***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Vici - massive hugs hon - what is your BMI at the moment? Do you have much to lose? You can't have too much, you looked great in your wedding pics!

Spidey (cycle buddy) - sorry AF came. Well when I wiped this morning I had one streak of blood in my cm, but none since so I guess I am just waiting for AF to show in full force. I have got a shocking a headache so I hop eit shows up soon so that hopefully me head will clear. If it does show up properlytoday it means that I had a 28 day cycle (which I predicted earlier in the month) and so did you Spidey!

Boothh - take it easy hon, don't you go fainting! when are you gonna test again? maybe get a digi that way you can't be tempted to stare at it for lines!
Aww Vici - just get to the docs and get things moving ASAP :hugs:
Thanks girls, i'll be fine. Just hit me a bit hard, thats all :( xx
nope no digis for me i hate the damn things haha, im happy to look for lines XD

ill test again tomorrow morning probably i ordered some more tests and i have 2 left one for tomorrow and one for thursday hopefully my others will have arrived for friday or ill have got AF by then lol x
Aww Vici hon :hug: you've lost tons of weight for the wedding (I was dead jealous when I saw you in your wedding and honeymoon pictures) you must be close or past the 30 surely worth making that appointment. I had a bit of a shock when she did mine the other day, way to embarrassed to tell everyone. Thanks for explaining it to me sorry it's so hard, wish I could give you a few of my cycles to give you a go :hugs: Ohhh that sounds weird but you know what I mean. Bound to hit you hard hon :hug:
nope no digis for me i hate the damn things haha, im happy to look for lines XD

ill test again tomorrow morning probably i ordered some more tests and i have 2 left one for tomorrow and one for thursday hopefully my others will have arrived for friday or ill have got AF by then lol x

No AF coming your way darlin' she's gone for a good 8 months!!! :happydance: The wait is horrible those first few days aren't they. Hope you're doing something nice to pass the time.
nope just being super paranoid, i really dont think i am pregnant AT all

if AF hasnt arrived by thursday i might believe it a tiny bit, she normally arrives during the night and greats me with a nice pair of ruined knickers in the morning, :dohh:

i hate waiting lol xx
Why does AF always arrive in the night? You would think it would have to wark against gravity then, surely it would be easier to arrive whilst we are stood up :haha:

No more blood when i wipe, I usually come on in a flourish so not sure what the streaks were all about? :shrug:

What you got against digis Boothh? i have some stocked for if I do get preggers as I like seeing it written in black and white!
No more blood when i wipe, I usually come on in a flourish so not sure what the streaks were all about? :shrug:

Implantation bleed???? She says hopefully:thumbup:???? :test: again tomorrow I reckon :haha: Oh there's my naughty side coming out again..... :haha:
shiv - i with my early mc i was getting faint bfps when i tried a digi it said not pregnant, so i havnt liked them ever since lol, if i got a strong positive i might get some just to see it in writing lol :p

well stuarts verdict of this morning test 'i can see a line quite easily but its VERY faint'

so at least i know im not imagining it, maybe tomorrow i can get one abit darker that will show up on my phone and then i might believe it,

the only thing though thats making me think im really not pregnant is i dont think my nipples have gone darker, and with my mmc they went darker before i even got a positive, with the early mc afterwards they never went darker, they are killing though and look bigger so i dont know? :/
soooooooooo woke up this morning and still no AF and started thinking "blimey maybe Pippin is right and it was implantation", then went to th eloo about an hour later and AF had arrived! It does appear the Witch tries to build your hopes up as much as possible - evil cowbag :haha:

Boothh - did you get a stronger line this morning?
nope i dont think the line is any stronger than yesterday, though yesterdays has dried now into quite an obvious pink line :/ is that good or bad or what?

iv sort of resigned myself to the fact its probably a chemical, if my lines dont get any stronger and AF hasnt arrived by the weekend im going to make a docs appointment for some bloods to see whats going on, x
Vici- I'm sorry that the clomid didn't work. :hugs: If I could get my hands on some clomid I would mail you some for sure!

Shiv- sorry about AF. Enjoy drinks at Christmas and New Years though!!

