***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

When did your boobs start hurting Boothh and when do you think you ovulated?
it was about 2 weeks ago a couple of days after i thought i had OVd, but now im begining to think i didnt OV at all, im going to ask for bloods at my doctors appointment to see if my hcg is actually above non pregnancy or its something else, xx
hope you get some answers hon x
Boothh- I hope the doctors can figure it out. You've been having sore boobs for awhile now so your hormones must be up to something. Could it be possible that the tests you've been using are all duds and you need to try a test from a different brand?

regarding Thanksgiving- if you think too hard about having sweet and savory on the same plate it seems nasty- buts it's actually pretty good :haha:
Have you tested again today Boothh? xxx
Just a quickie from me!

Just been to the loo at work, and when I wiped there was a TINY teeny tiny bit of what I think was blood :( now I don't know if it came from my bottom cos I wiped front to back (tmi) or if it was from the front bum, there's not blood in my knickers and I'm not cramping, so what should I do??? X
i tested again bfn, though now a faint line after time limit and still no AF, i really think chemical to be honest as obviously there must be a tiny bit of hcg there but it doesnt seem to be rising i have the docs on tuesday any way xx

Ash - try not to worry it could be anything, i know its hard but its probably nothing especially only a tiny bit, i bet people get that all the time but they arnt obsessive like us so they dont notice and nothings wrong, just try take it easy and if you see any more blood or start cramping get yourself to A&E and they might scan you to see if everythings okay which im sure it is :hugs: xxx
Ash try not to worry, but if you get any more blood then pop along to A&E just to be safe (plus you mightget to see bean!)

Boothh - PLEASE stop looking at your tests after the time limit has gone!
Well been to a&e and they took bloods, and did some internal swabs, no more blood of any kind when I wipe, she said no blood was on the swabs so that's good right? They don't scan on weekends (dumb I know) so I've got an appointment for a scan at 3:50pm on Monday

I'm nervous as hell now :(

I'm still sicky and my boobs r still sore, still no cramping/pains!

I've been sent home from work anyway got to rest today,but I'm going in tomorrow!

Fingers crossed beanie is ok in there! Xxx
aww hun :hugs: dont worry just put your feet up and chill out, stressing wont help anything! im so sure everything is fine hun, beanie is deffo well and truly stuck with your sickness and other symptoms, and youll get to see everything is fine on monday xxx
Ash if there was no blood on the swabs then i wouldn't worry, the blood could have come from your bum instead. I reckon (in my highly medical proffesional opinion!) that everything is fine :hugs:
Ash if there was no blood on the swabs then i wouldn't worry, the blood could have come from your bum instead. I reckon (in my highly medical proffesional opinion!) that everything is fine :hugs:

Ditto what Shiv says but understand your worry though hon :hugs:
I had bleeding from my bottom and from my labia this time cos I have a persistent yeast infection which was irritated by my knicker elastic (TMI I know). With Mog I bled after BDing and after having a poo :blush: Really scary but most likely nothing :hug:
thanks for all your kind words ladies :) :hugs:

im trying not to worry, as surely there would have been blood on the swabs if i was 'bleeding' i just panicked like crazy! and because i work in the hospital i thought nipping in A&E wouldn't hurt!

i've resorted to grabbing the bogof frer's from boots, peed on one half an hour after i last peed and this is what i got :-


so im guessing this is one good sign?

im just gonna pee on these till monday to be sure the lines don't fade! Im a paranoid wreck now!lol!xx
Ash- :( :hugs: Please try not to worry. I am absolutely sure that beany is fine. I think if he/she wasn't you'd have cramping at the very least. And since there is no more blood, it must've been a one off. With such a high blood flow in pregnancy, blood vessels are much easier to break. I bled with Emma after sex. Freaked me out but it was perfectly fine. :flower:
Ash- I bet the blood was from the back end since they didn't see anything with the swabs. But on the bright side of all the worry you had today- you get to see baby on Monday :happydance:
Argh!! I haven't been getting the emails saying there is a new post here like I usually do! Grrr!! So now I just had to read through 5 pages to catch up. :dohh:

Boothh, let's see what the doc says. It sounds like you might need a reset like me if you're not preg.

Ash, gosh I know how scary that is. :( I agree with Cleck. During all of first tri with Bry I had spotting sometimes even bright red spots! Talk about scary! The doc said that sometimes sex and having a poo will cause it because of the pressure and increased blood flow to the cervix and causes blood vessels to rupture and that causes spotting. Mine didn't quit until I got into 2nd trimester. Needless to say to play it safe my doc kept me on pelvic rest and off and on bed rest throughout ALL of first tri just in case. But everything was fine and it turned out I have a sensitive cervix. I'm certain that beany is fine since your symptoms are good and no more blood or cramps. I'm 99% certain that if there was a problem, there would be more signs of it. Try to relax and not stress. Stress isn't good for you or beany! Monday is only a day away at this point! Oh and we want pics!!!! :winkwink: By the way, the test line is darker than the control line! That's a very good sign hun! :thumbup: That's how it looked while I was preg with Bryson.

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays of the year here in America. We're still eating leftovers from it here hehe. I love it though. Yummy stuff!

AFM, yesterday was the last day of Provera. AF has hit tonight. So FINALLY out of limbo land. :thumbup: The only thing is since this is what the doc calls "a progesterone withdraw bleed" do I count today as cd1? :shrug: You all know how important it is that I keep track of my cycles and know where I am in my cycle to time BD correctly. :dohh: *sigh* I got preg with Bry in December and I'm hoping to do the same again this time. [-o< If anyone knows about when to call cycle day 1, I'd appreciate it. My doc was no help and said that it's not a normal cycle because I haven't ovulated, even though I did during my last cycle and I'm sure I will again this time too. The only reason I didn't get the period on time as usual was because of the Provera which she told me it would do in the first place when she prescribed it. She said to not worry about my cycle this time and to just take whatever comes. I cant do that though. This will likely be our last baby and we want a girl and we're trying to tip our odds in favor of that. :blush: I need to be tracking BBT and cycle days and know when I'm about to OV and BD on the right days. Ugh!!! :help:

Oh and hubby is getting sick on me. :dohh: :wacko: :(

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