***Lion Cub Mommies-Back In Action!***

congrats Pippin :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Now you can relax a little more. How is the sickness today? I hope it has eased off now that you have that worry off your mind.
So spidey you must be a few days post ovulation by now - did you try to time :sex: this month?

Kim - you must be a few days post ov as well?

As i said i was going to write down how my body reacts when definitely not pregnant so I can compare next month in the tww

so today i think i am 4 DPO and i had a little creamy cm (tinged yellow)

i think I am going to have an even shorter cycle this month. I think i ovulated on CD13. My EWCM ran out that day and i was getting period type cramps, which i reckon might be ovulation pains? Does anyone else get them and what do they feel like.

So maybe I am heading for a 27/28 day cycle - we shall see!
Shiv, I would be 2 dpo if my body had cooperated. :growlmad: I still have not seen a thermal (temperature) shift yet. Normally by now I'd be seeing an upward pattern in my temps but this time I'm not. They are still in pre-ov range. :( I don't think I ov'd this time. :nope: This is especially frustrating now because at least I was ov'ing regularly before the provera and now it seems that I'm not ov'ing at all. :hissy: My body isn't acting like it's trying again to ov either. I'm having creamy cm and I did another opk this evening just to be sure and it was neg. So unless something drastically changes like tomorrow morning, I am pretty sure I am in for a long useless anovulatory cycle. :brat: Why oh why does my body have to be SO damn uncooperative?? :grr: It's just not fair!!! :hissy: The provera was supposed to make this better, not worse!! One thing is for sure though, since I have had this problem before in the past (not ovulating I mean), as soon as we get to the end of this cycle and I get AF, I am going to call my doc and tell her what happened and push her to give me a prescription for Clomid! I am NOT going through months and months more of frustration like this. :growlmad:

I wish all the rest of you better luck this month. It seems that I'm already out this time. :cry: If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! :nope: :cry:
Kimberly- I'm sorry this month turned out crappy. Perhaps it's just this one month since your body needs this cycle to re-regulate itself after the provera. Next cycle you might be back on track with no spotting and a nice big healthy egg waiting for a girly spermy!

Shiv- It will be neat to see if you've predicted correctly based on your cm! I don't think I ever felt pains from ovulation, but I know its possible.

I was supposed to ovulate sometime earlier this week and despite both of us being sick and Kira getting sick, plus DH's evening work schedule, we dtd twice in the last 10 days or so... so there's a chance. I would love to have another baby, but if it didn't happen this month it wouldn't bother me much since I would love to enjoy xmas, New Years and my 30th birthday :shock: without the start of morning sickness!
Ah Spidey, you just know you will catch this month so you have to stay sober for all those big events :haha:

Kim - I don't know much about temp rises, but don't give up hope, you never know! :hugs:
Kim you may just ovulate late, keep charting and temping as if it's a longer cycle you may not ovulate until late.

I don't feel pregnant today and no sickness, of course I'm paranoid as I know in normal pregnancies they can come and go but I was so nauseous before. Not even wearing my bands today :dohh: Tell me I'm being stupid and it's all fine please!
it's fine Pip - it is normal for the sickness to come and go - I bet it hits you full throttle on Monday when you are at work!
hahaha probably Shiv, it's horrible at work.

So you weren't even tempted just a little bit then :rofl: you are a more controlled women than I!!! :winkwink:
Not really tempted, I felt a bit bad the day after ovulation that I had missed a chance, but then went out on Friday night and got drunk!