Boothh- fingers still crossed for you. Every pregnancy is different and feeling faint is a good sign. :thumbup:
well AF hasnt arrived touch wood!
Vici- What about soy isoflavones? It's supposed to be natures clomid and can be bought over the counter! Girls in TTC section seem to rave about it. :flower:

Boothh- :happydance: <---enough said. :lol:
Awww Boothh, I'm sure you're pregnant hunny. After all, a line is a line. Get the doc to do bloods and I'm sure that it will reassure you. :hugs: After all, you had Jesse, so they cant ALL end badly. :flower:

Vici, since you lost all of that weight before you got married, maybe you can get the clomid now. I'd get back to the doc and try to get the help you need. Are you getting a monthly AF at all? If not, then they can give you Provera and jump start your cycle. Matter of fact that's what I'm on right now. However I'm on it not because I wasn't getting AF, but because we are re-starting my cycles in hopes to reset my hormones as the doc thinks they had gotten way out of whack. :dohh: Hopefully it can help get you rolling. :hugs: Also Cleck is right, I've heard good things about that soy isoflavones. Maybe worth a try? :shrug:

Cleck, that weight loss was probably from not eating much. The same thing happens to me when I do that. The problem though is that once you start eating again, it's 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Before I got married to my ex I started counting calories and still ate what I enjoyed and I lost a bunch of weight! I was down to 120 lbs!! :D I haven't been that small since though. :dohh: After I get through this next pregnancy though, I WILL become that small again!! Come hell or high water! LOL!! :haha:

Shiv, I'm sorry AF found you. Bad nasty :witch:. :growlmad: Enjoy your holidays though and indulge yourself in a couple nice drinks. :winkwink:

AFM, I'm on day 8 of provera. However it seems that my period is breaking through it. :dohh: It was supposed to hold it off. Oh well. The only thing is that I read that the first day of spotting/bleeding AFTER provera is done is supposed to be counted as cd 1. Thing is if this bleeding continues like this, I'm not sure what to count as cd 1. This bleeding is heavy enough that I'm having to use tampons. :dohh: I wouldn't be so concerned if it wasn't for the fact that I need to know exactly what cycle day I'm on so as to time BD correctly to hopefully conceive our little girl, and not another boy. :dohh: Why cant anything ever be simple for me? :hissy: I'm so sick of being stuck in limbo land now! I want to be TTC again dammit!! :brat: And yes, my mood status on here is how I feel these days, IMPATIENT as hell!! :growlmad: I feel so irritable today. :grr:
:hugs: Kimberly. Be PATIENT!! :haha: You have all of us to rant to so you can stay busy. Although this place seems to put babies on the mind.

And you are probably very right about gaining the weight back. I can gain so easily but the only way I seem to lose, is to starve myself. :rofl: My smallest weight as an adult was 160 and I NEVER expect to be that small again. I can't even imagine 120. :haha: I'll be happy with 180 at this point. Which is my 'comfort' weight so once I hit it, I stay there usually. Whereas 160 I had to fight to maintain. I blame my mom. We are built exactly the same. :dohh:
well im trying to take my mind off things by planning christmas! i bought a merry christmas card holder, reindeer and santa ornements and a santa tree topper, plus a snowman wreath, all of our advent calendars (mine is twilight, stuarts is milkybar and jesses is peppa pig) and ordered jesse a cute christmas tshirt plus some slippers and jumpers as part of his presents ooo and a big board books set of nursery rhymes! im planning to do some wrapping tonight :D

i wanna put jesse in his reindeer sleepsuit tonight now but is it too soon?!
Boothh honey my lines only darken every two days so I reckon tomorrow you'll get a darker one for sure. ALL of my tests look better once they are a bit old then after a few days they start fading again. I got what I thought was evaps this time after the time limit but actually they were the first bfp's!!! I did pee on another one tonight as apart from being super tired and cramps I don't feel that pregnant, in fact today I completely forgot for a while which is insane!!!!! It was nice and dark though. My boobs didn't get darker until third tri with Sam and then I think I imagined it. Remember each pregnancy is different so hang in there soooo not over yet.

Shiv sorry to build your hope up hon, I promise not to do that ever again, feel a bit bad now as I hate it wen people get you thinking what if?

Think I'm coming down with something so not staying online. Sam had really bad tummy today at childminders and went through three sets of clothes and I think I'm coming down with the same. Just feel ill booooo, worried as I have really bad AF cramps tonight and last night so I'm being a bit paranoid again. Just hope tummy bugs don't harm beans???

:hi: to everyone else. Speak tomorrow. xxxx

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