***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

Oh boothh!! I'm sorry you fainted. That must've been scary. :wacko: Hope they can figure it all out. Geez that is so frustrating! I can't see a line on your picture but it's so blurry and I'm shit at looking at them anyways. :blush:
Goodness three pages to catch up on. :shock:

Boothh sorry you fainted. Excited you can see a line though, not sure I can on that picture as it's too blurry. Take one from further back on a window sill with lots of light so it's in focus then we can zoom in ourselves, super excited to see an update. xxx

Lots of nausea from me so not getting on as much now. xx
So quiet in here it's been almost 2 days :shock: :haha: Boothh anymore peeing on sticks?
I was beginning to wonder if I was no longer getting the emails notifying me of new replies. As it's been bad about that lately.

AFM, cd 8 today. DH and I :sex: last night and hopefully tonight too. I should be OV'ing in about a week. So of course, lots more BD'ing to do and fingers crossed it all goes correctly with my cycle this time instead of all screwy. [-o<

Pippin, sorry you're nauseated but at least that is a good sign. When is your scan again? :blush:

Boothh, any more poas? Let us know what the doc says on Monday about your bloods. :hugs:
no i havnt done anymore cus i thought its a waste of money when i get blood results on tuesday soo, gunna wait,

i did throw up for no reason on friday night though..
Argh! It's too quiet in here! :dohh: Where did everyone go?? :haha:
i thinmk were all waiting to OV and theres never anything to talk about then is there lol, i get my bloods tomorrow x
I'm lurking :haha: bu tnot much to say seeing at I'm not ttc this month!

Can someone answer my question regarding day no.1 of cycle. Is it the day your period starts or the next day?

If it is the day your period starts the I am CD 13 today and have had loads of EWCM for a couple of days. So I think I am regulating to a 28 / 29 cycle (I was 31 days before I had Sophia).

Kim (oh ttc expert!) I know that you are supposed to ov the day your ewcm stops is that right? Do you know if the overall amount of ewcm that you get is linked to her fertile you are. I am getting much more ewcm now than I was a couple of months ago, do you think that means I am more fertile, or just more mucusy! :haha:

So Kim is your body acting as you would expect it to? I hope so and that your catch that eggy with a girl sperm!

JoeyJo - where are you in your cycle, I think you are in the tww? if so how is it going?

Pip and Ash - how are you feeling?

Pippin - eek not long until your scan (3 days?) so are you going on wednesday on thursday and at what time?

Boothh - hope the blood tests give you some idea of what is going on, let us know the outcome :hugs:

AE - how are you feeling now you are in third tri? any chance we can have a bump picture?

Is that chatty enough for you Kim :haha::haha::haha:
Hi! I was away for the weekend, back now. Feeling fine in Third Tri, bump is variable - today is a small day, but it can look absolutely huge by the end of the day if I'm tired for some reason. I'll try and get a pic tonight for you, as that's when bump is most impressive.

Teddy kicks A LOT, and it's actually quite painful, I'm guessing because I don't have a nice cushiony placenta in the way this time. I see the midwife tomorrow, not really expecting a terribly fulfilling appointment, but I need my Mat B1 and my maternity exemption form and my Health in Pregnancy grant form. Last time I put the money towards my hypnobirthing so this time I'm looking at doing an NCT course, not because I didn't enjoy hypnobirthing, but more because I'd like to meet some people with children in our area. We moved when Mog was three months old, and we didn't go to any baby groups, so we don't really know anyone. As I'll be at home for six months on maternity leave, it might be nice to meet some people. I've emailed them to ask about courses in our area, although they're kind of expensive! I thought hypnobirthing was bad, but this is nearly as pricey.

