***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Still no AF here. I'd say I'm angry but I'm still keeping hope that I'll get a surprise BFP. :blush:

I have everything crossed for you that it is. I just read somewhere in the pregnacy gallery someone waited until 23dpo before her positive came up! Keep hoping!!!! :hug:
Kim :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Cleck - still got my fingers crossed for you. Its so frustrating isn't it waiting for AF/BFP - I had that the cycle before last and AF was 6 days late - luckily I never giot even a hint of a BFP so I never got my hopes up too high.

I'm mid cycle almost exactly today I think - CD13. We finally managed to DTD last night after a frustrating/emotional week. I've had a nasty cough/cold, DH has been working stupid long hours and having to dial in from home in the middle of the night :growlmad: Anyway its not looking overly hopeful as I think we've probably missed the boat knowing my look. Is there any test the doctor can do to confirm you are ovulating or do you have to use OPKs. AF will have been back 6 months next cycle & I always said we'd give it 6 months before I started worrying. (we've actually been NTNP for longer than that but before AF reappeared.)
Kim- Oh No hun. :cry::cry: I'm so sorry. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I wish I could somehow take the pain away. :(

Quick update here- Again BFN, no AF. It's pretty clear by this point that I am not pregnant. I mean come on. :haha: I got a full blown positive with Emma by 9 DPO. So something is up here. I'm still breastfeeding quite frequently with Emma. Moreso in the past week or two for some reason she's upped her feeds again. To like 15 feeds in a 24 hour day. :wacko: So I have a feeling that has everything to do with it. My body just isn't ready yet. Which I"m starting to come to terms with. The hard part is that DH wants this more than I do and keeps asking questions. But I can't speed up the process and obviously I can't bring him home in the next 7 months...TTC was never this frustrating before. :( Now you have people saying oh babies should be close in age, blah blah. Well that isn't exactly an option for us at this point. :growlmad: And while I could easily just quit BFing and than my cycles would probably return to normal, the health of Emma and benefits from breastfeeding is far more important to me.
Thanks for your kind words everyone. I feel like I'm back to coping one day at a time right now but I'm sure it'll get easier with time. Sigh.

Joey, they can do an ultrasound to confirm ovulation or check your progesterone levels through blood work to confirm it's high enough to indicate that you did indeed ovulate. That test is usually done on cycle day 21. That's what I would ask for at the doc's if I were you. Good luck and I hope all is well and wishing you a speedy bfp as well. :flower:

Cleck, I understand hun. Could you maybe pump and give her half of the day's feedings in a sippie cup and not actually be bf'ing as often? Maybe that will be enough to trigger your body back into ovulating so you can get your bfp. I'm really proud of you managing to keep bf'ing this long. :thumbup: Way to go hun! =D>
I'm really crap at pumping. I hardly get anything out. :( But we have 7 months until I have to worry about it again. So I'm sure Emma will drop some feeds in that time. :thumbup:

Kim- I truly think the best way is to take it one day at a time. And sometimes you'll have bad days, and sometimes good. The pain never completely goes away but it does fade. I still have moments that something will happen to remind me and I'll have a quiet cry to myself and than get on with my day. Emma helps because she keeps me so busy. And I'm sure you really have your hands full with 2. :D :hugs:
hi everyone - emotional days today so hugs all round but especially to you Kim. I am glad they couldn't find anything wrong with you hon that will stop you from conceiving in the future. I don't mean this to be insensitive (I am not the best with words so forgive me if it is), but on the up side (I try to find this in everything) at least you know that you and DH CAN make baby girls. his girl sperm obviously work, so you are good to go come December cycle, when I wish you all the girly baby dust in the world :hugs:

Cleck - breastfeeding is amazing and like you if Iwas still BFing Sophia now there is no way I would be giving up to conceive aanother baby. i already feel a bit selfish TTC never mind without actually directly impacting Sophia now. Even if you don't conceive for another year (I hope you do though :flower:) Emma and her new brother and sister will still be close in age and love eachother, so please try not to fret - and just think how supe HOT you are gonna look when Corey returns form 7 months away!

JoeyJo - I have no advice with regards ovulating as I am still unsure that I definietly am, all I know is it took us 5/6 months of trying with SOphia, it is just luck of the draw and will happen eventually for you x

Ash - you still feeling rough?

pip - how ar eyou with regards to mornign sickness? did you get it with Sam?

Spidey - how is the symptom spotting going?

as for me - well lots of cm again today although it was kinda stretchy and creamy at the same time so god only knows!

Will update the other thread with regards to our trip away - but it was successful hurrah!

much love to everyone x
Awww! Thank you so much Shiv. You're all so sweet and wonderful! :cry: Big :hugs: for you too!
Cleck, you're exactly right. :hugs: I am taking it one day at a time. That's all I can do. And yes my 2 boys keep me busy but, like you sometimes a quiet moment to myself to shed a few tears helps and then I get back on with my day as well. I guess I'm more determined than ever now to get my baby girl back even though I'm hurting deep down inside. Roll on December! Once I have her alive and well with a strong heartbeat inside my belly, I know at that point it will really help.
Shiv- :rofl: Let's hope you are right! I have small goals in mind while he's gone but losing the baby weight from Emma is first on the list. After that, baby weight from the mc. Than I'll be almost back to normal. :haha: So that's 60 lbs. in 7 months. :shock: I doubt that will happen but I will freaking try!

