***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Ash - how you feeling today?

Kim - I know nothign about Provera and what to count as CD1. My advice (and you won't want to hear this) is to skip TTC this cycle and start again after your next period. In my opinion it is the only way to be sure of when you should be BD'ing. I think if you do try this month you will not be able to be sure of timing of ovulation etc. Just my opinon though
I'm feelin ok today shiv, thanks! Sick as a dog still, just ate three Ginger biscuits to try ease the sickness! It's a good sign it's there but it's still horrible lol!

Kim- I (unfortunately) have to agree with shiv :( u have to think what's more important to u, getting pregnant this cycle? Or getting pregnant with more chance of a girl?

How would u feel if u got pregnant this cycle, bit with a boy because ur menses are messed up lol! I know u'd love him just as much, but all this effort for a girl so far, don't give up now!

Afm- well I've not had any spotting since, no pains, still got all the usual symptoms etc! I don't know how I feel about the scan tomorrow? I'm excited to maybe see beanie hit obviously scared it could be bad news! Eitherway I want to be able to enjoy Xmas with kara, and I'll have some peace of mind tomorrow afternoon! What's meant to be will be I guess! Xx

kim i agree with the other girls maybe you should skip this cycle as you cant be sure about CDs etc, its only 1 cycle in the scheme of things xxx

ash good luck with your scan tomorrow :hugs: im sure everything will be just fine! and your lines on that test luck great! xxx

afm - still no AF got no more tests so i cant do any, got lots of cm and boobs are not as sore as they have been today, just abit sensitive now really dunno what the hell is going on!
Thanks girls. I guess I have a week to decide. The other bit that plays into this is that according to chinese gender charts (which has proven to be quite accurate as it was when I got preg with Bry) it says my next "girl" month is February and then not again until May. So I could be done for a long while. :cry: Looks like Cleck and I will be the last ones to get pregnant. :( *Sigh* I always seem to get the short end of the stick. :growlmad: I hate how uncooperative my stupid body is. :hissy:
Kimberly- I think the only way you could TTC this month is if you consistently get a certain symptom several days before you ovulate. Do those ovulation things you pee on start showing lines days before you ovulate?
This is the bad part about these types of threads bc some really want to be pregnant but it's not as simple as 'just have sex and you'll get pregnant' for some women. And sometimes like in my case, life get's in the way. Kim, don't give up hope. Give your body time to correct itself so you can get your little girl. :hugs: Concentrate on christmas and the time will fly by. :flower:
Spidey, yes they do. I get the lines before my pos opk. And then they darken as OV gets closer and then go light again after OV. I also get the change in CM. It gets thick and cloudy and not so stretchy anymore after OV. Then creamy right after that. So I can tell when my body is gearing up for OV. I'm thinking about temping to see if I see the tell tale temp shift to confirm OV as well as the signs before OV of my cervix becoming fertile, my cm becoming ewcm and the opk lines going from light to dark. I usually start using the opks on cycle day 13. I think I'm just gonna BD until cd13 since I usually OV on cd 16 and watch my opks after that. That's still 3 days out from OV allowing appropriate timing. If I fail at TTC this month then I'm definitely done until either Feb or May. But I know it will be worth it in the end. It's just frustrating in the meantime is all. Now, if I didn't or couldn't recognize signs that my body is gearing up for OV, I really wouldn't bother with TTC at all this cycle. Since I know what to look for and know what the signs are, I think I might give it a try. Like I already said, I can stop BD'ing at cd13 to be on the safe side. Then I'll wait and see what happens. This way I wont screw up the timing. Anyhoo, I'll still ponder it over the next few days during AF...
Hey Kim, I'm afraid I'm a little bit skeptic for the whole trying for a girl thing. Sorry :blush: I know ladies that were desperate for a boy and dtd day of positive opk and got girls and visa versa. I just think it's the luck of the draw. We'd like a girl but I'm simply not convinced by all the literature I've read about timing, orgasms, etc etc. The Chinese predictor was right for Sam and this one should be a girl but again we dtd on the day of my positive so we shall see in 10 weeks time (hopefully). I guess you have to ask yourself whether you'd really be that upset if you had another boy? I thought I would but after my MMC I just want a little healthy sticky bean and I'll be happy. If Sam gets a play mate that would be fun for him and if we get a girl that'll be that's what's meant to be.