I might be TMI here, but I've had real problems with thrush in this pregnancy - I've pretty much had it non-stop since I got my BFP. Any tips on getting rid of it safely? I've been using the cream, and there doesn't seem much point in treating OH as we've not DTD for weeks. Bad wife, must do something nice for OH. I asked the doctor, and she just gave me the 'oh, it's because you're pregnant' line, and didn't give me any other advice, just use the cream and wear cotton pants.
I have hard that natural yoghurt is good for thrush but haven't tried it personally!

teddy eh? is that a decision made on a name? Lool forward to seeing a bump picture - how exciting!
i heard natural yoghurt is good too, xx
Sorry not been on really over weekend - went to visit family but also feeling a bit subduded because AF arrived bang on schedule on friday :(
AE- I've tried yogurt before and it does help although its messy. What also helps me is taking a bath and then drying that whole area with a hairdryer on cool air. Then sit around the house with nothing on and legs spread to keep it dry, LOL. If you must have a little dignity, you can wear really loose bottoms and no underwear. It's a miserable feeling so I hope you can get some relief soon.

Shiv- I always count the first day of the previous AF when I'm calculating my cycle length, but I'm no expert :haha:

I'm lurking too. I should be ovulating this week if I'm even ovulating. No signs of CM. No excitement from me!
Shiv, I'm not sure if more ewcm means your more fertile. But I know that ewcm in general means you're fertile. You might just be more mucosy. Have you had a junky cough or sinus congestion at all lately? If so that could be why.
As for when cd1 is...cd1 is the day that you start your AF (heavy enough for a pad/tampon). And for OV... you have ov'd once the cm begins to look thick/gloppy and less clear and less stretchy or looks creamy/lotion like.

AE, awww I cant wait to meet your little guy. Trust me, you will treasure and adore him once he's here! :thumbup:

Boothh, let us know what the doc says about your bloods.

Spidey, hopefully that will change in a day or two and you will see the ewcm.

Joey, so sorry that AF found you. I know how disappointing it is. :hugs:

LOL Shiv at chatting it up! :haha:

AFM, my cm is starting to become more ewcm like just not 100% ewcm just yet. I'm also more umm... horny..:blush: I wanted it last night really badly but DH was too tired. :dohh: I'm making him make it up to me tonight. :haha: Putting the kids to bed early and then we're going to bed. :haha: Today is cd10 for me. I should be OV'ing this weekend. (Hopefully!) So hopefully lots of BD this week and then the 2ww waiting game begins. I sure hope my body behaves and cooperates for me! [-o<
I'm lurking as well. Nothing for me to talk about really but wishing you all the best! :flower:
JoeyJo sorry the evil one got you :hugs: understand your subduedness :hugs:

Cleck hon hope you are doing ok. Got sad when I read your status the other day about Emma and looking for your DH :cry:

AuntyE sorry hon I've never really suffered from it apart from a couple of times in my teenage years. It went away on it's own but I heard Cranberry helps loads. Might be worth talking to a different doctor.

Kim and Spidey good luck with the bedding :winkwink: can't wait to start the tww jollities.

Boothh good luck tomorrow, up date us as soon as you get back and if you have even the tiniest bit of HCG in your system get a :test: on the way home as I bet they'll be nice and dark :haha: great to hear you are throwing up too.

As for me......I have to confess something, I left Sam alone in the bath for 2 seconds while I got his towel and he slipped and couldn't get up :shock:. I rushed in but the poor baby had his head only just out of the water. I feel so terrible I hardly ever leave him (only when I forget the towel) and it could have been so bad. I feel such an awful Mummy tonight Then I had to dry his hair which he hates so that made it worse :cry:. NEVER doing that again eeek! Stupid women I am I think we'll both have nightmares tonight :cry:
Aww Pip. :hugs: I know that feeling all too well. :cry: We can't watch them every second of every day. You are not a bad mom at all!! I still get the award for bad mother, you're not allowed to steal it! ;)
Aww Pip. :hugs: I know that feeling all too well. :cry: We can't watch them every second of every day. You are not a bad mom at all!! I still get the award for bad mother, you're not allowed to steal it! ;)

ahem.........I think you'll find I am holding on to my bad mother crown!
Alright you 3!! :dohh: NONE of you are BAD mothers!! *grabs the crown and throws it in the trash/rubbish can* :p You're all WONDERFUL mothers!! :thumbup: MY mother is a BAD mother!!!! :growlmad:
^^That's true kimberly. :lol: At least we can have a laugh at your mother's expense. :winkwink:

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