Kim- :hugs: again. Your girl is on her way. :dust: Fingers tightly crossed for you as always.
Kim- I'm so sorry that everything isn't working out this month, plus finding out you lost a girl :hugs: Things can only get better from here and after you take the medicine your doctor gave you, you're cycles should hopefully be back on track! Even though they found nothing obviously wrong with the lost babies chromosomes, its possible there was just a small mutation in a gene which they can not pick up in their analysis. So keep having faith in your body to grow a healthy baby :hugs:

Cleckner- where is your AF??? How frustrating!! I don't think babies have to be really close for them to have a close relationship. In a way, it might be better to have a newborn with a 3 or 4 year old around to help, rather than a 2 year old which will still be very needy. My DH is the same as yours- he really wants me to be pregnant again. If Emma is 3 when your next baby comes, she will be in Kindergarten when you have a toddler running around the house and that might be a really good thing :thumbup: I imagine its quite draining to be looking after too many young children at a time. Plus you can give them each the time they need and deserve.

Shiv- any symptoms besides cm??

joeyjo- this might be your month- all it takes is one spermy to make a baby!

As for me- I keep feeling like I could be pregnant, but its just wishful thinking I'm sure. My nipples get sore before AF comes, but they are already sore, which seems a little early since AF isn't due till the end of next week. I also have a feeling of heaviness in my abdomen, which could be gas :haha: I won't be testing till December 5th though since that will be 1 week after AF is due, and the day that I found out I was pregnant with Kira :)
no other symptoms here Spidey - but then I never got any with Sophia! Your symptoms sound spromising though.

I reckon I might test on Sunday (having though tI wouldn't test tilk the day AF is due (next Thursday according to ticker) - we'll see!
Shiv- I am so jealous that you didn't have symptoms when you were pregnant with Sophia! I keep meaning to tell you that but I always forget. :blush:
hahahaha - it was good in a way , I appreciated not having morning sickness but I spent the first tri as a paranoid wreck that there wasn't a baby in there at all!
Spidey- Oooo Sounds promising for you!! Maybe your big day is coming sooner than you thought! :winkwink:
Thanks Kim for filling me in on those tests.
Shiv I know 6 months (with AF) isn't that long to be TTC especially in a casual way but I just worry because I had ovarian surgery on 1 side a few years ago & they are fairly certain that the "cobbled together bits of ovarian remnants" (my surgeons terminology!) won't be doing much. I know you only need one ovary and it should only have minimal impact but I'm hoping that if things don't happen soon it will be enough for my GP to let me have some early tests (combined with the fact I'm 30 & DH will be 39 in the new year)

ANyway Fingers crossed Spidey's right & this is our month & I don't need to stress.
MY PERIODS HERE!!!!! YAY!! :rofl: No more limboland for me. An entire week late so now there is literally no way we can conceive this cycle because DH leaves in a week. :wacko: But oh well. Now I can get back to my old self. DH and I were looking through old pictures last night and he's like 'damn you were hot!'. I'm like "I'm still hot you asshole....that girl is still under all this somewhere." :rofl: So let the starvation begin. :lol: J/k
glad you have left limboland Cleck! i think we should have some sort of competition (wrong word but can't think of the right one!)
YOUR WEIGHTLOSS vs PREGGO LADIES WEIGHT GAIN! might help to inspire you! What do you think?

As for me, well it has been a terrible day today really. I got a phone call from my dad this morning telling me that my mum had been rushed to hospital in an ambulance last night and had been taken in for an emergency operation for a suspected perforated bowel - he sounded really scared. Anyway long story short, she came out of theatre having had her burst appendix removed. i went to see her this afternoon and when we walked in she was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and a oxygen mask on (she looked so bad). She is ok, but has so much infection in her abdomen that she can't eat or drink anything until at least monday in case it causes infection :cry:

Then whilst i was at the hospital I got a text from my best friend who was going with his wife to their 12 weeks scan with their first bubba - saying tht she had lost the baby :cry: I feel so bad for them.

As for me - no symptoms today!
Vici - I just remembered aren't you testing tomorrow?
Shiv omg I'm so sorry all around :( definitely a bad day. I hope your mom heals quickly and your friend is soon blessed with a rainbow baby. :hugs:
OMG Shiv that's really frightening! And I feel so much for your friend. I hope your Mum feels better soon :hugs: I hate seeing my parents ill as they have always been the strong one.

Cleck glad you're not waiting still but sorry you can't get it on this month. When he returns to his hot lady in 7 months I reckon your body would be more ready with the BF. I got mine back after 6 months and I was still feeding him full time. At the time I was gutted as no periods was wonderful but then I was glad as my body reset itself for these two beans. My friend didn't get a period for 15 months when she was breastfeeding even when she cut down so we are all different. :hugs:

Kim more :hug:

Joeyjo DH and I only dtd once this cycle and we got lucky so never count yourself out. Also the same with the one we lost. We were just too busy to :dohh:

ASM well still no sickness but that was the same with Sam until 6/7 weeks so I'm taking it as a good sign. The last one was sick straight away so either it was a girl or was doomed from the start. I'd really like a girl but a healthy boy will be just as gratefully received. Been super busy and tired so haven't got on much. I'm going to postpone my scan until 8 weeks so we see more hopefully. I was going at 7 but my MIL convinced me to wait a week (plus it means she can look after Sam while we go in the evening). Went out with my girlfriends last night and managed to keep it quite from the one that didn't know. She probably guessed as I didn't drink, well I put one inch of red wine in a glass and sipped it for 4 hours :shock: :rofl: I've never made wine last so long. I figured that tiny amount wouldn't hurt and I did enjoy the taste. Anyway it's work's Healthy and Beauty fair today so I'm going to go and have a look around and see if I can find any Christmas presents.
oh blimey I am getting the urge to poas sooooooooooo bad! hahahaha I reckon I am 10 dpo today so i know I shouldn't test yet and quite frankly I have absolutley NO reason to think I am pregnant so know I am only going to be disapointed with the result!

I shouldn't have bought any tests! Persuade me not to test girls!

how is everyone today?

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