You'll know what to do in a week :hugs: just go with your heart. I'll let you into a secret too. We weren't going to try the month we hit gold with this one due to timing at work and only one af after the mmc. But the night of my positive opk I just knew we had to give it a go. It didn't quite 'happen' that night if you know what I mean but I got another positive the next day (first time ever getting two positives in a row) dtd and hit jack pot. I feel it was meant to be. Go with your gut, you'll know. :hugs:
i dont understand alot of this ttc stuff, but i do think we probably make it alot worse for ourselves by stressing all the time,

still no AF for me!
Kim - as long as you get the signs and trust your body then no harm in trying I guess. I must say (and this is just my opinion) that the science behind ttc a girl interests me (that is not to say that I don't think a lot of it is down to luck), so it suprises with all the scientific reasoning you have previoulsy used, that you would not ttc in months where the chinese gender predictor is not girl. This is by no means having a go at you, I am just suprised that is all. Most people are either (wait for it this is gonna be a hugely sweeping statement :haha:) scientific in their beliefs or more (can't think of the right word, want to say airy fairy!) superstitious. You seem to combine both. Does that mean you don't completely trust the science in that even if you only had sex so that female sperm were around at ovulation, you still think it would end up a boy? Just really interested in your views Kim, it is all just very interesting!

Boothh - when is your doctors appt?

Cleck - i just wanna give you hugs :hugs: and more :hugs:
my appointment is on tuesday my cm seems to be the cm i get a day or 2 before i get ewcm when i presume i OV is it possible to OV this late in a cycle?
Kim - as long as you get the signs and trust your body then no harm in trying I guess. I must say (and this is just my opinion) that the science behind ttc a girl interests me (that is not to say that I don't think a lot of it is down to luck), so it suprises with all the scientific reasoning you have previoulsy used, that you would not ttc in months where the chinese gender predictor is not girl. This is by no means having a go at you, I am just suprised that is all. Most people are either (wait for it this is gonna be a hugely sweeping statement :haha:) scientific in their beliefs or more (can't think of the right word, want to say airy fairy!) superstitious. You seem to combine both. Does that mean you don't completely trust the science in that even if you only had sex so that female sperm were around at ovulation, you still think it would end up a boy? Just really interested in your views Kim, it is all just very interesting!

I'm honestly not sure what to think. I do know that lots of people have said that the Chinese chart was accurate for them too. But surely others have conceived the opposite of what the chart claims they should of for whatever month they got pregnant in. :shrug: Even though I got preg with a boy (Bryson) in a month that it says was a "boy month" for me, I'm still not 100% sure if I believe in it or not.