It does seem like everyone is getting pregnant around me! A girk who was in my NCT class when I was preggo with SOphia told me she is 11 weeks gone. I am a little jealous so I hopeit doesn't take too long after Christmas!
I'm sure it won't take long. You'll have a fabulous Christmas (I'm slightly jealous that you can really fulfil the merry bit of Christmas heheheh :winkwink:) but after you'll be nicely relaxed and calm which I think is the key to conception.
i definatly think i OVd last sunday i think we dtd on the thursday so would we have a chance? im going to test not this monday the one after x
Shiv, you may of been right. My temp was up a bit this morning instead of down around 97.2 it was up at 97.73. :happydance: But I also didn't get to sleep until 4 am (DH and I were up late together) and my normal temping time is 5:30am. :wacko: They say you shouldn't temp until you have had at least 4 hrs of sleep which I hadn't had at 5:30 am so I didn't test until 9:30 am. I hope that isn't the only reason it was up so much higher. I guess we will see what tomorrow brings but if fertility friend is right, then I'm 3 dpo today. :thumbup: So maybe I'm in with a chance afterall. It says I ov'd on cd 13. DH and I BD'ed on cd 10 and 11. So hopefully that is still a good chance with girlie swimmers. Because if I did OV on cd 13 then we hit 3 day old swimmers so I'm pretty certain that that is plenty of time for the boy ones to die off haha. :haha: I guess we will see. For now though I plan on going through the next 2 weeks like nothing happened and ignore my body and the 2ww as much as possible. I really don't want to symptom spot this time. I just want to let whatever is to happen, happen. :thumbup: Anyhoo, I'll let you all know tomorrow what tomorrow brings. But for now... [-o<

Pippin, I'm so sorry that you've been feeling so sick lately. Hopefully it will get better once you get into 2nd tri. :hugs:
Boothh - sperm can survive for up to 5 days in there so you are in with a chance!
You're defo in with a chance boothh. Good luck hun. :thumbup:
hey if thats right kim do i stand more chance of having a girl then with older sperm? :haha:
It's not that it's older sperm boothh, it's that the male sperm are faster but weaker, and girl sperm are slower but more hardy. So yeah, if Shettles is correct, the male sperm die out before the female sperm and then yes you'd stand a chance.

PS - Do you ladies think that even though I had to temp later than usual this morning that chances are the temp is still accurate and I really did ovulate?? :blush:
i know that (only from reading what youve wrote before and abit other places) i was just shortening it :p

i dont understand temping but you seem to know what your doing so trust your instincts xx
I don't know much about temping, but i would say a rise is a rise Kim!
Let's see if I can explain temping in a nutshell haha. :haha:

Ok the basics, the basal body temp is the temp of the body at it's base resting point which is why you check it after 3-4 hrs of sleep before getting out of bed or really moving or sitting up at all. Checking the temp at the same time each day is the most accurate way to temp. Because any other factors outside the norm (ie falling asleep at 11pm, temping at 5:30 am) can cause inaccurate temps and a very real change in what the temp might of otherwise been. (Not everyone chooses the same temping time that I choose. I use 5:30 because it's the most convenient one for me with my schedule being what it is. Other women choose a time that works best with their schedule.) When one is sleep deprived (slept less than 3-4 consecutive hours) it will usually cause the BBT to be lower than it otherwise would of been. This is why I didn't test this morning at 5:30am since I didn't fall asleep until almost 4 am. It would have been even more inaccurate. I temped at 9:30 after 5.5 consecutive hours of sleep which is more accurate than a temp with sleep deprivation/lack of sleep.

Now, Progesterone is the hormone secreted by the corpeous lutem after ovulation as well as by the placenta during a pregnancy. Progesterone is a heat inducing hormone. This is why if you temp, you will notice a rise in your basal body temp (BBT) after ovulation as well as a drop if pregnancy is not achieved and AF arrives. Because progesterone is also secreted (and extremely important) during pregnancy it is also why women who chart and who do get their bfp will notice that their BBT will remain high (higher than the pre OV temps) after 14dpo. By 14dpo most women either have AF arrived/arriving or get their bfp. Some women who temp rely on that as their pregnancy test instead of poas because it can clearly show you if you are pregnant or not. Even though poas is always best if the BBT is still elevated at 14 dpo to confirm the pregnancy and to make sure that another issue is not the cause of delayed/missed AF and high BBT. When charting/temping, it's not so much each individual temp that matters but more-so the overall pattern in which you see on your chart by plotting those temps to be able to give you a better picture of what your body and your cycle is doing. Many women feel more in control of their body and their cycles (such as I do) if they chart and can have a more clear picture of what is going on throughout each cycle. Also, this way it will be far easier to recognize a problem should one arise.

Make sense? :blush: Yes, I know too much. :haha:

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