***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Thanks ladies :hugs:, I didn't mean to sound moany just apprehensive is all. You're all lovely though!!!! I like thinking that I've had my one in three Ash so thanks hon. I'm going back to the same place we found no heartbeat the last time so I'm already thinking the worst. I almost want to go somewhere different lol but I'm being silly old cow :dohh:. 10 days can't come quick enough in my eyes.

Anyyywwaaaayyyy enough about me........ let's talk you guys. Hope you are all good! I'm bloody cold here and can't get warm and it's only set to get colder. PPPPLLLLEEEAAASE no snow :growlmad:
well pip, when i had karas 12 week scan, they did the scan in the same room i was scanned for my mc, and today they scanned me in the same room again, to find more good news, so dont feel to apprehensive about that (even though i was the same with kara and this bean lol!)

its nice to think we've had our 1 in 3 (i hope) i know its not 100% gauranteed, but its nice to think of!x
Pip, It's cold here too. High in the 40s and rainy. Blah! I'm so cold I stayed in my warm pj's today. :haha: Grab yourself a blanket hun. I remember when I was preg with Bry I would get cold and hot, cold and hot, constantly, it was so annoying! Haha.

Ash, wow, that is a great way of thinking it. That helps me, too. Only, I've had 2 miscarriages and 2 live births. Talk about the short end of the stick. :wacko: So hopefully though, that means I've had my fill and that it wont be happening again and next time everything will be just fine. [-o<

I just knew everything would be fine with your beany Ash. I just sensed it and how exciting that must have been to see beany moving around and the little strong heartbeat! :happydance:
yeah i kept thinking that 1 in 3 thing before i had my second mc so it didnt work for me, BUT when i think that we want 4children, and by then ill have been pregnant 6times (hopefully ) so iv had my 2 for the statistics now and the next 3pregnancies will be healthy :D
Atta girl Boothh! That's what I keep telling myself as well. :thumbup: Now bring on December bfp's for the rest of us not prego ladies!! :happydance:
Argh am I the only one who doesn't like that statistic! It is so high!
Yay, go Ash (and beanie!). So pleased to see everything is good :)

Miscarriage statistics scare the cr*p out of me - they seem really really high. This should be our last pregnancy, and I somehow feel like we're on borrowed time. Stupidly paranoid, and certainly if bubs came now, he'd have a 70-80% chance of being fine. So I should just count my blessings and shut up :dohh:

Although, OH mentioned a third baby yesterday :haha:
i hate the statistic but it does take into account very early mcs aswell apparantly, and i read a few times that theres a 75% chance that you will mc at around the time AF would be due so think how many women dont even know about it, it is just natures way i suppose and theres nothing we can do apart from think positive and take our vitamins!! x
I don't like it either :nope: but as I said earlier, hopefully I've already had my fair share. Surely the next one is my turn for another HEALTHY pregnancy and HEALTHY baby!! [-o<
ooo AE i forgot to mention i cant believe your almost in 3rd tri already!! the time has gone so so quickly! xxx
:saywhat: Goodness!! Time has gone by fast!! :shock: I didn't even realise she is almost 3rd tri! I cant wait to see pics of her baby boy! :thumbup:

Just watch, we will turn around and Ash will be in 3rd tri while we're back in 1st tri haha. :dohh:
I sometimes think life would have been a lot easier a couple fo generations ago when you didn't know (or wouldn't have been considered) pregnant until you had missed two periods. No home testing etc..............modern science is great but it does have its down sides, it seems like an incredibly long time from taking a test @weeks pregnant to getting a healthy baby!

AE - has it gone as quick for you as it has done for all of us? Third tri already - wowzers! have you got a name yet? I keep trying to think of names to suggest to you, something quite traditional but not too normal - this morning's gem is Stan! :haha:

Pip just 9 sleeps to go!
I see what you mean Shiv - but imagine a 6 week wait!
Oo Shiv - we have friends and their little boys are called Stanley & Lenny (Leonard). I actually love the names, especially Stanley but when we have the 3 together (i.e. with my Geirge too) I always think their names sound like a bunch of war veterans.
hahahaha JoeyJo - they do sound like a bunch of old men sat around a table playing dominoes! I do like the name stanley though.

The other day Sophia brought me the baby names book from the book shelf (she could have picked any but she picked that one the day before I was due af!) anyway I have decided I quite like the name Elsie, so old fashioned but I think it's cute, doesn't really go with Sophia though! And I'm not pregnant!:haha:

Boothh, let us know how it goes at the docs.
I like Elsie too :) I love old fashioned names. If George has a sister Edith is a definite contender for a name (Edie for short) & I also like Lois after my great-gran

I wish I'd known though before I had George just how many Georges there would be locally!
shiv - i think that all the time, how i wish i was one of those lucky women who dont know they're pregnant till late on haha! I hate knowing early, it causes so much worry! elsie is quite a lovely name, me and david talked about names when we started ttc, but we've not discussed it since lol!

joey/AE - im not a mega fan of the old names, i have to say though, when i hear other peoples children with names like alfie and charlie etc, i do think they're nice, just maybe not one for me!

boothh - hope you get some answers today sweetie! its about time you knew what was going on!

afm - i started my anti-sickness meds today! wooooooohoooooooo, i have to take 3 a day, until the sickness wears off (hopefully soon) it was 11 weeks exactly with Kara!

Is it possible to have mild cravings this early, i swear im craving those blue and pink fizzy cola bottles, i ate through about 4 bags a week with Kara, and then moved on to sausage butties with red sauce in the later stages :blush: yum yum

well after the scan my mind was at ease far about half an hour lol, then i started thinking omg, my next af is due in the next week, what if something goes wrong :(

bloody percentages and statistics are horrid lol!

on a BRIGHTER NOTE . . . . . . . . . 25 days till CHRISTMAAAAAAASSSS!!!!!! cant bloody wait!xx
blue and pink fizzy cola bottles were all i could stomach til 14weeks lol and they were my main craving all through my pregnancy with jesse! maybe your having a boyy ooo :p

i dont really like many old fashioned names for myself either i think they are cute but i cant imagine myself using them, saying that though jesse is hebrew! and the girls name we like

Alice-Grace is a little bit old fashioned i suppose!

its really snowy here my cognitive therapy session has been cancelled but hopefully my docs appointment wont be aslong as we can get there! stuart has managed to get to work though but he takes more risks than most in the snow cus he thinks he is a boy racer :dohh:
well i craved them with kara too, so its anyones guess, although i think boy because beanie is causing me trouble already lol!

hopefully ur drs appointment is still on for today!

we got a dusting of snow, but not nearly as much as you seem to have got, which im kinda glad about because i need to get to work lol!x
its annoying cus up here we really will be stuck i better go shopping tonight and get some bread and stick in the freezer etc just incase it gets anyworse! stuart said the main roads are okay but we live on an A road and they close it off regularly in winter! xx

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