i was actually quite hysterical! im not really a big cryer either so its even more unusual!

i held my fmu til like 12pm today deciding whether to do the other test and eventually decided against it! so ill wait til im back!!

were setting off at 11pm tonight and im soo excited! stressed though trying to remember if iv done everything! x

Take one with you :winkwink: won't hurt will it just in case you really want to know!!!

Well, I've begun to spot now. It's hot/fluorescent pink and only when I wipe but it's there and now I'm sure that I must be out. :cry: Now I get to wait for the nasty witch to make her appearance. :(

Is this normal before AF?

*nods* :cry:

Awww sorry hon. I'd say wait and see for now. Not sure if a trip to the sonographer will tell you anything really just worry you. :hugs: Although if you are spotting for a long time it could be your progesterone thing??? Worth talking to the doctor about that.

No AF still :wacko: I usually get a period in the middle of the day though and today is the 33rd day like last month so if it doesn't arrive today or tonight, I'll probably start thinking about getting more tests. I'm almost glad I don't have any in the house because otherwise I'd be testing constantly. :haha: Maybe I should wait a week after no AF just to drive you girls crazy. :winkwink:

EEEKKKKKK :test: :haha:

well were all packed now, stuart is asleep and im wasting time. today has dragged like you wouldnt believe! well i might pop in once or twice but i might not do! i hope i come back to lots of bfps!! (including mine hopefully!!) xxxx

Have fun love and bring back a shiny :bfp: with Micky mouse ears on!!!!
Have a great trip Boothh! :hugs: Be safe and I look forward to seeing lots of pics! :wave: Hope you get your bfp when you return. :thumbup:
Hey girls I'm still here and reading daily. Boothh- its probably too late but have fun on your trip!!!

Cleckner- I think you should wait another week before testing just to drive us all crazy!!

For me I should have ovulated Saturday according to my ticker and we managed to dtd Friday night. When are you testing Shiv? I'm still not going to test until atleast 1 week late, perhaps 2 just to drive everyone nuts!

Kim- I hope your doctor can check things out for you. You haven't been TTC for that long though, so have faith that your body can grow a healthy baby!
Well AF still didn't show up tonight. We'll see if she arrives tomorrow. :D If I was really symptom spotting majorly I could say I'm starving today. And I have a headache. But that's about it. ;)
I fully believe I'm officially out. I'm sick from a UTI and have a doc appt tomorrow. Just waiting for AF at this point to get here and gone again so I can try again. I have one last shot at a leo baby before that window closes, so to speak. Hopefully maybe 3rd try is the charm. Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know.

Cleck, :test: :test:

Spidey, thanks for the words of confidence hun. I just feel like ever since the mmc that my body has failed me. :cry:

Pippin, it probably is low progesterone. This has been going on since July or August and I spot for about a week before AF which is excessive and isn't normal. So I'm gonna speak to the doc about it tomorrow and see what she says and if we can figure this out to get my body squared away and hopefully conceive next cycle.
So can any of u advise? Because I'm so paranoid I tested again this morning to see if the line was any darker


It was alot darker, so is that good? The positive showed up way before the control line aswel!

I can't find my other tests to compare it too lol but I'm a million % sure it's darker!

Kim- boo to having a uti! Maybe 3rd time is the charm, we got this bfp on our 3rd proper TTC month!

Cleck- omg do u think? Possibly? Maybe!? Excittted! Fingers x'd for a bfp!

Boothh- hope ur enjoying urselves hunny! Bring U's all back a DLP BFP! Xx
Yes Ash, that is great! That's what happened when I tested and got my bfp with Bry. I was 4 days late for AF and the test line came up before the control line and was tons darker. It's a great indicator that all is well now quit testing and trust your signs to show you that everything is just fine. :thumbup: :hugs:

Looks like Shiv and I are going to be the only ones without a bfp. :wacko:
Well, I'm still in limbo land. No AF, took a FRER this morning and I swear I see a shadow but thats probably just where the line is supposed to be and I'm squinting majorly to see it. Like honestly no one else in their right mind would see it, I just have line eye from staring at it so long. :rofl: So goodness knows what is going on. An incredibly late cycle possibly? I've always been able to get a BFP by this point in a cycle so I'm thinking AF must just be late. :wacko:
Awww I'm so sorry hun. I know how much that sucks. I was there last cycle and hoping I wont be again this cycle. Hope one or the other shows up soon for you. :hugs:
Thanks! The worst part is, we had a chance to try one more cycle because he would've left right around the time I ovulate so we could've done it the days leading up to it and still had a chance IYKWIM. Now that chance is gone. :(
Cleckner- don't give up hope for next cycle. Before I got pregnant with Kira, if I had a very long cycle, the next one would be much shorter as if my body was trying to average them out. So perhaps if AF started tonight, you could ovulate earlier than normal for the next cycle, plus you have the time that the spermies can live inside you.

So if I wanted to be a super symptom spotter, I had a really bad hot flash today! :haha: Deep down I would love to get pregnant this cycle since that would mean I conceived baby #2 on the same day as Kira, exactly 2 years later. My brother and I were born almost exactly 2 years apart and DH and his brother were born almost exactly 6 years apart. I would love to keep the trend of having babies that are born nearly on the same day but different years. But I figure things will happen as they are meant to be. Getting pregnant this month would also mean another Christmas filled with laying on the bathroom floor and puking- ugh!
Well, I'm still in limbo land. No AF, took a FRER this morning and I swear I see a shadow but thats probably just where the line is supposed to be and I'm squinting majorly to see it. Like honestly no one else in their right mind would see it, I just have line eye from staring at it so long. :rofl: So goodness knows what is going on. An incredibly late cycle possibly? I've always been able to get a BFP by this point in a cycle so I'm thinking AF must just be late. :wacko:

Cleck I tested positive really late this time. With Sam it was 10 dpo, the one I lost I believe 9 dpo and this one I didn't get the same kind of line really till 12/13dpo. Every pregnancy is different and it can take a day or so difference to implant. Mine all started out with super faint lines that drove me nuts, so you're not out yet, in fact it sounds positive. Check out my lines......


I fully believe I'm officially out. I'm sick from a UTI and have a doc appt tomorrow. Just waiting for AF at this point to get here and gone again so I can try again. I have one last shot at a leo baby before that window closes, so to speak. Hopefully maybe 3rd try is the charm. Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know.

Cleck, :test: :test:

Spidey, thanks for the words of confidence hun. I just feel like ever since the mmc that my body has failed me. :cry:

Pippin, it probably is low progesterone. This has been going on since July or August and I spot for about a week before AF which is excessive and isn't normal. So I'm gonna speak to the doc about it tomorrow and see what she says and if we can figure this out to get my body squared away and hopefully conceive next cycle.

Sorry you think you are out hon :growlmad: very annoying. Hope doctors give you some answers or at least a blood test to check what they are at the moment.
Thanks! The worst part is, we had a chance to try one more cycle because he would've left right around the time I ovulate so we could've done it the days leading up to it and still had a chance IYKWIM. Now that chance is gone. :(

You can catch up to a week before ovulation (slim chance but still) sperm live for about 5 days so it's doable. Some girls on here said they were a week before when I got pregnant last time. I think I was 5 days before too with the last one. This one w dtd on the day f my positive opk, exactly like Sam though.
Pip- Don't get me excited like that!! :haha: I know I'm never out until the witch arrives. I wish I had ICs so I could test every few hours. :rofl:

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