Hi ladies sorry I've been M.I.A been busy recently lol!
Kim - I'm sorry to hear about ur news, it's a shitter, but hopefully being in limbo now will make for a better chance TTC on the next go? Huge
about ur ERPC results I don't know what to say xxxxxxxx
Shiv - hun so sorry about all the bad news you received in one day! Ur poor mum and friend
hopefully things can will get better for them!xxx
Pip - what a gorgeous STRONG line! I want to test everyday, but I can't afford any more clearblues lol! I used my last one the other day and it was a dud test! No control line! Maybe my HCG is just too strong haha!
How are you feeling symptom wise? My boobies are a lot more tender and I have sickness all day and night
I'm not being sick all day just wrenching alot and feeling sick all the time! Nice reminder i guess? And don't get me started on the tiredness oh my lord! Tired isn't the word! All I want is sleep and cuddles off kara lol! Xx
Cleck -
booooo that u won't be joining U's hunny! But I'm glad u'll stick around! I'm jealous u get to be skinny again lol! Xx
Boothh - right I know ut back, so do u have news? Has AF Arrived? How was DLP hope u both had a great time! Xxx
AFU - well I'm at work right now which doesn't help with the tiredness lol! I think I need a weekend off! I've been busy getting ready for Christmas, and I'm trying my best not to put my tree up until the 1st lol!
I was blown away by a friend on Friday, she asked me to be godmother to her son! Which is an honour! His christening is on the 20th of feburary and I should be about 20 weeks then lol! So I'm excited for two reasons!
I've still not had any info from the midwife/hospital! I can't remember what happened last time, do I just wait for some info through the post, scan dates booking visit etc?
I was thinking of having an early scan but I thought about it and decided if I waited the same amount of time with kara then I can do it again! And (god forbid) anything should happen in-between, it's my bodys way of letting me know this one wasn't meant to be hey! I'm starting to have a good feeling about this pregnancy and this baby, fingers x'd tightly! Xxxxx