As for the Shettles Method (the timing of BD in relation to OV) has claimed many successes and of course some failures even though more successes than failures. I bought the book by Dr. Landrum B. Shettles and there is an insert in there to cut out and fill out and mail back to himself and his business partner about your experience using the Shettles Method and if it worked for you or not. So I mean that is a form of accountability as well as the testimonies from patients of his over the years. So I dunno. I'm not sure what I think anymore. I mean if you read the book 'How to choose the sex of your baby', it explains plenty of scientific research and evidence that went into his method and made it what it is today. But of course, nothing is ever 100% guaranteed so naturally there are some failures. There is also a woman online who claims that BD exactly 12 hrs after OV will result in a girl but I'm not sure if I believe that despite her claims of testimonies. I do know that when I got pregnant with Bryson, I remember using the bathroom, after a wee, I wiped and saw a bunch of ewcm. We were on a TTC break at the time and we were basically NTNP. So I thought, it probably wont result in pregnancy but it sure wont hurt to try anyways. At the least, hubby and I had a fun time of it. Well much to my surprise I got pregnant, with Bryson. So I'm sure I OV'ed within 24 hrs of that BD.
I also know that I've seen other girls in the TTC section who could only BD 4-5 days before their expected OV day and not only got pregnant, but found out through ultrasound that they were having a girl. So I dunno. :shrug: Some docs recommend trying the Shettles Method while others say it's nothing but a guy trying to sell a book.
I probably seem very wishy washy now. :wacko: I'm honestly not sure what I believe is true and/or works. The Shettles Method seemed more scientific based so it's the one I've stuck by for the most part. I wish all of this was easier than it is. :( I guess the reason I want a little girl so bad is partly because I'm dying to dress her up in all of the darling little pink frilly dresses and stuff. But another reason is that I had such a terrible upbringing and my own mother completely takes my very existence for granted, I would be in 2nd heaven to have my own little girl to dress up and spoil and love and let have all of the girlie things that she wants which I was deprived of as a child. I was pretty much forced into being a tom boy as a kid while my sister was bought barbies and dolls and such. Now I am half tom girl, half girly girl. I guess what I'm saying is that I want my own daughter to give a proper upbringing to and to have and love and cherish as I'd know how special it is to have a daughter and appreciate her every day of her life. If that makes any sense. :shrug:
my appointment is on tuesday my cm seems to be the cm i get a day or 2 before i get ewcm when i presume i OV is it possible to OV this late in a cycle?

You can have an anovulatory cycle (think that's what it's called) where you skip the period and ovulate twice. Get :sex: just in case!!!
Are you drawing the line at two children Kim? I could be tempted by one more go if this is a boy. I understand what you are saying too but I reckon what ever sex children you'll have you'll allow them to be the person they want to be rather than how it seems you Mum made you grow up. Remember you are soooo different to her and you don't need to prove to anyone including yourself that you can be a better Mum than she was. You are already love! :hugs:
Kim - i understand why you would want a girl so bad. I get it! I also get why you are trying the Shettles method, out of everything it does seem the most scientifc. I guess the only thing I don't get is the whole not TTC during the months when the chinese predictor says boy, I am not very superstitous and don't get that! but you gotta do what you gotta do, i truly hope you get your little princess :hugs:
i just worked out my chinese age and i was predicted girl when i concieved jesse, also we only had sex once that month and from my dates and also the fact jesse was born on his EDD i must have actually concieved him 4 or 5 days after having sex ¬_¬
Pippin, I already have 2 children. Both boys. My oldest is 13. I'm just not sure if my body can handle 2 more babies. Chances are that with this next pregnancy, I will have to have a cerclage put in my cervix. I almost had to have one while preg with Bry as well. Two more babies will be much less easy on our wallets too haha. Of course I will always let my children be free to always be themselves. No one will ever love them for who they are the way that I do. Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot. :hugs:

Shiv, we probably will ttc anyways. It's my hubby tho who is the most superstitious. I might have a hard time convincing him to ttc during those months. :dohh:

By the way, my AF went from heavy last night to spotty today. :dohh: :wacko:
i just worked out my chinese age and i was predicted girl when i concieved jesse, also we only had sex once that month and from my dates and also the fact jesse was born on his EDD i must have actually concieved him 4 or 5 days after having sex ¬_¬

Did you also work out the lunar month? It's not the same number month as on our standard calendar. Example December is 12 month of normal calendar and on chinese one it's the 11th month. So you have to take that into consideration as well. LOL. DH says to give all the facts. I just told him to shoo lol.
Kim Ahhh I see didn't remember you had a teenager as well :dohh: yep I really draw the line at four too :rofl: child care alone would be stupid (in London £4000 a month full time :shock:) Sorry you have to have the stitch thingy, must be a real worry :hugs: Hope you get your girly then and I'd go by the opks. Mine start changing 5 days before so plenty of warning time :hugs: for a wonky cycle. Yay for spotting it'll be over soon then. xxx

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